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�--, <br /> .�. � <br /> .,,�. , <br /> '�:. � •'��•+P' <br /> Y <br /> (✓i�iM• ��t• . i..i.., <br /> . . y�����+ . <br /> � JF.�_:..� <br /> .. � .. .��t?�%��.�.� <br /> . '. ,�"`��'',�, ��. <br /> c <br /> � , � ��� <br /> . 97-1os4S9 . ,�� <br /> . . � <br /> 16.Borrower'A Copy. Borrowes shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Sccurity Instrument. -_ <br /> 17.Trpnsfer ot the Property nr A Beneflcial interest in Borrower. If all or any part of thc Property or any in it is <br /> I sold or uansferred(or if a bcncficial intcnst in Borrower is sold or usu�sfccrcd and Borrowcr is not a natural person)without <br /> :�` Lendcr's prior written conscnt,Lcndcr may,at its option, reqnire immcdtate paymcnt In full of all sums secnrcd by this Security <br /> • InsuumcnG Howevcr, this opdon shaU not be cxcrcised by Lcndcr if exercise is prohibitcd by federal law as of the date of this - <br /> � Sccurity Instrumen� � . • - <br /> If Lcnder exercises Ihis opdon,Lcnder shall give Borrower no6ce of acceleration.'Ihe notice shall provide apedod of not less � <br /> than 30 days trom the date tha notice is deUvered os msilod witt►in which Borrower must pay aU sums secured by ihis Security -. <br /> Insuumcn� If Borrawer fails to pay these sums pride'tb ihe expiration of this period�1-cnder may u►voke any remedies permitted �,�:.��_,.;c <br /> by this Securiry Instrument without furtlter notic�or ddh�and on Borrower. � ;"��'��`�.' <br /> ,,:, . � --- <br /> 18.Bonower's Right to Rei�lstata �' B��'� m�u �� condidons, Borrowcr shall have the right co have " �?��,. <br /> en[arcement of thls Security instrumcnt discondnucd at any time prior ta the earGer of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as :.;,,;• •-•,;-_�_ <br /> applicable law may specify for reinstatement)before sala of tho Propecty pursuant to anY Wwer of sale contained in this Securiry - . , . ; <br /> .�.1': <br /> Insuument; or(b)entry o f a ju dgmen t en forc i n g t h i s S e c u r i ty InstrumenG Those condiuons are ihat Borrower:(a)pays Lender all �;; '..��;.�. <br /> sums whiah then would be due w►der this Sccurity Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration hacl occuaed; (b) cures ei►Y . ..- <br /> defeult of any other covemm�s or agreements;(c)pays ell expenscs incnrred in enforcing this Securen Iastrument,including,but `fa��s,'':• <br /> not limited m,reasonabla attomeys'fces;and(d)takes such acdon�s Lendec max reasonably require t�assure that the Hen of this .. i. � <br /> Security Inswment, Lender's nghu in �he Property end Borrower's obligAUOn to pay ihe sums secared by this Security :,,:.;, : , <br /> Insaument shall continue unchanged. Upon rcinstatement by Borrowu. thls Security Instrument and the obllgations secured ;:z�:�� <br /> hercby shall remain fuUy effecdve as if no acceleradon had occurred.Howevcr,this right to reinstate shall not apply in thc case of •. . <br /> accelerapon under paragraph 17. �,•:�x�`` <br /> 19.Sek of Note; Chpnge ot Loan Servker. 'Itie Notc or a partial interest in the Note (cogether, with ihis Security � >;: <br /> instrume�►t)maY be sold one or more times without priar nodce to Borrower.A sale may result in a change u►the cndry(known . :_ <br /> as t he"I.o a i►Serv icer")t h at collects monthly pa yments duu nnder the Note and this Security InstrumenG'Il►ere also may be one or �,y=:..- <br /> more changes of the L,oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of ihe Note.If there is a changa of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be �: ,, , �`;_ <br /> given written nodce of the change in accocdance with paragraph 14 above and applicable Iaw.'Ilie notice wlll state the name and �.`,`�,..�. .;�,�--_ <br /> ti address of the new I.oan Servicer and the address eo which payments should be made.'I'�e notice will also contain any other ;;.�,,�',,�����,_. <br /> � informati�on requ¢ed by epplicable law. �_„ <br /> a <br /> 20.Haurdous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or pem►it the prescnce, use, disposal, storage. or release o any : . <br />- iia7ardous Sub�t,uii;cs on or u:thc I'ro�;.Bos:c:Les�hal!not do.nor allow anvonc elsc to do,anY��B effecdng thc Propecty .� _ <br /> that as in violation of an�Environmental Law.'Itie prcceding two sentcnccs shall not apply to the presence,use,or storage on the Y.�, <br /> . ptoperty of smaU quantitles of Ha7ardous Substances thAt arc generally recognizcd to bc aPProPnate W normal residendttl uses �:' _ <br /> and to ma�nunance of the Propeity. �, �. <br /> Barowec shall pmmpdy give Lender written notice of any invesdgadon, claim,demand, lawsuit or othor acdon by any <br /> • govemmentel or regulatory aget�cy or privata pacty involving the 1'roperty er►d any Ha7ardous Substance or Environmen��y �= <br /> of whkh Barowcr has ectual knowledAe.If Borrowa leams,or is notified by any governmental or rcgulatory suthority, _ <br /> cemov a i or o t her rem o d i a tion o f a n y H a 7 a r d o u s S u b s�a n c e a f f e c ri n g t h a P r o p e r t y�c n e c c s s a ry.Borcower sliall prompdy take all = <br /> n�cessary remedial actions in accordance with Envitonmental Law. _- — <br /> ' ' As used in this paragreph 20, "Iie��rdous Substances" are those substances deCmed as toaic or ha7ardous substances by <br /> Environmentel Law end the following substances: gesoline, kerosene, other flammable or toaic petroleum �roducts. toxic <br /> pespcides and herbicides. volatile solvents,materials containing esbesws or formaldehyde,end radioactive matenals.As used in <br /> _ th�s paragraph Z0,"Enviranmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction whcre tho Property is located that relate <br /> co health,safety or environmcntaf protecdon. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAN'TS.Borrower and Lender funher covenant and agree as follows: <br /> � 21.Acakration:Remedies.Lender shAll give notke to Borrower prior to acakr�►tioe tolbwing Borrower's brwch of <br /> • `�.:`,; any wvenant or agreement in thi� Security Instrument (but not prbr to Accekrntbn uader paragraph 17 unles,g <br />_ •� ;'��'r.� applicable 4w provides otberwise).The notke shall specVy: (a)t6e default;(b)the action required to cure t6e detuulh,(c) _ <br />;",•, • ,,,.. — <br /> - a date,not less Wan 30 dAya from the date the aotke is given to Borrower,by whkh t6e detault must be cured;�tnd(d) <br /> � •"��-•i that taUnre to cure the defAUlt on or betore the date spestticd in the notice may resuit ie AccekrANon of the sums secured = _ <br />:r,. •,`,;�'.,:•'r by thb Security InsUument and sak of the Property.The notice shAll further inform Borrower ot the right to reinstate �__ <br />' •+��?�.:��: ai'ter ucekrwtion and tbe right to bring s�court actbn to assert W=non-sxtstence ot a detwuit or any other defenss of �� <br />� Borrower to accekratbn and sak.If the default i�not cured on or be�ore the dxte specified in t6e notke,Lender,at its ;''—�'�_`_� <br /> optian,may require imtnediate payment In full of all sums secured by this Security Instrummt without further dempnd "'.`��--�� <br /> }--�='�.. <br /> � Antl mAy invoke the power of ssik and Any ot6er remedies permitted by applicabk law.Leeder shall be entltkd to collect „ , - � ,r; <br /> all expenses ineurred in pursuieg the remedies provkled in thi�paragraph Zl,including,but not limited to.ra�sonabk �' :`A��"?""���" <br /> -=� ., • ,�.� �r.. <br /> .. Attoroeys'tees and costs of titk evidence. 4`�' ��'� <br /> ':?'�.�• �, . .. ....: <br /> It the power ot sak La invoked. Trustee shaU record a notice of default in eac6 rnuaty in whic6 any part of the ",;.;;,.����, . <br /> property 6 bcated sad shall maU copks of suc6 notice in t6e manner prescribed by applk�s►ble Law to Borrower and to the '�;; ; °_:y�•''� <br /> other persons prescribed by applicabk law.Aflter the time required by applic�6le law,Trustee shall give public notke ot ��_; .� . <br /> ' sak to the persons And in t6e manner presc�ibed by applicabk law.Trustee,without demand on 13orrower,shAU sell the �.� •� <br /> Property at public Auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and uader the terms designated in the notice of sak . -���' � <br /> �;.� <br /> Form 802� 9100 <br /> I/E�D.�RtNE1�o�tai.ot Pap�6 016 Inuia��: <br />- --_ •- �� . . .. _-_..--:---___ <br /> � �. • •� � � , . <br /> . . <br /> . <br /> � - — <br />