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1 ,;. <br /> A <br /> . :'*-�''� . � . '...ycR <br /> . .•1.t � - . <br /> .1 • , . . „_ • j''���� <br /> . � ,. ,rM'*k'•.. ' . r::k=�=-T�- <br /> �. <br /> . . ' - . . . . �:-�'('?'`riuf'r��:_-g.v._z. . <br /> , <br /> aa� _-_- <br /> i . � ' _ <br /> ., . • � .� _—( <br /> . ?r.' <br /> , � . �.� . .. . r . . '� „ ' .-;(y:. <br /> . , .. . . - .. .��.. <br /> � - • _-�ara. <br /> , �� . g7- 1065�5 � -�����F- <br /> � S.Huzard or Property lnsurance. Bortowcr shall kccp�hc improvemcnts now cxisting on c�rcaftcr crccted on thc Prop:.rty I" _:;�--� <br /> insurcd egainst loss by fire,har.ards included within thc term "cxtcndcd covcragc" suid any othcr hay.ards, including tloods or �',+:.i�_ <br /> , - flooding,for which L,endcr rcquires insurancc.This insursmcc shall be mainuuned in thc umounts and for thc periods thm L.endcr , �,; ' ��'��;- <br /> . .# �,�:_,�_ <br /> rcquires.Thc insurancc curricr providing thc insurancc shall bc choscn by Boaowcr subjcct w l.cndcr's appravul which shall not ���-,?fi�..;�ti•���-°�- <br /> bc unrca5onably withhcl3. If Bonowcr fuils to maintain covcragc dcscribcd above,Lcndcr muy, ut Lcnder's opuon, obtain �• �'^;v r== <br /> „Td.�_. <br /> coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property in ix;cordance with paragraph 7. : :.=.:____ <br /> All insurance policies and renewnls shall bc acceptuble to Lender and shall include a standard mongage clause.Lender shall ;t,,,_�_ <br /> havc U►e right to hold thc policics and renewtils. If Lcndcr rcquires,Bo2owcr shall prompdy givc to Lcndcr sU receipts of paid �`""_�� <br /> premiums end cenewal norices.In the event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt nodce w the insurance carrier aa�d L.ender,I.ender - <br /> may mnke proof of loss if not madc prompdy by Borrowcr. �� �a�`=` <br /> Unless L.ender and Borrowcr othenvise agrec in writing,insurancc procecds shall be applicd to restnration or repair of thc ''-`'' <br /> Property damagcd,if the restoradon or rcpair is cxonomically feasible and Lcndcr's security is not Icssencrl.If the restoradon or :=�.-:_-- <br /> � repvr e n�t econcmically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shatl be appll�,d to Ihe sums `��:� <br /> , + scxured by this Sa:urity Instrumcnt, whethcr or not thcn duc, with any eacess paid to Bonower. If Borrower abandons the -��i•= <br /> + Property,or does not answcr within 30 days a aodcc from Lendcr that thc insurance carricr has offered to seule a claim.then � "d �` <br /> .,�i��t <br /> Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. L.ender may use the proceeds to repair or restore�he Property or to pay sums secured ,�, <br /> 1 by this Security Instruument,whether or not thcn duc.The 30-day periad will bcgin when ihe notice is given. �lk;�%�s=: <br /> m <br /> � Unless I.ender and Barrower otherwise agree in writing.any application of proceerls to principal shall not extend or postpone ,;t;.';5�:„� <br /> �;;;: <br /> r the due date of 1he monthly payments referreci to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amaunt of the payments.If under pazagraph ::�• �;.:: <br /> 21 the Pro �s u'aed b Lendcr,Borrower's ri ht to en insurance Lcies and roceeds resuldn from dam e to the ''�` ;��, <br /> � PcrtY � �4 Y B Y Po� P 8 � ;y�����.: <br /> Property prior to the acquisiUOn shall puss to Lender to the cxtent of thc sums sccured by this Security Instrumcnt immediately . '.''I � _ <br /> ' prior to the acquisition. � �' i <br /> ��. 6.Occupancy,PreservAtbn,MAtntenance and Protectinn of the Property; Borrower's LoRn Applkatlon;I.easeholds. -._4„u,o��---� <br /> g�,���y�s�ha]�xr�py,�ctahlich,nnd u�e ihe Fropeny ac Bortower's principal residence within sixty days after the exaution of '�"°"""='��-- <br /> - �= ��,±�:;,�:•�..- <br /> � o..�____ <br /> ' this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the PropeRy as Borrower s principal residence for at least one year after the �,:,_____. <br /> i date of occupancy, unlcss Lendcr otherwise agrecs in wriung, which canscnt shal!not bc unrcasonably withheld, a unless =�---- <br /> - Y extenusdng circumstanees exist which are beyond Bonower's control.Borrower shall not destroy,damage or impeir the Property, �: _ <br /> - � allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Property. Bonower shall be in default if any forfeiWre action or -� ; <br /> praceeding,wbethe�civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good faiih judgment could result in forfciwre of the Property or �A __ <br />" othcrwise matcrially impair thc lien crcated by this Sccurity Instrument or Lendcr's security inccres�Bonower may cure such a ►*' - <br /> default and reinstate, as provided in paragraph 18, by causing the acdon or proceeding co be dismissed with a ruling that,in ��., <br /> , L.cnder's good faith dctcrmination,precludes forfeidue of thc Borrower's intaest in thc Property or other matcrial impairment of :r� <br /> . ,,. thu lien created by this Security Instrument or L.ender's securiry interesG Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower,during the - <br /> . loan application process,gave materially fulse or inaccurate information or statements to L.ender(ar faileti w provide L.ender with �=� <br /> any material info�mation) in conntxdon with the loan evidenceci by the Note, including, but not limited to, representapons t�` - <br /> coneerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal resIdence. If this Securiry Instrument is on a leasehold,Borrower = <br /> ' shall comply with ell the provisiona of the lcase.If Borrower ecquims tee dde to the Properry,the Icasehold end the fee ude shall <br />- not merge unlcss Lender agrecs w the mcrgcr in wridng. �: <br /> 7.Prote�Kion ot Lender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower feils w pedorm the covenants and agreements contained in �;_ <br /> this Security Instrument, or there is a Ie al proceeclin that ma si nificantl affe�t Lender's ri hts in the Property (such as a " <br /> 8 B Y 8 Y g [`. <br />-- proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for c;ondemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or reguladons),then Lender may da und pay � _° <br /> for whatever is nocessary to protect thc value of the Property and l.ender's rights in the Property.Lendcr's actions may include �;::_ <br /> -_- paying eny sums secured by a lien which has pdority over this Securiry Instrument, appearing in court. paying rea�onable = <br /> •� - auorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may talce action under this paragraph 7,L.ender _ _ <br />� . does not have to do so. =— �-�-- <br />-- . Any amounts disburseci by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall bccomc additional debt of Bonower secured by this Security �"'"�_--- <br />_� � Instrumen� Unless Bonowcr and I.ender agree to other terms of payment,thesc amounts shaU bcar inceresc from thc datc of " - <br /> .,.,<<,�.. <br /> - disbursement at thc Note ratc and shall be pnyable,with intcrest,upon notice from Lendcr to Borrower rcqucsting paymcnG ' ��_. <br /> S.Mortgage InsurAnce. If Lender requircd mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by Ihis Security .�� ",;;._;�= <br /> Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintaln the mortgage insurance in effecG If, for any reason,the ;°T�� „�.•�. <br /> moagage insarance coveragc required by L.ender lapses or ccases to be in effect,Bonower shal!pay the premiums rcquired to � '' �r '�"'- <br />- ', obtain wverage substan6ally ec�uivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost substanually equivalent to the �, rrx,��i�3��� <br /> . cost to Borrowcr of the mortgage insurance previously in cffcct, from an altematc mortgage insurer approvcd by Lcndcr. If -*;t;•��.;�rre°� <br /> � substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is n�t available,Borrower shall pay to L.ender each month a sum equal to , � �°.'�`�:;���'��,'� <br /> +�:::��i'.4.� <br />�. ' one-twclfth of the ycarly mongage insurancc prcmium bcing paid by Borrower when thc insurance covcragc lapsed or ccascd to � _..+�::,;;,r.. <br /> be in effect. I.ender will accept, use and retain these payments as a loss rescrve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss rescrve � '•�'c:��•�� <br /> - .�_� Form 3028 0/90 � <br /> _.:-- <br /> - �•6R(NE)(o2i2�.ot Peps7ol6 Imuats: �'__�--- _ _ _- - <br /> :'i, . .. . . .. <br /> __ _ _ _ _ __ _ <br /> �.1 _ __ — —-- <br /> — = _ <br />