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<br /> cov�N�Nrn �A 1 4;_»�:;���
<br /> 9 � �� ��
<br /> ' t. P�ynwnt�. Borrower �yne• to m�ks all payment� on the �ecured dedt when due. Unl�n Borrowe�"�nd Lend�r �pn� o wiss, �ny ,..�,17'����,b�;
<br /> psyment�Lender recelve� from Barrower or for Borrowsr't ben�lit will na epplled flret to�ny emounte Borrower owes on the �ecured debt y
<br /> not rsduce or�exc aie my��cMdukd paymenttuntll the�tecu�s�debt fei pe�ld in juj�al p►�pebment of the secured debt occura for rny re�ton,it will . .
<br /> 2, Cl�krt�Ay�►�t Tid�� vyMl Y-+p t!xs�+au�ssmenta,�nd other CherpeR attributable to the property when due and wiil deisnd title ,
<br /> to the property�Oi�mt ny t whf I ths I n of th{s depd of t�uat.Lendet mey reVuire Borrower to�ulpn any rlpht�,clalmt or ,
<br /> defentes which 8orro r m I��w���� �Y�a�r rn metnrinls to fmprove or meintain the proparty. __
<br /> 3
<br /> . Inwnnc�. dorrow�wlM ke�P�1xoMnY r termn acceptahlA to Lander et Borrowsr'� axpanss and tor Lender's beneflt.All „'Y+,
<br /> IneuranGe paliciea sh�il Include��t�ndsrd mprtp�ps cl�uss in fevor af lendor.lander wfll bs namsd a�loa�payee o►�s tM Insursd on�ny such �-.L,;
<br /> orsto th��ecured debt�If Lender requU�smortp ye ina�unn eft Bonowor ag e�narioimeintalnt�uchhnrusancotfon as tonp�as Lnndara oquee9 raparty � --
<br /> . � � . ,. :��=,�
<br /> 4,Prop�rty�Borrowsr will keep the praperty In pood condition end m�ke all repwire rs+�ionebly nsces�ary. ' -,�'• - �
<br /> .;...�' • ;1 • ."�4. �
<br /> 6.ExpMN�.Borrower agrees to pay ell l.ender'e expenssr,Inoludin{�reeaoneble�ttorney�'feea,if Borrower breaks any covenanta in this deed
<br /> . �1► of trust w in any obllyatlon cecured by thi�deed of truat. Borrower will pay thnrce emounta to Lender es provlded in Covenant 9 of this deed of ��,a��;.:.:n;
<br /> truat. •te:'{., ,�,*�
<br /> • j��p-r�•'r��l:._.
<br /> •' q r
<br /> 6, Prlo►8�curFty IMe�sU. Unitss Batrower tirs:obtaim Lendet'a writtan con�sent, Borrowor wiil not maYe or permit any changea to any prior •:,�:��;�„{�;.��..
<br /> � security Interests. Borrowar wdl perform ell of Borrowe►'s obllgatiane undor any prior mortgage, deed of trust or other security egreement, `; '•!.�m-';.;��— -
<br /> � includinQ Borrower'e covenanta to m�ke payments when due. ,�,.---
<br /> �cv
<br /> 7.A�si nt of H�r►t��nd Pro}It�.Barrqwer aesigm to Lendor tho rents and profits of the property.Unless Borrower and Lender have apreed ___�_
<br /> otherw se in writinp, Borrowor mAy coliect and retain the rente as long �e Barrower is not in defauit. If Borrower defaults, Lender, Lender's __
<br /> agent, or e court appointed receiver mgaY teke possession end manAgo tho property end collact the rents. Any rents Lender coll�cts shell be �__
<br /> necefasary relat d axpensea f The romAin nh9 0 ount of r nts wil{Uwn apply to pey ente on the secured debt as prov ded in9Covensnt�any other __
<br /> � e.����.�a�i��ns;q��t1 pnit p�wloprtMnb,Bonowor�yreeA to camply with the p►ovisions of�ny lease M thts d�ed oi trust i�on ��
<br /> s le�sehold. 1�thio desd of vuet la on e unit in a condomfnlum a A Wanned unR devetopment.Burrower wili perform atl of Borrower's duNes �
<br /> ;�4 under th�covanant�,byiaws,or repula4lons af tfie condominium or plenrted unit deveiopment. �_--`
<br /> � 8.Autharity of L�►to P�rtorm for brrow�r. It Borrower fall�to pertorm any of F3orrower's dutles under thia dea�of truat, Lender may �
<br /> y � pertorm the duties or cause them to be performed. �snder mey elpn eonawer's nime or p�y eny amount if rncetsary tor perform�ncs.If any „
<br /> construction on the property la dThis�may inctude comrietinp thoACOnatruatlonmennar,Lender may do whatever is necessary to protect Lender's �
<br /> � aecurity interost in the property. P ��"��
<br /> � � L�+nder's failuro to perform wftl not proclude Lender irom exercfainp any of k�other rights under the law or thi�deed of trust. �
<br /> and wi�ll�bea�in e�it fromt hetdate�of the payment un6lipaid In Tull ati�tha�interestrate in ef ect anfthe secured debt unts will be due on demand
<br /> .�� �^.-—
<br /> 70. Dahult�nd Acc�l�ntlon. If Borrowor fails to make any peyment when due or breaka any covenanta under thia deed of trust or �ny ,�_
<br /> obliy�tion secwed by this deed of uuat or any prior mortyage or deod o}trust,Lender mey accelerate the maturity of the �ecured debt and =-���-��
<br /> �• demand Immsdl�ts Qayment end may invokc afie power of sale and eny other remediea permitted by applicable law.
<br /> �� 71.R�qu�st for Notic�of D�f�uit.It la hereby requeated that Coploa of the noticos of default and uele be sent ta each person who ia a perty �
<br /> hereto,at the addrets of each tuch person,as set forth herein.
<br /> -- � __
<br /> � 12.Pow�r of Sale If the Lender invokes the power of sate,the Truetae thell firet �ecord In the office of the reylater of deedt of ewch county
<br /> whersin the trust property or some part or parcel thereof Is situated a notice of default containinp tM iniarmetion requlred by I�w.7ho Truttee
<br /> shdi alao mail copies of the notice of default to the Borrower,to each porson who la e party hereto, end to other psreons es prescribed by
<br /> applicable law. Not less th�n one month aher the Trustee tecords the notico of default, or two months If the truat property i� �ot fn eny _
<br /> incorpor�ted city or villaye�nd It used in ferm(ny operotiona carrNd on by the trustor,the Truatee ahall give publlc notice of aaie to the persona ��
<br /> 8nd in tM manner pre�cnbed by epppiicable law.Truatee,without demand on Borrawer,ehall eell the proparty at public auction to the hiphest v�-=
<br /> bidder.If►equlred by the Farm Humeste�d Protection Act,Trustee shall oHer the property In two separate nelea as requlred by epplicable Isw. �_
<br /> Lender�omiti desip�nee lnay purchase the properiy et a�aale�by Rublla announcement at tha time end place of eny prevlouely scMduled eele.
<br /> �
<br /> . • .•i ,+',. .� Ths rocttfsia co�tained in
<br /> U n rscsipt ot eYment ot the price bid,Truatee shall dolivcr to tho purchaser Tn�stee's deed conveying the property. :
<br /> T ustee'�deed ihall be prima f�cfe evidlenr.e of the truth of tho statemonta conulned therein.Trustee eha11 apply ths procaeds of che sa�e in the ,t;�.
<br /> ��Institi ant teei�'lb)to'all sumsf�ecu ed by thla�deeduofi truat uind(cl't etbatanie.elfaany t�o the pe�sons tegilly entitled�to receive It, fees snd
<br /> 13.Fa�elown.At Lendsr'�option,this deed of trust may be faealoaod In the manner provide by appllcabie law for foreciosure o}mortq�ye�
<br />"' . on roal property.
<br /> '`�'' 14,Insp�otlon.Lender may anter the property to inspeat it if Lendar pivea Borrower notice beforehend. Ths notice muat stats tAe reetonsbie
<br /> - cauce fa lender's fnspection.
<br />_��..: ' •�C
<br /> � 15.CcaM�mn�tlon.Borrower easign�s to Lender the proceede of�ny awerd or clalm for damape�co�nected with a condemnation or other uk{ng
<br /> � of sll or sny part of the propt+rtY.Such procoeda wfli be appiied�e provfdod in Covenant 1.Thia easfynment ia subJeat to the termi of any prior
<br /> • security apreemsnt.
<br /> �,. 18.W�wT.By exerc�finq eny remedy evalla6te to Lendo►,Lender does not qive up eny riphts to later use any other remedy.By not exercisinQ
<br />= any remedy upon Borrower't defauit,Lender doea not waive any right to later coneider the event a default if it happens ageln.
<br /> ' 4 17. JdM �nd S�v�wl LI�• Co•slye»n; Suoe�aon �nd Auipn� 8amd- All duties undsr thfo deed of truat are Joint end eeveral. Any
<br /> _,'.�- Borrow�r who co•tipnt thl� eed of trust but doae not co-slqn the underiyInp debt Inabumentls) doea o0 only to prant end convey that
<br />— Borrower's intare�t In the property to the Trustee under the terme of ihis deed oftrust. In addition,such e Borrower eQreea th�t the Lender and
<br />�� ���' ' any other Borrowar undsr this deed of truat mey extend, moditv or make�ny other chanpet in the termo of thie deed of truat or the sscured
<br /> • debt without th�t Borrowsr'e consent end without releesln0 that�orrower from the terma of this deed of truat. —
<br /> ,, The dutbs�nd benefitt of this deed of t►uet shell bfnd end beno(It tt�e auccescors snd essigna of Lender and Borrower. _ __--_-
<br /> � 18.Nmk�.Urdesa otMrwl�e requued by Iaw,eny notice to Borrower ahell be piven by delfveriny it ar by maiiing It by ce►tlfiad mail addreaaed to ���,�=�'
<br /> Barower at the property addroes or eny other address that Borrower has piven to Lender.Borrower wfll give any notice to Lender by certif{ed __�
<br /> � m�ll to lender's eddrsit an p�pe 1 of thit deed of trust,or to any othor addraae whlch Lender hae desipneted. Any other notice to Lendar shell ������:�___
<br /> �� w ba tent to Lender't�ddroae as etated on paye 1 ot this deed of Vuat. �T"�'•
<br /> �y.����_ �_
<br /> „_� Any notice�hail be deemed to have been pivan to Borrower or Lender whon given in the menner stated abovo. -�i�� '��,,.
<br /> )� s ' �
<br /> 19.TnnsfK of tM Prop�rty w�B�rNf1e1M IM�r�st In t!N Batow�r•If ell or any part of the property or eny Interest in i:Is aold or tran�}erred
<br /> � without Lender's prior writtan consent, Lender moy demend Immodiate payment of the secured debt. Lender may also demand immediate �';9: C;,YP��"
<br /> � � p�yment if the Borrower ia not a natu*ai person and e benoflciai intereat in the Borrower fs sotd or trenaferred. Howevar, Londor may not �• ,��,��`_�;.�
<br /> ; � demand paymsnt In the abova�itwtions if it ia prohihited by federel law es of tM date of this deed of trust. •.:-t4,�'1,.�^,
<br /> , •....�•^.�'-.'
<br /> ?.0.R�conwy�nc�.When the oblipatlon secured by thfa deed of trust hec been pafd, and Lender has no further obligetion to make edv�ncea ::,�,4;�?.
<br /> undsr the (mtrum�nts or reements secured by thfe deed of trust,tha Trustee shell, upon written request 4y the Lender,reconvey the truet _
<br /> property. The Lendar�hall�eltver to the Borrower,or to Bonower's suacessor In interest,the trust deed+�nd the note or otMr evidence of the � �:
<br /> oWipation eo eatistied.Bortower sh�il pay�ny recordetlon coets.
<br /> __.—__ __ _ _. �_.____ .__�_. .. �....,..•. .,...:..., ...e.,.�..,�„� T..�.*.. ��w anroint a auccsaaor trustee bv first. meilino e copY of the
<br /> ..- -- --- -- 7 c�. aucao�w �ra.a... .a�...o.. .. �......... _ .. ._..
<br /> . ._-°--- ---•-- - - '•�
<br /> I subetltution of truetee as roquired by eppliceble aw,end t on,by filinp the eubatitution of trustee tor rocord In the office of the regfeter of aeeas -
<br /> of�ach county in which the trust property, or somo part tho►eof, is eftuated. The successor trustee,without conveyance of the property,shall C
<br /> �• succeed to ell the power,dutfes,authority and title of tha Trusteo namod in tho dead of trust and of any successor trusteo. I .
<br /> �
<br /> I I
<br /> I
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> � Ip�g�7 0/71
<br /> SANKERS SVSTEMEi.INC..ST ClOUD.MN 66]01 I7 600�97•23��1 iO�iM OCP MT(�•NE 0�19191 _ _ _ '
<br /> �
<br /> �...1__... _ _. . ._— _ _. . _
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