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. � <br /> �hmi, . .�-,;— <br /> ..+y0ioi n. ,r...u.:,.,..' <br /> •���5'il►'�eT�,,:. '�iV�1�Yr- . •:t f'4�".4N5!:-.. <br /> ... .. ++rv-•AV!" . . .; f� -� ,T��._____..�—_ <br /> Jw _ __ <br /> .. _ / . � �_,_`'c.., -_=""_ _ <br /> . ,. .C.i. :�F.l;�`�'-`'��.���s.. <br /> �i,�' '��:- �_ <br /> ' .iir+�n.:::�y-aa�,r. <br /> .,. . t <br /> �i .. . .. , + ...- � , .��"'. <br /> 97 iQ645� f . . ��.,� <br /> T0C3ETHER WITH aU tho improvcmcnGg now on c�rcaftcr c�cctcd on thc propcny, end ell crscmenis,nppurunances.and 1 _,;.. ' �:.,��� "s <br /> fi�tures now on c�rcaRcr a part of thc propcny. AU rcplaccments sutd uddidons shell nlso bc covcrcd by this Scc�uity Insuumcnt. f �' <br /> � AA of�hc forcgoing is rcfcrted w in this Socuri.y Inswmcnt es�hc"Propcny: .,��.;�,`:. .,;'_°°_ <br /> BORROWER COVfiNANfS that Bonowcr is tawfully sciscd of thc csute hercby convayed and has thc right w grant and � • ••tt'; •��•°�i 2' <br /> .�,;;�«.�+� <br /> convey the Property and that lhe Pcopeny is unencumbered, eacept for encumbrances of record. IIorrower warrants end will ��:~:".� ;��' <br /> .,,.. dcfend gcncraily thc tiUc to thc Prcsperty against all cleims and dcmends,subjat to any cncumbranccs of rocord. ���� � �r=- <br /> � THIS SECURITY INSTRi1tu�ENT combines uniform covenants for n�ionel use and non-uniform covenants with limited "�'�W��� �' <br /> ,.-_-��= <br /> voriutions by jurisdicdon tn constitutc a uniform sccurity inswment covcring ual p�operty. •-='�`-�����_; <br /> UNIFORM COVfiNAIV'I'S.Borrowcr and I.cndcr covcnant and egrce as follows: ' - - -� - <br /> 1.Paymeat of Princjpal Aod Interest;Prepayment and LAte Charg�. Borrowcr shaU promptly pay when duc thc ___ <br /> principal of and interest on ihe dcbt cvidcnccd by the Note and eny prepayment and latc charges due under the Nat�. _"�`� <br /> • 2.Funds tor Taxes and Iasurance. Snbjcxt to applicable Iaw or to a wriuen waivcr by Lertdcr, Horrower shaU pay tn == _ <br /> Lcndcr on the day monthly paymcnts ane due undcr thc Nate,until ihe Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for. (a)yearly taxes T'-u��= <br /> and assessments which may auain priority over ihis Socurity Instrument ag a Gen on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold payments .• _�_ <br /> • or ground cents on the Property,if any;(c)ycarly hazard or prope�ty insurance pnmiums;(d)yearly fload insurance premiums,if •:� <br /> � any; (e) yearly mongage insuranr.e premiums,if any; and(�any sums payabfe by Borrower to Lender,in accordanc�with the � "r��i�- <br /> . � provisions of paragraph S,in lieu of the payment of mortgege insurance premiums. These items arc called "Esaow Itcros." _�__ <br /> L.ender may,at eny ume.collect and hold Funds in an emount not to excced ihe maximum s�nount a lender for a feduaUy related `,�;;� <br /> � mortgagc loan may rcquire for So�rower's escmw account undu the fedcral Real Estate SeWement Procedures Act of 1974 as =__ <br /> amended from ame tn timc,l2 U.S.C. Secqon 2601 et seq. ("RESPA").nnlas another law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser == <br /> amount If so,Lender mny, at any time,coUect and hold Funds in an aznount not to exceed the lesser amount Lender may , <br /> „ estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data end reasonable cstimates of expenditures of fuwre Esaow Items or _-_ <br /> otherwise in accordance with applicable law. � �� <br /> 'Ihe Funds sha(1 be held in an instlwtion whoso depnsits are insured by a fedual agency,insttumentality,or entiry(including = <br /> Lender, if I.ender is such an instiwuon)or in any Fedual Home I.oan Denk. I.ender shall apply the Funds w pay the Escrow <br /> ' <br /> _._,____,,.�:, .. Items.L.ender may not charge Borrower for holdinR and epplyuig the Funds,ennually enalyzing the escrow account,or verifying '° <br /> the Bscrow Items,unkss Lenda pays Borrower interost on the Funds and applicable law permits I.ender to mak� such a charga _ <br /> Howcver,Lendc�r may require Borrowcr to pay a one-tune charge for an independent real cstatc tau m,poNng secvicc uscd by .__- _ <br /> Lendu in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agrcement is mede or applicable law _ <br /> nquires intucst to be paid,Lender ahall not be roquired to pay Borrowu any interest or camings on thc FY�nds. Borrower and ':� — <br /> Lendes may agree in writing,howevcr.that interest shuU be paid on the Funds.Lcnder st�all give to Borrower,wtthout charge,an �'.-: - <br />-� annual sccounting of the Flmds,showing credits and debits to the Ftinds and ttie purpose for which each debit w the Funds wus �,_ <br /> - � made.The Ftinds ero pledged aa addidonel security for all suma secured by this Security InstcumenG _ <br /> � If the Funds held by Lendor excced the amounts permiued to be held by epplicablc law,Lender shell asccount to Borrowu for i; <br />_' !he excess Funds in accordancc with the reyuirements of appliceblc law. If ttic amount of the Funds held by Lender at any tiune is = <br /> _. , not sufficiutt to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such case Sorruwer shall pay - <br />-- • to I.ender the amount neces.�acy w make up the deficicncy. Borrower sha� make up the deficiency in no monthan twelve <br /> -.r':� `,. ..::_ . monthlY PaYmcnts,at L.ender's soxe discrction. <br /> �� ; ',��. � Upon payment in fuil of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shaU pmmptly refund to Borrowa any Funds s <br /> �� ':� "'" held by Lender.If,nnder paragraph 21,L.ender shall acquire or seU the Property,Lender,pdor to the acquisidon a sak of the -- <br /> � Propetty,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or stile as a cre,�lit against the aums sexured by this `�' <br />_.f+��' . �'o <br />�,. � Security InstrumenG ��: <br />_ 3.Application o�Paymenta. IInless applicable Iaw provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender unda paragraphs �::_. <br />= � • � . -� 1 and 2 shall be applied: fust,to any prep�yment charges duc undcr the Note;sccond, to amounts payablc undcr paragraph 2; �`___ <br />'-�'' . . � third,w Interest due;fowRh,ta principal due;and last,to any latc chargcs due unda the Note. ["_-_. <br />�; � 4.C6a es;Lkna. Bomower shall gcs,fincs and impositions attributable to U►e Prope�ty ='�= <br /> .:,::u- � *B PaY all taxes� assessments,char :�;_._ <br /> _ .�.w�'' which may attain priority over�his Secwiry Insuucnent,and 1ca5ehold paymcnts a ground rents,if any.Borrower shall pay these F_ <br />:;" obligarions in the manner provlded in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shaU pay them on ame direcdy to the <br />�'`" person owed pnyment Bnrrower shall prompdy fumish to Lcnder atl nodces of amounts to be paid undcr this paragraph. If __---- — - <br />' Borrower malces these payments direedy,Borrowu shall prompdy fiunish to Lender receipu evidencing the payments -- ---� <br />;- `i Borrowu shall promptly discharge any 6en which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a) agrces in "_ -- <br /> i writing to d�e payment of the obligeflon socured by thc lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contesu in good faith the lien ��,��� <br /> S by, or defends against enforccment of the Gen in, legal procoedings which in the Lendet's opinion operate to prevent the �+�� <br /> • ._.. <br /> � � cnforcemcnt of the licn; or(c)socums from the holder of tha Ilen an agm.ement satisfacitory to I�cndcr subordinattng the l�ien to _ti<<��-: <br /> �.,::____ <br /> this Sxuriry Instrumen� If L.ender determines that any part of thc Property is subjoct to a licn which may attain priaity ovcr this � � � ;H��,� <br /> Socurity Instrument,Lendcr may give Borrower a notice identifying ihe lien.Borrowcr shall satisfy ihe lien or takc one or more I �S`�"`—�R <br /> of the actions set forth above within 10 days of thc giving of nouce. I �`�,., ,,;�_ <br /> Form 3028 9IO0 � '�'��' �'''" <br /> � ` �""'y',.�, . <br /> , �•6R(NE)(92t21.ot P�p�2ota �nnNis: •' ' '- <br /> __. . <br /> _ _ _.� , • � -_- ,_ <br /> � <br /> �.�,,.. .. . .. .. .. _. - .. .. . .. <br /> . -,..�.T. .r..-.___. . .. .. _ . _� . _ . .. . ,�c:;.K <br /> _ � <br /> � � . _ . _. . . _ -. — - —.. <br /> .__ . . . ._.. . - - <br />