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.:�� , . .. • <br /> , �. ,�y. -. <br /> , . �� : <br /> , r�. � <br /> . , <br /> M . . ...�r......,. <br /> . ... .,, ..t,,�.c:, .. ' . .._ . . . _ ._ . ..�. . . . . .._._...._.. r ^,f�. <br /> ���� , <br /> 'Proceads')In connection with condemnadon or othor takinfl oi the Property or part thAreot,or for convoyance In Ilou of condc3mnatlon, �_ <br /> Lender ehall be entltled et its oQlion to commence,appoer in end prosocute In its own name eny actlon or proca�dings, and shail aluo o= <br /> t�e entitled to make any cornpromise or settlomAnt In connactlon with auc h ta k ing or dam a g e.I n t h e evont an y p nrtian ot the PropArty is ,�,�T <br /> so teken or damuged, Lender ahall have tha opNcm In Its sole nnd obsulula discr�tion, to appty a!I such procasds, aftor dnducllnp <br /> theretram all coste and expenses incurred by ft In connecllon wlth such Proceeds,upon any indebtedness securnd hereby and In aucfi __ <br /> order as Lender may delermine,or to apply all auch Procesds,after such deductlons,to the reatoratlon ot the PropArty uqm such cc�n- <br /> ditions es Lender may determine. Any eppllcation oi Proceeds to Indebtedness ehall not ex►end or postpone tha dun dato of ony pay- _ <br /> ments under the Nota,or cure eny default lhereunder or hereunder.Any unapplied funds shall be pald to Trustor. � �. t <br /> • 8. P�rformrnas by ��nd�r.Upon the occurrence at en Event o(Delault hereunder,or if eny act Is taken or legal proceeding 1 �;�i', <br /> . cammanc�d r:hich metenelly eHects I andar's Interest in the PropertV.Lender may in its own dlscretion,but wRhaut abligatlon lo da sa, _ <br /> and without notice to or d�mand upun 7rustdr end without releaaing Trustor from any obiigatlon,do any act which Truator has�gr�ad M ,. <br /> .�:. <br /> ,,,,,,,� but failed to do and may also dc�any other ect it deoms necessary to protect the security hereof.Trustor shali, immedlataly upon - -_ <br /> �,..,.,,.._ demand therefor by Lender,pay tq Lender all costs and expenses Incurred end sums expended by Lender in connectian wilh the exer- � <br /> cfse by Lender ot the foregoing rights,topether wlth Interest thereon at the default rate provided in the Note,which sha116e addnd to �`t.�° <br /> the indebtedness sacured hereby.Lender shall not Incur eny Ilebility because of anything it mey do or omit to do hereunder. � <br /> 9. Hwrdous Al�t�dats. Trustor shail keep the Property In compliance with eil eppUcable laws,ordinances and rQguldtlons �.`=- <br /> �_- <br /> � releting to industrial hyglene or environmental prohtction(collectively referted to hP.*ein as"Environmentel Laws"). T�usta shall kQSp <br /> the Property iree from en subatances deemed to be haza�aua or tox(c under any Environmentel Lews(collectively reteRed to herein ��;� <br /> � as"Hazardous Materials').Trustor hereby warrante and re(�esents to Lender that there ere no Hazerdous Materials o�a under the = <br /> Property.Truetar hareby agrees to indemnify and hdd harmiess Lender,its directors,officers,emplayees end agents,and eny succes- � <br /> sors to LendePs intarest,from and ogainst an�r and aft daims,dameges, losses and ifabDiUes arising in connactfon wilh the prese�ce. �: <br /> ' '`�'� use,disposal or transport of eny Hezardaus MatErials on, under,from or about the Property.THE FOREQOINC3 WARRIWTIES AND � <br /> ' li�c�`.'� REPRESENTATIONS,AND TRUSTOR'S 08UGAT109VS PURSUANT TO THE FOREGOINC3 INDEMNITY, SHAII SURVIV� - <br /> •� � ��•4 RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. -` <br /> in,: <br /> � ��'•�'.` 10.At�lynmsnt ot Rwnss.Trustor her�by asufgns to Lender, and grents Lender a security Interest in, all presenl, Wlure and <br /> '� ���>'!�. efter arising rer.ts.Issues and profits of ths F`+��oriy;provided that Trustor shall,unUl the occurrence of an Event of Detau4 hereunder, �'��. <br /> <,���^y have the right to collectend retain such rents,issue�and proflts as they become due and payable.Upon the occurrence atan Event of <br /> .,� Qefault,Lender mey, either In petson or by a�ent,with or without bringing any action or proceeding,ar by e receiver app�inted by a o <br /> cou�k end withaut regard to the adequecy of�ts secudty,enter upon end take possesslon of the Property,or any part thQ�eot, in its own <br /> narne or in the name of the Trustee, end do any ects which it deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value, rnadcetobility or <br /> � rentability of the Properry. or any part thereof or interest therein,or to increase the Income thereirom or protRCt the aecuriry hereAf and, <br /> , `•�'.r with or without haking possession of the ProperRy,sue tor or otherwise cotlect the rent�,iasues and profits ihereof,including thase past - <br /> �,;�;; due and unpaid,by notitying tenants to make��ayments to Lendar.Lender may apply rents,issues and profits,less coc�te end expeaes• _ <br /> -r es of operatbn and collectbn Including attomey's fees,to any Indebtedness secured hereby,ail in such order as Lender rnay cle4er- <br /> :i , mine.The ente�ing upon and taking po�session of the Property,the collection oi such rents, issues and proftts, end fhe applicatlon _ <br /> '•1�.,__.�:�,_ thereof as aforesald shall not cure or walve eny detault or notice of default hereunder ar invalidate any act done in re�ponse to euch _ <br /> ---��;�:;<° default or pursuant to sucn nouce oi defauii and,notwiinatandiiiy ti�ie i�,rdi�uanw���M:.�:.��•�."��`»h�Sf�i��;�f !�' rnUar.Non; <br />;� '• �'�`'•�.i;�:; raceipt and eppilceUon of rents,issues or p►�efts,Trustee end Lender shall 6o entitled to oxercise overy right provided farin eny of the <br />�tA, . Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence oi any Event of Oefauit, including without IlmitaUon ttte right io exercise the power oi sale. <br /> • Fu►ther,Lender's r(ghis and remedles under this paragraph shall be cumulaUve with,and in no way a limitadon on,Lendefs dghts end <br /> �.''� '� • remedies under eny assignment of leases and rents recorded against the Property.Lender,Trustee and the receiver shall be Ilable to <br />��� � account oniy tor those rents ectuaily recelved. <br /> ti :..• <br /> ��••"�'�°r� �' 11.Ewnts of M1`�uR.The(oibwing shall constitute en Event oi Defeult under thls Deed of Trust: <br />==�`r�rf� ••a�=� (a)Failure to pay any installment oi principai or interest or any other sum secured hereby when due; <br /> -+., v,:.:. ; - <br /> (b)A b re a c h o f o r d e f a u l t u n d er en y provisbn conteined in the Note,this Deed of Trust,anp of the Loan Instrumen ,or any <br />`�� � other Ifen or encumbrence upon the Property; <br /> �pl� . <br />'`4'• '• ' (c) A wdt of execudon or attachment or any simliar process shali be entered against Trustor which shall becane e�ien on <br /> �'�-.�-��_��`�`� c. the PropeAy orany porUon thereof or interest thereln; <br /> sr.r� <br /> � (d)There shail be filed by or agafnst Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any present or future federal,atate oro s e u , <br /> ,-0"'�;"'�"�` law or rogulatlon reieting to bankruptcy,Ineolvency or other relief tor debtors:or thero ehalt 6e appolnted any trustee, recelver or <br />—��°'�°�� Ilquldetor ot Trustor or Borrower or of all or any part of the Property,or the rents,Isaues or pro0ta thereof,or Trusta or Borrower <br />_�-�_9+.Y` .. <br /> a.�.•;,,�; shall make any general asslgnment for the beneflt ot creditors; <br /> _- ' � '� (e) The sale, Vansfer,lease,essignment, conveyanee or further encumbrance of ail or any part of or eny Nterest in the <br /> =-.'�:r�:•s.:- Property,elther voiuntarily or involunterily,without the express wnnen consent of l.ender;provided that Truslor shell be permit- - <br />-_L_ ��:+��<� ted to execute a lease of the Property that does not contain an opUon to purchase end the tertn of which daes nd exceed one <br /> _.:�,.r.�, year; <br /> --�auy; � <br /> „r�;:-�.:� (Q Abandonment of Yhe Rroperty;w <br /> °----;.,1;,�T�-9�- (g) If Trusta is not an fndividual,the issuance,saie,trensfer,essignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than(ft a <br />-'a�°'�`'�'�':�`" corp�ratbn) a total of percent ot Us issued and ouWtanding stock,or(If a partnerehip)a total of per- <br /> --��'�. �. � cent of part�ership Interests,or pf a limited Ilabflity company)e totei of percent of the Umited Yabiliry«�mmpa- <br /> - �"��""��'` • n interests orvotl rl hts durin the period this Deed of Trust remeins a lien an the properry. <br /> -__':F'':':..1.:., : y �9 9 9 <br /> -- - � 12.R�m�dl�s;Acakratlon Upon Dahuk.In the event of any Event oi Detault Lender may,without noUce except as required <br /> ` . � by law,dedare ail indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable end the same shall thereupon become due a�d payable wlth- <br /> t f out any presentment,demand,protest or noUce ot any kind.Thereafter Lender may: <br /> (a) Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE grante�d hereire,and Trustee shall theresfter cause Trustors inter- <br /> ; - est in the Property to be sold end the proceeds to be distributed,an in the manner provided In the Nebtaska Trusl Deeds Act; <br /> - (b) Exerclse any and all rights provided for fn any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrenoe o(a�y Event of _. <br /> Default;end =- <br /> ' , (c) Commence a�actlon to toreclose this Deed oi Trust as a mortgage,appoint a recefver,or speGficalry enface any of the <br /> covenants hereof. �� <br /> � No remody hereln conterred upon or reserved to Tnistee or Lender is intended to be exGusive of eny other remedy he�ein. (n the Loan F�� <br /> InsUuments or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumuiative,shall be in addition to every other remedy gNan hereunder, �- <br /> .,.=°'`� � fn the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter existing at Iaw or In equity or by statute,and mey be exercised concurrenUy,Independently <br /> or succesiveiy. F- <br /> __� _ 13.Truat�s.The Tnistee may resign at eny time without cause,and Lender may et any time and without ceuse appolnt a cua � <br /> � cessor or eubstltute Trustee.Trustee shall not be Itable to any party,inClutltng wtmout nmttation�ender,Sorrowe�r,Tr uxv�u a��y N��- <br /> chaser ot the Properry,tor eny loss or damagd unless duo to rockless or wllttul misconduct,and shall not be required to lake any action <br /> in connecUon with the enforcement nf th►s Deed ot Trust unless indemnifled,in writing,for alt costs,compensaUon o� ezpenses which <br /> may be essociated therewith.In eddition,Trustee may become a purchaser at eny sale of the Property(�udicial or under the power ot <br /> sale grented herefn);postpone the saie of all or any portlon oi the Proporty,as provided by law;or sell the Property as a who{e,or in <br /> separate parcela o�bts et Trustee's discretlon. <br /> 14.Fe�s��d Exp�ns�s.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exerclse of power of sele,Trustee shall be entitled to apply <br /> any sale proceeds ilrot to payment of ell costs end expenses of exercising power oi sale,Including all Trustee's fees, and Lenders end <br /> Trustee's attomey's fees, actually Incurred to exterst permfttod by applicable law.In the event Barower or Trustor exercises any right <br /> provided by law to cure en Event of Defeult,Lender shail bo entitled to recover trom Tru3tor all costs and axpenses actually incurred as <br /> a resuit oi Trustor's defauit,Inctuding without Iimftation all Trustee's and aftomey's fess,to the extent permfttcd by appticable Iaw. <br /> '15.Futurc Advmus. Upon request ot Borrower, Lender may,et its optlon,meke additlonal and tuture advancos and read- <br /> vances to Borrower.SuCh edvances and readvances,with Interest thereon, shail be secured by lhis Deed o4 Trust.At ra time shall the <br /> I _.y----- _.. - ,,..... _____�.��.�_ <br />