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<br />�;?����'*_ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS T�IAT I or WE, David A. [.uton .nd Gsyk K. i.�to.,
<br /> u�;.;:�� hn�bRad +�sd rrife, hcrein called thcgr antor whether oae or more. in consideration of One Dollsr wd otber valmbk�a
<br /> s• eo�si�►don received from graateo, do hcreby g�ant, bar�in, sel1, coavoy and confirm uato Doiald R. Ddteaeyer aad o�
<br /> �'�� 'lYeat A. Kkier� teaaat� is comma,herein called the grantee whether one or more,the following described real property \
<br />.:u_�•°'-s.. in Hall County�Nebraskas
<br />�,.-.:� ,
<br />"^�"' � 'I�e Sonth 47(eet ot t6e Nat6 9E teet ot Lot 1 aad tYe 5outh 47[at of the North 92 feet of the Eaet 20 -
<br /> =:�_- � feet af Lot 2.Bloelc 6�In tbe Tawn ot Dwtp6au�H�II Couet,r,Nebeaab
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<br /> To 6ave and to hold the abovc descrc'bed prcmises to�ether with all tenements, hereditaments end apputteasnces
<br /> � t6ereto belon�ag unto the grantee and ta grentec'a heira and ass�gns forever.
<br /> And the grentor does hcreby covenent with thep�antee and witb granteds heirs and essigos that granror is la�
<br /> seiud of said premises; that they are frce from encumbrance exoept cove.e�nte,asemeats aod reetrktions o[recori;
<br /> �wces ud�veclal asaimeate. acept tbo�e kvkd or �asesaed eubeequeat to d�te 6ereo[i thatg�antor has good
<br /> t end lawful tutbority to convey the same;and that grantor warrants end wiU dcfend t6e titlo to seid premises against
<br /> t6e lawful claims of all peraoas whomsocver.
<br />� Dated:Aaguet 1A,1997
<br /> -�_.
<br /> a A.Luton
<br /> �fQ� K�,�,''-Y-� -
<br /> Gayle K. ton
<br /> -- COUNTY(1F ADAMS
<br /> -��
<br /> -v��— The foregoing inatrument was acJmowledgad before me this � day of , 19 ,Q�by Davld A.
<br /> _=._�� Luton and C�yle K.I.utoe�husbtnd snd wife.
<br /> =_.��:-= ..� ,,� �
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<br /> ��`��v� Notary Yu lic
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<br />`'..�, OANIEI J.WIEBE
<br />�:,,�q,�,,,:: Mr Coin�.F.�p.liby 23.199t
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