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,, . . . -;:.:.. <br /> .;"�..�� <br /> k�, <br /> . . <br /> .. <br /> ' , � �:� . . . .... .-.--. ..._. . . . .. .._. . . . ___ <br /> . . . . . <br /> � �, <br /> �.t:� ."................ . .. .. - - <br /> .. __._ , .. <br /> . . ... ,.,^ <br /> �:- <br /> �1�� �._ <br /> "Prqceeds')In connectlon with condemnaUon or other taking of the Property or part thereof,or for conveyt�nce In Ileu oi condsmnation. �?� <br /> ���--. <br /> Londer shell bv entitlad et Its optlan to commence,appeor In end pr�aecute In its own name any ecllon or proceodinge,end ehall also �� <br /> bo ontltled to makv any compromise or seltlamont In cannectlon with sucli taking or damage.In the event any portfon of the Property is .f, . <br /> so teken a dr�maged,Lender ahell heve thn oplion In its sole and absaiute dlscratlon, to epply all such proceeds, aftor duductinp <br /> lhoretrom all coste end axpenees Incurred by It In connectian with such Praceods,upon any Indebtedness securad hereby and In Ruch <br /> ordor es Lender may detormine,or to apply all such Proceedo,after such doductions,to the restoratlan of lhn Property upnn such can• ; <br /> ditlona os Lond�r may d�tormino.Any appllcntlon oi Proceeds lo Indeblodnesa shell no!extond or postpone lhe duo dato oi any pAy <br /> monte under the Noto,or cure any defAUlt Ihareunder or hereunder.Any un�ppifed funds shall be pald to 7ru�tor. <br /> ' , 9. P�rlormanee hy L�nd�r, UF�on th� cecurronce of en Evont Af Deiault hereunder,or If eny act Is taken ar log�l prceoading ,;'" <br /> ,� t cammenced whlch matorlAl�y aHects Lender's mtern9l In lhe Property,Lenciar may In its own dtscrotlnn,but without obllp�dion to do eo. - <br /> nnd wlthout notico lo or demand upon Trustor and wllhout releesing Trustor trom eny obllgallon,do any ect whlch Trustor has apreod t� <br /> � i l but fnllod to do and may alao do any olher act It deama necasaary to protect the security hereol. Trustor shail, Immodlatoly upon -rY-_ <br /> '"''"� }� domnnd Inorofor by Lnnder,pay to Londer All casts und expenses Incurred nnd sums oxpendod by Londor in connectlon wilh thn oxor• _ <br /> ��''��� # clso by Lender of the Iorepoinp rights,togAthnr wilh Intarest theroon at lhe dofault rato provided In the Noto,whlch ahall bo addod to � <br /> thi��ndobtndnuss sacured horaby.l.endcr shall nut Incur any Ifc�binry bnr.ausn of anylhing ft mpy do or�mit to do horaundor. <br /> 9. Har.udous Al�ttrl�ls. Trustor ahall keep the Property in compllance with ell appliceble laws, ordlnences and regulations <br /> relating to Indust�lal hyplone or environmental protection (cotlectively refe�red to herein as"Envlronmantal Lews').Trustor shell keep �- <br /> the Propnrty ireo from ell substances deemed to 6e hezerdous or toxlc under eny Environmental Laws(collectively referred to hereln <br /> � as 'Hazardoua Matariels'). Trustor hereby warranta and represonts to Lender that there are na Hazardous Materials on or under the <br /> y• Property.Trustor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold hermtess Lender,its directors,oHicero,employees and agents,end any aucces- <br /> sore to Lendor's Interest,from and againat eny end all clalms,damages, lasses and Ilabilitles erlsing in connectlon with the presence, <br /> � REPRE ENTATIONS ANO TRUSTOR'S OBLIGATIONS PURSUANTbTO THE FOREGOING�INDEMNITY, SHALNSURVIVE <br /> �y RECONVEYANCE OF THiS DEED OF 7RUST. � <br /> 10.Assfpnmont oi Rmts.Trustor hereby esslgne to Lender,and erents Lender a security interest In, all present, tuture end ___ <br /> � after ariaing rents,fssueu and proflts of the Property:provided that Trustor�hall,until the occurrence of an Event of Oofauit,hereunder, <br /> have the right to collect and retain such rents,Issues and profits as they become due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event ot ��__ <br /> Refault,Lender may,elther In person or by agent,with or without bringing eny ection or proceeding,or by a receivor appointed by a - _ <br /> �+�' couR and without regerd to the adequacy of its securlty,enter upon and take possesslon oi the Property,or any part thereof,in ita own _ <br /> name or In the name of the Trustee,and do eny acts which it deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value, marketability or __ <br /> "' rentabllity of the Propnrty,or any part thereoi or Interest therefn,or to increase the income therefrom or protect the security hereot and, <br /> ' with or without taking possession of the Property,sue for or othervvise coitect the rents,Issues end proflts thereof,InGuding those past <br /> '. •• due and unpald,by notifying tenants to make payments to Lender.Lender may apply rents,issues end profits,less costs and expens- <br /> es oi aperation end wllection Including attomey's fees, to any indebtedness secured hereby,ell In sueh order as L�tnder may deter- <br />; mine.The entering upon and taking possesslon of the Property, the coltection of such rents,Issues and profits, and the applicaUon <br /> f ---.= ttisreof as�f�re�s!td shall not cure or waive any detault or notice of default hereunder or Invaildate any ect done in Vestpo�n�=i8��►! <br /> default or pursuent to sucfi notice of default and, notwithstanding the continua�ce In possess�on of the properiy <br /> f�.� � recelpt and appllcatlon of rents,Issues or proflts,Trustee and Lender shell be entitled to exerclse every�ight provided for In eny of lhe <br /> z, • � Loan Inswments or by law upon occurrence of eny Event ot Default,Including without Iimitatlon the right to exercise the power of sale. <br />�'•�::� FuAher,Lender's righis and remedies under this paregraph shall t�e cumulative with,and in no way a Iimitation on,Lenders rights and <br /> - • ` -` �' Lender,Trustee and the receiver shall be Ileble to <br />-�� � ':`�:�' remediea undor any assignment of leases and rents recorded against the Property. <br />.`_'� • eccount or+ly tor those rents actualty recelved. <br />���>>*:";.': <br /> - �-,,..,.., 11.Evenb of Detauit.The tollowing shall constitute an Event oi DefeuR under this Deed of Trust: <br /> - " '� �` (a)Failure to pay eny insteliment of princlpal or Intsrc»t or any olher sum secured hereby when due; <br />-;w:�'�' ' (b)A breach of ar default under any provision contalned In the Note,thls Deed of Trust,any of the Loan Instrumenb,or eny <br />-��i��,:;.;�., othe�Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property; <br />:�;���r,�:,., � (c)A writ oi execution or attachment or any slmllar process shall be entered ageinst Trustor which shall became e lien on <br />�S(PI14 :� �! <br />_�:._� .}_°�v;; the Property or eny portion thereof or interest thereln; <br />-����°�� (d)There shell be flled by or egalnst Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any present or future tederal,state or other statute, <br />^�•��-'`_.��=—T� law or rsgulatbn relatlng to bankruptcy,insolvency or other relief for debtors;or there ahatl be eppointed any Watee,receiver ur <br /> "=°'��r � Iiquldator ot Trustor or Borrower or of ell or any part of the Property,or the rents,issues or proftts thereof,or Trustor or Borrowe� <br /> �..::,�„ ; <br /> � shall make any general assignment for the benefit of creditors; <br />�;�..��;� � (e)The sele, trensfer, lease,assignment,conveyence or furthor encumbronce ot all or any pnrt ot or eny IMarest in the <br /> -°�.�.�;.:�, properry,either voluntadiy or involuntarfly,without the express written consent oi Lender,provided that Trustor shall be permit- <br /> _ -"J-;'- ted to execute a lease o}the Property that does not contein an opGon to purchase end the term ot which does not exceed one <br />�:�4��;'�,,s � year; <br /> : (�Abandonment of the Property;or <br /> --�--_��°� (g)N Trusror is not an Indlvidual,the issuance,sale,transier,essignment,conveyance or encumbrence of more than(H e <br /> -•-����.., corporation)a total ot percent of its Issued and outstendfng stock,or(if a partnershlp)a totel oi pe�- <br /> ,��`� cent of partnership Interests,or(if a iimited Ilabllity company)a total of percent of the Iimited Ilability compa- <br /> -'°-"�+i�R�. ny interests or vodng Hghts during the period this Deed of Trust remalns a Ilen on the property. <br />%4�°`'1;?'�'* ' 12.R�m�dt�r,Accel�ration Upon D�hult.In the event of eny Event oi Default Lender may,without noUce excepi as requlred <br />-�- �:' x" by law,declare all indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and payable with- <br /> --- � out any prosentment,demand,protest or notice of any kind.Theroafter Lender may: <br /> � (a)Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and Trustee shall thereaRer cause Ttuata's Inter- <br /> � � est in the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be distrfbuted,all In the mpnner provided in the Nebreska Trust Deeds Act; <br /> : (b) Exercise any and all �ights provided for in any ot the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of <br /> ; Default;and <br /> _ (c)Commence an actbn to toreclose this Deed of Trust as e mortgege,eppolnt a recelver,or speciflcally enforce any of the <br /> covenants hereoi. <br /> , No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is intended to be exclus(ve oi eny other remedy herein,in the Loan <br /> � InsVumanffi or by law provided or pertnitted,but each shall be cumulative,shall be in addltion to dvery other remedy given hereunder, <br /> �'� �.,,�• � � in Ihe Loan InsUuments or now or hereafter existfng at law or In equity or by statute,end may be exerclsed concurrently,IndependenUy <br /> or succesively. � <br /> - � ... �_--'-- �� <br /> _�_._.____..���......�......�t...e..,i►lvud�m�m o�d i nndAr mav at env time end without cause appoint a suc- <br /> - .__ ._._..----.---�- �o. �ruic�. ���o �wa�w�uo��oo�y..a.....�.»..........--------• -"- -- <br /> U — <br /> � cessor or substitute Trustee.Truatee shell not be Ilable to any party,InGuding without Ilmltatbn Lender,Borrowet,Trustor or any pur• _ <br /> chaser ot the ProFeRy,tor eny losa or dame��►unteas due to recktess or wlilful misconduct,and shail not be requi�ed to teke eny actlon v <br /> � in connecNon with lhe enforcement of this Oeed of Trust unless fndemnified, in writing,for all costs,compensatton or expenses which � <br /> may be associated thorewith.In edditlon,Trustoe may become e purchaser at eny sale of the Property(�udicfal or under the power o( � <br /> sale grented herein);postpone the sale of all or any portlon of the Property, as provlded by law;or sell lhe Property as a whole,or in , <br /> separete parcels or lots at Trusiee'�dlscretion. � <br /> 14. FNS and Exp�ns�s.In the event Truatee selis the Property by exercfse of power oi sale,7rustee shall De entitled to apply = <br /> eny sale prooeeds first to payment of eil costs end expenses of exercising powar of sale,Including aIl Tnistee's fees,and LendePs end _ <br /> � Trustee's attomey's fees, ectually Incurred to extent pertnftted by applicable iaw. In the event Borrower or Tnistor exercises any right <br /> provtded by Iew to cure an Event oi Defeult,Lender shall be entitled to recover irom Trustor all costs and exponses actua�iy mcurced as _. <br /> a result oi 7ruatoYs default,fncludtng without Ilmitation all Tnistee's and attomey's fees,to the extent pertnitted by appllcabie law. <br /> ,, 0 15. Futuro Advances.Upon request oi Borcower, Lender may,at its optian, make additional and future advances and read• _ <br /> vances to Bonower.Such advances and readvances,wtlh Interest thereon,shall be secured by this Deed of Trust.At no tlme shall the <br /> .. .._'..: � -. . . .. . . <br /> .... .. . ,: -� _ _ <br /> . _ <br /> .. .. �. . ;y�lrTl _. .. . ..__.. _ _. . _. . ... <br />