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..�►� / . <br /> ; [�"i _�� <br /> l _ <br /> I <br /> I �'_:_ <br /> •16.Barrawer'a Copy, 9oRawcr shnll bc grven onc canformed copy of thc Notc and of this Sccurity Inswmcnt. I � <br /> ' 17.TrAnsfer ot the Property or p Benetkial lnterast in Borrower. if nU or nny part of 1hc Property or any intcrast in it i9 .;:s� <br /> sald or transfcrrcd(or if a bcnc[icial intcrest in Donowcr is sold or transfcrrcd nnd Horrowcr is not a naturnl persnn) without ._ <br /> l.endcr's prior wriucn canscnt,l.cndcr may,nt its opdon,requirc immcdiatc paymcnt in full of all sums sccured by this Sccurity <br /> -�� InswmenG How�ver.�his option shall nat be axerc�sed by I.ender if exercise is prohibited by fcderal law as of the data of this __ _ <br /> �.� Sccurity InstrumcnG . • <br /> If Lender exerciscs this oppon,Lender shall give Borrowcr nopce of acccleraUon.The nouce shall provide aperiod of not less _ <br /> Ihan 30 days fr�m the date the nodce is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all.sums secured by this Security .. <br /> Inswmen� If Bonowcr fvls to pay thcsc sums pdor to the expiraqon of this periad,I.endcr may urvokc eny remedics pertniucd � _ <br /> by this Security Insirumentwithout funhcr notice or demtsnd on Borrawer. t _ <br /> sn <br /> � 18.Borrower's Rightto Reinstate. If Socrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have - <br /> cnforccmcnt af this Sccurity Instrumcnt disconunucd at any timc prior to Ihc carUcr af: (a) 5 days (�r such other pcnod as ;,,� <br /> applicable Iaw may apxify for reinstatemeny before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale wntained in this Securiry '� _ <br /> � Instnunent;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcins this Security InstnunenG'Il�ose conditions are ihat Borrower:(a)pays Lender all F1 <br /> ed• (b)cures any � <br /> sums which then would bc dua under this Security Insuument and the Note as if no acceleradon had occurr , <br /> default of any other covcnants or agrcements;(c)pays all eapenses incurred in enforcing this Sccurity Instrument,including,but � <br /> not limitcd to,rcasonable aporneys'fecs;and(d)takcs such acpon as Lcndcr may rcasonably requirc to ussure that the licn of this � <br /> Securiry Insvument, Lender's r►ghis in the Pro�scrty �nd Borcower's obligation tn pay the sums secured by this Security <br /> Insirument shaU continue unchenged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Securiry Instrument and the obligations sec�ued � <br /> hereby shall remain fuUy etFecdve as d no ecceluation had occurred•However,this right to reinstate shaU not apply in the case of .,; <br /> acccicrauon under paregraph 17. ':` <br /> ^ 19.Sale of Note;C6an�e ot Loan Servicer. 'Ihe Note or a pactial interest in the Note (eogether with ihis Securiry �._ <br /> Instrument)may bc sold one or more times without prior nodce to Borrower.A sale may result in a changc in Ihc cr�dty(known <br /> � r�r <br /> as tha"I.oan Servicer)that collects monthly aymenis due under the Note and this Secunry Instrumen�There also may be one or ..,� <br /> more changes of the Loan Servicer unrela�to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be <br /> given written notice of tt�c change in accordance with para�raph 14 above and applicable law.The notice wiU state the name and ;• , <br /> �� address of the new Loan Servlcer and the address to wh�ch payments should be made. The notice will alsv contair►enY other ,,,;7__.,_,� <br /> informauon rcquimd by applicable law. �3� <br /> 20.Hazstrdous Subswaces. Bonower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storagc, or release of any ���-. <br /> � Ha�ardous Substances on or in the Property.Bortower shaU not do,nor allow anyone else to do,enythmg affecpng the Property ������ <br /> itiat is;;��ia�atian cf a��Ecssironmcnss2 I.s�.'Ihe grrrrsting two sentences shall not apply to the paesence,use,or sWrage on the <br /> Property of small quanv6es of Hazardous Substances that are generally recagnized co be appropnate w nc�rmai residenriat uses �.; <br /> ti,.�.: and to maintenance of the Property. E- <br /> Boaower shall promptly give Lender wriuen notice of any investigatian, claim, demand, lawsuit or other acdon by any � <br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involv�g the Property and nny Hezacdous Substance or Environmental Law .,_ <br /> , of which Borrower tias aaual knowledga If Bocrower leams,or is no6fied by any�go�ve�m�Bo�Bu�hall promp y take all �_ <br /> removal or other rernediation of any Hazacdous Substance affecting the Property 1:_ <br /> necessary remedial acuons in eccordance with Environmental Law. � <br /> As used m this para�aph 20, "Ha7ardous Substanccs" are those substances defined as tozic or ha•rardous substanets by d.� <br /> EnvironmenW Law and the foAowing substances: gasolu►e, kerosene, other 1lammuble or toxic petroleum �roducts, toxic -- <br /> pes dci des en d h e r bic i d e s,volatile solvenis,materials containing asbesws or formaldehyde,and radioscuve matenals.As used in �:�•— <br /> thu paragraph 20,"Environn►cntal Law" mcans federal iaws and laws of the jurisdiction wherc the Propercy is locatcd t1►at rclatc �; <br /> to health,safety or environrticntal protecaon. F�— - <br /> �: <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower end L.ender fuctt►er covenant and agrce as follows: — <br /> 21.Accekratfon;Remedks.Lender shall give notice to Borrower prbr to r�cceler�tion foUowing Borrower's breach of = <br /> , s�ny rnvenant or a`reement in thts Security Instrument (but not prbr to accekrAtion under pxragraph 17 unkss � <br /> �•-- <br /> . , ppplicabk I�w prov(desot6erwi9e).The notke shall specit�: (a)the defnult;(b)t6e Action requtred to cure the defaelt;(c) �, <br /> �.' � a date,not kss t6an 30 days from the date the notice i�given to Borroaer,by which t6e detault must be cured;xnd (d) � <br />_ that fAilure to cure the detault oa or before the date specified in the notice may result in accekratbn ot the sums securM <br /> by thEs Security Instrument and salc of the Property.The notke shall further intor+�n Barrower ot the rlght to reinstate �,-. <br /> - aner Accekratbn and t6e rlght tn bring a wurt Action to Assert the non•acistence of a defs�ult or Any other detense�t �; <br /> • Borruwer to accelerrtion and sak.If the default t�not cured on or before the dAte specified in the notke�Lender,at its �;_�--- <br /> option,may require iinmedi�te payment in full of aU sums secured by thi�Security Instrument without fl�rther demand ��_:�._ :._ - <br /> . sted may invoke the poxer of sak and any other remedies permitted by applic.�bk Istw.Lender shAU be enNtkd to mUect _ -- ___ <br /> all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provWed in thfs p�ragraph Zl,tncluding,but not I�mited to,reasonnbk .;. <br /> attomeys'tees and costs of title evWenca -� ���xA <br /> •`�K'.' �{ <br /> 1f the power ot sak ig invoked. Trustee shall record a notke of default in each county in which any part o! t6e • �:��4���t. <br /> _-�,�t;.�.� : <br />- � Property i�located tndshall m9il copies of such notice in the roanner prescribed by applicabk law to Borrower and to the "' `•�.; i t;,�•�'-" <br /> other persons prescribed by applicAble I�w.Aiter the time required by appticable law,Trustee shall give public natke o� . ' �^��"''�_ <br /> ss�le to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicabk law. Trestee,without demand on Borrower,shall seU the <br /> Property�t public puction to the highest bid�3er at the time and placs and under the terms designated in the notice ot sale , - . <br />- Form 302i �ro0 <br /> _ �-aR(NE)1Y2t21.o� aap�5 ot e inmau: <br /> - .,. _ :__. <br /> — <br /> _. - - � �_: _:.- <br /> i <br /> _ � <br /> - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> �_ -_ __ _ <br />