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<br />-=�,�,��;,' DEED OF TRUST
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<br /> ����'�;.'� �� THIS DEED OF TRUST is m�de this 8th day of August , 1997 ,unong tbe Tn�stor.
<br />'y.:,s�:r��.', � VSkNA RAS CLAblPIZT A SiNC3LB PERSON (herein"Boriower"). �
<br />"-�:.:�,�; . Michael F. Kivett �n�
<br />°'F �TtUStee")��pd ihr.&OCfiC3try� CO[�l+�RCIAL CRBDZT CORPORATION �
<br /> a cacporadon org�nined�ad e�lsdn8 uncfer the I�ws of Marylead . wl�ose address is
<br /> 'rs��,� CIC�II �I,COaG["�•
<br /> __.�__ 8fl84 SOVPH 84TH STRSBT LAVISTA NS 68128 ro
<br /> �� BoRROweA. in cor�sider�eton of the�ndebtedaess herein ncited�nd the muc henin craued, icnwoabty grants aid
<br />�_.-_— comeys to Trustee.in uu.�t.wlth power ot siie.the ioilowing ciescrioaj pii�c=.�I�c�ted iu ih;,Caunr;�f
<br /> �� �,y . Stete of Nebr�sica:
<br /> LOT$ 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 AND 10, SLOCK Z, SRONN'S ADDITION TO
<br /> ti
<br /> �-� whlch hag the iddiess of �11 N 3RD ST . �A �
<br /> ----- Nebnska 68810 N��"�Y Addrass"):
<br /> u� TOaBTHER wl�h �11 tho impmvenxnts now or here�Rer ecected on tha proQerty. and �11 euements. rights.
<br /> –:rlh�
<br /> --,�.s=::,r,:�� apputtenmces md�nts(subjat howcver m the rights and authnririett given hacein to Lendar to collect u�d�pply such
<br /> •-'_��'_„'�,��. nnts). all of whicL stWl be doemed to bc and rem�in e pxtt of the praperty covered by thls Deed of Tnuk and dl of tho
<br /> ... °-�*�• � {���g, �og�ther wich said property (or the lasct�td esnu if t6is Dad of Tn�st is on�lrasehold)an hecetnaRer
<br /> 'C'••y .V��QA.1{I� ■-"'r_"Jw.
<br /> --'��� t
<br />- __`,_�_ ,; TO SECURE to Leuder the rep�yment of tLe irdebtsdnsss evidenced by gonower`s naa ci�ted 6a%oa%iy3�r
<br /> ==- and extentions md renew�ls thereof(herein"Note'),in the pd::ipal sum of U.S.S 35,347.18 ,with incaest thcceon.
<br /> . ,.:�,:.:�,..
<br /> .. providing for monthly iastallments of prtncipal wd interest,with the b�lance of the indebcedness.lf not aooner pai�d. duc
<br /> - --� and psy�ble on oe/�5/�00� :the payment of dl other sunu.with iotenst thereon,advanced in accocdmcx herewith to
<br /> ' ' protxt tlu security of this Deect of Tcust: swd t1�ee perfocmmee of the covenants and agreemeuts of 8orrower hecein
<br /> . conuined.
<br /> . • • Horcower mvenants that Borrower is lawfully seised uf the esttte hercby conveyed an�i h�s the dght to grant wd
<br /> '' " convey �he Propecty. �nd that the Pcopecty is wnncumbered.oxcept for encumbrw�es of record. Bo�rower covenants that
<br /> f...
<br /> . gorrov�+rr �rurants and wi11 def'end generaUy the dtle to the Property agaiast all cl�ims and denunds, subject to
<br /> � ' ' encumbrmc.�s of record. �
<br /> i Nebmta 26876•] 7/91 Oriqi.asl(R�cord�d) �Copy(Hraaet►) Cop,y(Cu�to�arl r.¢e t ors
<br /> - ,
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