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<br /> J DEED OF TRUBT � N `-"-' �' "''y.:�°t.•.�'��,•`� .
<br /> I W N �l1� •:�` �,�'r,.
<br /> w.�,r�M' - • • i
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<br /> PARTIEB:Thls Dud of Truit ft m�ds on_�TTc3 i4�T 6. 1997 ,�monp tha Cir�ntor, _p�g_a�IEi.�n_� :,����'��'?��,�;;�'_
<br /> 1"eorrowv"1�-� , i: .:::.f-*w:.�'�`�
<br /> pBGfiy1�1 PIRr Hi1RA1N[1„�(j!� WI�R — y�„��sr--- R
<br /> I aRENn R Pnnrtc, ATTAiZNF.Y --� ��i�•:`"'�'�""'•`
<br /> O � �.,,,.__.
<br /> i whose residence�ddraa�I� �n�Q��9o.--clr�^" iwland_��I7 County, Nebnsk�I'Truste�'1,and the &nefici�ry, v _ --
<br /> _r
<br /> NOMF'� FRT�RRAT. RAVZNC3S � ,na� *QanrTaTmu ,e corpontlonoryantzed �
<br /> .1 In und�r the lew�of whoae sddreaa is_�21��rrH LQ�1RT RTRF. .'�'_
<br /> and exist p �'•BBA9K8 �*'��:
<br /> .[3Ft�••, *°•.nun Smn ncr3 xa 6flg112-�nna --Plender"1. r�.,_
<br /> � CONVEYANCE:For value recelved,Bortowet irrsvocabiy yrants and convey�to Tru�tso,in trust,with power of seie,the reel propertY,of which ---
<br /> Barrow�r f� I�w}uly seix�d, described belaw�nd all bufldinpt, fixtura�, end exittiny and tuture Impravementt the►eon�nd all rightaof•way,
<br /> , oa��msnto, rent�, fsweo, proille, Income, tanamentc, heroditamenta, privlleQen end eny sppunsnances thereunto belonyiny (ali caflad the c
<br /> : '����"l. , nna*m r�r.at� ,Nebratka 6Qg�� ---
<br /> , PROPERTY AODRESS: ���F CoC�tJ Rlpto0el
<br /> � LEQAL DESCRIPTION: �snMu ��'ry� ---
<br /> s�;�_
<br /> � �s�i�
<br /> -- 1iiE
<br /> '` c �•.:��- _ -- . . _
<br /> Iocated In unt r County,Nebracke. , � -_
<br /> � TITLE:Borrower covenents end werrante titla to the property,except tor
<br /> �. '
<br /> rr..' ,
<br /> � SECURED OEOT:This deed of trust secures to Lender►speyment of the secured debt�nd the performence of the covensnta and�pnemsnt�
<br /> cont�in�d in thit deed of uust end in any other document Incorporsted herein. Secured debt,aa used In this deud ot trust,Includes�ny�mount�
<br /> � Borrower owet to Lender under thle deed of trust or under�ny Inetrument secursd by thle deed ot truat, and all modiflcatione, extmsions and `��,
<br /> renewala thareof.
<br /> The secured debt ia evide�ced by(List all inetrumente snd apreemente eecured by thie deed of trust and the dates thereof.t:
<br /> , �p A RAR�TSQ� Y 130T km qp�� �y n�tvc�pMFNT DATF.1] ATidiTCT 6y t 997
<br /> . � :f �•
<br />_ �Wtun Adwna�s:Ths �bove�mount It aeCUred even thouph ail or part of It mey not yet be advanced. Future �dva�c�s �re
<br /> �, a , _ „g; contempleted and witl be secured to the aame extent es if made on the dete this deed of trust I�executed.
<br /> ,. � �%F ❑ Revolvinp Ilne of credit ayroement dated _,with initial ennuei Intereet rats of 96.
<br /> All amount�owed undsr thls aprsoment are�ecured even though all emounts may not yet be advanced. Futurs advmcea under
<br /> the�yreement ere contempisted�nd win bd secured to the same sxtent as If inede on tho date this desd of trust ie sxautsd.
<br /> � The above obllpation Is due end p�y�bte on _�LiQI75T.�i, �^o - If not paid eariier.
<br />_«� � The total unpald balance securod by thb deed of buet at any ona time shall not exceed e meximum principal amount of
<br /> ;'-„w•,;,•,.:_~ ar�cmeEnr munvsntm�,,;,_;;p/inn Dollers 181�-0�-0.00 ), pNa Intereet,
<br />� "�'"". plu� eny emounta dlsbursed under the terme of thle deed of trust to protect the aecurity of thla doed of trust or to perform any of the
<br />-•• covenents contained In thla deed of truat, with Intorest on euch disAureemente.
<br />-' • ❑ V�N�W�R�tr.The Interost rate on the obllyation secured by thia deed of trust may vary according to the terms of thet oblqetion. s_�_�_
<br /> ❑ A copy of the�oan apreement conteinlnp the terma under which tho interest rate mey vary fs attached to this dead of t�ust and - - �^_
<br /> �, mede a part hereaf. - �� •-•.~
<br /> �e �r.:i;:-
<br /> � NIDERS: ❑ Commerclal � "�°'^-"""'�"" ^�' pFNTR ❑ '���G'"'�=:'
<br /> � DESICiNATtON OF HOMESTEAD ;�,'�°-"
<br /> .,s :;;�;� - �;_.
<br /> Pureuant to the Ferm Homestaed Proroction Act, deefpnetlon of homestead ❑ is attached to this deed of trust end made e pert horoof ;,,4�•.,� � �..,,
<br /> ❑ hes bean dlaclaimed;the dlaclaimer is etteched to this dued ot trust�nd mede s part hereot. ••? "'�r
<br /> , .��•
<br /> .. ,e.4ilr .,},..�.
<br /> SI(iNATUR By�lpnlnp b ,B ow pt to dts tum��t�d cowmnt�oont�itl�d in �de�d of uu�t,Includinp , •on pp�2,�nd(n ?��������„.:
<br /> My �d��e�ib�d w si owH. f� rr
<br /> � 4 , . � f �4:. 1..��
<br /> iJ`!!_.� �t' "
<br /> . _
<br />_ - ---.— ��ARY G P EL PfiGOY IE � .
<br /> _... _- .��-� - . -- -- � - - : -=_
<br /> ACKNOWLEDaMENT:STATE OF NEBRASKA, unT.r. __ Cou�ty ss:
<br /> The forepolnp fnstrumont wu ecknowiedped before me on this 6TH dey of A[iai?yGT, �qq'7
<br /> I b�l sGY ll P2FT ANI1 PFYY7Y M D2T'+i.�(]$9ANII ANn WtFR —
<br /> Rllqltll
<br /> 1 - ""'
<br /> Caporn�a Ot INrn�of Co r�tbna�rtn�rWOl
<br /> � IYtMttNp -__--— — _ `
<br /> �cw+awiap�.�� _ p� on bohe e c retlon or pertnaraGlfi:
<br /> fr� y ��- 99 1 i °
<br /> . y ISNII _ DATCY Kn1.t2'OWCiL ��./�.� - �� �/ �
<br /> � This instrument was prepared by__pAiSY Kar.xowsKt ____ _-__ ------� --- �--' ' � .
<br /> m18S6Z�MKERSSYSTEMS.INC..ST.ClOUD.MN6630111�600-]97•29�11FORMOCV•MT6�NE8l1991 APPL# 00036016 lpap� _?f•� E�tASKA i ,
<br /> � CCD# 0100469175 I '
<br /> -- -�-
<br />