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<br /> - �- ---- 97-106�i� ;;;�:_
<br /> ,}t� j G.ASSI4NM�N7'Oh LF.ASES. Upon L.cndcr's rcqucst, Hnrrowcr Jwll uvsign u►Lender all Ic:�;s of Uw ��;,_..
<br /> ' � Pro�xrtY and eU sosurity deposits medo in connoction with leases of the Pmperty. Upon�ho a�signment.l.ender :
<br /> .�w.++r''"-' � sh�ll have thc cight to modify,cxtend or tcrminata tt►c ca�isting leascs and to caccutc ncw k.�tc.9,in Lcnder's solc ;`,-�
<br /> ''►�*""�`. discrction. As usGd in this panigraph G,thc word "k,asc" shall mcan "sublcase" if thc Sccwrity Inswmcnt is on a .:-
<br /> . ' lea5ehold. E.��-
<br /> ;�';�
<br /> . � � Horrowu absolucely end w�condidonally essigns and aansfcrs co Leadu aU cho rencs�nd ravenucs C'Rent�")of thc F�-�
<br /> � proputy,regardl�.ss of to whom the Rcnts of the Propaty ere payebk. Bortowu authadr.e�Lct�da or L�cndcr's
<br /> ' agents to colkct the Rents,and agrces that each tenant of the Property shall pay the Rcnts W i.enda or Lcnda's -
<br /> �� agenu.Howevu,Borrower shAll receive the Renu until(i)Lender has given Borrower notice of dofault pursuant to =
<br /> r: pa�agraph 21 of the Securiry Instrument and(ii) l.enda has given notice to the tenant(s)that the Rents are w ba -
<br /> � paid to I.ender or I.enda's agent This a4signment of Rents constitutes en absolube dssignmem and not an
<br /> • a,asignment for edditional sxurity only. � _
<br /> If Lender gives natia of bn�ch to Horrower:(i)all Renu rocelvcd by Borrowcr shall bo held by Barowu as
<br /> trust�oe for the benefit of Lendv only,to be appUed w the sums socured by the Security Instr�ment;(il)L�endu shall
<br /> ` be endtled to wUoct and ttxeive all of the Rents of the Property; (ui) Sorrowcr agroes that esch tenant of thc
<br /> . Property shaU p�y all Rents due and unpaid to Lenda or Leader's agcnts upon I.ender's wriuen demand to thc
<br /> tenant; (iv) unless applicab3e law provides otherwise.all Renu coUoctcd by I.endar or Lec�da's egcnts shall bc
<br /> � appGod first w the costs ot ta�idng control af and managing the Propaey end coUecpng the Renta.lncluding,but not
<br /> Wnited to,atwmeys'fees,receiver's fees.premiums on roea.ivu's boads.npair end mgintet►ana wsts.insurence
<br /> premiums, taxes, assessments and other ch�rges on thc Prope�ty, and then to the sums securat by the Securlty
<br /> ' Instrument;(v)Lender, Lendes's agents or any judicially appointod roceivu shall be liabk w account for only those
<br /> Rents eccually received: and (vi) Lender shaU bo entided to 6ave a receiver appoinud w take possession of�nd
<br />' manaxe the Praperry and collect the Rents end profits dea�ived from the Property without any showing� to the
<br /> ':: . �,�.', inacfequacy of the Property as sxurlty.
<br />- � ��•""° If the Rents of the Proputy are not sufficient to covu the costs of taking control of and maneging the
<br /> . ,,;"i"�.i
<br />- rr,,-�•�.•:; Proputy and of colkcting the Rents any funds expended by Lendex for such pucposes shall bocomo indebtednass of
<br />�:!fid��.._c.;.':.-:
<br /> w'�_- Borrower w Lender secured by the Socurlty Instrument pursusnt to Uniform Covenant 7.
<br /> ,9��.,'�:Y.;:•:!:-
<br /> �r,:„.t'..,•;:. �, Borrowu represents and wamants that Bornowu has not executed enY prtor acsignment of the Reats and has
<br /> �c�;r'i:;, '•..,:::
<br />—��.,:.:;;;;; not and will not paform any act thac would prevent Lender&om exercising its rights otidex this pacagre�h.
<br />"'L"'�,:-���-- � Lendu�or I.ender's�ge,�ts or a judicially appointod receivu.shall not be requirod W enta upon�take control
<br />���-i`:`'.�� of or maintait►the Propaty befon or after giving notiee of default to Borrower. Howevu.L,caubr, or Lender's
<br /><�~-(:''�;��
<br />=;�:'� aga�u or a judicially appointod receiver.may do so at any pma when e default occurs. My epplit�tion of Renu
<br /> __,_,,,,::
<br />- �,�.^?�; shall not cure a waive any default or invalidace any other right or remedy of Lender.'It►is assignmait of Rents of
<br />��":-��,�,���� the propaty shall terma�aie when aU the stuns secured by the Securiry Instrument are paicl ln full.
<br /> _�,� I.CROSS-DEFAZILT PROVISION. Boirower's default or breach undu any note or egrament in
<br />�,,,�,�.,1,,,� which Lenda haa en intaest shall be a bmach under�he Sxurity Instrument and Lendcr may invore any of the
<br /> ______ ��i�s permivad by theSeciuity InstrumenG
<br /> v°�Rj{�s�� BY SIGNII�T(i BELOW,Borrower accepts and agrees 10 the terms and provisions contnined in this 1-4 Family
<br />��-'�'�{I i^ RidCtr
<br /> ,
<br />—i::L�i`�.�:';��7' —
<br /> _ 17
<br />��`�, � /f
<br /> _�-%� L--- {Seal) •�•��` ��� Seal)
<br /> ��` =� TIM C -Borro+ver RUDOLF F Fs -Bortowror
<br /> - _�-���T
<br />- _-_;:,�.-:" l,f'�....�atl �� _(Seal) (Seal)
<br /> ---�,-,-,;`�
<br />_-:•�'-�;,�.r,;; �iZJICE R PLATE -Borrower �Rorrower
<br />�;�^;�ti
<br /> `�°' �� �� LEGAL: Lot 1 Valley View Third Subdivieion, in the City of Grand
<br /> -� ' ' Islancl, Ha�ll County, Nebraska �'
<br /> �;. :;'°
<br />_ �-b7 to�o4t.oi vay��ot 2 Form 5170�/�� ���:-
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