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: <br /> _�� • . <br /> '� , �'y�'�;"' <br /> . .. �� � r(��� ��My1��� �j.T��R'��"t_?.[M.itiFEWI•'..____-��..�.. —_. <br /> � ( ,,.�.wli[i�t�1� � . . .'.'I'. , '�1.�.�wr-....-- .- <br /> ��. • . <br /> .L' _ <br />- .. � � 1��.1a�� .. <br /> 9. Borcower Not Released; Forbearwncc By l.ender Not a Wwlvcr. Thc Borrow�c'r shall remain liablc for full ;�.� <br /> ` T payment of the principal and interest on the Note(or any advancement or obligaclon)secured hercby, notwithst:viding <br /> any of the following: (a)The sale of all or a part of the prcmises,(b)ihs assumption by another party of chc Borrower's ,_ <br /> obligations hercundcr,(c)the forbcarance or cxtension af time for payment or performance of uny obligation hcrcunder, <br /> � whether granted to Borruwer or a subscquentowner of thc property,and (d1 the release of all or .my pan af thc premiscs �� <br /> ' '���"_� securing said obligations or the release of any parcy who assumes payment of tho samc. None of the foregoing shall �_'=- <br /> , in any way affect the full force and effect of the lien of this Deed of Trust or impair Lender's right to a deficiency t,,� <br /> ,� judgment(in the event of foreclosure)against Borrower or any party assmning the obligations hcreunder. i'� <br /> •_ �� Any forbeurance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereundar,or atherwise afforded by applicable law,shall � <br /> , not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remcdy. �_ - <br /> � 10. Successors and Assigns Sound;Jofnt and Several Llabiltly;Co-signers. The covenants and agreements herein — <br /> �. contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assig,�s af L.ender and <br /> 5. Borrower,subject to thc provisions of paragraph 1 S hereof. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall bc joint <br /> - , ;, � and several. Any Borrower who co-si�ns this Deed of T�ust, but does not eaecute the Note:(a)is ca-signing this Deed � <br />- � ��•. of Trust only[o�rant and convey tYaa�Bonower's interest in tbe Properry to Lender under the terms of chis Deed of <br /> `�`.`�'�•` Trust, (b)is not personally liable on ihe Note or under chis Deed of Trust, and(c}agreas that Lender and any other -. <br /> ' � Borrowen c�sreunder may agree to extend. modify,forbear,or make any other accommodations �vith regard to the terms <br /> �•,.:� of this Deed of Trust or th�Note without that Borrower's wnsent and without releasing that Borrower or modifying this <br />- '�'' ��'�' Deed of Trust as to that Borrvwer's iaterest in the Property. <br />_ .t,�,_:}a� <br /> ,� � 11. Notiee. Except for auy notice reqe�ired under applicable law co be given in another manner, (a) any notice to <br />- Borrower provlded for in thls Deed of Trust shall be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice by first class mail <br />` addressed to Bonower or the cuneat awner at the Property Address or at such other address as Borrower may designate <br /> s: , by notice to I.ender as provided herein,and any other person personally liable on this Notc as thrse person's names and <br /> `�' � addresses appear in the Lender's records at the time of giving notice and(b)any notice to Lender shall be given by first <br /> f class mail to i.ender's address stated hereia or to such other address as Lender may designate by notice to Bonower <br />�• ' ` • as provtd�d herein. Any notice proviueci ior in chis Dr.cci of Tiu�t shati te d�cm:,d t:,have�e^�,2••'en to P!�**ower or <br />�:`:•�,��„ ., Lender when given in the manner designated herein. <br /> � �' Y,'�.�liM';; . 12. Governing Law; Severability. 'Ihe state and local laws applicable to this Deed of Trust shall be the laws of the <br />-�.�e�f�<:� <br />�°�'�:'�`.'" is located. The fore otn sentence shall not limit the applicability of Federal law to <br />__,�,�•. ; -..• jurisdiction in which the Property' 8 � S <br />---`-' '�` this Deed oi Trust. In the event that any Frovision or clause of this Deed of Trust or the Note conflicts with applicable <br />=.LY1_"c�,' <br /> -- law,such conflicts shall not affect other pmvislons of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given effect without <br />"`°'''��+'���� the conflictiug provision,and to tbis end the provisions of this Deed of Trust and the Note aze declazed to be severable. <br />=hiU.C.:�.;!�'o« <br /> �-�;5;;5� As used herein "costs", "eapenses' and"attorneys' fees"include all sums to the extent not prohibited by applicab e aw <br />_=-�;;..�" or limited herain. <br /> -�_-��:�:,� <br /> -- 13. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be fumished a confomned copy of the Note,this Deed of Trust and Rider(s) <br /> �-�`��=-'� at the time of execution or aftsr rccordation hereof. <br />�.��:.::�i� <br />�c.s'`r�tiAau� <br />-M�_4;:• 14. Rehabilttation Loan Agreement. Bonuwer shall fulfill all of Bonower's obligations under any home <br /> - � �� rehabilitatlon, improvement, repair or o�her loan agreement which Bonower enters into with Lender. Lender, at <br />�y"'""'�°y�" Lender's option,may require Bonower to execute and deliver to Lender,in a form acceptable to Lend�r,an assignment <br /> �fu':. <br /> '�M7�,�� of any rights,clafms or defenses which Borrower may hnve against parties who supply labor,materials or services in <br />--.�,.,.�..�., <br /> � J-"�_���+,- connection wittt improvements made to the Property. <br /> —��,.� <br /> �-•�-�-�.� 15. 'I�ans[cr ot the Property or a Beneflcisl Intcrest in Borrower,Assumption. If all or any part of the Property <br /> - :�r°1i�'�+:t'' <br /> � or any interest in it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interes�in Bonower is sold or transfened and Borrower �s <br /> —,' �"""'` not a natural person)without Lender's prior written wnsent,Lendcr mny,at Lxnder's option,for any rcason, declare <br /> ___,:.k�:�tio�,.•.� <br /> ""�' b a11 [he sums secured by this Deeci of Ttust to be immediately due aad payable. However,this option shall not be <br /> i�:rr..,,;�,,;,.•:.. <br /> ...hy,. <br />_��::`+'1:�. :;��.- eaercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by Federal law as of the date of this Deed of T�ust. <br /> .:r: <br />�-c -,,,�,;, <br /> ,���, � . If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Bonower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period <br /> `_. •��;� of not less than 30 days from the datc the notice is delivered or mailed within which Bonower must pay all sums secured <br /> by this Deed of Trust. [f Borrower fails to pay in full these sums prior to tl:e expiration of this period, Lendor may _ <br /> • invoke any rcmedies permitted by this Dced of Trust without further notice or dem:uid on Borcower. _ <br />_ �•. <br /> � This Deed of Trust muy not be assumed by a purchaser wichouc the Lender's consent. If an assumption is allowed,the - <br /> ����' � Lender may charge an assumption fce and require the person(s)assuming the loan to pay addit ion�l charges as authorized <br /> - ' by law. ` <br /> '� � � <br /> � � <br /> 2JU7V2 lRa U61 �� P�ye 7 0l 5 UNVSI NF.FRMHAt/1'I I.IkN i <br /> I?lIU1:61U \YI-SSPL <br />.__. I I! <br /> ' ___f I <br />