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�'�'�'7�1'; • , ..��, . - <br /> _..��,e.�sa: <br /> -• - _2�:`_:;.:�h_. <br /> .rSR�h'S: . ..]24K''...•y��_'�s�.��!7!.!'i._. ♦....J..lm�!la.-.�.-�'r�.TO.L1�S6.KETi?���.'___"__'__._ . <br /> . . . �4� <br /> ��, . <br /> ARTICLF.11 `�7�Q�`:4S � <br /> r <br /> �� <br /> NON-YINIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower nnd l.endcr funhcr coven:uit and agrcc .is follows: � <br /> r <br /> ..,,, � 16. Accclerntion;Remedies. Upon Aorrower's breach ot wny coven4nt or uRreemcnt of Borrower In thi9 Eked � <br /> • ot Trust, including without BmttANon the covenants to p�y when due uny sums under the Note secured by thly = <br /> �.�.�•�+,,+'.'�'� Deed of'['rust. Leader, at Lender's updon,subJect to the tollowing sentence,mAy declare all af the sums secured _ <br /> , by this Deed ot Tnut to be immediately due and payuble without demund or notice und muy Invoke thc powcr <br /> oR sale,and any other remedlc.w permitted by applicnble law. Prlor to recording eny noUce o[defuult l.ender sholl = <br /> give Borrower nottce ot default as requlred by luw und, in the event of u default consisting only uf Horrower's - <br /> � [ailure to make a requfred{►s�yment, Bort�owcr shall once,As provided by law,have twenty (20)dvys after such <br /> nodce is gtven to cun such defqult by tendering the amount due ut the time of the tender, without acceleradon, <br /> plus any unpaid clwrges. After recording a notice of default,Lender shall be entitled to coUect in such proceeding <br /> a11 expenses o[foreclosure, Including, but not IGnited to, reasonable attorneys' tees or trastee's and costs of <br />, .•�;." documentary evfdence,abstracts and title reports. <br /> �� '�:,:��"� if the power of sale is lnvoked.Trustee shall record a notice of default ia each counry in�ahicb any part of the Property - <br /> . ,.',;�', is loeated and shall mail capies of such notics in the mnnner prescribed by applicable law to Bonower and to the other <br /> � persons prescribed by applicable law. After the time required by applicable law,Trustee shall give public notica of sale <br /> to the persons aud iu the rnanner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, wi.rhout demand on Borrower, shall sell the '• <br />- ':,t Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under che terms designated in tha notice of sale �_ <br /> in one or more parcels and in any order Tn�stee deternunes. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the _ <br /> Property by public anbouncement at the time and place of a�ey previously scheduled sale. I.ender of ita designee may � <br /> purchase the Property at any sale. - <br />' Trustee shall apply t�he sale proceeds, first,to the costs and exgenses of excrcising the po�rer of salo And of the sale, <br /> - including the paymens of the Trustee's fees aetually incurred not to exceed fifteen percent{15�o)of tha gross sale price, <br /> --_____'-`��� • second, to oayment of the obliga!ion tecured hy this Deed of Trnst; thirrl, to the nay�r�t t►f jitTli4T iP1ct �Prtla, - <br /> `6"�� mort � es or oWer lienholders,aud the balaztce, if an to the rson or crsons le nll entitled thareto. <br /> ' ,•..t.(';�`i S 8 Y, P� P B Y <br />��r ���; -. <br />�;����� ''�'••� � 17. Assi ent ot Rents•A <br /> �y ,,4y� gnm , ppointment of Receiver. As additional securicy hercunder, Borrower hereby assigns to <br /> -o�,���•;;u;,? L.ender the rcnts of the Property, provided that Borrower sh�ll, prior to acceleration undcr paragraph 16 hereof or <br /> ;;.j'•.�:'.';�ti"•'•, ' abandonment of the Properry, have the right to collect and reta�n such rents as they become due And payable. <br />�3f�'.'�r`�i'�r. � <br />�wrx.�'..�`'�i'.., . <br />�� ..� .. Upon acceletatIon undet paragrapb 16 hereof or abandonment of the Property,Lender shall be entided to have a receiver <br />�9'R•` � <br />�-t��h,��},,, appointed by a coun to enter upon,take possession of and manage the Property und to collect the rents of the Property <br />=�_:;t:.,_,�,;;..r, including those past due. All rents collected by the receivcr shall be applied first to payment of tho costs of rnanagement <br />�_aYt t�;!f�i, of the Property and collection of rents, including,but not limited to receiver's fees.premiwns on receiver's bonds and <br /> "--"°'`'""``' ' reasonable attomeys' fas. and then to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. The receivEr shall be liable to ar.count <br /> -""° only for those cents acmally received. <br />�,�.=m::�"ri� <br />�-SdQ1��rl.� _. <br /> __—�_:3� 18. Y.oan Chstrges. If the loan secural by this Deed of Trust is subject to a law which sess maxiraum loan charges, <br />=�;�;�— and chat law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan chazges collected or to be collected in coni►ection with - <br /> _=w_�� the Ioan exceed permitted Ilmits,then: (1)any such loan chazges shall be reduced by the amount necessary to raluce - <br /> —"«x� the charge to the permitted limit;and(2) aay sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded pernutted limits = <br />_���� will be refunded to Bonower. _-- <br /> �rn•�vr�`;�'� <br /> 19. LQ�ISIA1IOIl. If,after the date hereof.enactment or expiration of npplicable laws have the effect either of rendering <br /> =--.�c:��;a the provistons of the Note,the Deed of Ttust or any Rider, unenforceable according to their terms,or al l or any part <br /> y=�,'�� of the sums secured hereby othenvise provided in this Deed of TNSt or the Note,or of diminishing = <br /> .:.�,�; the value of Lender's securiry. then Lender,at Lender's option,may declare all sums secured by the Deed of Trust to <br /> - :"�'Y � be immediately due and payable. <br />� 'i 20. Rekase. Upon payment of all sums sccured by this Dee�cF Trust,this Deed of Trust shall become null and void � <br />_: - <br />_ ' and Lender or Trustee shall release this Dced of Trust without chazge ro Burrower. If Trustee is requeated to release -� <br />- • this Deed of Trust,all instmments evidenc:ng satisfaction of the indebtedness secured by tliis Deed of Trust shalt be �' <br /> �. <br /> suncndered to Trustee. Bonower shall pay�►11 costs of recordation, if any. Lender,at Lender's option, may allow a <br /> s partial release of the Property on terms acceptable to Lender and Lender may charge a release fee. <br /> 21. Natver of Homestead. Borrower hereby waives all rights of homestead cxernption in the Properry. <br /> . �r, �� <br /> 22. H8T8Cdou4 Sub.st9necc. Rorcnwcr chall nnt cat�cr nr nrrmit thn nmcrnr� ���.. d��.,.,��t �r..r��., ,. ...te,o....s.,.,.. <br /> :.- °__-_._.-----_- . ..- --�-'-'-'. "'-r"'-"--• --" '.__....._.,....._..�,....."..............w.� - <br /> � Hazardous Substances on or in the Propeny. Borro�ver shall nat do, nor allow anyone else ro do,anything affecting <br /> the Properry that is in violation of;u�y Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, <br /> � use, ar storage on thc Propeny of small quvuities of Hazardous Substa�ues that :ue �;encrally rewgnized ro be <br /> , appropriate to normal residential uses and io maintenance of the Property. <br /> _ � ' � `( - <br /> I r <br /> • I IWN2 lRer ODI ISjv 1 m S aNV3�1 N,AHA1•Yfl.Ikcd <br /> �t21iti�:AfB KINUIU <br /> = I <br /> '_ I <br /> I l <br /> .1 _ � . ..__�.__°_ _ _— _. . <br />