<br /> �
<br /> ,�.
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<br /> 4. INBURANCE. Tru�tor, et rte �xp�nu,wdl mmntem with insunre approved by Bon�ficiery. ineuranc�wrth nsp�cl to the , .r-�,t:�:
<br /> 1 Improv�m�nts end p�rton4l prqporty, constdudny th�Prop�rly.ayaintt loao by fir�,Iphtnmp,tornado.end oth�r p�nls and hetierde , ;
<br /> I cov�nd by stendard dxtanA�d cov�reg�endors�m�nl,in an amount�quel to nt Ieest on�hundr�d p�rc�nt of Ih�full r�pincement
<br /> , valu�thsnof nnd meurnnce nyein�t tuch other heznrds and in euch amounte as ia customnr�ly cetnpd by own�re and operetore of
<br /> , e�milar prop�rt�nf or a�B�nN�c�ary may nqwr�lor ds protoction.1'rwtor will comply wdh auch oth�r requu�monte ae Bonel�cmry may
<br /> irom tima to hmn rtquntt for lh�prot�cuon b7 ineurante ol th�intereets of th�respocUve partieo.All ineurenCe pohcino mamtamod
<br /> � punuant to th��D�ad af Trv�t dhell nam�Tru�tor and Bsn�ficiary ns ineunde,as th�n reap�ctive int�reete may npp�ar,end provide
<br /> thpt then ehall bo no r.nnr.olitdlan or moddiceUOn wdhout no loeo than 15 deye pnor wntten nohlicahon to Trustee and Beneficiery In
<br /> the�vent nny prilicy hrtrsundpr ts not nn�w�d on or b�foro 16 daye pnor to ite expirat�on date,Tru6tee or Banvhcinry may procuro .
<br /> euch insuranao m necadanr,e wRh ths prowsions of parAgraph A.8 hsrsof Truetor ehnli delivar to Benefic�nry the onginal pohai9n of
<br /> �• ineurence end iennvaln thelrooi o�memo copiss ot euch pohciea end renewala theroal Fedure to fumish such meurance by Trustor. •
<br /> or ran�wai�an rtquuod hqr�undor ehell,at lh�option ol8eneficiary.conatilut�e dafault. ,
<br /> � ..
<br /> � � 6. TAXES.A3SCSSM�NTa AND CHAR(3E8. Truator ehcil pay all taxet,aen�aamenta and oth�r chergea, includinp,wdhout .
<br /> � ' hmrtetion, finoe and impqnAi7nn attnbuteble ro the Property, nnd leaaehold payments or ground rente, d any, before the same
<br /> i . - .
<br /> ' i � bocom�dohnquent Truntor vhnll promptly fumish to Ben�ficiary etll nohces of amount9 due under ihiq pArayr�ph,and in the event ,, , -
<br /> ; � Truetor shall mnko paymnnt d�rectly,Truetor ehail promptly furn�ah to Bensl�oiery receipte avidenanfl cuch paymonte.Truator ohnll •
<br /> � pny all teucea nnd enueeomnnhs which mey b�Iwied upon Beneficmry'a mterest h�rom or upon thia Daed of Trust wAhout regard to :::�'�;„�y�;
<br /> i any law that mny bs enacted impormg peym�nl of th�whola or any pert tharaol upon the Ben�fiaiary. � ;: '� ''�''
<br /> � ��� 5+�47,.
<br /> ;a,��..�
<br /> j 8. ADDITIONAL UE�1S AND PROTECTION OF BEN�FICIARY'S 3ECURIlY.Trusror shAll makn all paym�nts of intvrest and �j .`-�-.. __,_
<br /> pnncipal and paymqnin oi nny othor charges, feea end expenses contrACted ro be pt+id to ttny existing Ibn holders or pnor '•'�„.-_
<br /> � � banafYcinnuc und�r any pnnr dood of truat or mortgege before the date th�y Are dehnquent und prompNy pay and d�acherge eny and .��•-;
<br /> � all othor lians,claima or chnrgoa whiFh mny�aopardize tha secunty granted here�n.If Trustor lads to mako any such payment or fails ' . =�
<br /> , � to perform nny of tha covenanCa and ngreemonts conteined m this Deod o1 Trust,or u�any prror mortgage or de�d of truet.or d any ' •il `-
<br /> t+fi1��-
<br /> i� nctwn or procaedmp �s commanced which mntennuy nflecte Beneficiary'a mterost in the Property. mcludmg, but not 6mded to. :
<br /> y ominont domau�prceoedmpo,or proaeedinge involwnfl n deeedent.or d Tn�stor fo,�is to pey Trustor'e debts generally es they beeome `-'�.
<br /> j due,then 9enef�cmry,et Bannfioiary's ophon and wdhout notiCe to or demAnd upon Trusror and wdhout releasmg Trustor from any �
<br /> � oblgation horeundor, mny makn such nppeerencee, diaburse such sumo nnd take such actwn ae is ntceseary to protact ��•"
<br /> Beneficiaryc mtnreat, mcluding, but not IimAed to, disbursement of reasonabl� eqorney'e feea, payment, purchese, contest or .���•:
<br /> �i compromise o(any encumhranco,chnrge or lien,and entry upon the Property to mrJco rspairs.In the event that Trustor ehall tal to . �-�,,
<br /> : �t:i procure inaurcn¢p or to pay taxeo,nssessmenis,or any othsr chnrgos or to maka eny paymente to nny ex�sting pnor han holders or �'F+�q_
<br /> trnneficiarios. Bsno6ciary may procure euch msuranee esnd mAko auch payment Any nmounts diabursed by Beneficiary pursuant to z;�
<br /> �. � this Perngrnph A.6 nhull Iwcomo adddional mdebtedness of Trustor secured by thfs Deed of Trust. Such amounts ahnll be payahla __
<br /> � C upon notice kom Boneficiary to Trustor requssting payment thereof,end shtJl beer intarest from the date of diaburaement et the
<br /> ;' rate payable lram hm�t to time on outstendinp prineipal under ihe Note unloss peyment of interest at such rMa would be contrnry to ' '•
<br /> t: a licable law, m which svent euch emounte ahell bear mterest et the h1 hest rnte ermissible under a ticnbls law. Nothm . h. �t�-
<br /> contemad m thl�Parnpraph A.8 ehnli reqwre 8eneficmry to incur any expense or take eny ncdon heraunder. pp g t �:�6
<br /> _ . � � 8. IT IS MUTUALLY AQREED THAT: �� ���'~
<br /> 1C,/��,..1�i:l.
<br /> 1. ASSIQNMENT OF RENT3.BenefiC�ery shall have the rght,power and authonty dunnp the continuance of th�s Deed ot Trust _
<br /> � . to collect ihu rentt�.�s�uss nnd profits of tho Property and ot any personal property located thereon wdh or wdhout takmg posseseion
<br /> of tho proporry attocted henby, and Trustor hereby nbsolutely and unca�dAionaly nssigns all such rents, iasuea end proide to ��-
<br /> ; Ben�fic�ary. B�nafciary,however,hereby eonsents to ihe Trustor's collection nnd ntsntion ot suCh rente,issunc and profds as they - =
<br /> eccru�end b�come peyable so long n�Trustor�s not,at auch time,m dafauft w�th respect to paymont of any ind�bt�dn�ss secursd '-
<br /> 1� h�reby,or in ths p�Mormenco ot any egreement hereunder.Upon eny euch datauft,Benefieiary mey at any time,edher in peraon,by =—_----'
<br /> � ayant, or by e recorver to be appaintnd by a court,w�thout nohcs and wdhout regard to the ndequacy of any e�curily for the ��
<br /> • ind�btsdn�ss hsreby ucurad, (a)snter upon and tak�poaatesion of ths Proptrty or any patt th�not,and in rt�own nems su�for or
<br /> ��; otherwise coliect such rente,issues and profits, mciudmg thoae pnst due end unpeM,nnd apply th�eem�.Isas costs and�xpennes I
<br /> t:� of operation and colbction, includmg reaeonable attorneye feas, upon any ind�bt�dntan aecured hereby, end tn tuch ordar ns =
<br /> ��`��.;,1;;,i,'��°;, Benefieiary mey determine:(b)pedorm such ects oi re�a�r or protecdon ne mey be necessary or proper ro conaorve the velue of Ihe �
<br /> ,, ��, Proporty: (c) lease the eame or any part thereof for such rental,term, nnd upon such condR�ons as ds�udgment mny dictatQ or —
<br /> ��',�;'y;,�`•:%- terminets,or edjuat the terme and conditiona of oxiaGng leeses.Uniese Truetor and Beneficiary th�reof agre�othervnae m wrdmg.
<br /> ���' eny npplicetion of rente, iaauee or proffia to any mdebtedness secured hereby sheu not extend or poatpone ths dus dnte of th�
<br /> ' •!;�' mstellment paymente as provided in said promissory note or chenge the amount of such instellmente.The entsring upon and
<br /> �'. � teking paesosaion of the Property,the collect�on ot such rents,issues nnd profita,and the applicetion thereof es atoresmd,sl�all not
<br /> _ • wnrya or cure nny detauR or notics of defauk hereunder or mvalidate any nct done pursuent to euch notice.Trustor also asaigns to �`_-__
<br /> � B�nsficlary, eo further sscurity tor ths parformancs of the obligatione secured hereby,all prepad rents etnd ell monies which mny -
<br /> havs been or may hereaRer be depo�rted wrth seid Truetor by any leaeoe ot the Property,to secure tha payment of any rent or '
<br /> � damages,or upon defeuR in ths psrformance of any of the proviaione hereot,Truslor ngrees to deliver euch ronts and depoerta to � __—
<br />, � Bensficiary. Delfvery of wrRten notiee of Beneficiery'e exerase of the nghts grented heroin,to nny tenant occupymg enid premises ,.
<br /> ehell be sufHamt to raquire said tenant to pey rent to the Bane4ciary untd further noUce. .
<br />_: . � �,i_.•
<br /> 2. CONDEMNATION.If tdle to nny pnrt of the Property shall be taken m wndsmnntion proceedinqe,by right of emment domein ��!!���`�_—
<br /> . � or eimilar ection,or shell b�sold undsr three+t of condemnehon,all awarde,dmm�gea and proceada ara h�raby essigned and shell be �t�-•y��-z_
<br /> � ped to Benefiaary who ehell nppiy such rwarda,demeges and proeeeds to the sum secured by thfa Deed of Truat,with the exeeas, --------- -
<br /> • if any,ped to Ttustor.If Trustor roceivea any notiee or other intormation regarding such netions or procaedinge,Trustor shell grve ��„_ �_
<br /> prompt wr�ten nohCe thsreof to Bsneficiary.Bsnefiaary ahall be ent�tled,at de opUon,to eommence,nppear m and prosecute m ds �`;?f,� ;;1'',.,�-°�"
<br /> own nnme•tny sueh ection or proeeedings end shnll be entdled to meke nny compromise or seKlement m conneet�on with eny such -� ` t`�
<br /> .:'t°:::x `.:
<br /> i ecl�on or procoedinga. , ...�.: ° ' '
<br /> :`^'ti'."y�,t� :.s-
<br /> 3. FUTURE ADVANCES.Upon request of Trustor, Beneficmry at Benef�eiary's option,pnor to reconveynnce of the Property to �.�". .,.. ,;
<br /> Truotor, may meke tuture advances to Trustor. 3uch future advnncea,w�th mtorest thereon,shell be secured by this Trust Deed "k`��'.•"';�•'
<br /> when ewdenced by promissory notes stetmg ihet said notes are secured hereby:provided thet nt no dme shall the cecured pnncipal. ' . ;�'•�ti �
<br /> future advancea,not mciudfng sums advefnced to protect the eecunty,exeeed Two Hundted perCenl(200%)01 ths onginal pnncipal ,, ;,
<br /> , emounts secured hereby. '
<br /> 4. REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE. Truatee and Benehanry, and each of them, shall be ontitled to enforce peyment and `.ti�,
<br /> performence oi any indebtedness or obhgatrons secured hereby end to exercise eli nghts end powers under thia Deed of Truet or �
<br /> under eny other agreement executed m connection herewdh or eny Inws now or hereefter m torce,notwith3tendmg some or all ot Ihe
<br /> _ . _ , ����n�r,dot,epd�oas wnd ohl�aations secured herebv mav now or hereafter be�thervnse secured,whether bv mortpespe,deed of trust, _.__.—_
<br /> I pledge,lien, eseignment or othenwse.Nedher the acceptnnce of thia Oeed of Trust nor ds enforcement whether by court aetion or f '�
<br /> pursuent to the power of eale or other powers herein eontained,shell pre�udice or m nny mnnner nHect Trustee's or Benehciary's �
<br /> inght to realize upon or enforce any other securdy now or heroAfler held by Trustee or Benefic�ary,d bemg agreed that Trustee and
<br /> , Benefiaery, end ench of them, shall be entdled to enforce this Deed ot Trust end any other secunty now or horeafter held by
<br /> Beneficiary or Trustee�n auch order and mnnner as they or edher o}them mny m their abcoluto diccrotion determine. No remedy
<br /> herein conforred upon or roaerved to Trusteo or Beneticmry is intended to bu exclusrvo of any othor rernody horem or by�aw
<br /> � provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulative and shall be in add�tion to evary other remedy given hereunder or now or I
<br /> ! hereefter exiahng nt Inw or m eqwty or by statute.Every powor or remedy provided hereunder this Oeed ot Trust to Trusteo or
<br /> 1 BeneficiAry or to wh�ch edher nf them may be othen+nse ont�tled,may be exerc�sed,concurrently or indepondently.lrom time to hme
<br /> and es ollen ea mny be deemed expedient by Trustee or Benef�ciary and either of Ihem may puraue inconuielent remedies.Noth�ng
<br /> � herein sh�ll be construed as prohibdmg Benefic�ary from seekmg a deficiency�utlgment ngamst the Truator to the extent such acUon �
<br /> is perm�ted by Isw. I
<br /> + 60701+NaOreeke ���7R u� '
<br /> I �
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<br /> �r.t _ . .. .__. . __ _ . . .
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