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. . <br /> � <br /> � <br /> A� . <br /> � .F.. <br /> . ...• ",.� � �a+ . � ... � . •�.nv r b�4E'!r�+����il'`.:p"rSS,. .. � ,.r.r�..... .. . • . ..-. ,�.._� <br /> . M11A�k''''""' �r; <br /> . i <br /> t <br /> . • 18.Mi�cellaneou�Provl�lon� ' ��� 9 <br /> le) dorrowa Not RN����d.Extenelon ot t�N�t�IO�b�ent or modlficetlon of tho suma secured by thts� o ru� pr�nted <br /> by le�der to eny wcce��or In Intere�t o}Borrower rhNl not opento to releate, In sny menne�, tha Ilablilty ot the orlpinei Borrower _ <br /> and Borrower's auccea�on In Intereat. Lender ehell not be requtrod to commence proceedlnp� egalnst euch Quccessor or rofuee to _ <br /> extend tlme for piyment or otherwles modliy emortleatlan o}the�um�securnd by this Deed ot Tru�t by re�son of any d�msnds <br /> 1 mede by the orlglnsl Borrower end Borrower'�succeaeon In Intere�t. <br /> J Ib)l�ndK'�PowK�.Wlthout affectlnp the Ilanllity of any other person Ilabie for tha payment of enY oblipetlon hereln mentloned, <br /> � aM without effectlnp the tien or cherge of thle Deed of Trust upon�ny portlon o}the Property nat then or thsretofore reies�ed as <br /> sucurity for the fuil emount of all unpald obligatlona, Lender mey,from time to tlma end wlthout notice Iq releafse eny person ao <br /> ,,�I i�. 1ie61e, (Ip extend the maturity or alter any of the terms o}any tuch obliyetlon�, liiA prent other indulgenceo,lw)reieaso or rcconvoy, a <br /> or cause to be releaaed or reconveyed at any tlme et Lender'e option eny psrcel,portlon or ell of the P►operty,(v)take or relesae eny <br /> �,r..� � other addltional sacurity for any obligatlon herein mentloned, or (vp make compoaitlone ar other errengements with debtora In <br /> �,�Y,,t,yk,:• relation theroto. <br /> Ic) Forb��nna�by L�nd�r Not�WNv�►.Any forbearance by Lender In exerclaing any right or remedy heraunder, or otherwlae <br /> � afforded by eppllcable law, ahall not be a waiver of or preclude the exerclse of eny suah right or remedy. The procurement of <br /> ' i�aurance or the payment of texea or other Ilena or chargea by Lender shell not be e wafve�ot Lender'e ripht to acceterate the <br /> • meturity of the fndebtednesa aecured by this Deed of Trust. <br /> (d)Succnson�nd Assipnt Bound;Joint�nd S�vKM U�biMty:C�ptbns.The covenanta and apreementa herein contained sh�fl <br /> . bind, end the Nghta horeundor shall inure to, tha respective auccessors and aasigns of Lander end Truator. AII covenanta and <br /> ,�';; apreementa of Trustor ehali be joint end several. Tho captions and headinaa of the pA�ag►apha of thia Qaod of Truat are for <br /> canvenlenCe only and are not to 6e used to Interpret or doflne tho p:uvislona he�eof. <br /> � (e) R�qu�it for Notic�s.The partiea hereby requeat that a copy of eny notice of default hereunder end a copy of any notice of <br /> salo hereunder be mafled to each pany to thia Dned of Trust at the addrese set farth above in the mnnner preacrfbed by eppllcabie <br /> y lew. Except tor any other notice requlred under applicable law to be given in another manner,any notice provided for In thia Deed of <br /> Trust ahell be glven by mallinp such notice by certlfled mell eddresaed to tha other partie�, at the eddreae oet forth above. Any <br /> notica provfded ior in thle Doed of Truat shall be effective upon malllnq In the menner desipneted herein.If Trustor i�mare thsn one <br /> � � pueon,notice sent to the address set forth ebove shsll be notice to ell euch person�. <br /> (f)In�p�otlon. Lender may make or cau�e to be mede ret��on�bls entrles upon end Inipectlon� of ths Propetty, provlded th�t <br /> Under�h�ll plvn Truftor notic�prlot to�ny�uch Insp�ctfon�p�cffylny rs��on�bt�c�u��therefor nl�t�d to Lsnd�r'�Int�n�t In th� <br /> Property. <br /> (p)R�aonv�y�no�. Upon paym��t of �II sum� ��cund by thb D��d of Trutt, L�nder �hdl nqu��t Tnnt�� to nconv�y tht <br /> PropartY+�nA�h�ll �urrend�r thla D��c1 of Tru�t �nd NI not�� �vldenclnp Ind�bt�dmu �ecur�d by thl� D��d of Tru�t to Tru�be. <br /> Tmit�e�h�ll r�convey th�Prop�ny without w�rnnty�nd wlthout charp�to thr p�rson or penon�I�Q�IIy sntltNd thsnto.Yru�tor <br /> �A�II {t�y pll uo�t�o}ncord�tlon,II�ny, <br /> Ih)hnAnM rropKty:i�w�ttY Apr�n�nt.M�ddltlond��curity for th�p�ym�nt ot th�N�te,Tru�tor h�nby pr�r►t�L�nd�r und�r <br /> ; th�Ne6r�Rke Unilorm Comm�rclal Cod��securlty Int�rest In�II flxture�,Mulpm�nt,and oth�r p�nonal prop�rty utsd In conn�otton <br /> with tht reel eet�te or Improv�msnt�locatad thsreon,�nd not othxwlu declared or de�m�d to b��part o}tht red��t�ts secured <br /> r' � hxsby.Thie Inetrummt shNl b�construad n�Securiiy l.y�ee�i�oni ander«.t�Cada, wZS!!ha len�!er�h�ll h�ve all th�rlphts�nd <br /> remedlen of A seoured pittY under�sid Code In addltlon to the riphts and remsdlq created und�r�nd�ccotded the Lander punusnt <br /> to thle Qood of Trutt; provided thet Lender'e riyhts end remedies under thls p�rpnph thNl be cumulstivs with, end In no way e <br /> � Iimitatinn on,Lender's riflht�and remedles under any other eecurity egreement sipned by Borcowsr or Truttor. <br />��r.��;�+�'�;' (Q Usns �nd Enwmbnnu�. Truetor heroby werronte end repre�enU that thero i� no defeuit under the provisbns of eny <br /> mortgaga, deed of trust, lease or purchese contrsct describinp ell or eny pan of the Property,or other contnct, inst�ument or <br />�;F:.,.,�';��h epreement constkutinp a Ilen or encumbrance agelnet all or any p�rt ot the Woperty(colleceivs, 'Uens"!,exiitlnp n of the dete ot <br /> Y;�'.�...j� thla Dood of Trust, end that eny and all e�cisting Liem remsin unmodified except aa diaclosed to Lender in Trurtor's written <br />�.�•, . <br /> - diecloaure of Itene end encumbrencea provided for herein. Truator �hsil tlmely pertorm sll of T�ustar'a obliaattons, covenen e, <br />`� � ' reprosent�tlons end werrenties under any end all exleting end tuture Uene,shatl promptiy forwerd to Lender coples of ell noticss of <br /> ""�```'t" detauit aent in connection with Any end ail exiating or futuro Llens, end�hall not without Lender's prior wrkten consent in eny <br />-�,.-�::�:..;�... <br /> .,; manner modlfy the proviefona of or allow eny future advences under any exlating or future Uens. <br />����A:;,'�- (j) APPllo�tlon of P�ym�nt�. Unloaa otherwise requlred by Iaw, eume pafd to Lender hereunder. Inciudinq wRhout Iimitetion <br /> :_�•.:,�,.['-,;•;� payments of prin�ipal and intereat,inaurance proceed�,condemnatlon procends end ronts snd profite,ehsll ba applied by Lender to <br /> ..,� the amounte due nnd ow(ng from Truator end borrower in euch order aa Lender in Its sole discretion deems desinbte. <br />�^,���u;��a . (K) S�v�nbHky. If any provlsion of this Deed of Trust confilcts with epplicable law or Is declared invaiid or otherwiae <br />—�`��'� • ''� unonforceable,auch confli¢t or invelidity shell not affect the other provialona of thls Deed ot Trwt or the Nots which can be given <br />-<'.- +�"'., eBeat without the cantlicting provfsion, and to thla and the proviaions of thla Deed of Truat end the Note ere declared to be <br /> � '•',-:;; bvereble. <br />�_�*���'%° (II T�rm�.The terms"Truetor"end"Borrower'ahall include both singular end plurel,end when the Trustor end Borrower are the <br />—" '`"= eame person(s1,thoae terme es uned in thia Deed of Trust shell be Interchanpeable. <br /> z��#-�' (mf Oov�minp l�w.This Deed ot Truat aheil be poverned by the laws of the Stete of Nebraske. <br /> �_b�-2'-. <br />�`�"�`"�� Truno�hea executed thia Deed of Trunt ea of tha date wdtten ebove. <br />-` '��'�" BTFSV6 &T JOHI7 <br />�;y�.s�. ,7,...�.. <br /> --•.�,Y�W�i�� , t3T8VB'8 B SHOP <br /> _ .g���;,�.v. � <br /> j�� , `,'' STSYE ST JO}Qi T�UBLOt STEVB ST JOHN TlllltOf <br /> _ � TfU8t0� LI511 ST JOHN TNSLOf <br />_ , ��� / <br /> Truetor Trustor <br /> . � ��. <br />_ � . <br /> � t <br /> • ��«•`.tQr <br /> ` <br /> . � <br />. <br /> NBC 3467C INonegrlouitural Deed)Rev.8/96 <br /> 1 988 Natlonel B�nk of Commerce Trust end Savinga Assocletion,Linco�n,Nebreske <br /> _ • u_, _.L +�-�' - — <br />