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� •l' �. <br /> i*Iw�-. <br /> . ,. .�N7�������4PI•`•i• . � � rr.f�..4 Y- <br /> . � �ac <br /> .�•. ... . , �i?`,�'��_-_- .. _. <br /> - . . . . . . .�irrr,_. <br /> ' � . . ,. Tt^fi;�S'r <br /> . . - . �•.<<°-- <br /> - . . . '"�t",- <br /> .. ,. ��,•:.� <br /> .. .. . � . >'�i..rr.- _ .�yf.��� Sr- <br /> �� . .. - ....�., . . . . � . <br /> I <br /> � <br /> :;� 97r �0��I I _ <br /> ,,,,,,,,,�. 13.Notices.Any noGce to Borrower provided for in this Security InsUument shall be given by delivenng n or by -__ <br /> . ...• •.►� mailing it by Cuxt class mail u�less applicable law requires usc of another methad.'It►c nodce shall be d'ucctcd to �he - <br /> Property Address or any other address Borrorer designates by nodcc w Lender.My notice to L.ender shall be given by "�__ <br /> fust class mail to Lender's addrass slated hcrein or any address Lender designates by nodce to Borrower.Any norice ;� .'�'., <br /> provided for in this Sccuriry Instrumcnt shall be deemed to havc bcen given w Bomnwcr or Lcnder when given as <br /> � provided in this paragraph. -�-- <br /> 14.Goverain�Law;Severability.This Securiry Instrument shall be govemed by Federal law and thc law of ihe -- <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located.In the event thaz any provision or clause of this Security Insmiment or�he _- <br /> Note conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other grovisions of this Security Inspument or the Nae <br /> which can be given effect without the contlicung provision.To this end the provisions of this Securiry Insuument and _ <br /> the Notc arc declared w be severablc. <br /> 15.Borrower's Copy.Bonower shall be given one coniormed copy of�he Note and of this Seciuity Instrumea� � <br /> 16. H�zar�fous Substances. Borrower ahall not cause or pecmit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or release of <br /> any Hazardous Substances on or in the Propaty.Barrower sliaU�not do,nor ellow anyone else to do.anyUiing affecting - <br /> tho Property that is in violarion of any Environmental Law. �'he proceding two sentances shall not epply w the presence. :._ <br /> use, or swrage on the Property of small quandties of Ha�ardous Substances that are generally recogni7.ed to be ���-`:�.� <br /> appropriaGe w normal residential uses end to maintenance of the Property. ' ��,�'-• <br /> � Borrower shaU prompdy give Lender writLcsn nodce of any invesvgation,claim,demand,lawsui[or other acdon by � �� <br /> any govemmental or regulatory agency or private party invalving thc Prope,rry and any Hazardous Substance or �°-• <br /> Environmental Law of which Borrower has ac►ual knowledge. If Borrower leams,or is notified by any gavcmmental or _ <br /> _.� regulatory authority, that any removal or other remediation of any Fia�ardous Substnnces affecuing the ProperAy is <br /> necessary,�ortower shall prompdy take all naessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. <br /> " As used in this paregraph 16, "Hazardous Substances" are those substanccs defined as toaic or ha�ardous <br /> - � , substances by Environmental and the Folbwing substanccs:gasolinc,ketosene,other flammable or waic petroleum <br /> products, toxic pesucides and herbicides, rolatile solvents, mate�ials containing asbesws or formaldehyde, and �' <br /> �;�:,t; radioacdve materials. As used in this paragraph 16, "Environmentel Law" means fetleral Iaws and laws of the -_ <br /> • • � jurisdfcdon whece the Property is located thauelate to health,safety or environmental protection. �, <br /> .-i:�a�r: •- _ <br /> -'•.��i�. :•:~ NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowerand I.ender furthcrcovcnanc andagra as foqows: - <br />-- ��;�� 17.Assignment ot Rents.Borrowcr uncondidonally assigns and transfus to Lendcr all the rcnts and revenues of <br /> =•,1=r.»..r'� - thc Property.Borrower suthorizcs Lcndcr or Lender's agents w collect the cents and revcnues end hcreby dirc��s each - <br /> �. , <br />_°�;�,-�,_Sr�:• ' tcner►t of tho Property w pay the rents to Lender�or I.endcr's agents.Howevu, prior to Leader's notice to Borrower of <br />-��--��� ' Borrower's breach of any covenant or agroement in the Sceuriry Instrument,Bonower shall collect and m,ceive aU rents <br /> --�°�_:,:.'� . �— <br /> .....,,�,„��." and revenues of the Property as trustce for tha bcnofit of Lender and Borrowu. 'Ihis assignment of rents constiwtes an <br /> � - �"� absolutc assigament and not an assignment faaddiaonal securlty only. ! <br /> -.=3�r.:�: �;,. <br /> •_:>����� • If I.ender gives nodca of breach to Sortowor: (a)all rents received by Borrower shall be held by Borrower a� E�- <br /> 'a�f .';' uustce for bencfit of Lcndcr only,w bc appGed to tha sums secwed by the Security Insuument; (b)Lender shall bc •" <br />-- endded to wUect and receive all of tha rerits of tha Proparty;and (c)each tenant of the Property shall pay all rents due ��� <br /> �"�'"�`' �' and unpaid co Lender or Lcnder's agent on I.,,ender's wriuen demand to�he tene�i� �•' <br /> ..-�,:5`�::,, Borrower has not executed any prior assignment of tha rents and has not and will not pedorn►any act that would ''�-- <br /> --:.�.::,,'��,;�; prevent L.ender from eacrcising its rights under this pardgraph 17. ��� <br />_=���,� I.cndcr shall not bo rcquircd to enter upon. takc conuol of or maintain thc Property bcfore or aftcr giving noticc of �.::� <br />-� �•=-- brcach to Borrower.However,Lender or a judicially appointed receiva may do so at any time there is a breach. Any �`:=" <br /> ;`="�"'�0' appGcadon of renta shell not cure or waive any default or invaiidate any othcr right or rcmedy of Lcndcr. 'Iliis '�� <br /> 1s:,-,,,�-, -- <br /> , assignment of renta of tho Proporty shall tecrninate when the debt secumd by Ihe Security Inspvment is paid in full. - <br /> - . �4R(NE)�oeo�l.oi a�a•s oi e �. <br /> r� �n�� .—�l-�—'�— <br /> .__ _�e."��.. <br /> _ _a��y_� , _ . . .. .. , . _ . . .. ..._. .- • �--•_...�...-.._. ._ ... .. . _, _._.. . ;sL� <br />_' <br /> ...1._.. _ _ . __—_ <br />