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<br /> � Au ust .19
<br /> �7,,by and among �
<br /> ` 7HIS DEED OF TRUST,is mede es oi the 5 t h day oi �.
<br /> O
<br /> � the Trustor, p
<br /> ` (herai�'7ruator",whather one or more), \a
<br /> � whose mailing address Is 1510 W. H a e G r d n d I s 1 a n d N E 6 88 O 1
<br /> theTrustee Five Points Bank a Nebraska Cor oration -
<br /> � whose mailing address is P•0• B o x 150 7 G r'a n d I S 1 a n d N E 6 8$0 2 (h�rein•Tru�tee'),and
<br /> � the Beneficlary, '
<br /> �_
<br /> whose matiing address is� ' B 1 1 A v e G r a n d I s 1 a n d N E 6 88 0 3 (harein'Lende .
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,including Lenders extension of credlt identi8ed hereln to
<br /> - T e r r v (hereln'Borrower,"whether one of more)and the trust herein created,the receipt
<br /> oi which is hereby acknowledged,Trustor hereby irtevacabty grants, trensiers. conveys and assigns to Trustee, IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> , POWER OF SALE,fot the benetit ena securiry oi Lvrda�,ur�ar ar,d s:sbJ�!t^r�,n twrms and conditions herein�fter set tnrth,tho real
<br />= '�''I-t'��' property descdbed as tollowe:
<br /> � ' � �r lot Thirty-nine (39) � Hagge' s Subdivision to the City of Grand
<br /> �.,:�`��.•��� Island. Hall County . Nebraska
<br />_�r.,,..,,,;_•
<br /> .` � � ' Together with all bulidings,Improvements,fixtures,streets,alleys,passageweys, easementa,rights, privfleges and eppurtenances
<br />��`r' �'`�I,: Iocated thereon or In enywise perteining thereto,end the rents, issues end profite,reversions and remainders thereof,and such per-
<br />''":��::�":i, sonal property that is ettached to the improvements so es to constitute a flxture, including,but not limited to,heating snd cooling equi�
<br />;;��,��r�,� ment;end together with the homestead or merital interests,ii any,whioh Interests are hereby released and walved;ell of which,includ-
<br /> �i;Y:�°�..._ ing replacements and additlons thereto,ls hereby declared to be a part of the real estete secured by the Iien of this Deed of T�ust and
<br /> =;�o•;`�'Y"�� allof lfie foregoing being referred to herein es the'Propert�'.
<br /> . :��
<br /> =�:�;,,� This Deed ot Trust shall secure(a)the payment of the principaha�gaa m tudty dat of�U Q U srt n'1.ry2 0 0 2r cred t egree-
<br />:`�'�;�,;i��� ment dated A u ci u s t 5 19 9 7
<br /> �:.'�f��.��:...i
<br /> ��"•'� in the original principal armunt of 3 3 5 0 50.50 ,end eny and ail mod(ficationa, extenslons end renewes
<br />�� •
<br />=�.:�_=— thereof or thereto and any end ell Future advences and readvances to 8orrower(or any of them if rnore'then one)hereunder pursuan
<br /> • to one or more promissory notes or credit egreements(hereln called'Note'); (b)the payment of olher sums edvanced by Lender to
<br />=R��'-t��_.:.:,� protect the security of the Note;(c)the pe�tamance of all covenents and agreernents of Trustor set torth herein:end(d)eU present and
<br />�`;';�z� tuture Indebtedness end obligatlons of 8ortower(or any ot them If more than one)to Lender whether direct,indlrect,absalute or contin-
<br /> �-� gent and whether e�ising by note,guar�nty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,this Deed of Trust and any and ail other dxuments that
<br /> �'.'r?ii_�=°
<br /> .=���-i.n secure the Note or otherwlse executed In connectlon therewfth, fnciudtng without Ilmitation guarantees, security agreements an
<br />�`°"—`""'`"2" assignments of leases end rents,shall be referred to herein as the'Loan Instruments'.
<br /> �,.q,.���•� Truator covenants and egrees with Lender es follows:
<br /> z;:��+.���•.� 1, p�ym�nt of Indebtedness.AII indebtedness secured hereby shall be pald when due.
<br /> �.'���� ; 2. TNI�.Trustor Is the owner ot the Property,has the right and authodty to convey the Properly,and warrants that the lien creat-
<br /> • - ed horeby Is e firat and prior Ilen on the Properly, except for Ilens and encumbrences set forth by Trustor fn writing and dellvere�to
<br />� ' Lender before execution of this Oeed of Tmst,and the executlon and delivery of thls Deed of Trust does not vlolate any contract or
<br /> • � other obllgation to wh►ch Trustor is subJect.
<br />, 3. Taxes,Asssssments.To pay before delinquency all taxes,speclal assessments and all other charges agafnst the Property
<br /> now or hereafter levled. -
<br /> A. Ensurance.To keep the Property haurod against damage by flre,hazards included within the term'extended coverage", and
<br /> • � such other hezards es Lender may requlre, in amounts and wlth companies eccepteble to Lender, neming Lender as an addkianel
<br /> named insured,with loss payable to the lender. In case of loss pp�e gsuch policies,the Lender Ia authorized to edJust,coilect and
<br /> ��. compromise,eli clalms thereunder and shell heve the optfon of a I in eli�r paR oi the Ineura�ce proceeds(1)to eny Indebtednoss
<br /> . �, �,. secured hereby and In such order as Lender may determine,(ii)to the Trustor to be used for the repeir or restoratlon of the Property or
<br /> �• �- (Ilf) for any other purpos9 or obJ�ct setisfactory to Lender without aifecting the Ilen of thls Deed of Trust tor the full amount secured
<br /> '- -�"`��� �- nerebv betore such payment ever took placa.Any applications of proceeds to Indebtedness shali not extend or postpone tfio due dete
<br />�_- - :,.— . -�----�--•
<br /> ....�..
<br /> ' oi any payments under the Note,or cure any aeiauii inere�u��uv�����o�o��.��:.
<br /> ' � 5. Bscrow. Upon written demand by Londer,Truator shall pay to Lender,In such manner as Lender may designate,sufficient
<br /> sums to enable Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the iollowing:(i)all taxes,assessments and other charges agalnst
<br /> the Property. (il) the premluma on the propeny insurance requlred hereunder,and(fii)tho premiums on any moRgagv Insurance
<br /> raqulred by Lender.
<br /> 6. Maintenance, R�palra end Complienao with Laws.Trustor shatl keep the Proporty In good condition and repalr, shal
<br /> prpmpdy repalr,or replace any Improvement which may be damaged or destmyed;shall not commit or permit any waste or deterlore-
<br /> Gon of the Property;shali not remove,demolish or substantlally elter any oi the Improvements on the Property;shall not oommit,suHer
<br /> or permit any act to be done in or upon Ihe Property in vfolatfon of eny lew, ordinance,or regulaUon;and shail pay and prompt`ens- r
<br /> charge at Trustor's cost end expense all uens,encumbrances and charges Iovied,imposed or accessed agalnst the Property Y
<br /> part thereof.
<br /> 7.Eminent Domain. Lender is hereby asslgnod eli compensatlon,awards, dameges and other payments or reliei(herefna er
<br /> c.
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