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., � <br /> .k .. . :f YEfi"Tr�•T.. <br /> �.�...eYlN���'_ . . . , ' ,^.r�.c— •T-- <br /> �� • " .. ... '_ .L%;"'8��-- <br /> � .. --�.���_. <br /> .. } ., , r.'�>>i:!��__- <br /> , . _�:, <br /> .. ,. . ' ., . .��.. <br /> . - ` _y .a..7.. —��u . <br /> . r7'�..... �vt•.1h;°r",�`!a":'" . . . • �.. - . . .. •.. e . , , .• .n� . <br /> u . � . . . . .. . <br /> g?- �os51S <br /> • " � l'f.Trunsfcr otthePrapr.rty or u Bcneficlul Intcr�wt in Borruwer. If'aU ur any part of thc Hruporty ur uny intcrc,[ in it ��< <br /> i.��,Id ar tran�fcrrc�i���r if:�hcnrtic�al intcre.t in Aorrcnvcr iti�oIJ ur tr,m,f'crreJ xnJ Rurrnwrr i.not u n.�tur.d persun)withnut �r- <br /> � � LAndcr'�. priur ��•riticn cnn-�cnt. I cndcr may, at rts c�ption, rcyuirc inuneJiutc pa�mcnt in full uf all �unn �crurcd hy thiti .'__ <br /> Scruriry Imtrumm�t. Huucvrr.thi,uptiun�hull nut b� rzcrcised by l.ender it exercise is pr��hibi�e�l by fcdcral la�ti•ay ut thc date �:__ <br /> '� ��f thir Scrurity Instrumrnt. <br /> �-��"� I f Le n dr r e x e r c i,e,i h i�u p t i u n. l.e n J e r s h u l l g i v� B i�rruwer notice af urceleratiun.'I'he noticc shall pravide a�xriuJ of not �.._• <br /> • •- � Ies. than i0 day+ frum ihe Jatr thc notire iti delivc�ed or muiled within which Borrower must pay all sun�� ,ecurr d hy t his � <br /> Serurity Instrument. If R��rrowrr fails to pay thesc su�ns priur to the expiration��f this period. Lcndcr muy� inv��kc any rcmedie+ �__ <br /> � <br /> permitted hy thi,Scrurity In+trum�nt without further notice ur demand�m Burr���ver. °___. <br /> 18. &�rrnwer'� RfRht ta Reinstate. If Dorrowcr mccts certain �unditions, Borrower shull havc thc right to have _ <br /> cnfurcement of this Security lnstrument discontinued at any time prior to the eurlier ot': (a) 5 days (or such other perioci as _- <br /> upplirable law may +pr�cify fur reinstatem.nq before sale of the Property pursudnt to uny puwer of sale containeJ in this � <br /> Securiry Instrument;or (b) entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Thuse conditions are that Borrower: (a)pays <br /> LenJer all sums which ihen wiiuld be due under tiiis Securiry Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration haJ cxcurred; (b) <br /> � cures any default of any other covenants or agreementc; (r) pays ull expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instniment. `— <br /> � including, but n��t limieed to,rcuscmable attorneys' fees;and(d)take�,,uch action as I.cnder may reasonably reyuire to assure <br /> that the lien of thi. Security Inxtrument. Lender's rights in the Property and Bormwer's obli€ation ta pay the sums secureci by ` <br /> '� this Security lnstrumem tihall continue unchanged. Upon reinstutement by Born�wer, this Securily Instrument and the <br /> �' obligatium se�:ured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no uceeleratiun had c�ecurred. However, this right to reinstate shall - <br /> not apply in the case of xccleration under parugraph l 7. � <br /> 19. Sule of Plote;Chun�e of l.oan Scrv[zer. The Notc or a partial intcrest in the Note ttugethtr with this Security <br /> ' Instrument)may be saldnnc or more times withcwt pri�tt notice to Borrower. A sale may re�ult in a change in the entity(known <br /> �N ;ss the"l.uan Serviccr")diat collectti monthly puyments due undcr the Note and this Security Instrument. There aiso may be one _ <br /> or more changes of the I��un Servicer unrelated to a tiale of'the Note. If there is a change of[he L.oan Servicer. Borrower will be _ <br /> given written naticc of the chanbe in acrordancc with paragruph 14 above and applicable luw. The nutice will state the name und �_ <br /> address uf the new l.oan Serviccr and the uddrex,t�� which puyment, should he made. The notice wiU also contain uny other _ <br /> • information rcquired by applicablc law. <br /> 20. Hacardous Substances. Borrowcr shaU not cause or permit the presence, use, dispusal, stor�gc, or rclease of any <br /> Hu•rardous Substances on ur in the Property. Bnrrower shall not do, nor ullow anyone else to do, anything affecting the <br /> . -- psc�Cny ihat !•in vi�l,ii�•n of uny Environmental L:►w. The preceding two ,entences shall not apply to the presence, use, or <br /> ' storage on the Property of small qu:�ntities of Ha•rardaus Substances that ure generally recogniT.ed to oc ttppropriuin tu �iarina� <br /> . re:�idcntial uses and ro rnaintenunce of the Property. <br /> - Borrower shull pranptly give Lendrr wntten notice of uny investigstion, claim, demand, lawsuit or ocher action by any <br /> governmental ur regul:�tory agency�or private pany involving the Property und any Hazardous Substance or Environm�ntal Iaw <br /> � ;�':� �, of which Bormwer hasactual knuwledge. If Borrowerleurns, or is notifted by uny governmental or regulatory authority, that <br /> � . . any remaval or other remediatinn of any Haturdous Substance affecting the Property is necessary. Borrower shall promptly take <br /> '• • all necessury remedial actions in accorciance with Environmental Law. <br />� -''"� As used in this par,t�raph 20. "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined ati wxie or harardous substances by <br /> ,,��,�;• _.. <br /> +�"'D'°•.;r. Emironmental Law and the foUawing substances: ga+oline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br />"���+-_""'•�°�` pesticides and heriyicides, volatile solvents,materials contuining usbestos or form:�ldehyde,and rudioactive materiuls. As used in <br /> -'''''�'"'R'�'• this paragraph 20, 'Environmental Law" means fecieral luws und luws of the jurisdiction where the Propeny is located that <br /> :�,,�; .,; '•: <br />„n.;;,,:�;� relate to heulth,safery a environmentul protection. <br />_h;��: NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borcower and Lender further covenant nnd agree as follows: <br />- -- .� 21. Acceleration;Remedies. Lender shall �ive notice to Borrower prtor to acceleration foqowing Borrower's breach <br />=-�";g;�r�� of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prlor to accelerat[on und�r paragraph 17 unless <br />���:'�^r app l tca b le law provides otherwise).The notice sha�ll specify: (a) the default; (b) the action required to cure the default; <br /> _w�v��,;.... <br />- -�;?',;.�i� (c) a date.not I�s than 30 days from the date the nottce Is given to Borrower,by wh[ch the default must be cured:an <br /> i':'�-;`+��ii" (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specitied in the noUce may result in accelerat[on of the sums <br /> ,. ... -- <br /> �� - * �• secured by this Secudty Instrument nnd sale of the Property. The notice shaU iurther inform Borrower of the rlg t to _ <br /> ��..._,�a,��:. <br />�.,,..�;, reinstate nfteX acceleretion and the right to brin�u court uction to assert the non-exfstence of a default or any ot er <br /> �y...„�+', defense of Borrower to acceleration and sule. If the default is not cured on or before the date speclfied In the nMice, <br />:,..,,k•,., :. [xnder, at i4s o ptton,may require immediete pa�ment in [ull of ull sums secured by this Security Instrument without <br /> �w�.•� <br />_..�P.�.; further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by uppltcable laa•.I.ender s u <br />� x���'� � entitled to collect all expenses incurred in punuln�the remedies provided in tMs parngrs�ph 21,including.but not limited <br /> ''"�°�„'',.`.,a: .`' to.reusonable nttorne}s' fe�and costs of title evidence. <br />=�+�`��� IP the power of sale Is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of default in each countv in which any part of the <br /> '� �°�'"' ' Property is locnted and shall mail cop[cs of such notice in the manner prescribed by upplicable IaH• to Borro�ver and to <br />' --• the other persons pre.ccribed by applicuble law.After the Nme required by applicable law,Trustee shall�ive public natice <br />=j; . ' ' oP sale to the penons end In the munner pr�cribed by uppllcuble Isw. Trustee, w�ithout demand on Barrower. shaU sell <br /> '�� �• the Prnperty at publlcauction to the hi�h�t bidder ut the time s�nd pince and under the terms desi�;nated in the notice of —_ <br /> • salc in une or more parcels and in uny order Trustee determin�. Trustee may postpone sule of all or uny parcel of the � <br /> Property by public �nnouncement at the time and place of uny previously schedWed sale. I,ender or its designec mar �: <br /> _ purchase the Propertvat any sule. ��` <br /> �=- <br /> � ' �=: <br />- Form 3028 9190 <br /> l :_:����. Poqo 6 0l 6 <br /> . <br />� .__....__ _ <br />- -v:F--...,,-,p'::- � -_...`•��.....,:.... ....+:t:._-...:..-�.-... ._. .. " .. - . . - ' : :.:".:. .-%:':.-.._:r`+'���w_�M.L�.`':'�f::R.�..'`'^'�'7},.__ . _ . . .. .._..m:o�i.__ <br /> a <br /> � <br />