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<br /> ' ' Ib.Hormwer's Copy. �orcowcr shall bc given onc conlbrmcd cnpy of it►c Notc und af'this Sccuriry instrumcnG ' ":i'�'
<br /> � 17.TrAnsfer ot thc Propert or w Benetic{xl Interest in Borrower. 1f ull or any part af thc Propeny or uny intcrest in it is __ -
<br /> � sold or transfccrcd(ar if n bcnc�cial intcrest in Barrowa is sold or transfcrrcd and Borcawcr is not a nntural person)without , � ,;,_��
<br /> �. L.endcr's prio�wriucn consent,Lcndcr muy,ut its o�uan,rcquirc immediutc payment in full of all sums sccurcd by this Srxurity + ., . :h,M
<br /> •� .� Instrumcn4 Howcvcr,this opuon shall not bc axcrascd by Lcndcr if cxcrci,c�s pruhibitcd by fedcral lnw su of thc ds�tc of this . ,�..s��n�
<br /> Security InstrumcnG ^"""
<br /> ,:,.�--
<br /> lf Lcndcr cxc�ciscs this opGon.Lcndcr shall givc Sarrowcr nolicc of ucccicradon.'I�c noucc shall provide aperiod of not less I •.,,�..-
<br /> than 30 days from thc datc thc noricc is dclivcrcd or mailr,cl within which Horcawcr must pay ull sums securcd by this Sccuriry „ ,, -
<br /> • instrumcnG If Borrawcr fnils w pay thcsc sums pnor to ihc cxpirauon ot this period,L.endcr muy invokc any rcmcdics permlctecl ';__ - - -
<br /> by this Security Insuument withaut furthcr nodce or demend on Sorrower. '� ''
<br /> ,,;�-_.._
<br /> 18.Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower mecis certain condiuons, Borrower shall have the right co have .N•--
<br /> ertforcement of this Security Instrument dlscontinued at any tima pdor to the carlicr ot: (a) 5 days (ar such othec period as ,._
<br /> applicable law may specify for reinstatement)before salc of the Property pursuant to any powc�af sale containcd in this Seciuity � _°.�-
<br /> Instrument;or(b)cnay of a�udgment cnforcing this Sccurity Instrumcn�.Thosc condidons are that Borrower.(a)pays I.cnder all ,,;:;; :
<br /> sums which then �vould be due undcr lhis Socunry Inswment and the Note RS if n�acc.clerauon had occurred;(b) cures s�nY '•:<;w:°=-__ .
<br /> � defaulc of any othe�covenants or agrecments;(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,incbding,but ;iY4;�1R�-4
<br /> not Ilmited to,rcasonable attomeys'fee.c;and(d)takes such acuon as Lender ma}�reasonably requue to assure that thc licn of this ��°�`°•
<br /> ���::_:
<br /> Securlty Instrument, 1-ender's nghts in the Propeny and Boerower's obligauon to pay the sums secured by this Security -
<br /> instrume�nt shall ccmtinue u�changed. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, lhis Security IRStrument and the obligations secured ���',��..
<br /> h�reby shall remain fully effective as if no accelerapon had occurreti. However,this right to reinstate shall not apply m the case of : ;}
<br /> acccicradon under paragraph 17. "
<br /> 19.SAk ot Note;Change of Loan Servker. The Natc or a partiul intcrest in the Note (together wirh tb>> 3FCUrity "�:!�'
<br /> Insuument)may bc sold one or morc umcs without prior noticc to Borrower.A salc may result in a chenge in tlte e,r':y(known �t';;�
<br /> as the"LAan Servicer")that collecis monthly payments due under the Note and this Sccurity Instrument There aLsr�r�ay be one or i"_�
<br /> more changes of thc Loan Scrviccr unrclstcd w a salc of the�dote. If therc is a changc of thc Loan Scrviccr,Bcrreowcr will be :�: ,�.
<br /> given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and epplicable law.'Ihe noticc will state Ihe nnme and '��+- � _
<br /> ,.�L���:a«�
<br /> address of the ncw Loan S�rvicer end the address w which payments should be madc.Thc natice will also c:ontain any othcr :�.___.
<br /> � infocmadon required by applicable law. `�-`����=
<br /> 1,g,��---..
<br /> 20.Hazardous Substances. Borrowcr sbatl not cause or pcanit thc presence. usc. disposal, storage,or relcasc o sny ..�,,���_
<br /> H�.erdous Substanccs on or in iiiu Fropr,�iy.Borta�cr shat2 rai do,nar sllo::sss�one eLr io dQ.anyi.hing?ff!�tir���hc Property ��
<br /> that is in violation of anY Environmcntal Law.'il►c prec�ding two scntcnces shall not apply to the presencc,use,or storage on thc _
<br /> Property of small quanudes ai Hazardous Substances that arc generaUy recognized to be appropnate w noanal raidennal uscs
<br /> and to mauitenanca of the Property.
<br /> � Bormwer shall prompdy give Lender written nodco of any invespgaUOn, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any _ -_
<br /> govemmental or regulawry agency or private party involving�he Property und any Hezardous Substance or finvironmental Law __
<br /> � of which Borrower has ecwal knowledBe.If Boaowcr lcams,or is notificci by any govemmental or r�egulatory suthority,that any _ •—.
<br /> removal or othcx remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is ncxessary,Borrower shall pmmpdy take ali
<br /> necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. ,.,—.'
<br /> _ ps used in th�s paragraph 20, "He�ardous Substances" are those substances defined as wxic or haiardous substances by ." , -
<br /> Envlronmental Laa and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other tlammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic � _
<br /> pespcldes and herbicides, volatile solvents,materials containmg asbescos or formaldehyde,and radioacuve materials. Aa used in �r
<br /> this paragraph 20,"&nvironmental Law"mear►s federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located�hat relate �•_
<br /> to health,safety or environmeatal pmtecdon. _
<br /> ' NON-U[VIFORM COVfiNAIV'TS.Borrowcr and Lend�.c[unher covenent and agrec a�fir�flows: �=-
<br /> '•� '� �1.Accekrallon; Remedks.I.ender shaU give notice to Borrower prior to accelee�Arion foUowing Borroaer's breach of =_
<br /> . Any covenant or agrament in th[� Secur[ty Instrument (6ut not prior to ace¢letation unrkr par�graph 17 unkss �,
<br />- � Applicabk Istw provides otherwise).The notke shall specify: (a)the default;(b)the pctfon reqvir+efl a�cure the default;(c)
<br /> a dAte,not less thAn 30 days from the date the notia is given to Borrower,by which the default must be cured;and(d)
<br />:� �� ths�t fQilure to cure the defnult on or before the date spesifkd in the notice may resuft in acceleratbn ot the sum+s secured _
<br />.;:•�, . by this Security Instrument and sak ot Ihe Propert}�."�'d�e eotice shall turt6er inform Borrower of the ri�dt to reinstate •:
<br />=�' S at�ter accekration and the rig6t to brie�a�rt actioto to as5ert the nomexistence of a defauR or any otAer defense ot •!
<br /> . `�=--==
<br /> �;.• Borrower to accekration s�nd sak.If tbe dei'�ult is nr+t cored on or before the date specJ�ed 3n the notice,I.ender�at its .,,:,.�,,.. ,:_._
<br /> option,mpy require immediu¢�e�ayment in full oT all�ums secured by this Security Iastrument wit6out further demand =---- --.-
<br /> - and mAy invoke the power o6�9e And any uther remer3•ies permitted by applicabk law.Lender shall be entitle,d to coUect ,�.,,��2
<br /> ' all eapenses incurred in pursaing the remedies provided in this paragraph 21, inc�vding, but not limited to, reasonable ��,�,-� �-.
<br /> attorneys'tees And costs of titie evidence. ��'��
<br /> It the power of snle is tnvoked, Trustee shall record a notice of defAUlt in eaTh rnanty in which any part of the ;?"W ���,_,'
<br /> property ts located s�nd shaU mafi copies of sucd notke in the manner prescrtbed by a�+plicabk law to Borrower and to t6e •'�,�',,`,� , ,...^ �
<br /> other persons prescribed by a;pylicsble law.ARer the time r uired b a itcabk law,Trustee shall ive ubik notice of � .f �.•'.tr.',
<br /> �1 Y pP � P : ;.�'•,�
<br /> sek to the persons and in t6e �anner prescribed by applkable law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shall sell the . - �•�%^'i�:;�
<br /> Property at public»uction to the hi��est midder at the time and place and under the terms designated in the notke of sa{e
<br /> ;�a
<br /> ; ',;�.
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