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<br /> 6'R=u�
<br /> ' Aorrower mey cure such e delaull and relnatnte, as provided In parepreph 18, by causing ihe ectlan or proceedfnq to be :;;�;,
<br /> dlsml§sed with a rulinp thet.In Lender's good I�Bh deta'minption, precludes foAelture of thn Bortower a Interest hi thA Properh/or •�,:�.
<br /> otlier rtulerlal Impalrment o1 lhe Ilm creetc+d by thls Securt►y Instrument or Lundor's sacuriry interest. Borrower shell also be In
<br /> defeutt il Bortaww. dur�n� tha losn uppGratlon procesa, govo metnrially fnlse or Ineccurnirt fnlmmatian or stetements to Lender (or
<br /> fslled to praride Lender with eny material Intormstlon) In connootion with the lonn evldencRd by the Note, Inciuding, but not
<br /> Iimiled lo, reprosentwtiona concerning Botrower's occup�ncy ol lhe Property as a principal resldence. 11 thls Security
<br /> Innirument Is on a leasehald, Bnrrpwer ah�ll compy wlth eu Ihe provlslons a1 th9 laese. It Borrower acqulres fee title to the �
<br /> F'roperly.tho leasehaid and the foe titlo sht�ll not mage unless Lenclor agrees lo the merper In writing.
<br /> 7.Prot�etlon of L�11d�1's Rlghts In th� Prop�rty. �� 8orrower IvNs to pe►torm the cov��nanls and agree�nents
<br /> � contalned In thls Security Inatniment. or ihnro is a legal proceedinfl Ihat mny sl4niticantty aflect Lender's righis in the Properly
<br /> (such as a proceeding In bankruptoy, probAte,lor condemnntlan or foAeiture or to entorce laws or reguk►ilons),�Lendei':�dactlons �
<br /> do and pay lor whatever Is necessary lo protect the vslua ol the Propurty and Lender e rights In the Property Q
<br /> ���, may inctude payinc� eny sums secured by e Iien whlah has prioriN over thln Security Instrument, appearing in couA, paying
<br /> � reesaneble altomeys' lees and enteMng on the Properly to meke repefre.AFthnuph Lender mey take ectlon under thls peragreph �
<br /> 7.Lendx does nat heve la do so. W .'-
<br /> Any emounis dlsbursed by Lender under paragreph 7 shall become ndditionril debt o1 Bonower securod by this Security _.
<br /> instrurnent. Unless Botrower and LendcT agree to other terms o1 payment, th�3se emounis shell bear Intorest trom the date ot W c^..
<br /> disbursement at the Note rate and sha�l be payoble,with Interest,upan notice lrom Londer to Bortower requesMg peyment. �.,
<br /> 6. Mortgage Inauranae. I1 Lender required mortgape insuran�e as a condition ol making the loan secured by this
<br /> Secutity Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premlums requlrnd to mafntaln ihe mnAqage insurence In ettect. If,lor any reason.!he _
<br /> , mortc�age Insurence coverage requlred by Lender lapses or ceases to be In etiRCt, Borrowe► shall pay lhe premiums requlred to _
<br /> ' obtain covemge subatantialy equivalent to the mortgage Insurr�nce prr,vioualy fn ettect, et a cost substantialy equNalent to the _ _
<br /> ��. cost to E�orrower of the mortgage lnsuranca prcwlouely fn ett�ct, fmm an attemate mortgage insurer app�oved by Lender. If F
<br /> � subslenlialty equNalont mortgage insurance coverage la not avaNable, Bortower shall pay to Lender each monih a sum equal lo __
<br /> . one-twelhh of the yeady mortgage Insurance premlum 6eing paid by Borrower when the Insurence coverege lapsed or ceased to e:.
<br /> ." �; be in eHect. Lender will accept, use and reteln these payments es a loss re�erve In Ifeu of mortgage Insurance. Loss teserve �r;s
<br /> paymenls may no longer be requlred,et the optlon ot Le�der, if mortgage insurance coverege(in thA amount and(or the period �:.
<br /> tf�at Lender r¢qulres) provlded by an Insurer approved by Lender egaln becomes avallable end Is obtelned. Bortower shall pay {
<br /> • the nremiums required to malntain mortgage Insurence In etlect, or to provide a loss reserve,until the requirement tor mortgay� t.`�.�
<br /> msurance ends in eccordAnce with any wdtten agreement belween Borrower and Lender or applfcable law.
<br /> "� 9. In8p6CtiOn. Lender or its agent may meke reasoneble entrtes upon and Inspectlons of the Property. Lender shall glve i"::
<br /> Bortower notice at the Yrme ot or prior to an inspectlon speatying reasonable cause for the Inspection. ��
<br /> 10. Condemnation.The praaeeds oi any award or clalm tar damages, direct or consequentlal, In conaectlon with any �-;_-
<br /> condemnation or other taking oi eny pcut ot the Property, or for conveyance In Ileu of condemnotion, are hereby asslgned and �.�;
<br /> — � shail be pald to Lender. ^
<br /> In the event of a totel taking of the Property, the proceeds shali be epplied to the sums secured by thls Securfty
<br /> Instninent,whether or not the� due.with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partlal taking of the Property In which
<br /> the faU myrket value ot the Property immeaiatefy oeforn iha iakii�� is �ual ia o: y,est..r ttse.�the em^'!"t ot the sums secured
<br /> �� by thb SecurUy Instrument immedletely before the teking,unless Bartower and Lender otherwise agree in writlng, tha sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muftiplied by the tollowing frection: (a)the
<br /> total emount of the sums secured Immedlately before the teking. divided by (b) the fatr market value ot the PropeRy Immediately
<br /> betore the taking. My balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partlal taking of the Property in whlch the falr market
<br /> • value of ihe Properry immediately before the taking is less than the emount oi the sums secured immediately before the teking,
<br /> • � unless Bortower and Lender othenvise agree In writing ar unless applicable law otherwise provldes, the proceeds shall be
<br />- -.. � .� applled to the sums secured by thls Security Instrument whether o:nat the sums are then due.
<br /> � It the Property Is abandoned by Borrower, or If, after notice by Lender to Bortower that the condemna oflers to meke an
<br />�r�,�` award or serile a clalm tor demages, Bortower 1alls to respond to Lender within 30 days after the dato the notice Is gNen,
<br />-• � Lender Is authorized to collect end appy the proceeds, et its optlon. either to restoratlon or repalr oi the Property or to tha
<br /> _ � ` ;3,�� sums aecured by this Security Instrument,whether ar not ihen due.
<br />_-: ,,,.,.;. Unless Lender end Borrower otherwise agree In wdtlny, eny appllci+Uon ot proceeds to pdncipal shall not extend or
<br /> ��'�'�' postpane the due dete of the monlhly payments reterred to In peragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount oi such paymenls.
<br /> =�:*•>J���4; 11. Borrower Not Releasad; For6oarance By Lender Not a Waiver.Extension ot the time for payment ar
<br /> r:::�i='%:�` modficatlon of amortizatlon of the sums secured by this Secudry Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of
<br />=;.;;:�:;�, Borrower shall not operate to release the Ilabllity of the odginai Borrower or Borrower's successors In Interest. Lender shall not
<br /> �� '% ��� be requlred to commenae proceedings agalnst any successor In Interest or retuse to exlend time for peyment or Mherwlse
<br />�'�r �� ���' moddy amortizatlon oi the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of eny demand made by the original Borrower or
<br /> �'.� Bortowor's successors In interest. Any torbearence by Lender In exerdsing eny dght or remedy shall not be a weiver ot or
<br /> ±�.i,�,x#�w_ predude ihe exercise of any dght or remedy.
<br />- • 12. Succesaors end Asalgns Bound; Jolnt and Several Liability; Co-signers.rne covenants and
<br /> - ."�'�`' agreements of thls Secudty Instrume�t shall bind end benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Bortower,subJect to the
<br />_• prodslons of paragreph 17. Borrower's covenants and egreements shell be Jolnt and severel. My Borrower who co-signs this
<br /> Je7..v..:'. .. �
<br /> �-,� : Secudty Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) Is co-signing thls Security Instrument onN to mortgage, grant and convey
<br />-���`� , t that Borrowers interest in the Property under the tertns of thls Security Instrument; (b) Is not personelly obligated to pay the
<br />- •� • sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, modity,
<br />� ' forbear or make any eccommodatlons with regard to the tertns of lhls Securiry Instnrment or the Note without that Bortower's
<br />=�;.-� ' consent.
<br />- 13. LOan Chergea. It the loan secured by thls Security Instrument is subJect to a law which sots maxlmum loan
<br /> charges,end that law Is finally interpreted so thet the interest or other loan charges collecled or to be couected in connectlon
<br />� with the loan exceed the portnitted Ilmits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall bo reduced by the emounl necessery to reduce _
<br /> " the charge to the permitted Ilmit; and (b) any sums ekeady coilected hom Bortower whlch exceeded permitted Iimits will be
<br /> � rotunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make thfs retund by reducing the pdnGpal owed under tho Note or by making e �.
<br />_ ? direct payment to Borrowc�. If a retund reduces prinGpal, the reduction will be treated as e partial prepayment without eny =
<br /> � prepayment charge under the Note. _
<br /> 14. NOtiCes.Any notice to Bortower provided tor in thls Security Instnrment shell be gtven by delivering it or by mafling it
<br /> ,„-`� i by fust class mefi unless epplicable law requfres use oi enother method. The notice sha�be directed to the Property Addi�ess _
<br /> _ or eny other address Bortower designates by notice to Lender. Any notico to Lender shall be given by first class mail to -
<br /> ..
<br /> n_�...�. A.. ..�Iro nvlacrl inr In fhla
<br /> ____..—___.
<br /> __._..__. ._ ., .. . . . _'"" '_
<br /> Lender's address stated hereln or any otner aaoress �enaer de��ynnira .;y �����..Q .� �����••�•. --.; ..--__ �•-••--- •-• -. - .
<br /> Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given lo Borrower or Lender when gNen as provtded in ihis paragraph.
<br /> ' . 15. �oveming l.aw; SeverBbility. This Security Instrument shall bo govemed by federal law and the law o1 the
<br /> Judsdiction In whlch the Property Is located. In the event thet ony provislon or clause ol tNis Securt4y Instrument or the Note
<br /> ` conAicts with eppllcable law, such conflict shell not ettect other provisions of this Security Instrument or ihe Note whlch can be
<br /> - gfven eflect without the conllicting provislen. To thfs end the provisions ol this Security Inslrument end the Note nro de�lured to
<br /> be severable.
<br /> 16. Borrower'8 COpy. Borrower shall be glven one conformed copy ot the Note und af this 5ecurit� ��trument.
<br /> )
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<br /> F131�.LMG 11/97� � � �
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