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<br />- prinGpal emPUnt of lhe indabtedneas secured by thla Deed oi Truat, not Including suma advanced to protect the aocurity of thla Deed ot
<br /> � Truat,exoeed the original p�incipal emount ateted hereln,or s 5 0. 00 O.0 0 ,whichever la preater.
<br /> - ��t:� 18,MIwo�IlanROU�Provislons.
<br /> (n)Borrower Not Rd����d.Extenelon of the tlmA tor peyment or modificatlon oi amortlzetion of the aums secured by thls
<br /> .•'y Deed of Tnist grantc�d by Lender to eny successor In Interest of Botrower shall not operate to release,In any manner,the Ilablli•
<br /> � ,•r� ry of the orlgint�l Dorrower end Borrower'a euccaaaaro In Intereat.lender shall nat ba requlred to commence proceedinga
<br /> ' agalnst suoh successar or refuee to extend time fa payment or otherwise modify amortlzation of the sums securad by thla
<br />- Deed of Trust by reason oi any damantls made by the origlnel Borrower end BoROwer's suCCessorc(�Intereat.
<br /> (b)L�nd�r's Pow�n.Without aifecting the Ifabillty oi eny other person Ileble for tha payment oi any ablfgation herain men-
<br />-,. ;: tloned,and withaut ettectinp the Ilen or charge of thia Deed oi Trust upon any portlon of the Properly not then or therotofore
<br /> roleased as secudty for the tull amount of ell unpald obligationa, Lender may,from time to time and without not�e(I)release
<br /> any person eo Iiable,(iq extend the maturity or alter any ot the terms oi any such obilgationa, (Ilq grant othe►Indulpences,(Iv) �-
<br /> �•� release or reconvey, or cause to be released a reconveyed at any time at Lenders optbn eny parcel,portlon or all ot the
<br /> � �'�"� Property,(v)teke or release any other or eddltionat security for eny obiigation herein mentloned,or (vl)make compositions or
<br /> otha�arr�ngements with debta►s In releti�n thereto.
<br /> (a)Forba�►anG�by l��d�r Not�Walwr.Any forboaranca by Lende�r In exercising eny right or mmedy hereunder,or oth-
<br /> '�,. . envlse affardad by applicable law, shell not be a walver oi or preclude the exercise oi any such right or remedy.The procure-
<br /> ' mant ot inaur�ncs or the payment of taxes or other Ilens or charges by Lender ahall not 6e a waiver o�Lendor's right to ecceler-
<br /> ate U�e mflturily of lha indebtednasa secured by this Deed of Trust -
<br /> . � (d)Suac�:ton�nd As:ipm Bound;Jolnt�nd S�v�ral Llabllity;Cpptbn�.The covenants and ag�eemani�herein con-
<br /> talned shall bind,and the rights hereunder ahatl Inure la,the respective successors and assigns ot I.ender and Trustor. All
<br />=. covenanta and egreements oi Trustor shali be Joint and several. The captions and headings of the paregraphs of this Deed of
<br /> _ Trust ara far convenience only and are not to be used to tnterpret or deflne the provisions hereof.
<br /> .� (e)Request far Notic�s.The partles hereby request that a copy of any natice of default hamundt��and a copy oi eny notice
<br /> �� ot sale hereunder be mail�ad to each party to this Deed ot Trust at the address set farth a6ove in tho manner preacribed by
<br /> °t�',:'�;:;_:• appliCabla law.Except for any other notice required und�r appllcabie lew to be g(ven in another manner,a�y natioa provided for
<br /> �,. :;�}��.'. in this Dead of Truat shalt ba given by meiling auch notke by certifled mail addressed ta the othar part{a�s,a1 l7�address sel �
<br /> forth ebove.My notioe provlded for In this Deed of Trust shaii be effactive upon mailing in the manner destgnated hereln. ii
<br />- ' •?r��•: . Tn�stor is mara than one person,notice sent to the addresa set forth above shall be natice to ell such peisons.
<br /> ', (� In�p�ctic�n.Lender may meke or cause to be made reaaonable entries upon end Inspections of the Property,provided
<br /> ; , , ,: that Lender shall pive Trustar notice prior to eny such Inspectlon specifying reasonabte cause therefor rolated to Lender's inter-
<br /> ' `' est in the Froperty.
<br />-: � ' (g)R�conveyance.Upon payment of all sums securod by this Deed of Trust,Lendar shall requast Trustee ta r�aconvey the
<br />��r,�.;�`�'`;'Yt=,y Properly and shell surrender this peed of Tnist and all notes evidencing indebtadness sacurad by thts Deed of Trust to
<br />,� •, Truetee.Tnistee shali reconvey the Property, w(thout warrenty and without charge to the pe�on pr persons legelly endded
<br /> ;��� , thereto.Trustor shall pay ell costs oi recordation,If eny.
<br /> �;;.���t�•�;' (h) P�nonal Proporty; S�cuNty Apr�m�n�As addltional securfty for the payment ot the Nate,T�uator hereby graMs
<br /> -�,.,,ESf i���.�. Lender under the Nebreska UnNarm CommerGal Code a secudty interest In eli flxtures,equipment,and other pe►sonel property
<br />' :` ::•`� r � used in connectlon with the real estate or improvements located thereon,and not otherwise deGared ordeemed to be a paR ot
<br /> -�-•+...�i:S�--s.... 4hR fRAI R$TA�A 1CRPJ)/A(1 hRfAf11`.TFII$III9�I�I�R(}�Q�A'�MR P.(II�R��IIAlI AA A C�U!'I�Ao�AQI?Ip11��.1����B-9��•�.@/!��1B�.$RC��f -.
<br /> �f4=t���''�'f?' shali have all lhe rights end remedies of e secured party under said Code In edditlon ta the�hts and remedies created under
<br /> i''{'�t;:.`.•;�:"`•'' and eccorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trust;provided thet Lender's rights and remedbs under thls peregreph shall
<br />-;��;�f:i°r�!:'� be cumutative with,end In no way e Ilmitetbn on,LendePs rights end remedles under any other secudry agreement sfgned by
<br />_y;".,;+��5 . 6orrower or Trustor.
<br />�^�;�';;�'; (i)Lt�ns and Encumb�anca.TNStor hereby warrants and represenb Mat there is no defauft under the prorisia►s of eny
<br />