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<br /> !3.__
<br /> 'Proceeds")In connaction with condamnatlon or olhAr tAklnfl of the Property or part therAaf,ar tor convoy� in�eu�mnetlon. --
<br /> Lander shall be entllled el itfl option tc�commenca,nppaar in and prosecute In fte own namo ony ectlon or proceedings,end shall Also _
<br /> lx�endded to make any cornprarnise or seltlAment in connocdon with such taking or demage.in the event any portion ol the Property is ; ,
<br /> x
<br /> so lakan w damaged, Lender�hell havQ the option In Its sole end obsolute dlacretlon, to epply all such proceeds, after deducting
<br /> lherotrom ail costs And expenses Incurrsd by II In cannoctlon with such Proaeads,upon any Indebtedness secured hereby end In euch _
<br /> ord3r es Lander may dvlorrnlne, or tp apply all such Proceede,after such deductions,to the restoratlon oi tAe Propetty upon euch con-
<br /> ditlqns as Londor may dete�rminA.Any npplicetlon ot Proceods to Indebtodness shail nat oxtend or postpone Ihe dua date of any pay- '�
<br /> ments under the Note, orcure eny d�tautt thereunder or hereunder.Any uneppUed(unds shall be pald to Trustor. s=�
<br /> 8. Puformance by L�ndRr.Upan the occurrence of an Evont ot Default herounder, or If any act ts tuke�or legel proctieding -_
<br /> ,,,� commenced which matenE�Hy a(iHCts Le�xler'y interosl in lhe Property, Londor may In its own dlscrotlon,but vnthout obllgaUon to do so, _;
<br /> end without natico to or ddmand upon Trustar and withaut releasing T►ustor from eny obligatlon,do any ect wh:ch Trustur has egreed _
<br /> ,,.��.�++�! but failed to do and may also cW any other act It d�fAma necessery ta protecl tho security hereoL Trustor shAll, immodiately upon
<br /> �,,,.,..w� demand theretor by Lende�,pey to Lender all coata and oxpenses Incurred and sums expended by Lender i n connectlon with tha exer- -�t
<br /> cise by Lender oi the faregainfl �Ighta,topether wlth Interost thereon at the detnult rate provided in the Note,which shall be added to
<br /> the indebtedness secured hereby.L�nder&hail not Incur any liability because of enylhing it may do or omlt to tlo hereunder.
<br /> A. HataMous lN�tR�ids.Trustar ehall keep the Property In compiiance with ell appliceble lawa,ordmences end regulations
<br /> ' retating to industrial hyglene or environm�ntel protocUon(collectively reterred to heraln es"Environmental Lews').Trustor shall keep • -'
<br /> � the PropeRy free from all substances deemed to be hazsrdous or toxic under eny Envlronmentat Lewa(colledlvely referred to hereln +�—
<br /> as'Hazardous Materials'). Trustor horeby warcents end represants to Lendar that there ere no Hezardous Materials on or under the f=�
<br /> * Property.Tnastor hereby egrees to Indemnify and hold harmless Lender,Its dlrectors,offlcers,employees and egents,end eny succes- -
<br /> � sors to Lender's interest,from and ag8insl eny and eli clalms,demeges,Iosses and ifabllities erising in connection with the presence. __
<br /> use,dispesal or tr�nspcxt ofeny Hazardous Meterials on,under,from or about the Property.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ANO
<br />_ 10.Asslanm�nt of Rent�.T�ustor hereby assigns to Lender, and grents Lender a security Interest In,all present, future end
<br /> efter arisfng rents,issues and prufits of the Property;provided that Trustor shall,unUl the occurrence oi an Event of Defeult,hereunder,
<br /> have the right to collect and retain such rents,Issues end proflts as lhey become due and payable.Upon the occurronce oi an Event oi �
<br /> qefeult,Lender may,�fiher in pereon or by agent,with or without bringing any action or proceeding, or by e raceiver appointed by a —
<br />, . court and withawt regard to tM adequacy oi Its st�curity,enter upon and teke possession of the Property,or any part thereof,In its own
<br /> , name or in the name of tT�e Truatee,end do eny acts which It deems necessary or desireble to preserve the valua, marketabflity or
<br />: . rentability oi the Prope�rry,aarany part thereof or interest therefn,qr to increase the income therefrom or protedthe socurity hereof and, -
<br /> • with or without taking possesslon ot the Properly,sue for or otherwise collect lhe rents, issues and proflts thereot,including those past E
<br /> . due and unpaid,by n�tilying tenants to make payments to Lender.Lender mey apply rents,Issues and profite,less costs and expens- --
<br /> .' • • �.�, es of operaUon and collection including attomey's tees,to any Indebtedness secured hereby,ell in such order as Lender may deter- =_
<br /> . mine.The enterfng upan and taking possession of the Property, the collectbn of such rents, Issues end profits,and the applicadon -
<br /> thereot as atoreseid shall nat cure�r waive anv default or notice of detault hereunder or Invalidato Any aat done in response to such
<br /> �;;;� �,' default or purauant to such notice of default and, natwithstending the contlnuance In possession of the property or the collection,
<br /> ^'•:, � . � raceipt and applicatlon of rents. Issues or profits,Trustee and Lender shell be entitled to exercise every right provided for in any of the
<br />�;`�-• ' � �. _ Loan Instruments or by law upon occumence ot eny Event of Detault,fncluding w8hout Ilmltetion the dght to exercise the power of sale.
<br />-;•,.l'��•�;;;��•'. •' Furlt►er,I.endePs rightsand rennedles under this paragraph shall be cumulatNe with,and in no way a Iimitatlon on,lenders dghts and
<br /> ,,:
<br />_ `_{i:',;��:.�! �1� re�rnedies under any a�signment oi leases end rents recorded against the Property.Lender,Trustee end the receiver shall be Ifable to
<br /> ����.�•�.��x���;r account only for those rents actually received.
<br />- .�j,;, � ,,
<br /> ;"Y;''i';'':.+,.'� 11.Evenb of L7Uauit The foliowing shell constitute an Event of Default under thls Deed ot Trust:
<br />��^�''�;��r� (a)Feilure to pay eny Installment oi principai or interest or any other sum secured hereby when d ue;
<br /> 3�''"4'�� ` (b)A breach of or detault under any provislon contelned In the Note,thts Deed of Trust,any of the Loan Instruments,or eny
<br /> '�:�`:`' �•r other Iien or encumbrance upon the Propertyr;
<br /> '�'-� ��=�.'t (c)A writ of execuUon or attachment or eny simller process shall be entered against Trustor which shell become e Ilen on
<br />�,_.
<br /> f�+'�-��'� the Propertyr or eny portfon thereof or Interest therein;
<br />��__•
<br /> -�,:r.:�4°.;, (d�There sh�I be filed by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower en actlon under any present or future federal,state or other statute,
<br />"��q_='�:,v''�'' I�w or regulado�reta�ng to bankruptcy,tnsolvency or other relfef for debtoro;or there ehelt he appolnted eny truatee,receiver or
<br />~'"1��:: Ifquidator of Truslor or Borrower or ot all or any part of the Property,or the rents,Issues or proflts the�eof, or 7rustor or Borrower
<br /> �L , `� .
<br />_--^�.;�.;,,. . shali make any generol asslgnment for tha benefit of creditore;
<br />"._:4"., , ,
<br /> _w�;r�r_�. (e)The sale,transter,lease, assignment,conveyance or further encumbrance of ell or any part of or any interest in the
<br /> `�' �?' Property,either votunlerily or Involunterily,without the express written consent of Lender,provided that Trustor shell be pem►it-
<br />- -"`"�F�'"� ted to execute a lease of Ihe Property that does not contain en optlon to purchase and the teRn of which does not exceed one
<br /> .
<br /> i.ff-MI(�.j ('
<br /> _:� ,y�R .-': year, _
<br /> _�_��'� (Q Abandonment oi the Property;or =_
<br /> 'Q�� (g)If Trustor Is rat an Indlvidual,the(ssuance,sale,transter,asalgnment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than(if e '
<br /> �...-"��'� corporadon)a tolal o( percent oi its issued end outstanding stock,or(Ii a partnership)e total ot per-
<br /> �
<br />--'"-.v"�".- �-
<br /> —_-��� �•• � cent oi partnership Intereste,or{if a Ilmited ItabiUty company)a totel of percent oiNe Iimited ifability compa-
<br />� �`i�;�:.`•.';� ny Mterests or vWing dghts during the pe�iod this Deed of Trust remalns a Ifen on the property. -
<br />�'_".'''s��'`'' •' 12.R�tn�dl�s;Acc�Uration Upon D�tault.In the event of any Event of Defeult Lender may,withoulnotice except as required
<br />� "' � by law,dedare ell Indebtedness secured hereby to be due end payable and the same shali thereupon become due and payable with- ���
<br />�i-. :: . , �'---
<br />_ . . o u t e n y p r e s e n U n e n t, d e m a n d, pro test or nodce of en y kind.Thereafter Lender ma y: .�:--
<br /> y� - (e)Demansf that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustae shall thereafte�cause Tnistors Inter- —
<br />_ est in the Property to ba sold end the proceeds to be dlstributod,all In the manner provlded In the Nebraske 7rust Deeds Act; =-
<br /> _ (b) Exercise any and all rights provided for In eny ot the Loan Instruments or by law upon occunence of any Event of �r
<br /> - Default;and �'�.
<br />' (c)Commante an action to foreGose this Deed of Trust as a mortgege,appotnt a receiver,or speafically enforce any ot the F►'=_��.
<br />= covenants hereoi. a�;;
<br /> +� No remedy herefn confened upan or reserved to trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein, in lhe Loan �''
<br />- InsUuments or by law provided or pertnftted,but each shail be cumulaUve,shall be in addltlon to every olherrernedy given hereunder, -
<br /> ;�„+.•�J in the Loen Instruments or now or hereafter exisUng et law or in equlty or by stratute,end may be exercised concurrantiy,Independently
<br /> or succesively.
<br />- �� T...�w TM T..�►m...e..reaL.n n►nnu}I..�n u.ili.iud nn�.ee nrvi 1 nnrinr mnu nf nnv fimn nnei u�ilhn��}rn��ee nnnnln}n e��r_
<br /> .•... .:.--.--_._-__ - .v. ••v�v... ...�. •.w.w.....�......y........y......................�........�__..__......��._..� ....._�."_'_"'__'�____�r-...'____ _ _�._,.
<br /> cessor or aubsUtute TNStee.Trustee aheil not be Ifable to any party, including without Iimltatlon Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any pur-
<br /> chaser oi the Property,for any loss or damege unless due to reckless or wilNut misconduct,and shell not be requlred to take any actlon
<br /> in connection with tha enforcement of this Deed of Trust unless indemnifled,in w�iting,for all costs,compansatlon or expenses which
<br /> may be associnted therewith.l n edditlon,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property Qudidal or under the power of
<br /> sale granted herefn); puetpone the sale oi atl or any portfon of the Propertyr,as provided by law;or sell tha Property ea a whote,or In
<br /> separate parcels or latsat Tmstee's dlscretlon.
<br /> . 14.F�es and F�cp�n�es,In the event Trustee selis tha Property by exercise of power of sale,Trustee shell be entitled to appiy
<br /> any sale proceeds 11rst to payment oi all costs and expenses of exercfsing powor of 3ale,InGuding all Trustee's fees,and Lender's and
<br /> Tnistee's attomey's fees, ectualty incurced to extent permitted by applicable law. In the event Borrower o�Tn�stor oxercises any right
<br /> provided by Isw to cure an Event of Defauit,Lender shall be ontitled to recover irom Trustor ail costs and expenses actualiy incurred as
<br /> • a result of Trustor's d�tault,Including without Ifmitatlon all Trustee's and attomey's fees,to the extent permitted by applicable law.
<br /> 15.Futun Adwnas. Upon request oi Borrower,Lender may,et Its option,make additional and tuture edvances and read-
<br /> vances to Bomower.Such ativances and readvances,with InteresS thereon,shall be secured by thfs Deed otTrust.At no time shell the
<br />