,; " '�:
<br /> " ..:�..:....�.. ,
<br /> I . ._._..._._u.��................ .. ' � ��1 ,
<br /> � � ��'.... � -:�.�.
<br /> (d) Orantor hee tlie ripht and ie duly euthorized to exscuts and psAOrm Ite Obllgntlons under thla Deed of Trust 1nd th�u�ottans do rwt��d . • . ; .
<br /> ahRil not contllot with the provlslons ol any etatute,rtpulation,ordinence,ruls ot lew,conirect or other agreemmt wh�ch m�y b�bindlnp on
<br /> ; (irantor tl any tlmr
<br /> (e) No actlon or proceeding le or ahell be qendlnp or throetened which mfght matsdelly aflsct the Property;and
<br /> ' (}) drl�ntor he�not vlol�t�d and thRll not vlolpte any stetut�,npull�tlon,ordlnance,rulo a1 law.contraot or other apreement I�ncludlnp,but not
<br /> Ilmit�d to,thot�flowrninp Heiardous Meterl�ls)which might materl�lly efl�ct th�Prop�ny or Undu'e rlphta or Inur�st In th�Prop�ity pureu��1 �
<br /> lo thu Oud ot Trutt. —
<br /> 3. PRIOR OpE08 OF Tfil78T. Qr�ntor npreaenta and werrants th�t th�n an no pnor d�ad�of Iruet eHect�ny nny part of th�P�oP�oyd��de of tru�t
<br /> forth on fiCh�dul�q RttaCh�d ta ihlb Dsed of Truet,whiCh drentor egrs�6 to p�y and p�rlorm In e tim�ly mannsr. II thu�ere eny p
<br /> �h�n Orantnr�pn�q.to pay�II amounts ow�d,ind p��lorm WII obllp�tlone r�qulnd,und�r�uch d��d�ol trust nnd th�Indebt�dneea sacursd thenby --
<br /> and further�pre�a tfiat e default und�r any prlor deed of truet ah�ll b��d�ltult und�r thl�CH�d o1 Truft and ehall intltle l.�nd�r to�II riphte And
<br /> '�` ramadic�contolnCd horofn or In the Oblf�etlone to which Lend�r would b��ntltl�d in th�ev�nt of�ny other defnult.
<br /> � , TRANSFERS OF THE PROPERTY OR BENEFICIAL INTERE8T8 IN tiRANTONB OH 80RROWER6. In the ovent o1 a sa1o,conveyance,leeon,
<br /> ontraot tor dsed or trnnsler to any pereon ot�II or any p�rt of ihe r�d prop�rty d��crlb�tl In Cich�dul�A,or tny Inter�et thenln,or of all or�ny
<br /> eneilclal Intereat In�Borrower ar Grantor pf Borrower or drtntor Is not e natural p�rton or psreonf but la a corporetlon,Ilmftsd Ilablllty campany,
<br /> � partnerahip,trust,or other legAi sntity), Under may,et itn optlon,deola�s the outatanding princlpal bal�nce o1 th�Obllpatlons plua accrusd Intereit
<br /> �thereon immedlately due and paynble. At Lender's request,(irantor or 8orrow�r,as the eaN may be,ehali furnlah a complets ntatemsnt setting torth
<br /> all ot its etxkholdera,membere,or partnera,as approprlate,and the sxtsnt of thefr reapsotive ownerehlp intsreets
<br /> � 5. AS31fiNMENT OF RENTS. In conaideration of the Obligatlona which are secured by thle Deed of Trust,(3rantor abaoluteiy assigna to Lender all
<br /> �° drantor's estete,ripht,title,Interest,clalm and demend now owned or hersatter acqulred In all exlatlny and future leeaes ot the Proporty(InciudinG
<br /> �sxlensiono,renewals and subleases),ail agreements tor uss and oxupancy ot ths PropeAy(aIi such leases end eqreemente whethsr writtsn or orel, _
<br /> ' . �re hereafter referred to as the'Leases'),end ell gunrantiea of leasess'performance undsr the Leases,together wfth the Immediete end continulnp ,�• �,:
<br /> e;::-��ight to coilect and rocelve all of the renta,income,receipta,rovenues,lasues,profita and other Incoms of any nature now or hereafter dus pnoludlnp _'i�; ,t_y^
<br /> ' any income o1 any nature coming due durinfl any redemptlon perlod)under the Leasea or from or arising out of the Propsrty.Includlnp minlmum ---—
<br /> rents. additlonal rente,percentage rente,parking or common nrea mafntsnenCS contrlbutlons,tax and insuranCe cantrlbution8,deflcleney rente, ^_
<br /> Iiquidated damagas tollowing tletault in any Lease, all proceeda payable under any pollcy of Insurana coveriny losa of rents rosultinp fram _ _
<br /> untenantabllity cuused by destrocUon ar dnmage to tl�e Property,all proceeds p�yable ss a result of a lessae's ezerclse of an option to purchase the ��;, __
<br /> Property,all proceeds derived irom the terminatlon or reJection of any Leese in a bankruptcy or otha�lnsolvency proceeding,and ail proceeds trom
<br /> any rights end claims of any kind which Orantor may have against any lessee under the Lease:,or any occupante ot th�Prop�rty(ell of the�bove an �`""
<br /> hereafter collectively referred to as tlie'Rents`).This a;signment Is subJect to the rignt.pewer and autnority grven to the Lender to collect and apply
<br /> the Rents. This asalgnment fs recorded in axordance with applicable state law:the I�en crented by this assfgnment Is Intended to be speciiic.
<br /> perfeoted,and choate upon the recording of this Deed of Trust,all as provided by applicable state Iaw as emendad from time to time. As long as
<br /> there la no defnult under the 061lgations or thia Deed of Trust,Lender grants Grantor a revocable Iicense to coileat all Renta from the LeASes when
<br /> , j. due and to use such proceeds in Grantor's business operationa. However,Lender may at any time require Grantor to doposit ail Rents into an
<br /> � account malntalne•d by Orantor or Lender at Lender's institutian. Upon default in the payment of,or in the perlorrnencd of,any of the Oblipations,
<br /> ' Lender may at its option take possesslon o f t he Prope rt y and have,hoid,manage,lease and operata the Proparry on terms anq for a psrtod of tims _
<br /> that Lender deems proper. Lender may praceed to coliect and receive all Renta fram the property.and L.ender shall have fuli power to mn ke
<br /> � alterations,renovationa,repairs or replacements to the Propeny as Lender mny desm proper. Lender may apply all Rents in Lender's soie discretion . �
<br /> > to payment of the Obllgatlons or to the payment of the cost of such alterationa,renovations,repa�rs and replacementa and any expenssa Incldent to F
<br /> • �'�: taking and retalning possesslon of the Properry periodically and the management and operetlon of the property. Lender may keep the Property ��-
<br /> properly Inaured and may discharge any taxea,aharges,claime,assessments and other Ilena which may accrue. The expense an��cost of thess �.��-
<br /> �!.::* aotlona may be pald from the Renta received,and any unpald amounts shall bs added to the prinefpal of the Obligations. These amaunts,together F r� �+�—
<br /> f � with other coato,shall bocome part of the Obligatlons seeured by thia Deed of Trust. ;
<br /> 8. LEASES AND OTHER A(iREEMENTS. Grantor ahall not take or fall to take a�addition,GraMor,�w t out Lendere's p lo hwritt n con�sen t shali �•� �_
<br /> . ,.;;�hh�i���g�f nny p,�yment in connectlon with nny Lease pertalning to the Property. ,� � i r,r allow n Ilen.seeuriN '"'�'� ���
<br /> `�,`,�`•� not: (a)collect^any monles payable under any Lease moro than one monin in ndvanea,i�����c��r a�Y �s:�: Sz�gsg.a� -
<br /> 'a1G , �
<br /> intere�t or other onCUmbrance to be placed upon Grantor'a rlghts,tltle and imenst In and to any Lease or the emounta paynbie thereunder or(d) ��;�'.
<br /> �.�"� terminete or cancel eny Lease except tor the nonpayment of any sum or other materiel broach by the other party theroto. If Cirantor roceives at eny ���,�_
<br /> ' :�`° tfine any wdtten communlcation asserting a default by Cirentor under a Lease or purportinp to terminate or cancel any Lease,Grantor ahnll promptly -
<br /> tornard a copy of such commuNcation(and any subsequent communlcatlona relating theroto)to Lender. NI auch Leases and the amoums dw to ����=__
<br /> Grantar thereunder aro hereby asslgned to Lender as edddional security for the Oblfgatione. ���_
<br /> 7. COLLECTION OF INDEBTEDNESS FROIN TH1AD PARTY. Lendcr ahall be entitled to notiry or raqulre Grantor to notify any lhird party(includlnp, ;�_;
<br /> �:�, but not Ilmlted to, lesseea,Ilcensees,governmental authoritles and Insuran�companiea)to pay Lender any Indebtedness or obllgst►on owing to �„
<br /> Cr�:ta:�rith respect to the Property (cumulativety'Indebtetlness')whether or not e default exists under thia Qeed of Truet. (3rentor shail dlllpsntly —
<br /> •"��. collsat the Indebtedness owing to Grantor lrom these thlyd partes um�i ms giving of euch notlflcation. In the event thet C�rnntor poss�sssa or recsfves �q
<br /> passeesion of any instruments or other remiaaness wfth respsot to ths Indebtedness toilowing the giving of such notlfication or If the Inatrumenta or
<br /> ' •� other remlttances conatitute the pr�payment of any Indebtedness or the payment of any inaurance or condemrtaUon proceede,Or�ntor nhail hold
<br /> such Instrumsnta and otner remittunces In truet for Lender apart from Its other property.endorse the Instruments end other nmittancsa to l.ender, �
<br /> end Immediately provlde Lender with possession of the instruments and other remittnnces. Lender eha►I be entitled,but not requirsd,to collect(by
<br /> - Iepal procendinga or otherwise),sxtend t�e tima 1or payment,compromise,exchange or release any obligor or colleteral,Or otherwiee tettie any of �_v
<br /> the Indebtedness wNether or not an Event o1 Dotault exists under thls Deed of Trust. Lender shell not be Ilable to Grantor for any natlan,error,
<br /> - mistnke,omisaion or delay perteining to tho aetions described in this paragraph or any damagea resulting thereirom. NaN✓ithstnndlnp the foregoing,
<br /> *� nothing heroin shall eause Lender to be deemed a mortgagee-in•posseasion. �^�°`'
<br /> 8. USE AND MAINTENANCE OF PROPEATY. Grantor shall take all actions and meka any repalrs needed to malntafn the Property In good _
<br /> �� • conditlon. Grantor a�aU nat commft or permit any waste to be eammitted with roapeet to the Property. Grentor ehall use the Proparty solely in _-_ -
<br /> e delras prior�wrltten��o semW WI hout Ilm Ungt hlecforegoingt arll ateratio a8addltlonstand�mp�ovemonts mede to he Property shall b subJect to
<br /> � the beneflclal Intareat belonging to Lender.shall not be romoved without Lender's prior written consent,and shall be made at orantor's sole expenas.
<br /> :,�;:�� O. LOSS OR DAMAtiE. Grsntor ahail bear the antlrs risk of any loss,theft,destruction or damage(cumulatively'Loss or Damage")to the Propeny or ��,�i��.___
<br /> � ,: any portion theroof from any Cause whatsoever. In the event of any Loss or Damage,Grantor shall, at the opUOn of Londer,repalr the nfteoted `��;,,�
<br /> ,j;;,' � Propsrty to Ite provfous condition or pay or cause to be paid to Lender the decrease In the tair market value ot the aHected Property. ,____-
<br /> fi 10. INSURANCE. The Property wili be kopt Insured for its full Insurebie value (replacement coat)ngalns4 ell he�ards Including loss or damape : -
<br /> ;-�i, Caused by flood,earlhquake,tornado end fire,theft or other easualty to the extent requlred by Lender. Cirantor may obtaln tnsurance an the Prop�rty ,�-„{q ,
<br /> � from suen eompanies es�be acceptable to Londer In its sole discretion. The insuranCe ollcies ahall ro ulrs the Insurance compnny to provlde sj t ��'����,,:-
<br /> '; ,: da s'written notice before auch poltcles aro altered or cancelled in any manner. The Insurence pollcles ehali �'�t��'�"�1;'.:..,.� :��
<br /> Lender wrth at least . Y � C1: .;
<br /> name Lentler ns a loss payee and provfde that no act or omisslon of Grantor or any olher pereon ehall aHect the right of Lender to be paid ths "������"-;;.;���.��
<br /> • Inaurance proceeda pertalning to the loss or damage ot the Prooerty. In 1he event Grantor falls to acquire or mnintaln Inaurance. Lender(efter :�!�y,,�::!`;;"�;�;,:�,.;
<br /> `';{':':•15,. .
<br /> provfding notice as may be roquired by Iaw)may In its discro+°on procuro appropriate Insurance coverage upon the Property and the inaurance cost r : �r�,.� r ,.
<br /> ' shall be an advance payabie and bearing Interest es clescribod � Paragraph?.3 antl socured hereby. Grentor shall furnlah Lender with evidence of • �.���''„ .�.`
<br /> • insurance indicating the requlred coverage. Lender may act Aa at:orneyin-fact tor Grantor In makiny and setlling claima undet insurance palfcles,
<br /> • canceiling any policy or endorsing Grantor's name on any draft or negotiable Inatrument drawn by eny insurer. All such insurance policles shall be •�;;'4,;
<br /> � immedietely asslgned,pledped and delivered to Lender as turther security tor the Obilgatfons. In the event of loss,Grantor shall Immedlately give
<br /> ' Lender written notfce and Lender is uuthorited to make proof of loss. Each insurance company ia directed to make payments directly to Lender
<br /> Instead ot to Lender and Grantor. Lender shali have the right,at Ito sole option,ta appiy Fuch monlea toward the Obllgations or toward the cost of ,�
<br /> rebullding antl restoring the Property. My amounts may at Lender's option be epplfed in the inverse order of the due dates thereof. ��?�.
<br /> I 71. YONING AND PRIYATE COVENANTS. �rantor ahall not inftiate or consent to any change fn the toning provislons or privnte covenante affecting
<br /> the uae of the Property wfthout Lender's prior written consent. If C3rantor's use ot the Proporry�s or becomes a nonCOnforminfl use under any zoning
<br /> � provislon,Grnntor shell not cause or permit suCh uee to be discontinued or abandoned without the prior written consent of Lender. Grantor will ,
<br /> i immedletely provlde Lender with wrfrien notice of any proposed chanpes to the zoning provislona or privste covend�ta aftectfng the Property.
<br /> 12. CONDEMNATION. (3rantor shall Immedlately provide Lender with written notice ot any actual or threatened condemnatlon or eminent domaln
<br /> proceeding portafning to the Property. All monfes payable to Orantor from such condemnation or taking are hereby asslpned to l.ender and shali be
<br /> . eanlled tirat to the payment of Lendar's ettorneys' feea, lepal expenses and o`her co�ats (fn��udf��app^!^8�8nrf hw8,wato a�m(IQO(I�feDQlftO}1F1! �.
<br /> . - -; . .... _..--'-- '-•
<br /> condemnatlon or emineM clomain proceeamga ana men.ai ine oNuv��v��e���a�,.v u�v p..�.••.••...••••- --••o-^- -- - • -- --�'-
<br /> . .._ .
<br /> Property.
<br /> 13. LENDER'S RIOHT TO COMMENCE OR DEFEND LEGAL ACTIONS. Grentor shnll immedletely provide Lender with written notice of any actual I
<br /> � or threatened action,sult,or other proceeding aHecting the Property. Grentor hereby appolnts Lender as Its attorney-in!act to commenco,intervene '
<br /> . � in,and detend such actlons,sufts.or other legal proceeding9 and to compromise or setlle any claim or controversy pertaininp thereto. Lender shall
<br /> not be Ilable to Grantor for any action, error, mistake,omission or delay pertaining to the actfona described in this paragraph or any damages
<br /> resulting therefrom. Nothing tontained herein will prevent Lender from taking the actfons described m this paragraph in its qwn neme.
<br /> � � 14. INOEMNIFICATION. Lender shall not assume or be responsible for the performance of any of Grantor's obllgations with raspect to the Property
<br /> + under any CirCUm9tanCea. Grantdr shell immedlately provide Lendar with writton notiCe of pnd indemnity end hold Lender and its shereholder8.
<br /> I directora,otlicers,employees and agents harmless from all claims.damages, liabilities (including attorneys'fees and legal expensea),causea ot
<br /> action,actiona, sults and other legal proceedings(cumulatively"Claims")pertaining to the Property (including.but not limited to.those Invoiving
<br /> � Hazardous Materials). Grantor,upon tho request of Lender,shall hire legal counsel to datend Lender from such C�alms,end pay the ariorneys'fees.
<br /> � legal expenses and other Costs inCUrreci m connection therewith. In the alternative.Lendor shall be entitled to employ it9 own legal ceun6el to defend
<br /> such C�a�ms at Grantor s cost. Grantor's obligation to indemnfy Lender under this paragraph shall survive the termination,release or foreclasure ol
<br /> : this Deed of Trust
<br /> IIII
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<br />