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<br />_ -. •,�T DEED OF RECONVEYANCE 9'7�• 1n '� �3
<br /> n � . �� R�•RECORD�D ��� 1���Q9
<br /> � THIS DFED ie dated and executed thia � day of Auguet, °
<br />�..►',� P�.:.' 1997, by John A. Wolf, Attorney at Law, Truetee, and is with ---,
<br /> ' reference to Deed of Trust wherein Norwest Bank Nebraeka, N.A. , ie �-J
<br /> '` Beneficiary, and Stephen J. Hughea and Marlene K. Hughes, hueband ,
<br /> ,<<, ;;5,�� and wife, are Truators and John A. Wolf ie Trustee; � '
<br />-:,-:a�'e,�t�(
<br />'`�^�: �:�• WHEREAS, Trustox9, for valuab�e consideration and in order. to
<br /> ��'�,.�.;:� secure to Beneficiary the payment af valuable conaideration, did -
<br /> �+�•`s �' execute a Deed of Trust, which was file*d� on April 24, 1984, and
<br /> : �, ldentified as Document No. 64-002102, conveying to Truetee,
<br /> �-�:� ' Trustee's auccesaors or aseigns, a certain parcel of real estate
<br />_ ;;. .
<br /> ' , descrik�ed in said Deed as follows, to-wit: *r & Doc. �84-002103
<br /> c'�r.;�
<br /> ;�:'��� The North 26. 25 Feet of Lot Two (2) and a11 of Lot Three (3) =
<br /> .,,rR.:a�'.
<br /> °��;n,, ; in B1ock One (1) , Blain Addition; the West 42.5 Heet of Lot
<br />`'``iiy.,. Nine (9) and thP Eaet 34.0 Feet �f �ot Ten (10) , in B1ack Four
<br />'±r'rloii�;� (4) ; the Weat 16.0 Feet of Lot Ten (10) and all of Lot Eleven
<br /> �_��`�' 1i �1 and the East 10.5 Feet of L,ot Twelve (12) , Block Four
<br /> -����� (4) ; the W�et 33 .5 Feet of Lot Eighteen i18) and the �aet g3.u
<br /> ���"� Feet of Lot Nineteen (19) , Block Four (4) ; the West 7.0 Feet
<br /> `�j .,
<br /> � --- o f L o t N i n e t e s n (1 9) a n d a l l o f L o t Twent y (20) and tlze Eaet
<br /> � 19 .5 Feet of Lot Twenty-one (21) , Bloc}s Four (4) ; the West 4.0
<br /> -- ° = Feet of T�ot Twenty-two (22) and all of Lot Twenty-three (23) ,
<br /> ----- and the Eaet 22.5 Feet of Lot Twenty-four (24? , Hlock Four
<br /> (4) ; the Weet 27.5 Feet of Lot Twenty-four (24) and all of Lot
<br /> _�___ Twenty-f ive (25) , B7.ock Four (4) , all in Slain Addition, an
<br /> �_��� Addition to the City of Grand Teland, Hall County, Nebraeka;
<br /> ' and the �ai3 �utzi af �i1G11��J LlaB beer. fully pai3 to �enef iciary, and
<br /> Beneficiary has reque�ted that the eatate conveyed by the said Deed
<br /> of Trust to Trustee in the said property hereinbefore mentioned and
<br /> __� described be now released to said Tru9tors .
<br /> THEREFORE, the undersigned Trustee doea hereby release, convey
<br />_.___—_ and quitclaim unto said Trustors all right, title, interest, claim
<br /> and demand whataoever which Trustee had acquired in and through the
<br /> above-described Deed of Trust, together with all appurtenancea and
<br /> __ _= privileges thereunto belonging or apperta' ing.
<br /> ��s� JOHN OLF, RUSTEE
<br /> _ ��= STATE OF NEBRASKA
<br /> ' SS:
<br /> .._'' '�+r, v
<br /> �-'�7�':�'�� COUNTY OF HPs.LL
<br /> �:�k �,
<br />�''-�;:tit�;:;,�:
<br /> �-r�: � • The foregoing Deed of Reconveyance was acknowledged before me
<br /> _ .�,,
<br /> T�`'�^"�."� on Auguat �, 1997, by John A. Wolf, T ustee.
<br /> - �� �
<br /> .y,�{ ���tllAllt�1 �
<br />,}'� I���VONNE E!1 _
<br /> ...._,..rt iY�
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