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<br /> 17.Transfer of the Property or u Beneficiul Intcn�;S In llnrr��wcr. 11'all nr any pan uf thc Prc�pcny ur uny intcrctit in it -
<br /> is sold or tranr:fenc�i tor i1'a heneficiul interest in Bormwcr i.,old ur transfcrr�d und B�irruwcr i+not a n;iwral �xr,cm)withi�ut --
<br /> � � Lender'. pri��r written r��ncent. I.rnder muy. at it,optiun. rcyuire inmicdiutc paymcnt in iuii uf :di +um+ ,ccurcd by tl�i� �
<br /> Sccurity Instrumtnt. Howevcr, this option shull ncit bc exercised hy l.rnder if excrcisc is pruhihuc:d hy tcJrral luw u+uf the Jute
<br /> of this Securit Instrument. �� ''`.
<br /> y --
<br /> If C.enJer exercises this optiim. Lender shall give Borrower nntire of accrleratiun. The noticc sliull provide a perind uf ne�t __
<br />:;,a''"""'' Iess than 30 days from thedute the notice is delivered or muil�d within wliich Borrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> ' Security Instrumcnt. If Borrower fails to pay thesc sums prior to the expiratinn oF this period,lsndcr may invoke any remedies _
<br /> permitted by this Security Instrument without further notire or Jemand on Borrawer. 1_=
<br /> l8. Bormwer's Right to Reinstate. if Bormwer meets certain rondilions, Bnrrower shall have the right tu hi�ve c�
<br /> enforccment of this Securiry Instrument discantinued at any timc prior to the carlicr ot` (u)S days �nr surh other pc:riuJ a� -
<br /> applicable la�v muy specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuan[ ti� �ny pc�wer of sule contnineci in this �_
<br /> . Security Instrumenr,or(b)entry of a judgment enforeing thi�Sccurity Instrument. Those condianns ure thut&►rrower:(u)Puys —
<br /> L.i:nder all �unts which then woulJ be due under tNis Securiry Instrument and the Note as if no acceleratic>n hud occurred: (b)
<br /> cures any Jefault of any other covenants ar agreements: (rl pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument. !t,_
<br />" including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys'fees: and(d)takes such uction ac I.�nder muy reasonably require ta ussure
<br /> thut the lien of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Burcower's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> ' this Securiry lnstcument shall continue unchan�al. Upon reinstatement by Be�rrower. this Security Inurumera und the
<br /> obligations secur�d hereby shall remain fully effective as if no ucceleration hud orcurced. However, this right to reinstate shall —
<br /> " not upply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. ---„
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change af Loan Servicea Thc Notc nr a partial imerest in the Note (togethf:r with this Security -
<br /> Intitrumentl muy be sald one or more times without prior no[ice to Borro�ver. A sale may result in a chunge in the entity(known �
<br /> as the "Loun Servicer")that collects monthly payments dus under the Note and this Secunty Instrument.Th�re also may be one _
<br /> o�more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the i.uan Sen•icer.Horrower will be -
<br />_ ,� given written notice of the chan�e in accordance with poragraph 14 above und applicable law.The notice will state the name and „_
<br /> address of thc new Loan Servicer and the address io which puyments should 6c made. Thc noticc will ulso contain any othcr �.
<br /> inforniation reyuired by applicublc law.
<br /> 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or perniit the presence, use, JisposaL �tarage, or relense of uny ��..
<br /> Hazardous Substunces on ar in the Propeny. Bartower �hull noc do, nor allow anyonc else to do,anything affccting the =_
<br /> � Property that is in violution c�f any Environnunt:tl Luw. The preceding two sentences shall not apply io the presence, use, or
<br />_� --- ;torag�on thc Pro�ert; of::na!!qaantitie� �f H?!?�r�irnu: Cuhtit:�ncec th,it nrr cenerally recognized to be approprinte to normal
<br /> , .•„ residentinl uses und to muintenunce of the Property.
<br />}� .. .... Borrower shnll prompdy give Lender written notice of uny investigution,claim, detnand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br />,.:�;..;,��, governmentnl ur regulatary ugency or privute party involving the Propeny and any Hu�arcious Substance or Environmental Law
<br />�v `"� ' of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any govcrnmental or mgulatory authority, that
<br /> 'f`'`•�•:y r.. any removal or other remrxliution of uny Ha•ra�ous Substancc affecting the Pruperty is necessary, Borsower shull prompdy take
<br />'���°�°�• all necessary remedial uctions in accardance with Environntentul Law.
<br />��;�'L�. As used in this paragraph 20, "Na•r.ardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or huzardous substances by
<br /> zpL;_�?F�b� . Environmentul Law and the follnwing sub�tances: gusoline, kerosene, other flammu6le ar toxic petroleum praducts, toxic
<br />�� t.�� pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, muterisls contuining asbcstos or farmaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As used in
<br />�"{�s;,;� this paragraph 20, "Environmental I.aw" means federal lav�s and laws of thejurisJiction wherc the Property is locatcd that
<br /> - "�:�?'�r3� ' relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> °-°�-^�� ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrower and I�:ndcr funhcr covenunt and agrce as follows:
<br />- � i 21. Acceleratlon;Remedtc.w. Lender shall give �wtiee to Borrower prior ta acceleratton tolloxin�Borrower's breach
<br />�-�� of any covenant or egreement in thts Securlty Instrument (but not priar to acceleration under paragraph 17 unless
<br /> __,.,��-�;� upplicable Isw provfdes othenvisel.The noHce shnll speciPy: (a)the defaulh (b) the ectton requfred to cure the defaulh
<br />_—__:,_� (c)a date. not less thun 30 duys from the date the notice ts glven to Borrawer,by which the default must be cured; and _
<br /> ----�'��•9�� . (d) that failure to cure tiw default on or betore the date specf8ed ln the nutice may re�ult In acceleration of the sums
<br /> �-=LL3�='� secured by thi�s Security Instrument and sale ot the Propetty. 7'he notice shall further Inform Borrower of the rlght to
<br /> �y��;��� , reinstatc after acceleration and the �ight to brin� a court uction to assert the non-exlstence ot o default or any other
<br />��;�.�:�;, defense of tiorrow•er to acceleration and sale. If the de[ault is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice. �_..
<br />-��•.;� Lender. at its option. may require immediate payment ln full of ull sums secured by thts Securfty Instrument without
<br />�;;v further demnnd and may invoke the power of sale and any other i�emedies permitted by appllca6le law. ixnder shall be __
<br /> ;,;:�r--�-� � entitted to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provtded in this paraRraph 21, including, but not limited —
<br />�'!°2,a.--�'„„�}.' to.reasonable attorneys'.[ces and rnsts of title eridence. �"_--
<br /> ° ° `'°•' if the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of defuult in each county �n which any part of the ��;
<br />-�,:-��ri Propertp is located and shull mail copies of such noNce ia the munner prescribed by applicable law to Barrower and to �';==
<br />=;� "`""''°_� the other persons prescribed by uppllcable law. After the tlme required by appllcuble law,Truytee shall Rive public notice �;�
<br />=- of salc to the persons and in the manner prescrlbed bv appUcable law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower,shell sell -=
<br />= the Property at pu6ti�auction to the hi�;hest bfdder At the time and pluce and under the terms desl�nated in the noUce of
<br /> � sale in one or morc parcels and in any order Trustee determin�. Trustec may postpone sale of ell or am•parcel of the �.--:
<br />-. Propect�� by public announcement ut thr time and place af uny previously scheduled sate. Ixnder or its d�iFnce may `�`�''
<br />_ purchuse thc Propert,r•at eny sale. •���'��
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