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� <br /> . } <br /> c ' .`,, _ ',. . ,• . <br /> ..„_w.....,�;.,, � <br /> ..,6,��.�� <br /> =;, q�•;,+..� � <br /> I .:'��r.. ..::�}. <br /> 1 a. eo�rower's Rlyht to Relnstate. If Borrowsr meet6 Certek� condR�ons, Borrower ShaY heve the ripht to haw <br /> � �nforc�rt�nt ol thb Sacurky Inetrum�nt dlsconthu�d �t any tlme prbr to th� �arliar of: (a)b days (or tuoh oth�r pabd�a appNcabN <br /> � kw may apsaffy for rehat�tement) befon saN of th� PropYrty pursuYnt to any powor of dak Contahed In thla S�CUrky InetnimML or <br /> � (b) �ntry of a Judpm�nt enfo�chp thK SocurRy Instrument, Thoao conditbns are that Horrower. (a) pays Londar oll sums whhh then <br /> � would b� du• und�r thls Securky Instrument �nd the Nots as M no accebratbn hod occurred; (b) cures any delauk ot �ny othor I — <br /> ; covsn�nt or �prssmsnta: (C) p�ys �II ezpenses Irtcurred fn enforclnp this Security Insirum�nt, Includinp,but nat IlmRsd to, re�sonabb � ` _ <br /> attorneys'fs�e;and (d) tak�s such aotbn as Lsndur may reasonabiy requlre to essure thet the Ifen of this SscurRy Instrum�nt,Lendsrs V I = <br /> I rlphte In th� Prop�rty end Borrowsr'e oblqatWn to pay the suma e�cured by thls Sscurky Instrument shUl contlnue unchanped. Upon , � . <br /> r8lnstBtement by Bortower, this 3eCUrky Instrument and the obligatlans eocured hereby shell remaln fury eHective as ff no�ccel9r�tbn p <br /> ' hed oCCUrrsd. However, ihis rqht to refnetate shall not appiy in lhe cf►se ol acceteralion undor parapraph 17. �• <br /> 19. Sale of Note; Chenqe oi Loan Servicer. The Nota or a partlal interest in tho Nole (tOflathsr wRh lhis SeCUrky .� <br /> Inetrument)may be sold one or more tMnes wRhout prbr notfce to Bonower. A sale moy resuR in a chenpe„ the entRy (known as th _ <br /> " 'Loen Servicer') thpt colbcts monthy payments due under the Note antl this Securfly Instrument. There nlso may be one or mor ._ <br /> " Chanpes of the Loan ServlCer unrelated to e cab oi the Note. If there Is e change of the Loan Servlcer, Borrower wlll be piven wrkt • <br /> notbe of the chanpe in aCCOrdance with p8rayreph 14 above and applfcable law. The not�e wiil stale the nBme and nddross of the(� <br /> new Loan Servk:er and the addresa to whlCh payments should be mada. The notfce will also contah any other Informatbn required by �::�;: �+: <br /> flpplicable law. . `. .�:,"�•-. <br /> ^ r.r�d.,, <br /> 20. Hazardous Subatancea. Borcower shall not cause or permft the presence, use, dlsposal,storaqe, or release of eny • ..,�;.A,�.�, <br /> Hazardous Substances on or In the Property. Bonower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to dq,anylhhp aNecting the Property thet ���}-���-- <br /> Is h vblatbn of sny Envkonmontel Law, The preCedfng two sentences shall not epply to the presence, use, or storaye on the <br /> Property of small quantfties of Haiardous Substences that are generally recopnized to be appropriate to normal resldentlal uses and to <br /> maintenance ot the Property. 1 - <br /> Borrower shail prompty ptue Lender written not�e ot any Investipatlon,claim,demand, lawsuit or olhe� actlon by any qovemmental � <br /> or repulstory apency or prNate perty hvoHing the Property end any Hazsrdous Subslance or Environmental Law of wh�h BOrrower has , r- <br /> actuel knowledpe. If Bonower leams, or Is notHled by any govemmental or reyulatory authority, that eny removai or other remediatbn <br /> ot any Hazerdous Substance atfecthg the Property �s nacessary, Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial aclbne h :•:i.;�., <br /> accordance wtth Envkonmental Law. � <br /> As used h this pereyraph 20, "Hazardous Substances' are ihose substances defhed as toxfc or hazardous subshnces by ;.;�x: <br /> Envkonmental Law and the foNowinp substanCAS: gasolhe, kerossene, other flammabie or toxic petroleum products, toxb pestbkias end ?:i,.l <br /> . � herbiCides, volatlle 6olvents, materials containinq asbestos or tormaldehyde, and radloactNe materials. As uced h this paraqr�ph 20, ��';:�:i:i��� " <br /> ';'`;15_tiy�`i;: <br /> 'EnvPOnmental Law" means lederel laws and laws of the Jurisdiction where the Property is locatad Ihat relate to health, safety or �.;��;;,,,;_:_ <br /> ����! envkonmental protectbn. �','�"���- <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower end Lender turther Covenant and agree as folbws: .P'%'n�� ,�- <br /> Remedies. Lender ahall ive notice to Borrower rior to acceleration followin� '�� <br /> , 21. Acceleration; 9 P •,�. . ��,,:- <br /> � Borrowar'a breech of eny covenent or egreement In thia 5ecurity Instrumcnt (but not prio� to ;� �,, �—_. <br /> = a���i��s.Sass ussrls: p:.��g:spt� �T snl�°s ep�!!c3►�!� !aw ��.,y��pR �t�nruy�,c�). The notice shall apecliV: _ .F�?�:��? <=� <br /> (a) the default; (b) the ecllon required to cure the default; (c) a date, not leaa than 30 deya trom the �,!s�;;t�,_ <br /> date the notice is given to Borrower, by whlch the defauit must be cured; and (d) that tallure to cure ,>���=_ <br /> � the defauit on or before the dete apecified In the notiae may result in acceleration of the aums :���_� <br /> aecured by this Se�urity instrument and sele of the Property. The natice ahall further intorm :���;p <br /> � Borrowe� of the right to reinstate aiter ecceleration end the right to briny a court action to essert the ,:�.m.�� <br /> �� , non-exlstence of a detault or any other dofense of Borrower to acceleraUon and aale. If tf�e default Is �' � <br /> not cured on or betore the date apecified In the notice, Lender at its option may requlre immedtate ,�"�,� <br /> peyment In tull ot ell sums aecured by thla Security Inatrument without further demand snd may `� - <br /> invoke the power of tale and eny other remedtes permitted by appliceble law. Lender shatl be '� <br /> entitled to collect all expenaes inau�red tn pursulnq the remed(es provided In thla parapraph 21� <br /> . includlnq, but not Ifmitad to, reesoneble sttorneya' fees and costa of title evidence. �'"—" <br /> If the power of aele ts tnvoked, Trustee shall record � notice of default In eACh county in which � _ <br /> any part of the P�operty la loceted end ahall meil copies of such notice in the rnenner prescribed by = <br /> eppllceble law to Borrower and to the other peraona preacribed by eppliceble lew. Afte� the tlme o_ <br /> � required by epplicable lew, Truatee ahetl gtve public notice oi aale to the pareons end in the manner _ <br /> preac�ibed by appliceble lew. T�uatee, wtthout demand on 8orrower, ahall selt the Praperty et publtc 1;�� <br /> ;.,�.��,�' euction to the highest bidder at the ttme and place and under the terma desiqneted in the notice of _ <br /> ' seie in one or more parcels and In eny order Trustee determines. Truatee may pastpone aale oi all � - <br /> or eny parcel of the Property by publtc announcement at the tim� and place of any previously ___- - <br /> . � schaduled sale. Lender or i4s deaiqnee mey purchaae the Proptrty st any aale. • <br /> " Upon recelpt of payment of the price bid, Trustee ahall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed , <br /> " conveyln� the Property. The recitels in the Trustee'A deed shall be pNma facle evidence of the Vuth � .��,1. <br /> of the sfettments mede therein. Trustee ahall apply the proceeda of the aale In the Tollowing order: ;�c <br /> (a) to all costs and expenaea of exercising the power of sale, and the sale, Inciuding the peyment of `� � �� },_; <br /> the Trustee's fees actually incurred, not to exceed 3 °k of the principal amount of the note ,�: •;;�,�,;...,, <br /> at the time of the decleration of detault, and reasoneble ettorney's fees as permi4ted by law; (b) to ell .���,�,�� : ���-w <br /> sums aeaured by thia Secur(ry Instrument; and (c) any exceaa to the peraon or peraona le9ally � • ';,:,.��.: ':� <br /> :r <br /> entitled to it. �^�l'...�� " <br /> 22. Reconvcyance. Upon payment of all sums seCUred by this Security Instrument, Lender Shatl request Trustee to roconvey • <br /> the Property and shall surcender this Security Instrument end all notes evidenchq debt secured by thfs Security Instrume�t to Trustee. ' � <br /> Trust9e shatl reconvey the Property wRhout w8rranty end wRhout cherge to the person or perSOns �ega�/ enlitied to it. SuCh person or . <br /> persons shall pay qny retordetlon costs. • <br /> � 23. Subatitute Trustee. Lendor, at fts oplbn, mey from time to time remove 7rustee and eppoht e SuCCe55or trustee to <br /> any Trustee appohted hereunder by en instrument recorded In the county in whkh this Security Instrument fs recorded. WRhout <br /> ,....,.,e,.e��e �� �ne vr�r,ur� sur.r.aecnr inittas shall succasd to all the title. oower end duties conferred upon Trustee herein and by <br /> "..._,_.." " '-- - -�--•. �---�-� <br /> appliceble law. - ----- -----._ <br /> 24. Request for Notices. Bonower requests that copfes ot the notfces of de�ault and sale be sent to BoROwer'S address <br /> wh�h Is tha Property Address. <br /> 2b. Ridrra to thia Sccurity Instrument. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with <br /> this SeCUtity Instrument, the covenants and aqreements of 88Ch SuCh rider Shall be incorporated into and Shell amend and supplement <br /> the covenant6 and nqreements of thts SeCUrity Instrument as ��the rider(5)were e part of this SBCUrity Instrument. <br /> I <br /> . i <br /> i <br /> f <br /> Form 902E B/80 � � <br /> � <br /> FtO�o.lM�(6rp71 Pap�1 of 5 • <br /> I I. <br /> SSA <br />