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Borrower warrents nnd wiU � <br /> � defend generully the title to the Property against all clsims nnd dernands,subject ta uny encumbrunces of record. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for natianal use and nan-unifortn covenants wiih limlted <br />�. variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrumeni c�vering reAl property. <br /> � UNIEORM COVENANTS.Horrower and l.ender covenant and agrce as follows: <br />-� 1. Payment of Princihal and Interest; PrepAyment and I.ate Charges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the <br /> :1�,� . , principal of and interest on the debt cvidenced by the Note and any pre,pay�nen�and l�te churges due under the Note. <br />`;�_., 1, Fuqds 6or Taxes and Insurnnce. Subject to applicable law or to a we�itten waiver by 1Lend�r, Borrower shall pay to <br /> Lender on the day monthl}(�:;�ments are duc under the N��te.until Ihe Notc is paid icti full,a sum("Funds")fvr:(a) ycar�y taxes <br />.r�', anc!asscssm�nts��•t�ich ma��a:t.�in priority over this Securiry Instrument os a lien on t6m Property: (b)yearly IEa��ehald payments <br /> -- � or ground r�a�ts on�the Prap�rt�,it'any;(c)yearly haz�ird or propeny insurance prenaiums:(d)yearly flood insu�ancc premiums, <br /> �• , if uny; (rl y���rlg mortgage insurance prxmiums, if any; and(� anY sums payablc by Bonower ta l.ender, in accordence�vith i <br />`=`,':�t�i':�� :hr pro��isioe�s nf parngraph fi,in lieu �f thr payment of mortgnse insurance premiums.Thase items are calleci "Escrow Items." <br /> ='n`-�+ Lenrier may, at any time, callect and hold Funds in un amount not to exceed the muximum amaunt a lender for a fec1er�Jig <br /> �— r�eluted mortsage loan may reqnire for Bonower's escrow account under the fe�leral Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act af <br /> A:� 1974 as umended from time to timc. 1�U.S.C. Section 2601 et serf_ Q'RIESFA"), unless another law thut applies to ihe Funds s.,. <br /> �� sets a lesser �mount. If so, Lxnder m�y, at any time, co l lect an d hn:id Fu n ds i n a n a mount not to exceed the lesser acnount. <br />' ,�,S Lender may estimate the amount of�unds duc on the basis of current datn and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future <br /> ` — Escrow Items or otherwise in uccordance with applicable law. <br /> �� Thc Funds shall be hc:ld in an institution whose deposits are insnrcd by a federal agency, instrumentality,or entity <br />�� (including Lender.if Lender is such an institution)or in any Feciera! Home Loan Bank.L.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the _, <br /> _° Escrow Items. I..ender may not charge Borrawer for holding and applying the Funds. annually analyzing the escrow account, ar <br /> verifying the Escrow Items, unless l.ender pays Bonower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such <br /> — s��a.a,�. However.Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent reni estate tax reporting service <br /> used by Lender in connectian with this loan, unless applicable law provides ot�►erwise. Untess su u$rc�►rcat is m^»cie or <br /> applicable law requires intcrest to be paid,Ixndor shall not be required to pay Barrower any interest or eamings on�he Funds. <br /> Bonowcr and I.ender may ugree in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Bonower, <br /> without charge, an unnual accounting of the Funds, showing credits end debits to the Funds and the purpose for which�ach <br /> debit to the Funds was made.The Punds are pledged ns additional securiry for all sums secured by this Security Instrument. <br /> If the Funds held by L.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law.Lender shall account to Bonower <br /> for the excess Funds in uccvrdanre with the requirements of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by L.ender at any <br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so natify Borrower in wdting, and,tn such case Borcower <br /> shall pay to Lender the amount necessnry to muke up the deficiency.Bonower shall make up the deficiency in no more than <br /> twelve monthly Lender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security InstNment. Lender shall promptly refund to i3orrower any <br /> Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21, i.ender shall acquire orsell the Property,i.ender,prior to the acquisiuon or sale <br /> of the Propeny, shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the tirne of ncquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument. <br /> 3.ApPltattion ot Ps►yments.Unless applicable luw provides othenvise,all payments re�eived by Lender underparAgt�phs <br /> 1 and 2 shnll be applied: first, to uny prepayment chncges due under the Note; second,to amuunts payable under parbgrup3�2; <br /> third,to interest due; principal due;and Isut,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4.Charges; Lfens. Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessments. charges, fines and impositions attributable to thc Property <br /> which may attuin priority over diis Security Instrument, and leasehald payments or ground rents, if nny. Borcower shall pny <br /> these obligattons in the manner pravided in paragraph 2,or if nat paid in that [nanner,Borrower shall pay them on time directly <br /> to the person owcd payment.Borrower shull promptly furnish to Lendcr :�ll notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> If Aorrower makes these paymcnts directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencins the payrnents. <br /> Borrower shall promptly dischurge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a} agn�s in <br /> writing to the payment of the obligntion see:ured by the lien in a marxner acceptable to Lr.nder;(b)contests in�ood faith the lien <br /> _= by, or defends against cnforcement of the lien in, legal procccdings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the lien;or (c) sceures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfuctury to Lender subordinating tt�e lien to <br /> - chis Security lnstrumen[. A£Lender dctermincs that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attuin priority over <br />=="?;r±� this Security[nstrumcnt, Lender may give Borrower a notia idcntifying ttie licn. Borrowcr shull satisfy the licn ortake one or <br /> -'�-%,�;� more of ar�actions set f'orth abovc���ithin 10 duys of thc giving of noticc. <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> — Pafla t ol G <br /> �•_r� ' � � <br />_'-_�.27 _.. . - .. ... . --_ ___ - _ - <br /> --�' - - .. . . . �..�.-_�. _ .. .. - <br />.__v�rSi `? ' -. .. � . . . '. . : � . ; ' � . .. �1,.- <br />., ��p���iF . ., ., ' , , .. .. � �L`. <br /> , -.�R•�Y . �� . . . � . <br /> , ..t.�S,.-�! ' , .., ,� ..��9e.�r.�il.. :�•' <br /> � <br />. -•a W e.:l � � - :-'S, FM 'd^'+' - <br />-i?,�'``,i; /. .. ' . � , ,�+. w�i��. . � .• <br /> . � :�QVi.:} ��.4; • ,. <br /> t . . <br /> . . <br /> . <br /> . • . „ . <br />