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<br /> ' � THIS DCED OF TRUST,Is made as oi the�_dey of_A�.g,li,�t _._,19�7 ,by and among� _
<br /> �k
<br /> tnerrustor, Conni e L. Conner a Si n 1 e Pe son � -
<br /> . �G c
<br /> � whose maiifng address is�� ` �?r a k a C,r a n d��1 a�� U� _(horcfn'Truato�',whether one or mare).
<br /> theTn.�stee F�YE Points Bank. a Nebraska Corporation �
<br /> Nrhose mai0ng address is P 0 B o x 15 0 7 G r a n
<br /> �1 T e 1 a n rt N E 6 8 8 0 2 (herein'Trustee'),end
<br /> }* cne Benenctary, F i v e P o i n t s B a n k
<br /> - wtase matling address is 2 015 N . B r o a d w e 1 1 A v e. G r a n d I s 1 a n d N E 6 8 8 0� (herein'Lende�').
<br /> FCIR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,Including Lenders extension of ctedit identifled herein to
<br /> � Co i
<br /> (hereln"Borrower,"whether one or more)and the trust herein created,the rec;efpt
<br /> ----�.�; :� oiwi�ici�is h8teby a��noL:�sdSsd. T^!�tor hereby Irrevocabiy grents, transfers, conveys end esslgns to Trustee, IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> '��' POWER OF SALE,for the beneflt and security of Lender,under and subJect to the terme ena condiiion�i�eininaitar;at torltt,!tt«sss!
<br />�;..-; ,;;,".,, . property described es follows: L O t E 1 e v e n (11) , H a v i n g a l a k e f r o n t f o o t a g e o f S i x ty F e e t
<br /> '.f:::' (60' ) , situated on the East side of the East portioa of Kuester Lake, and
<br /> �,.�v;�j�: being a part of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter (E�SW�) in Section
<br />�'``'' Thi t en (13) Township Eleven ( 11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M.
<br /> -'���"�'`=�'r Ha�� �oul1 tV $ebraska
<br />�'--"� �r�i -T'ogether with�116uf1 ings,fmprovements,flxturea,streets,aileys,passaeeways,easements,rights,privlleges and appuRenances
<br /> o+�� r.;.•� located thereon or in anywise perteining thereto, and the rents, isaues and profits,reversions end remainders thereoi,and such per-
<br /> `^'A.?
<br />;,:;�,<<�;,�;;, smal property that Is atteched to the improvements so as to constitute e flxture,Inctud(ng,but not Ilmited to,heaUng and cooling equip-
<br /> x,•���,,�.« ment;and together with the homestead or marital Interests,if any,which interests are hereby released and watved;all of which,includ-
<br />-�'*e•�"'•+t,'� ing replecements and edditbns thereto,Is hereby declared to be e pert oi the real estate secured by the Ilen ot this Deed of Trust and
<br />'��''��� -- alof the foregoing being referced to herein es the"Properiy"•
<br /> - """"""'� This Deed of Trust shell secure(a)the payment ot the principal sum end Interest evldenced by e promfssory note or credit egree-
<br />,�•=,ax:�?�8`;.� �q q� ,having a maturity dete oi 0 C t 0 b e r 1. 2 0 O 1 ,
<br /> 3',��.::«.----- ment date�i�1�g11s�._12-,
<br />_''�.� �" 30,Q00.00 , and any and elt modificaUons, extensbns and renewels
<br />'�;•�e'.���r inthe originai princlpal amount of S
<br /> _�'`��, thereof or thereto and any end all future advances and readvences to Borrower(or any of them if more than one)hereunder pursuent
<br /> —:4,`,._ .
<br />__�;��•:,, to orie or more promissory notes or credit agreements(herein cailed"Note");(b)the payment of other sums edvanced by Len p o
<br /> • • " protect the securlty of the Note;(a)the performance of all covenants end agreements of Trustor set torth herein;and(d)ali present end
<br /> " d'�• fulure Indebtedness and obligations of Borrower(or eny oi them(f more than one)to Lender whether direct,indlrect,absotute or contin-
<br />���y�.'��'�..:.
<br /> •_. gent and whether arlsing by note,guarenty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,thfs Deed of Trust end eny and all other documents that
<br /> �� secure the Note or otherwise executed In connectlon therewith, including without Iimitetion guerantees, security agreements end
<br /> .prr�.
<br />_ �,�,.=::�� assignments of leases end rents,shall be referred to hereln as the"Loan Instruments.
<br />_�.,�,; ._ :
<br /> - Trustor covenants and agrees with Lender as foilows:
<br />'�'�' '" 1. P�yment oi Indebtedness.All Indebtedness secured hereby shall be paid when due.
<br />�"ra..
<br />'Y ���';�;+t� 2. Tltlo.Trustor Is the owner of the Property,has the�ight and authority to convey the Property,end warrants that the en crea-
<br />_- . ed hereby Is a first and prior lien on the Property,except for Ilens end encumbrances set 4orth by Trustor in writing and delivered to
<br /> �•�{`�. , Lender before execution of this Doed of Trust,and the execution and delivery of this Deed ot Trust does not violate any contract or
<br />;-' � ''��� � dher obligetion to which Trustor is subject.
<br /> • r�; ;
<br /> - 3.Taxes,Asssssments.Ta pay before delinquency ali taxes,special assessments and all other charges against the Properiy _.
<br />�' : � now or hereafter levled.
<br />��'` ., •��� 4.Insunnce.To keep the Praperty Insured egainst damage by flre,hezards included wlthin the tertn'extended coverage',and �.
<br /> �`:��•� such other hazards as Lender may require, in amounts end with companies acceptable to Lender, naming Lender as an addfUonal _
<br /> � ,�;:,;'! named insured,with loss payabie to the Lender.In case of loss under such poltcles, the Lender is autharized to edJust,collect and _
<br /> � ' �' • compromise,all claims thereunder and shall have the optfon of applying all or part of the insurance proceeds(i)to any indebtedness =.
<br /> r` . secured hereby and In such order as Lender may determine,(ii)to the Trustor to be used for the repair or restoratlon of the Property or —
<br /> ,;c�`�'��.1 (ili) for an y other purpose or object satisiactory to Lender without effecting the Ilen of this Oeed of Trust for the tuli amount secured —
<br /> '.• -�- - : �__ . . . . _ ._�__..___.............�..�o.,n e.,�annucattons of aroceeds to Indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due date
<br /> �------ --- -- - Oereny oe�oro auon yo�.��c��....... .......
<br /> �„___..._., .�, _.
<br /> - � of any payments under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.
<br />_� . � 5. Eecrow.Upon written demand by Lender, Trustor shall pgy to Lender, in such manner as Lender may desK,iate,sufficient
<br /> - !� sums to enable Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the following:(i)all taxes,assassments and other charges against _
<br />-- Ihe Property, (II)the premlums on thd property Insurance required hereunder,and (ill) the premiums on any mortgage insurance
<br /> - d requfred by Lender. =
<br /> " 6. Matntenance, Repalrs end Compllance with Laws. Trustor shall keep tho Property in good rnndition and repair; shall
<br /> pnomptiy repair,or replace any improvement which may be damaged or destroyed:shall not commit or pPe�t any waste or deteriora-
<br />� Uon oi tho Property;shall not remove,demolish or substantfally alter eny of the improvements on the Pro e shall not commit,suffer
<br /> � or permit any act to be done fn or upon the Property in vfolation of any law,ordinance,or regulation;and shall pay and promptly dis- _
<br /> charge at Trustor's cost and oxpense all Ilens, encumbrances and charges levied,imposed or accessed against the Proporty or any
<br /> part thereof.
<br /> 7. �minent Domaln. Lender is hereby assigned all compensation, awards,damages and other payments or reiief(herefnefter
<br /> r . ,. �
<br /> - mc Nsr px.wr�rr o..a�Ha.sr9e
<br /> .�' o���oe Nav.tiv aaN a cm.�wmi.�:�m�se.muf U+u M�m i rcon ww.ua .
<br />