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� . , , . . • . , . <br /> � � � . , -�,,.��,��. , <br /> :.` . <br /> ,, ... . .. . <br /> .- � � • � '_ <br /> ,;: <br /> ..�. .�A . . . _. ..... .._ - ._"" <br /> �.,.. . ..�. . ._... n � �,_�,��= <br /> � x . -_ . - . <br /> . ^; nt '.NL � � O -N�1 l"r1 �`r:-i:�_ <br /> . � �� n n `:' n \/� � � r ��, � ,. ,r- <br /> ' .A �\� � � �,"...,. <br /> � r ;� s � �� �,- <br /> �. rn c� c,� �' <br /> (-� Y "'� U -a. <br /> � � ;� .) \. F-� O "'� ' � � <br /> `l �� •� � -n � p.a« <br /> �� ry ;� rn CJ <br /> � � ,.� � � � w C! <br /> � (, ,^ �+ a � r s� �� <br /> Q „' , <br /> .,� ; N � �� <br /> • •�� ` � ` Q v► p�� :,n.. <br /> � � N : <br /> .�„�,,�. � DEED OF TRUST .� -.� "_ <br /> , ..�..,.�� �_`:, <br /> �monp the Gnntor,__SHTTY_J._BYT"'.`.K. � . <br /> PARTIES:This D�ed ot Tru�t i�made on__�QIIEMRFR -�5�.���-------� ('Borrower"1, ��"" <br /> SIHflL6-PxRSOH. — � '� - - - <br /> AHE�ID R_.HAACK.-�TTOTZNFY - -- Cj -_. <br /> n nn,r �ao, ar�.+ri t■'+�� Ne'l _County. Nebratk�("Trustes'1. and the Ueneficiery, pn <br /> ; whote roeidsnoe address la ,�-- ,e corporation orpanixod \\\�y� �� <br /> .� _gQMF F^1�F i�$.AI�TNC�S &��_=nSRp TATIQjQ_ '— \�� <br /> � •,•�nRac!�n ,_whose eddreas i�_._221_SL?t�TH T.r�C[iaT S�EET � -_ <br /> and existinQ under the taws of - 1'Lender"). <br /> A��_. zs <br /> CONVEYANCE:For vaiue received,Borrower frrevocabty pronte end conveyc to Yruatoo,in truet,with power ot aale,the real property,of wh c <br /> �'� @orrower Is lawtuly tefzed, desclfbed bolow and eli buildinga,ffxtures, �nd existiny and futururtanenc emlhereunto bela pinB (a�h�a�ed the ` <br /> � easeme�te, ►snta, iatue�, profite, tncome, tenemente, heredltaman�, prfvilepes and any a�p <br /> � 'prope►ty'L �$A� r�r ntm ,Nebreska 68An__�— <br /> , PROrERTYADDRESS: qi� ���ry� R�oCoe.l <br /> Istre�tl <br /> LEOAL DE6CRIPTION: <br /> 4� ADDITI NNT07THENCITYCOF�(3R�+,NDLISLAND��IJ�BRASKA') IN FAIRVIEW PARI( <br /> . '.,S-, <br /> loceted In County,Nebroske. <br /> - TITIE:Borrower cove�anta and werrants title to the property,except for <br />-r;�. �• .. <br /> :s '. SECUItED DE6T: This deed of trust secures to Lender repeyment of the secured debt end the pe►formance of the covensnts snd apreemanu <br />'+� . Borrower�owes to L nder underntihla deed ofetrust omundar any�n trume t�secu ed by thba�deed i t uet�end dl�modificationsa extens�nauend <br /> _ .. .:.� <br /> �`i' " • renew�l�thereof. <br /> f�_T - <br /> '• ���• TM secured debt is evldenced by IList all Insuuments and agreements secured by this deed of trust end the detea thereof.l: <br /> i2`, �:� • � . <br /> ��ti`4 . � , <br /> "�' Sr•r+,�^a <br />�-`��7��+�'"'� �Futun Adwneu:The ebove amount Is cecured evan thouqh ali or part of it mey not yet be edvanced. Future edvances �ro <br /> _'�;f'��4;:�:�� contempleted end wfll he aecured to the aeme extent as it made on the dete this deed of lruat ia executed. <br /> '_'�c.-.�;�,;-' ,with Initial annuel inrorest rate of�—%• <br /> ;;� • . ❑ Revolvinp line of crodit Apreement deted <br /> ._;�;;....� All amounte owed under this apreement ere secured even thouph eli emounts mey not yot be advanced. Future advancat undar <br /> ' the�greement ere contemplated end vnll be secw ed to the eame extent as if made on the dete this deed of trust fs executsd. <br /> y,.r�',�. ; „;.,,�...�,�e ,n �nna _ _ if not peld eedkr. <br /> --- .,;..y.�.,.,'. The ebove obllqatlon le due and peyable on <br /> _a:.:�:� <br />-.-:,,��,, ,,�, Tho totel unpald belance Becured by this deed of trust et eny one tlme ehell not exceed e meximum a�nclpal emount of_ � p�us intereit, <br /> "•4"'`�"" Rr.cvaa r�traa*rn TunBa �ttn�maen R*nu*Y oo..vv aun na/inn Dotlars(51.1.'+a� �3 <br />_._��. ... <br /> ,�:•�s+r:- ,• plus eny amounta disbursed under the term�of thls deed of truat to p�otect the security of thia deed of trust or to perform eny of the <br /> j>�'�'` covenants contalned In this deed of trust,wilh interest on auch dlabursemonta. <br />�_._ . iw. . <br /> � ❑ Ved•bU Rn�:The interest rete on tho obligation secured by this deed of trust mey vary according to the terma of thet obi(gation. <br /> � � ❑ A copy of the loan egreement containing the terma undor whlch the interest rete may vary Is ettached to thls deed of trust and <br />__ made a part hereof. =___. <br /> - iiIDERS: ❑Commerclel r� AS ^•TM��'w,.r nc aFN�['R � ::-. <br />� � DESI�NATION OF HOMESTEAD <br /> f� Pursuent to the Ferm Homesteed ProteCtion Act,desiynation of homestead ❑ ie etteched to tNe doed of trust end made e part hereof �•''_ <br />_ � 0 ha�been dlaclefined;the disciaimer Is etteched to thls doad of trust and mede a pert hereot F• <br /> ; SIDNATURES:By�iynlnp bNcw�BorcaW�r�a��to tM t�rm�and covmant�cwrt�in�d In thit d��d of trust,includinp thos�on pp�T.and In �•:_ <br />-.. . �ny ddKS d�scdb�d Nwv�sipn�d by Bwrow�►. <br /> a , .. '_ � . VLfLC�S�rY� ----�--- -- — —. <br />- __ -. _._ - --_. . .....mwv <br /> -� ---�� CGlli V .�va.•... ___ - <br /> i1LT.T. ,__ COUfILy 65: <br /> ACKNOWLEDaMENT:STATE OF NEBRASKA,_ — ���,�n�, �qqti _ <br /> The turegofng instrument wae ackiwwledAed before me on thia 2�TH _dey of�.,_._... B., - <br /> � � b�l ARTTY T &VITAK_ A SIN I._g£?RRSOH--.—_ ---_'__— ___ (T�INIt)1� <br /> _ -------- lNrn�of Cor�wtlUOn u Pet�W ! <br /> I CorDa1��a -- -- — �----—�- ----"— - . <br /> P�rtnMN�p �f on behalt o e c oretl9n or partnernl p• <br /> � ACkm�NWOni�nt .''. t <br /> 1 comn'i�r��0 KI `� <br /> � �N�.E�p.Apnl2�.1999 __ '•° • • .— <br /> ihia lnstrument wes prepare '°'N�BRASKA <br /> fp�pe <br /> -,1 pt gESBAYKERS SYSTEMS.1NC.SY.CLOUD.MN 68701 11�L00 397�I3�t71 FOAM OCP MTO�NE H/7991 pppL# 0 002 4954 <br /> LVb <br /> CCD# 0100460747 <br />