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...� , . .;;.: -- . �:._- <br /> „ � �_ -,� -_- -__._� <br /> . . � ..�..�—._� <br /> 7. ..,. . .. ... . __.�._::_.,�.� � �_ __ ...v_.�.� <br /> � <br /> - ---�- ----_�w __--_ <br /> � SAiIIT��3���' '^'"�r�t�'�RR�E«� ....-.r.„v,.,—:�-�—,� . -.. <br /> . ,,,_�..},.•- •• ,...,---- <br /> ; "' " _ � ��:. -- -�- ,r . .....--------------- <br />_ �.�:�1�•.`� <br /> r'�r'r. . <br /> • ,'��� '' ,�. ,;;�;�►�L 3��1(76�#�r' <br /> .��� , a <br /> • � cxccut J f�t�ipoxe of crcating,scciirinz�or guarantyin�;thc Sccured Debt.A guud faith bc;licf by L..�:nJcr that <br />_ ;;n I.rndc �at nnyttmc iS'ift�cun with rc;tipcct�c�any person ur cntity��hligutcd�m thc Sccurcd Dcht or tt�a�thc prospcct <br /> uf any piiymcnt ur thc valuc u[thc Property is impaireJ shall alsu constiwtc an evcnt of dcfnult. <br /> 15, it�MEll1ES OPI DEFAULT.In somc instancc5, fcdcr��l and stata li�w will rcquirc IAndcr tu providc Grantor with <br /> 7 nuiicc of thc right to curc or othcr noticcs und muy cstublish timc schcdulcs fc�r forcclosurc UC110115.SIIIIJL'Cl(O llll'SC — <br /> limitati�ms, if any. Lendcr may aceclerate the Sccured Dche nna foreclose this Security Instrumeni in t�manner --. <br /> providcd by law if Gruntor is in dcfuult. � <br /> :���. , , , At thc option of Lendcr,all or any part of thc agned fccs and chargcs,,iccrucd intcrest und prinnpal sh��ll bccome _ <br /> itnmcdiatcly duc and payablc, aftcr giving noticc if rcyuired by law, upon thc occurrencc of i� dcfsaul�4�r unytimc <br /> _`�� thcrcaftcr. In addition,l.cndcr shnll bc cntiticd to all thc rcmedies providcd by law,thc tcrms of thc Sccured Dcbt, <br /> .h, this Sccurity Instrumcnt and uny rclatcd documents,including without limitation,thc powcr to scll thc Propc:rty. <br /> � : � [f therc is a default,Trustee shall,in addition to any other permittcd remedy,at thc requcst of thc Lc�ndcr,advertise P <br /> and scll thc Property as a wholc or in scparatc parccls at public auction to thc highcst biddcr for cash and convcy - <br /> �� absolute title free and cicar of all right, title and interest of Grantor at such time and plac�as Trustee defiignates. <br /> � Trustce shall givc noticc of sale including thc time,tcrms and placc of salc and a description of the propcny to be sold <br /> as required by the applicable law in cffect at thc time of the proposcd sale. <br /> Y Upon sale of the property and ta the extent not prohibited hy law.Trustcc shall make and deliver a decd to tlze Praperty <br /> _ ,_____ sold which conveys absolute title to the purchaser,and after�rst paying all fees,charges and costs,shall pay to Lender all _ <br />_���� , �, moneys advanced for rep<iirs,taxes,insurance, liens,assessments and prior encumbrances And interes�tticrecm,and the - <br /> principal and intcrest on the Secured Debt,pa}7ng thc surplus,if Any,ta Grflntor.Lendcr may purchase�he Pruperty. _ <br /> � The recitals in any deed af conveyancc;shall be prima tacie evidence af the facts set forth thercin. _ <br />' ' . All remedie�are distinct,cumulative nnd not cxclusive,and the Lender is entitled to all remedies provided nt law or _. <br /> ' equity,whethcr or not expressly set forth.Thc acccptance by Lend::r of any sum in pxyment or partial payment on the <br /> •±'�' • Secured Debt after thc balance is due or is accelerated or aftcr foreclosure procecdings Are filed shall noi constitutc a <br /> 1 � �";'f'• waivcr of Lendcr's right to requirc complete cure of any existing default.By not cxcrcising any rerncdy on Grantor's <br /> . • default,Lendcr docs not waive L.endcr's right to later consider thc cvcnt a delault if it continues or happens aguin. <br />-__ � 16. EXPENSES;ADVANCES ON COVENANTS; ATTORN�YS' FEES; COLLECTION COSTS.Except when <br /> "'�'r�� ° rohibited b law.Grantor a rees to a all of Lender�ex enses if Gruntor breaches an covenant in Ihis Securit <br />�}� � � ,."''. Instrument.Gr�ntor will also a on demand an amount incurred b Lendcr far insuriny ins ctin r�servin c r <br />�,i-;_,. P Y Y Y B P� L�'•P ' 6 <br />�i-, • �', ' othenvise protecting thc Propeny and Lender's sccurity intcrest.Thesc expentics will henr intcresl from t hu date of <br />=1%�{•���, thc paymcnt until puid in full at thc hiFhcst in�rrest r�:tc in cflcct ns providcd in thc tcrms i�f thc Sccurcd Dcbt, <br /> ,. ..•.,.. <br /> �� ' ' �r.�niur n�rc.��iu a .�li cnsis.ind cx �nsc�inwrrcd i� ixndcr in cuiicciin� �niurrin�or �rc�icciin� uncirr n ri�hi.r <br />_,�jw�,,,�. 6 .. P'Y' P' Y b' ' 6 I 6 b <br /> • and remcdics undcr this Sccurity Instrumcnt. This amount may includc,but is not IimitcJ ta,atiorncys' t'ccs, court <br />����`�`i}}''" costti,and other Iegal expenses.This Security Instrument shidl remain in efFcct until rclensed.Gr��m��r agr�:es to pay <br /> .�,..,. <br /> . �., <br />__...��� far:�ny recordution cnsts of such rcicasc. <br /> __�`,�,L,�� 17. �NVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOIJS SUBS"I'ANCES.As uscd in this scctiun,(1)Environment:�l Law <br />-----=•�_s�.� mcans.withuut limitation,thc Comprchensivc Environmcntul Rcsponsc,Compc:nsation und Liability Act(CERCLA, <br /> ---=�=-;� 42 U.S.C. 4601 et seq.),and all other fcderal.state and tocal laws,rcgulations,ordinances, coud ordcrs,nitomcy <br /> �� -� gencral opinions or int�rprctive Ietcers concerning the public hcalth, safety,welfarc,emironment or a huzardous <br />�,s;;�,�,��,� substancc;ar,d (2) Hazardous Substancc mcans any toxic, radioactivc or hazardous matcrial, wastc,pc�llutant or <br /> contaminant which has charactcristics which rendcr thc substancc dangcrous or potcntially dangcrous io tho public <br />�"'""'�� hcalth, safety,welfare or environment,The term includcs,without limitation,any substances de�ned as"h�uardous <br /> ---`"� matcrial;'"toxic substances;'"ha•rardous waste"or"hazardous substance"under any Environmcnial Law. <br /> Grantor represents,wanants and agrces that: <br /> _____ A. Except as previously disclosed and ack nowledged in writing to Lender, no Har.ardous Substance is or wiU be <br /> ��""-�` located, stored or rcleased on or in the Property. This restriction does not apply to small qusntities of <br /> ----- -- Ha•rardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate fur the normal use and rnaintenance of <br /> =-� the Property. <br /> =r„_.� B. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to l.cnder,Grantor and every tenant have txen,arc, <br />-_�=-- and shall remain in full compliance with any applicable Environmental Law. <br /> .-- C. Grantor shaU immediately notify Lcnder i(a release or thrcatcned releuse of a Hazardous Substance occurs an, <br /> - --- undcr or about thc Propert}�or thcrc is a violation of any Environmcntal Law conccrning thc Praperty.In such <br />__,.,,��,��,� an event,Grantor shail take all necessary remedial action in accordance with any Environmentnl Lnw. <br /> __- -_-''�" D. Grantor shall immediately notify Lender in writing as sc�on as Grantor has rcason to belicvc therc is any <br /> _:�_�� pendin�;or thrcatened investigation,daim, or procccding rclntinb to the rcleasc or threatencd releasc of any <br /> ���;.�� Ha�ardous Substance or the violation of any Environmental Law. — <br /> — A'` 18. CONDEMNATIOPI.Grantor will givc Lcndcr prompt noticc of �ny pcndin�or thrcatcnrd action. by privt�tc or <br /> T'����"� ublic entitics to iurchasc or takc un or all of thc Pro �rt throu�h condcmnation,cmincnt dvrnain,or an othcr <br />�.�.�.•-., .,.... P E Y P' Y b y �. <br /> -- ' �:'::%` mcans. Grantor I.c�nder to intcrvcnc in Grantor's namc in any of the ahovc described act iuns or clairns. <br /> p�.'�• .� Grantor assigns to Lcndcr thc praecds of any aiward or claim for damagcs conncctcd with a condcmna�ion or othcr = <br />�_'� ' � taking of all or any part of the Property.Such procecds shull hc ccrosidcrrd paymcnts and will bc applicd asprovidcd in -- <br /> " � this Security Instrument. This �►ssignrncnt of pra:ccJs is suhject to thc tcrms uf any prior mvrlgagc, deed of trust, _= <br /> security agroement or othcr lien document. = <br /> ' 19. INSURANCE. Grantor shnll keep Property insured again.t loss Ny firc, flood,theft anJ othcr ha�ard� and risks — <br /> rcasonably associatcd with thc Property due to its typc.�nd location.This�nsurancc shatl bc maintai ned in the amounts <br />