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<br /> 1 tion Lend�r shall Ivs Borrower notiae of Accsloratian. The notice ehall provide a period of
<br /> , If Lendsr�xsrcfsea thla op , Q
<br /> ' not I�as than 30 daye from the det�th�notia�la delivered or melled within whlah Borrower muet pay all sums secured .
<br /> ' by thie Sscu�ity Instrum�M.If Bc�rruw�rt falls to pay tha�,a aums prlor to the expirat4on ot thls perlod,lender may Invoks _._ _. .
<br /> � any remedies permitted by thls S�curlty Inetrument without turthar notice or damand on �larrower. �
<br /> � 17.PNor Nolke�nd Oppo�tunity to Gornct Broken Promise. Undsr wlll pive Borrowor prtar notics and an op{x�rtunity . , ,
<br /> „, to meke up a mias�d paym�nt or carnct a brok�n promfa� ae r�qulnd �y S�ctlon 601 of thA Depoaitory Institutfons f
<br /> .� D�nrpulatbn and Monetary Act of 1980(or th� rspulatlon whlch Implements it.) The statuts (and repulatfon) do not E;
<br /> ' rsqulrs L�nder to givs Borrower prior nAtics beton repoae�sslon or rsqulring paym�nt of the entln balance if either(a� ( , r';�
<br /> � ' Borrower haa nbandonsd the mnnufactured homs, (b) othsr sxtrams clrcumetancsa appry such as where Borrower .. �_ -
<br /> haa threatened to do damage to th+�manufactursd homs, or c)thln wouid be Borrower's third notice In any one year. . :�:::��.:��;
<br /> j ( I , 7:��;..-_'-.,�'.�':
<br /> id.Saleof Apr+eement; Char►�e of Lwn Sen�ice�.The Agreemsnt or a partial Ints�eat in ths Agraement(togsther with i :• wr���„��
<br /> �c..�J_=--
<br /> thfa Sscunty Instrumsnt) may bs sold ons or more tim�s without prlor notice to Borrawer. A sale me►y reauft in a . �-�;�.,
<br /> chnnge in the entityr(known as the"Loan Servicer")that collecta monthly payments due under the Agresment and thts --_
<br /> Security Intstrument. There also may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to the salp of the ;_:'
<br /> Agreement. If there is a change ot the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be given wrltten noUce of the change in accordance �,�"'��-
<br /> 1 with paragraph 13 above and applicable law.Ths notice will stats the name and addreas of the new Loan Serviaer and ;,;�r
<br /> the address to which paymonts should be made. The notice will also contain any other information requlred by I ���,,:�_.
<br /> applicable law. �,J�
<br /> 19.H�wrdoua SubsUnces. Borrower shall not cause or permit tha presen�e, use, dinpasal, storage, or release of any �'.:}w,'.�
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in thv Property.Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyonn else to do,anything aHecting the `�`,,.
<br /> Property that Is in violation of any Environmental Law.Ths praceding two sentences shall nat apply to the presence, .+;;�';:.
<br /> 1�. TC�"
<br /> use, or storage on th4 Propetty of small quantltfes of Hazardous Substances that are genArally recognized to be .�.--
<br /> appropriate to normal residential uses and to mafntenance af the Property. yr;..
<br /> � • Bonower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigatfon, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any �� ,;�
<br /> overnmental or r ulato a en or rivate a Involvin the Pro and an Hazardous Substance or •i••�.� �s
<br /> 9 e9 ry 9 � P P nY 9 PB7'�Y Y �-��+ =--
<br /> Environmental Law of which 6orrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notitisd by any govarnmental or _
<br /> � regulatory authority, that any removal or oiher remediation of any Mazardous Substance aitecting the Properly is _
<br /> n�sar;, 9onaWAr�has!prem�tl;telce a�l nncessary remedial actions in accordance with EnvlronmenWl Law. ;
<br /> As used in this paragraph 19, "Wazardous Subetances' are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous i •�-
<br /> substances by Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerose�e, other flammable or toxic
<br /> petroleum products,toxic pesticides and herbicides, volatlle solvAnts,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, �. ;�����
<br /> f�;�;," and radioactive materials. As used in thla paragraph 19, "Environmentel Law' means federal laws and laws of the •; -
<br /> � Jurisdictlon whsre Me Property fs located that rQlate to health,safety,or environmental protection. ' � _
<br /> ��,
<br /> • NON-UNIFORM COVENAN7S.Borrower and Lenderfurthar covenant and agree as follows: a'.
<br /> � 20.Acxelerotion;Remsdles. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleratlon folbwin�Borrow+er's :`
<br /> bre�ch ot any covenwart or �greement in this Security Instrument�Agn�ment (but not prior to accekrwtbn , ;
<br /> under p�rwyraph 18 unlaa�pplicable law provides otherwise). The noNee sludl apecify:(�)tha def�utt;(b)the
<br /> •ction ►eq�ircd to cure the d�fault; (c) � date, not kss than 30 days!rom tha date the notloe is glven to
<br /> • Borrower, by which the dai�uR must be cured; and (d�thwt failuro to cutr tAe default on or beforo the d�te _
<br /> �•� specified in the notiee m�y rcsult in acsxleratlon of the aums securcd by this Security instniment�nd safe of __
<br />, the Property.The nc+t9te�h�ll turther intorm Bonower of the rigM to relnstnte after�cceleration�nd the right -
<br />- to bring a ca�srt a�tion to�ssert thc non-existence of • dNault or ■ny other detense of Borrower to
<br /> " acceleratlon�nd sale. If the det�ult is not oured on or before the date speclfkd In ths notice, Lender, �t its _
<br /> �,� ,, .;; :' option, may require immedl�te psyment In full of all sums secured by this Security InstnimeM without
<br />- ��� further dem�nd�nd rn�y Invoke the pcwer of s�le�nd eny other rcm�dies permitted by�pplicable I�w.Lender
<br /> ' � �c�'7`'`� ah�ll be�ntRled to collect all expensea irxurrcd in pursu ing t h e rcm e d iES prov l d e d In t h l s p a n gn ph 20, . _ __
<br /> ��`''`,'�>f�� Includinp� but not prt�itetJto�r�asonable�Itomeys'fees snd costs of titk evleknce. _ _ -_
<br /> �,�.. ., --
<br /> ••�,'' If the powerof sale is invokcd�Trustee shtll record a notice of default in each county in which�ny part of the =______ _ _ _
<br /> '��' `� Property is Ix�ted antl shall mall copks of auch notice In th� manner prescribed by applicable Isw to Y_ �
<br /> ;-,;.-•�._s,.�v_
<br /> �� Borrower and to the other peraons proacribed by applicabl� law. After the time requircd by applicsble law, , �.- :,:_�:
<br /> Trustee sh�ll give p�bllc notice of sale to the persons �nd in the manner prescribed by �pplicabl� I�w. .;•r;�: :
<br /> I Tru:tee,without derr�and on Borrower, ehall sell the Property at public auctlon tothe hlyhest bidder�t the 1��L _ ��?�
<br /> time end pl�ce and under the terma d�signated in the notice of sale In one or morc parcels and in any order • '���' � �"
<br /> , �,,.;r. � ...•:
<br /> ' ' .,�Y"._Y� . :
<br /> � Trudee determines.Trustee may postporK aale of�11 or any parcel of the Propertyr by public announcemont at •::r`�: '';�;,r;•`
<br /> the time�nd plsce ef any previously scheduled salc.Lender or tts design�c may purchase the Properqr sR Any '�� 2°=`"'
<br /> � ' �'<', .. . •
<br /> � sale. , � .
<br /> • � Hsaewseaie� Initi�ls:�j, �,� l•J� P�ae�aFa
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