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:�� . <br /> �.+� , � .. _t.�._�-. <br /> n��6h. . .., .. . . �^•7'�C R"�!9E�.PS �,'.,f��3,•'_ <br /> � .. <br /> . , . ,� . � .._�... ... <br /> . . + <br /> .__. .' " <br /> ,�e.T.Eh�4i�......,. . . .. . .. , ......_.._ .___ <br /> , .. _. _. '_'r <br /> .. <br /> �_��i. <br /> . � '�..."... ......— . _. <br /> ....e..�.�._.�. . . . ._, . ._—'...... -� �" ���^ '�-, .�_._ <br /> �..���'-i_-.. <br /> • � COVENANTS �i� ���� -,r <br /> �..•.. . <br /> ,.ti:.�—".__' <br /> 1. P�ym�nt�. 8orrower apreei to m�ke dl p�ym�nU on th� t�cur�d debt wMn du�. Unbu Borrowar and Lenda�n�►� �nY '; •y�-:,,�,r4 <br /> psyments I.end�r receives irom Bwrowu or for Borrower'� bsnsfit wtil be �pp►led first to nny emounte Borrower ows� on the socured debt <br /> exclualv9 01 Intorost or principel,aocond to I�toroat,end then to prinr.�pei.If pertlel prepeYmont af the sacured debt occun}or any rea�on, It wfll �,._,•!;.�+;, <br /> not redyce or�xCi+se eny scheduled p+l1rmenl until the�scured debt I�pdd fn full. -• <br /> .�,��_. <br /> 2.CIYm�A�t TNN.'�rrow�r wlll pay�A texea,ussoament�, ond other charge� ettrihutable to ths property when dus snd wtil defend titie ,_ <br /> to the prop�rt��0 aMt�ny Ol�lrt�r which would Impa��the ilen af thb deed o}tru�t.Lender m�y requiro Borrowor to a�dpn eny ripht�,clslm�or �•, ;�`y. <br /> d e f en:es whlch 8orrower may h�ve a�alnst psrti�a who oupply labor or matoriais to Improvo or meintsln the property. ,� ..,�,- <br /> � 1 3. In�wana. Borrower wlll k��p th� property fmured under term� accept�ble to Lender et Borrower's expeme snd for Lender'� ben�tit.A l l , -r�,,.A� <br /> � Insurance policlea ehall include�sUndard mortg�fle clause In tsvor of Lender.L�nder wlll be nertied a�lo�e payee or�a the inturad on my auch ,��,,.'��., <br /> . Insuronco policy.Any Insivence proceede may be epplled,withln Lendsr'�diactetlon,to elther the restoretion or repelr of the damafl�d prop�rtY <br /> or to ths eecurod debt.If Lender repui►e�mortpape irieurence,Borrower aprees to mafn4ain cuch incuronco far ns lonp as Londor roqu��e�. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, <br /> . �,zyx_.:-•�--' <br /> 4.Prop�rty.Borrower wilt keep the property in qood condition and make ell rep�irs reasonabiy necessary. �C�b��- <br /> �+�""'� 6.ExpN�t�s.Borrower ayroea to pay oll Lender'e expeniea,Including roa�on�ble sttomeya'fees, if Borrov�er breaka eny covenents in this dead �, , � '�' <br /> �'G.i.Y;`. <br /> .. •�+ of trutt ar In any abllgation secured by thla deed of truat.Borrower wiil pay these�mounts to Lender ea provided In Covenant 9 of thl�deed of ___ _ _ <br /> :�.�.,. <br /> trust. <br /> :;_,_,�,...,,.e.:_ <br /> 8. Prior S�curity Int�n�t�.Unless Dorrower firct obt�ins Lender's written consent,Bio�r mortgage�deedaof trustror�tother securitjrtagreeinentr �'"` <br /> � � security interesie. Borrowar wlll perform ali of Borrower'e obllpations under any p -�T.•_°== _ __ <br /> includinfl Bor�qwer's covemnU to meke p�yment9 when due. �4--�- <br /> ' � 7.A��i t�t R�n t s�n d P r o t i t t.B o r r o w a r e a a i p n s t o Lender the rent4 and profite of tha property.Unless Borrower and Lender have apreed <br /> �_. <br /> ; otherw ae in writing. Borrower m�y coilect and reta�n the rent�es long as 9orrower fe not In de fau lt. I f Borrow e r d e f a u l t a, L e n d e r,L e n d e r s � <br /> apent, or e court appointed receiver mAY take possesaion end menege the Froperty and collect the rents. Any rents Lender collecte shell be <br /> applied first to the costs of man�g�np the property, including court costs and attorneys' foes. commissions to rentai Bge�nts, and any other <br /> nocessary releted expenaee.The remeining empunt of rents wili then apply to payments on tho ser.ured debt as provided In Covenant 1, <br /> . . 8,��������r�n�;p�anNd Unk p�y�lopnNnb.Barrower epreee to comply with tM provisfons of any lesse If this dead af trust it on <br /> under thelcovenanta,bylawsuor repuiations�of thecco daminium or planned uni!davolopmentnt, 8orrower wiil perform ell o} Borrower's duties ` <br /> � 9. Autfialty of L�nd�►to Paform for Borrow�r. If Borrower fafle to pertorm any of Borrowor's dutlea under this deed oT trust, Lender may ==- - <br /> periorm the dutles or cauae them to be performed. Lender may sign 8orrower's nnma or pay any nmount it neCesaery for performanaa. If any <br /> , security intereitth the propertytlThis�may Ineiude compteting the c n truebl�e�manner, Lender may do whatever ia necessary to protect Lender's �_ <br /> �:;,_--_. <br /> ' I, <br /> '�.� >�, Lender's feiture to perform will not preciude tender fram exercisinp any of Its other rlghts under the law or this deed of trust. <br /> ,.,��'..� �v,�s� <br /> } and witt bearsintereit from the dape of the payment untfl pa dtin full at�the�interest�rate In�eNect on the secur d debt unts will be due on demand <br /> �.= <br /> � 1O. D�f�ult �nd Ace�l�ndon. If Ba►rower faila to make any psyment when due or broake any covenants undar this deed of tru:t or any �_. <br /> de�mma mmediat paymentand m y invoke�the power of 6ale and any other emedies perm(tYted by�sppllcable lewurity of tho aecured dobt and <br /> � 11.R�qu�st tor Notic�of D�fwtt.It Ia hereby requeated that copiea of the notices of defauit and aele be sent to each person who ie a perty <br /> 1 hereto.nt thn addrecs of each auch person,as aet forth herein. <br /> � 12.Pow�r of SW.If ths Lender Invokea the power of eale,tha Truatee shail tirat record in the oHice of the rogister of deeds of eech county <br /> wherein ths truat property or some part or parce!thereof is situated a notfce of detault containing ths informatbn requirad by Iaw. The Truatee <br /> shell slao mafl copies of the notice of defauit to 4ha Borrower, to eech peraon who la a party heroto, and to other peraons a�prescribed by <br /> applicabls law. Not lesi than one month after the Truatee records the notice of default or two months If the truct property fs not in eny <br />� , Incorporeted ciri or villape and Is used In farminq operatlons carrled on by the truator,the frustee shelt give public notice of sale to the per�ons <br /> � c� end In the manner prascribed by apppilcabte law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,eheli seil the property st public auctlon to the hiphect <br /> bidder. If required by the Farm Hombstaed Protectfon Aot,Trustee shall oftar the property in two separate oales ae rerevlousb achedcu ed cil e. <br />�, Tructae may poatpone eale of eil or eny parcel of th0 property by public announcement at the time and place of eny p Y <br />-� Lendsr or its deslpnes m�y purchase ths property at eny nete. <br /> Upon recefpt of payment of tho prics bid,Tructee ahell deliver to the purchaear Truetee'a deed conveying the property.The recitl�is contef�ed in <br /> Tructee'�deed sh�ll be prima facie evidience of the truth of tha statements co�tained therefn,Truate�ohall apply the proeaeds of the cele In the <br /> �� rsin�t�te ent feei�,lb)to�all sumt�tecu ed by thia�deed of�trustuend lcllthe balance eif eny t�o t e par�ons og�lly entitkC to receive�t,feea snd <br /> " 13.For�eloHx�.At Lender'e optlon,thia deed of tru�t may be foreclosed in the manner provide by applicabie I�w for foreclosure of mortpapes <br />-�-�e, , :,' on roal props►ry. <br /> 3.:,�,.:,n,,.. <br /> 14.insp�atton•Lender mey enter the property to inapect it if Lender givas Borrower notice beforehand. The notice must etate the rsasonahle <br /> • - aaute for Lender's Inspection. <br />',�;y;, ..;x <br />� ' - 18,Co�d�mnatlon.Borrower esslg�ns to Lendor the roceeds of any award or ctalm for dama0es conneeted with a condemnation or other tekinp <br />;- ' •� of�II or any pert of the property.Such proceoda wiP be epplied os provided In Covenent 1.7his cssipnment is�ubject to the terma of eny prior <br /> � :.{ i sscurity�preement. <br /> f. - 16.Wafwr. By exerciainp eny remedy avafiable to Lender, Lender doea not pive up eny rights to later uae any other remedy.By not exorcisiny <br /> sny remedy upon Borrower's default,Lende►does not walve any right to leter consider the event e defauit ff it heppens apain. _ <br />'-"� j ~' 17.JdM�nd S�v�nl L�: CasiyrNrs; Succ�ason �nd As�{pns Bound. AII dutiea u�der this deed of trust are joint and several. Any <br /> _:_,",�;;n r.;;,;. Borrower who co•sfgns th(s eed of t�uct but does not co•sign the undertyIng debt Instrumentle) doea so only to yrant and convey that <br />=.r,.�.+a-._:��: .. Borrower's interest in tM property to the Trustee under the term4 of thls deed of trust.In additian,�uch a Borrower apreee that the Lender and <br /> - -''" '"' sny oth�r Bortower under thls deed of trust may extend, modifv or make any other chanpes In thn terms of this deed of trust or the secured <br /> •''�� ^"+�'�'���; debt wtthout thet Borrower'e co�aent end wfthout releeatnp thet�orrower from the terma of thla deed of truat. <br /> " ::rr;:��.',�, <br />=Y� ... � The dutfes end benefits of this deed of trust shalt bind and benefit the euceeesors and assigne of Lender ertd Borrower. <br /> *' 18.Notie�.Unless otNerwise required by Isw,any notice to Borrower shell be piven by deliverinp it or by meiling it by certified mefl addree:ad to <br /> Borrower et the prope►ty sddres�or any other addross thst Borrower has yiven to Lender.Borrower w�ll give any notice to Lsnder by certifl�d - <br /> mall to Lender's address on pape 1 of this deed of truet,or to any other addresc which Lender hes deeiynated,Any other notice to Lendsr sheli <br /> • bs cent to Lender'e address u atatsd on paye 1 of thia deed of trust. __ <br /> � Any notice shell be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given In the manner stated ebovo. ___- "" <br /> � �,".-R�— <br /> 19.TrMttf�r of th�Pro�wrty or •B�e►�fltiN Int�nst(n th�Bw►owsr.If eii or any part oi the properttr or any interoot in it fa eold or trensferred ` --° <br />