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<br /> • , �•,..
<br /> 221 South Lacuat St.. P.O. Box 1 Q09 ,
<br /> � arend Island,Ns6raska 68802-1009
<br /> 308-382-4000 g'�'.� �(j�"� -
<br /> • :c'=
<br /> - �� ACKNOWLEDGi1AENT TO DEED 0� YRUST �:�s
<br /> '' The understpned"Trustor" as Identlfiod in the following Deed of Trust,whether one or more,understand that the
<br /> � document they ere about to execute la a Oeed of Trust end not a mortgege, end that the power of aale provided far __
<br />_ '"""""'�� in the Deed of Trust providea subatantfelly different rlghts and oblfgationa to the Bor�owers then e mortgege in the -_
<br /> event of a default or breach of obligatlon under the Deed of Trust,including,but not Ilmited to. the Beneficfary's right
<br /> . • to have the Property identified in the fdliqwing peed of Trust sold by the Truatee without any judiciel praceeding. ,__
<br /> Trustor repreaents and warrents that th►s Acknowledgment wes executed by them before the execution of the Daed -.
<br /> 7. of Trust hereafter set forth. �`� ti
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<br />-�`�.���Y�' HOME EaU1TY LINE DEED OF TRUST
<br /> ��:;:>,..
<br />_ '�'�.��; THIS TRUST DEED made thia 8'PH dey of AUCiUST , 1997 betwee�
<br /> hereinafter call "Trustor", whose mailing addveas is 4346 LARIAT LANE, a�rtD isr�Arm, NE 68803
<br /> ���1`` ; as"Trustee";and Home Federal Savinga and loan Associetfon oi Grand Islend, whase
<br /> �•��!,: � mailing addresa is 221 South Locust, P.O.Box 1009,Grand Islend, Nebraaka 68602, as "Beneflciary".
<br /> � . For valuable consideretion, Trustor irrevocably grants,tran�fers, conveys and assigns to T►usteo, in trust, with
<br /> . power of sele, tor the benefit end security of 8oneficiary, under and subJect to the terms end conditions of this Deed
<br /> • ,r; � . of Truat, tha following described property loceted in �L �
<br /> '�� '`.����'� Nebreske,to wit:
<br /> , ;,,;;;r'" ISLAND, HALL COUNTY. NBBR]19KA.
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<br /> T:.y..+i�`�s., together with ell buildinga,flxtures, improvements and appurtenancea thereunto belonging,It being egreed that ell of
<br /> �`�a�y� tha foregoinp shall be herefnafter referrod to as the'Property".
<br />_°�°�-''�`� FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performance of eech agreement end covenent of Truator here(n conteined a�nd
<br />�.'.4'�sasa�.
<br /> -•� the peyment of the principal sum of TSN ?HOUSIIND �OLIJ�RS i NO/CSNTS
<br />-_�.=�:;,.�;,: Dollero(8 lo,000.oo �, es evidenced by a Home Federal Home Equity Loan Agreement between
<br /> - r'n• Truator end Beneficlary(the"Loan Agreement"1,purauant to which Beneflciery wlll advance funds to Tru�tor from time
<br />"�'�" to time et the interest rates and u on the terms rovided therein, to ether with en sum or sums of money with
<br />_jF..;:n,,,..� P P 9 Y
<br /> z,°'b;;` ''°'° interest thereon which mey hereafter be pald or edvanced under the terms of this Deed of Trust, both principal sum
<br /> ,.�
<br /> i; ��`;;�.:�,i : and interest thereon being payabla according to the terms set forth In the Loan Agreement, reference to which la __
<br /> '' '�' " ' hereby made, et the offlce of the Beneficiary in Grend lslend, Nebraska, or et such other plece as Beneficiary mr�y �_�
<br />�; ,..:•�.;�, designate In writinp. &.=
<br />-,� .
<br /> �-.--
<br /> 1. Warran of Titt�. Trustor is lawfult aeized of the Pro ert hes ood ri ht and Iewfui authori to seil end �'
<br /> tY Y P Y; 9 9 tY �:::-
<br /> convey the Properry; the Property is free end cleer of all Ilens and encumbrances except Ilens now of record;t�nd �:::
<br />� � Trustor will warrant end defend the title to the Property unto the Trustee and its successors end assigns forever --
<br />- . against the cleima of all persons. �
<br />-� ,���'�`f 2. Paym�nt of PMncipd end Intenst. Trustor ahall punctualiy pey the principal of,end interest on, ell edvances �;�k:
<br /> _,_ under the Loen Agreement end wlll punctually perform aU egreements,conditions and provisions of any other security
<br /> � instrumant qiven in cannection with this transaction.
<br /> � 3. P►s��rvatlon end Mainten�nce of P►operty. Trustor will not commlt eny waste upon the Property et will, at
<br /> all times, maintain the seme in good order �nd condition and wlll make, from time to time, all repairs, renewals,
<br /> replecements,additions end fmprovements which are reasonebly required to prevent waste,impairmont or deterioration
<br /> � '�� ' of said property. No butiding or Improvement now or hereafter erected upon the Property shall be altered removed
<br /> � or demolished without the prior written consent of Beneficiary.
<br /> ' 4. In�urencs. Trustor,at its expense,will maintain with insurers approved by Beneficiary, insurence with respect
<br /> � to the improvements end personel property constituting the Property against loss by fire,Iightning, tornado and other
<br /> ' perils covered by stendard extended coverege endorsement in an emount equal to at least one hundred per n of the I
<br /> full replacement velue thereof, and insurance agalnst such other hazerda end in such amount as is��lat�wt�eri �arried
<br /> 1 9,94 4oe., �
<br /> �
<br />