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:.�►' <br /> r�AI . . - <br /> � <br /> , <br /> .. .,�._- <br /> . ��.. � �. .. <br /> .. � � w <br /> • + tt!�,nr+�•4."_�,:.., ,. .�• .,. •r�•„�..�•.............. . .. .-. .. . . .. . ...... ... ..._.....s�a�IV* '��,d`_- <br /> .� . .. ........ .. .... ._... . <br /> .. , i�..87"�.1�4�1i .�;.,_. _, <br /> 1& Finsnc/el Caronanta.In additbn ro any other Hn�nclal ca�n�nta d livata m+�d�In�ry othsr�pr�wr►wn�.In�rnumsnl a docunMnt, ilwro►ahall �n{`_-_- <br /> comply w!M and shall causs eny end a11 pusnntors o/ths/ndsbMdns�a a�curod Mroby ro comply wlth,a b�!n compMwncv wlth,flw blfawMp ���•'�, <br /> Ilr.anclal caron+�nls:(Thls pa►agreph ahsll no!epply 11 caronant�and roqulromMt�ero not asf IbrtA 1»Mn l , <br /> 1& Schedub o/Lease�.Withln ten ry0)Wya�ffer dsm�nd,Duata ehaU furnlsh fo Bsnefkl�ry a achsduM,and�b ro by 1luata,s�rinp brth aN Na�a .;�, <br /> d the 1lust propaty,or ary portlon�herod,Includlnp!n each cada the n�me ol fhe t�ananta or occupanta,e d�acnp►an d rh�ap�cs xcupwd by <br /> such fsnant w occupanf,ths nnMl payrabb fbr auch apacs,and such ofh�r!nlormallon and documsnts wifh re�pocf ro auch M�ae��nd t�MencNa - <br /> aa Benslklary may maaonabry roquest. ' <br /> 17. Co�enants ol llustor wlth Mspsct ro Lsales. W�thout th�pr1o�writta►consent ol Bensfk/ary,riusw►shall nof,d/rocty or 1ndlncty,wlth nsp�ct ro <br /> ary base ol space In ths Tlust Property,a�ny pailon therool,whsther auch bsae!s now or hsroaftsr In e�lsMnc�. <br /> (e) Accep!or permlf sny propayment,d/scounf or advance payment ol renr hereundBr!n excoss ol one month, <br /> (b) Cancef or term/naro the seme,a accept any cancelladon,tsrminetlon or aurrondo�thsrod,a psrmif any ersnt ro occur whkh Nnuld cecur =_ <br /> thBrounde►to OB�minaro or cancel�he aame,other than terminsdon/or nonpaymBnt d rent -- <br /> (c) Amend or modily the sam.e so ea tn reduce tl►e rerm thereof,the rentel payable Mereunde►,or ro change any ronewa/provlalon�thsro/n .'r_--- <br /> """°''"� contelned. -- <br /> _ � �_. <br /> (d) Nhhro ary de/ault thereurtder or breach thereot, •- <br /> (e) OMe any consent,walNer or epprwel the�eunder or teke arty other actkn in connectlon therewlth,or wifh e lessee rherounder, wh�ch►HOUId h�nro ��-- <br /> the eHect o/lmpaldnq the value ol the lessor's lnrerest thereunder or the property sub/ect there(a or oi Impaldrtg the potltlon d Mrerest ol =_ <br /> IBenelklary there�n,or �-- <br /> : � (n Sell,asslgn,p/odge,mortgage or othenvise disposa ol,or encumber its lnrerest/n arry sald lease or any rents,Issues,proJita fssuing or aNSing ___ <br /> i thereundei � <br /> ''+ 78. Wdhrer o/Stetuts ot Umltatbns. Time is d the essence In all of Tiusrors obffgetlons and duties hereunde�;and ro the�xtent pemNtrod by lew, Tivsta <br /> ;;� walve9 all present o►tuture SM[utes d Jlmiteflons with respeCt M a►y debt,ctemand a obl/gatbn secwed hereby and u�y+ctlon w procesding Ifor __ <br /> �� ths pwpose d enMro/ng thls Deed d Tiutt w�ry riphts a�ernedles contelned hereln. __ ___ <br /> - 19l Ass)gnment d Deposlta.In the eyent conamuctlon d!mp►oNements is cantemplet�ed by th9 ban evldencad by Me Nae secursd heroby,sa addiHonal <br /> secunry the�'r,fote. 1h+stor horoby lrttnsl�,rs ar.d essl�rts to Benelklery,e!!rJght,t+tle end lnferest ro ary and a!I monlea dano�ited by w on bshefl G - _ <br /> TYUStor wiM ary c(ry,counry,publk body a agency!ssnitary dlatrkt,utllity comparry;and any other body a eysncy;fo►tMlnstellatlon a ro securo �- <br /> the lnstallation d ary uUlity by Tivaro►,penain/ng to the Trust Praperty. <br /> � 2A Corporatlon a PeRnershlp Exlstance.N Tiusror 1s e oorpomtian,ge�wral pannerahip�a IlmNed panne�shlµ!t wlll do aq tl�ing�necessery to prese►oe!ts �.-' <br /> cprpagtg pr pa►tnershlp exlslenca as the case may be,nnd aN►Ighfs and prrvileges under the laws N the ste(9 d!ts lncaporetfon w organlradon• �_-' <br /> 21. Forbearartce by Benelkiary Not a WYhre�Arry forbearance 6y BeneflcJary In eaenclsing ary right or remedy hereunder,a dhBrwlse alladed by �_ <br /> •��. epplkab�+e law.shall not be e welver o/orpveclude fhe exe�lse ol ary such irght or remedy!The procur9ment ol/nsuronce or the peyment of taxes =— <br /> or the dlschArge ol llens or cha�ges by BenoYlciary ahal!not be a waher ol Benolklary's rlght ro accelere0e the maturiry d ihe Indebtedness. _ <br /> 22.Remedles Cumulathre.All remedles prov/ded fn thls Deed of Trust are dlstlnct and cumulailve ro any othor rlght a�emedy urta�er thls Deed ol 1Yust <br /> or afforded by law or equlty,and may ba exeiclsed concurrently,indepEVidenty or auccessivefy. <br /> 29. Succesaors end Assigns Bound;Jolnt snd Sexsrel Ua611ity;Captkna. The CoNanants and agreements here�n contalned sh�N Dind,and the riyhta <br />_ � heieunder shal!lnure to,the respecthre successas and esaigns d Bene!lctery,Trustee,and Tiusroc All covenants and agnerr�ents d 1Yustor shall <br /> bo Jolnt and seye►aL The captlons and headings of the paragrephs ol thls Deed ol Trust a►e for coinrenlence ony and are not to be used ro fn�xprst <br /> -- nr{�,p�p{�w nmyl.cinna harao7 , <br /> 2�. Notke.Except lor arty noNce requlred under appllcable lew ro be g1v�Bn!n nnother manner,(a)any notice M Trustor provldbd b►h this Deed d Tivat <br /> ahall be Qiv+en by malling such notke by cerfilled mall,rtHum�ecelpt iequested addressed to Trustor at Its mallMg addrs�ss set brth aibove a at such <br /> ` other address es Tivato►may deslgnate by notice ro Beneficlary es provlded►rereln,and(b)ary notke fo Benelklary o►7lwtise shall be ghgn by <br />- cenllied maD,retum recefpt►equested, ro Benefkl+uy's and Tiustee's ma(ling address ateted hereln or to such other addre�es BenMk/sry a <br />���°�•- 7ivatee mey desl�nare by notke to Tfustor as provlded hereln.Any notice provldod lor In thla Deed d Trust shall be deemnd tv haire been given ro <br /> ' liusto►,Benelklary or Trustee when ghren in the manner dealgnated hereln. <br />�:1' ��' 2� Goasminp l.ew;Sew►aW!!!s Deed d Trust ahall be garemed by the lews ol the Stare ol Nebraaka In the event any pravlslon w clause of�h:s <br /> . �.,•�• •• Osed ol 7iust conlllcta with epplkable law;such conilkt ahail not aNect othe►provlsbns ol thla Deed d 7tust whlch cen be gltron eMect wlthout the <br /> , ,„ conllkUng provlsbna and ro thls end the pmv/sbns oI thla Deed of Tiust are declared to be setirereble. <br />- . . 2& E�rents ol DuleufL Eech ol the follawing occumences shall constltufe an event ol delault hereunde►,(herelnalrei ca!!ed an •�El�nt d Defauft'J: <br />- •� (a) Tiusror ahall/e/l to pay when due ery princfpal,lnterest or prfnclpal end lnterest on the Indebtedneas, <br /> ��`. h ,�`'tiFr� (b)Ary wa�renty d Ntle mede by Trusto►heraln ahall be untme, <br />���r�+µ•� (e) 1lustor ahall Mll to obsen�s or perloim any ol the carenanhs,agreemenrs,or conditions!n thla Deed ol Tie�st <br />="- �'4�'"� (d) Ar y representetlon or wensnty made by Truator on eny/lnsnClal statements or reports submMted to Bene/klery by or on behaH o/Tiusror shell <br />- �`��'•'•'• pr�ve/alse or meteda/ly mlafeading, <br />�'`���"�� (e) 7iusror ahall/ell to perform or obsenre arry of the covsnants,conditlona or agreements conteMed M,or Dinding upon Tiustor under eny bullding <br /> �:;,• " ban agreement secudry agreement,loan agreement,llnancing statement or ary other agreement Insnument adocument ex+ecuted by Tiustor <br /> � !n Connecllon with the loan evldenced by the NOte, <br />- . �� A nuslbe,ieceMer a Ilquldator d the Lust Pioperty or ol Tiusta shall be e�po/nted,018I1y OI NIB CI6dIkM9 01 TNSMI ShAY�ilB a p6HH0►1 lIl <br /> - banWu/Ncy ega/nst�ivaro�a for the roagaNzatbn ot 7lusror pursusnt lo the F�dernl Bank�uptcy Code�a any s/mlle►/ax;whefher A9de�al a atata <br />=�3+c.';�;,'` and N such order a pettllon ahe71 not De discharyed or dJSmissed wlthln thlny(30)dsys elter the daro on whkh strc�wder oi pedtkvr was filed, <br /> -y�.���.,-�-.'-�� (g) Tiustw shall IDe e petJtlan pu�suant to Ihe federal Bankruptcy Code or erry slm�ler lew,federal o►state,or ll Tiusta shaAbe eayudged a <br /> _�rsm�u�a� benkropt,or be decla�ed insohent,or sAall make an asalpnment for the benelit ol crodito%or shall sdmlt!n wdNng ite Inablllty ro pay/ts debts <br /> _Y�M _.: as they become due,or shell consent to the appolntment of a rece!►rer o/a11 or ary paK ol the Tiust Properry, <br /> ;_r,-ix• � (h) Flnal/udgmunt for tho peryment d money shaU be rendered agalnst hus[or and Tiustor shall not dlscharge the same, a cause!t to be <br /> ?�:�'. ; • dlscha�ped,wllhln thlayr(30)days after the entry thereol,o�shalf not appeal therefrom or from the orde�decree a process upon whtch or <br /> • �?�,� . pursuant to whkh sald/udgment wes grented,based,or enrered,snd secure e stey ol execuHon pending such appeal, _ <br />,. (!) liustor shall sell or com�cy ihe Tiust Prope�ly,or any part fhereo%or ary lnterest thereln,a shalf be dOrested of!ts tlt/e,or any interest Meroln,!n _ - <br /> = ary manner or way,whether voluntady or Invo/untarily,without the written cansent ot Benelidary being first h8d end obtalned,or �;;,__ <br /> p) !1 husror Is a corporatbn or partnershfp end more Man filty pu�ont(50%)o��he shaies or beneliclal(nreresta in such corporation or __ <br /> partne�shlp,as tho case may be.shaA be trensferrod or conveyvd,whothor wluntadly or(mrolunteNy, w�thoet the writfen consont ol Benellc/ary - <br /> being first hed snd obtained <br /> 27. Acceleretion of De6t;Fofeclosu%Upon the cecurrence o1 any Event ol DefauR,or arry tlme the�ealrei Benellclary may,at its opNon,decfare ell the -�� <br /> � �. �:! <br /> lndebtedness secured hemDy immedletey due snd psyabl�end the same shall bea►Internst at the delault mte,1!arry;sef foRh In tho Noto,or .r.=_ <br /> othenvise at the hlghest rete permltted by Isw,end,lmespecHtre ol whether Benelklary exorc/sos sald optlon, tt may;et!ts optMn end In!ta sole - <br /> dlscretlon,wfthout eny further notice or demand to or upon hustor,do one or moro ol the lollpving: <br /> (a) Benefklery may enter upon,teke possession d,msnage ettd ope�ata the 1Yust P�operty or any part thoraoh mobe r�sp�6s and a►teretlons and do " <br /> any acts whlch Beneliclary deems proper ro protect the secuAry thereo/, and ellher with or wlthout tsk(ng possessbn,ln/ts own name,sue for _ _ <br /> - '��" or othenvlse collect and recehro ienta,lssues and pro/lts.lncluding those past due and unpeld,end epply the same, kss costs and expensas of � . <br /> � nno�ellnn anrf cN1�r:tlen inc�udlno�easonable ettornov fecs end Beneflclarv's costs.uDOn the Indebtedness secured herebY snd!n such ader <br /> .._. -�-�- - �- -�-'---- - - -. . . _ . ---- - <br /> os Boneficfary msy determino.Upon re4uest ol Beneficlary. Tiustor sha!!essemble and shall make avallable to Bene/iGery eny ol the flust ` <br /> Property wh�h has been removed. The entor/np upon end teking possesskn of the Trust Properry,the collect/on of any rents,lssues end proJits, <br /> end the applkadon thereol as aloresald, sha11 not cure or walve any deleult[heretolore or thereatter occurnng,or affiect erty notice ol delaulr or <br /> notke ol sale hereunder or fnvelidate arry act done pursuant to arry such notice.Nohrithstanding Bene��clary's crontrnuance in possessbn or <br /> receipt and applicatlon ot rttrtts,Issues or prolits,Benellcfary shall be erthtled ro exer�ise orery right provided for m tMa D�eed tA Trust or by lew <br /> upon or alter the oCCUrrence of att EvBnt of Delauit,lnduding the righf to exerCise fhe power ol Ssb.Any o!the actions ro/erred to m this <br /> paregreph may be taken by Benaliclary ot such tlme es Beneliclary may determine without regard ro the adequacy ol eny secunry for the <br /> fndebrodness seCUred hereby! <br /> (bJ Beneficfary sha/l,wlfh0ut regerd to the edequaty o�srry security for the lndebtedness SeCUred hereby!be endtled to thc appomtment of a <br /> ►eCerr+Bl by eny COUrt heving/urisdfctkn, without not( tako possossion of,p�otect,and martage the Trust Property end operate the seme <br /> anU co/lect Nee rents,Issuos dnd prol�rs therelrom. <br /> (c) Beneli�lary may 6nng any action irt any court of competent jurisdictlon to lorecbse thls DoeC ot Trust o�enfo�cv any d�ho cov�enents harooC <br /> � ! <br /> f � <br /> , <br /> � <br /> , . �._ .-- - '- - <br /> . .._-.n,::--� • . . . , . .._ <br />