.d;�i ' . . ,.. , .. , � ,.:."',�
<br /> � � . �•. „t.,.
<br /> �°, .,.�. d.'�- � i. . ,..'8, 'a r.W..;°jf:;'t8 .i�•j;:. . � . . ' ti��?�"'+'�1 . .f.�,f��or
<br /> .,�• .k.,.F:;a�rs
<br /> ._.L.. .:�..-._• �;,_—
<br /> .�,�..a„a,��.a�" ���r��a:.r.�� � , . . . -. . --=-
<br /> _ �. -... .���,,�fislst�__
<br /> � • 17. Transf�r of ths Prop�rtyl or a B�n�flolal Interast in Borrower. n all or any part of the Property or ';�d�,�:�.—r--==�
<br /> . -;�::��.�..._.._...
<br /> • , any Interest In It is eold or trsnslerred (or if a beneflcWl Interest In Borrower Is sold or trensferred and Borcower Is not e netural ��;,,�=��,..�
<br /> � ' person) wlthout Lender's prlor wdtten consent, Lendar may,at ita option, requlre Immedlate payment In full of all sums secured by •.G'''�:'�'��;�..��Q;
<br /> thls Security Instrument. However, thls optfon ahall not be exerclsed by Lender if exerctse Is prohibited by lederel lew as oi the� � .• •ti_�,-,:,;,t;t
<br /> date of this 9ecuriry Instrument. " ;.'-'-'€'�:''
<br /> 11 Lender exerdses thls option, Lender shall give Borrower notica o1 acceieretion. The notice shall provide a perlod of not y .
<br /> .�.�
<br /> less than 30 days Irom the dete the notica Is dellvered or malled wlthln whlch Borrower must pay all sums secuted by thls t;:,,;;
<br /> Securfty instrume�it.If Borrower fails to pay these sums pdnr to the expfratlon of lhis pedod, Lender may Invoke any remedles Fi► �• � •��'��+
<br /> . permitted by ihis Securlty Instrument without fuAhar notice or demand on Borrower. n I •�: •
<br /> . �
<br /> � +�Y.S?h1��i
<br /> 18. Borrow�r's Hlght to Reinstate. H Borrowor meets certaln conditlons, Borrower shall have the right to have
<br /> entorcement oi thls Security Instrument dlscontinued at any tlme pnor to the eadier ol: (a) 5 days (or such other period ns .. �' ,>�°_.._,
<br /> ' ,r:��:e:E.-
<br /> . �:.,�,,:.�...�_--
<br /> � appllcablo law mtsy specf for reinstatement)beforo sele ol the Property pursuent to eny power of sale contalned In thls Security :��,o„y_
<br /> �..+��+'��• Instrument: or(b) entry ot a Judpment enforcing Ihls Security Instrument. Those conditlons are that Bortower: (a) pays Lender ail � j ,.Z�,��-�}-;
<br /> •,�� ''^�� sums whlch lhon would be due under this Secudty Instrument and the Note us if no acceleratlon had occurred: (b) cures any :y���_'_+va=
<br /> default o1 eny other covenant or agreements; (c) pays all expenses Incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument. including, but u'.�_--''
<br /> ",�'-v'---
<br /> . not limited to,�•easonable attomeys' fees; and (d)takes such action es Lender may reasonably requlre to assure thet the lien of �����74_;,__-
<br /> this Security Instrument, Lender's rlghts In the Property and Borrower's obligetlon to Fey the sums secured by thls Security ���,,'�: __u�
<br /> Instrument shall continue unchenged. Upon re�nstatement by Bortower, this Security Instrument and the obligatfons secured _,_—-
<br /> hereby shall remain lully eflective as if no ecceleratlon had occurred. However. this right to reinstete shall not apply in the case �,.,_
<br /> oi acceleration under paragreph 17. —�--,—
<br /> 19. Sal� Of NOte; Change of Loan SfIrv1C91'. The Note or a a paRlal interest fn the Note (together wlth thfs �,�--_-
<br /> Security Instrume�q may be sotd one or more times without pdor notice to Borrower. A sale may resuit In e change In the entity �=.-_
<br /> ;`•. (known as the'Loen Servicer')that collecta monthly peyments due under the Note and thls Securtry Instrument. Thera elso msy __
<br /> ' 6e ono or more changes ot tha I.oan Servicer unrelated to e sale of tha Note. Ii there is a change of the Loan Servicer, ;�•,�—,
<br /> � Bortower will be giren written notice of the change In accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice wifl �;�-�`W
<br /> � state the name and address oi the new Loan Servicer end the address to whfch paymente should be made. The notico wlll also r
<br /> � contain eny othe�htortnatlon requlred by applicable law. ��-,��-
<br /> � 20. Haz�rdous Subst�nees. Borrower shell not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of _-_
<br /> eny Hazardous Substances on or In ths Property. Borrower shell not do, nor allow anyona else to do, anything attecting lhe
<br /> PmpeRy that Is in violatlon of any Environmen ta l L aw. T he p re c e d i n g t w o s e n t e n ce s s h a l l n o t a p p l y t o the presence, use, or ,_-
<br /> stotage on the Propedy of small quanUtles oi Hazardous Substances that are geneielly recognized to be appropdete to nortnal "?s __
<br /> �• resldential uses and to ma(ntenance ot tha Property. _- ____
<br /> ,� Bortower sha� promptly give Lender w►itten notice of eny investlgatlon, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any _�----
<br /> governmental or regulatory agency or private party imolving the Property and any Hezardous Substence or EnvironmeMal Law ot ��
<br /> _� which Borrower hes ectual knowledge. If Bortower leams, or is notifled by any govemmental or regulatory suthority, that any �,;-`_�_
<br /> . i„ nf an Hazardous Substance aflecting Property Is necessary. Bortower shall promptly teke all �`'`
<br /> ---- - rzmcva! or o.he::rem�diaL_n y �. -
<br /> necessary remedlel actlons In accordence with Environmental Law. -
<br />- As used in thls peragreph Z0, "Hezardaua 3ubstances' are lhose substances defined as toxic or hazardous subslancos by
<br /> Environmental Law end the tollowing substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammebie or toxic petroleum produots. toxic
<br /> _ � ' pesticides and he�bfcides,volatila solvents, materials cantaining asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As used In
<br /> paragreph 20, "Environmentat Law" means federel laws and laws of the Jurisdiction where the Properly Is located that relate to
<br /> - hoaith, satety or mvEronmental protectlon.
<br /> ' � NUN•UNIFa7RM GOVENANTS. I3orrawcr nnd Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> '� �" 21. Accaleratlon; Remedlea. Lsnder shall givs notice to Borrower prlor to aaceleration ,;
<br /> 1., '•
<br /> • . -.��� following Borrower's breach of �ny covenant ar agreement In this S�curity Instrument (but not
<br />' .,.:,t prior to �cc�t�ratlon und�r psragraph /7 unleas applic�ble lew providss othsrwis�). Tho notic�
<br /> =��-`����"� shall sp�clfy:(a�� th� dsfault; (b) ths actlon roquired to cure tho d�fault; (c) a date, not less than
<br />��'�
<br /> ., ._.. 30 daye frorn ths d�ts th� notice is given to Borrower, by which the dsfauk must bs cured; and
<br /> wi.,�'':'� (d) that f�ilun to cura ths default on or before the dato apocifiad In the notice may rosuR in
<br /> '�'°;"'N, accd�r�tlon of tha sum� socured by this Securiry Instrumsnt �nd sals of tho Proporty. Tha notic�
<br />';,":.�-''�`� sh�ll furthsr Inform Borrowor of tha right to roinat�ts ait�r accolsr�tlon pnd the right to bring s -
<br />�';;;�:.,,�=': court action to �ss�rt th� nonwxiatence of a dafault or any athor dofense of Borrovror to Fe,_.
<br /> =�' _=-�-•' acceleration �nd sale. if ths default is not cured on or before the date specifler! in the notice. _--
<br />--'�''��-"'�` ` Lend�� at Eta option may requiro immedlate payment in full of all aums secured by this S�curity __
<br /> ��«n`��,��=����" Instrumant wRhout further demand and may Invoke the power of sale and any o4her rem�dles
<br /> h�
<br />_��•�� p�rmittsd by�pp��cablo law. Lender shall bo entftled to collsct oll exponses incurred in pursuing `_
<br /> - _�....,, �� the remedies provided in this paragraph 21, including, buf not Iimfted to, reasonable attorneys'
<br />'��'" r� � fess and coats of title evidence.
<br /> ..p y.`.. �:
<br /> - . If tho power of salo Is Invoked, Truateo shall record a �otice of default tn each county In F___
<br />- . !�. � whlch any p�rt of the Property is located and shall mall coples of such notice In t'able law.
<br /> ' • prescribed by applicable lew to Borrowe� and to the other persons prescrib9d by app ___
<br /> = Atter the tirn� requlred by applicable law, Trustee shall give public notice of sale to the p�raona
<br /> and In the mennvr prescribed by appllcabla law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower� shall sell -._�-_--. --.-.-----.--
<br /> : ��-____�
<br /> � the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms _ _
<br /> .����r�..-�--__:
<br /> ' "• designated In the notice of sale In one or more parcols and in ony order Trustee daterminas. :�.�,, �_��__.
<br /> �. _ .,�.ti..�..�m�
<br /> ; Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by public announcemsnt at the .;�,�i,, :
<br /> - tlme and ploce of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the _ F�,
<br /> Property at �ny sAls. � M�.:, .`..
<br /> =�"'� Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shpll deliver to the purchaser Trustee's �:�.t�`K x..,
<br /> ' � - __ dopd conv�rtna the Pronertv. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facle evidence of , .,
<br /> — ---- - • - -
<br /> the truth of the atatements made therein. Trustee ahatl appty the proceeps oi tne saie in ine -_ __ � -
<br /> � following order. (a) to ali costs and expenses of exercising the power of sale, and the sale,
<br /> fncluding the payment of the Trustee's fees actually incurred, not to exceed three
<br /> _ �'o of the principal amount of the
<br /> note at tha tfine of the declaratlon of defauit, and reasonable attorney's fees as permitted by law;
<br /> (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instvument; and (c) any excess to the person or persona
<br /> � legally entitled to it. Z
<br /> _ ��" �
<br /> - F11tblMf I1/971 �•.����� 4:f� —� ' � .
<br /> �
<br /> � , � .
<br /> , 97�194 1 - . .. _. .. _ .
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