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/ ..,.i��` . .. ' ' • r. - .. - ` . <br /> .� . ,-_ <br /> A.» y� -- <br /> . �� `I 1�14Y�±J'��Ntl1';t�. . . ... . . " . � �' '�RI ti�lrin.:_ <br /> � � Y+�'y��(��' } <br /> F7��w.n+M'fr•a�-.�1 . .. �, . . • .. � . . _. .�/7:1�Y.!}• Il�li,:• . � ��I���,,-'-.,. <br /> � .�n� .. .... . . . <br /> �:'' <br /> i� • • ����_ <br /> TQQETMER WITH all the Improvomanta now or hereetter erected on the proporty, and all easomente, eppurtenances. and �'`"���T <br /> � ,� fixturea now or here�fter s pert o1 ihn property.All replacements and additiano ahall also be covered by thls Security Instrument. ��'=�-- <br /> • � ' AN ol tho loreflolnfl Is referred to In lhls 3ecurlty Instrument as the'Property.' '�'-_ <br /> BORRQVY�R CvVENANTS thet Bortower Is iswfully se{xed o1 the estate hereby conveyed and has tho rlght to prant end <br /> � convey the Property and thet the Proporty Is unencumbored, except lor encumbrances ol record. Borrowor warranin and will <br />' datend generalty ihe title lo the F'raperty aguinst all clafms and demands,subJect to any encumbrences o1 record. <br /> ' THI9 SECUHITY INBTRUMENT combines unflarm cavenante for natlonai uso and non•uni(ortn covenants wilh Umited <br /> varietione by �udsdictlon to onnstitute e unllorm securily Instniment covedng real property. � <br /> � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bonower end I_tmde►covenant end agree as tollows: "� _�•_ <br /> � i 1. P�ym�nt of Prinalpsl and Int�rsst; Pr�p�ym�nt �nd Late Chargee. Barrower shell promptly pay when � --- <br /> duo tho ptincipal ot and Intnrest on tho dobl evld�tnced hy lho Noto ond any prepayment and lato chargos due under the Nale. ��� <br /> • � 2. Fundi for 7'�uc�s and Insurane�. SubJect to apphcabte law or to a wntten waiver by Lender. 8orrower shall pay~ T-_ <br /> ' • to Lender on tha day mamhy paymenle are due under the Note,untN lhe Note Is pald tn lull.a sum ('Funds') fur. (s) yearty Q 3.�_ <br /> � taxes end ausessmant� whlch may ettaln priodry over thls Secudry InstNment as e Ilen on tho PropeAy; (b) yearly leasehold� •' <br /> ��,,;,c� ; .;�;`�.: <br /> �A�. paymenta or ground renta on the Property.If eny; (c) yearly haiard or propoHy Insuranoo premlums; (d) yearly flood Insuranco , :+m <br /> ; premY�ma,if uny: (e) yvarly martgego Insurence premlums. I} any: and (0 any sums payabte by Borrower to Lender In accardance� <br /> wfth ih� rqvislona of are ra h 9, In Ileu o1 tho n roent ot mort ago Insurance romiums. Thnae Items are called 'Escrow W ������ <br /> ; P P U P P Y 9 P •1��;,.-:_ <br /> ' � �� Itame.' Lendor may, at any timu, collect and hotd Funds in en amount not to exceed iha mnximum amaunt a lender (or a d�•==-- <br /> . • fadenlly relatad mortgage loan may requlre for Borrower's eserow account under tho iedoral Raal EsUtta SettiomoN Procedures �-= <br /> • Act ol 1974 aa emended irom time to time,12 U.A.0 �2601 et seq. ('RESPA."), unless anothar law thet ppplies to the Funds <br /> sets e losser amaunt. II so, Lendor mny,nt any tima, collect and hold Funds in an emount not to excaod thn lesser amount. <br /> ' � Lendor mny eatlmate tho amaunt of Funds duo on the basls oi cuRenl date and reasonAhle estimAtas of exponditures ot tuture <br /> � .� Escro�v Items or othenvise In uocordunae with appllcable law. <br /> Thq Funds shnll bo hold in an fnatitutlon whose deposita are Insured by a federal agoncy, inetrumentelity, or enttty(including <br /> ' fi Lendor. ff Lender Is suoh an Institutlan) or In eny Federal Homa loan Bank. Lender shaY�pply the Funds to pey the Escrow --— <br /> � Itemn. Londer may nnt chnrgo Bomo�ver for holding and appying thQ Funds,annusly analyiing the escxow aceount, or verilying -, <br /> t� tho Escrow Iloms, unless Lender pays DoROwer interest an tho Funda and npplfcable larl ptrmits Lender to make such a �- <br /> �� chArgn. However, Lender may requlre 8ortower to pay a one-tima chergo lor an Independent real estate tax reporting service - <br /> uaed by Lender In connactlon wfth thls loan, unless applicable law provldes othervvise. Unless an agreement is made or <br /> � `, ' applicable law requlres Interest to bo peld, Lendor shall not be required to pay Bortower any interest or eamings on the Funds. � <br /> Borrower and Lender may agree In writing. howeveG that Interest she� be pafd on lhe Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, �-�_- <br /> �� without cherga, en annual aceounting oi lhe Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds end the purpose far which each ;_ <br /> . deblt to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additlonal security for ell sums securrd by the Security Instrument. Q_.- <br /> .. If tha Funds held by Lender exceed tho amounts pertnitted lo be hcsld by applicable law, Lender shall account to Bortower ='_ <br /> • for the excoss Funds In accordanae wfth the requirements of uppur.abla law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at eny ` <br /> � time Is not sutticlent to pay the Escrow Items when due. Lender may so notify Borrower m wriling, and, In such case Boaower �� <br /> ,•. <br /> • shall pay to Lender the amount necossery to make up the deficlency. Bortower shall make up the deflciency In no more than �!�_: <br /> . Nvelve monthty payments,at Lender's sole discretion. -- <br /> • Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br /> ____..-_= hnl�i hy t s�nrla. It, undnr�arnaraph 2L Lender shall acqutre or sell the Property. Lender,prior to the acquisftlon or sale of the <br /> Property, shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acqufslUon or sale as e credit against ihe sums secured by this <br /> f , Security Instrument. <br /> � 3. Application of Payments. Unless applicabie law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under <br />-::•`.i;• � paragraphs 1 end 2 shaN be epplled: first, to any prepayment churges due under the IVote; second,to emounts payeble unde� <br />-±?�.>>u�w.•�, pa►agreph 2; third,to Interest dae; tourth,to pdnclpal due; and last, to eny latQ charges due under the Note. <br /> '��� .,,� 4. Cha�ges; LIet18. Borrower shait pay all taxes. a�sessments, charges, fines and imposillons ettributa6le to the <br />�..�:�' <br /> y..,,;�a�i''^�' Property which may attaln pdority over thls Secudry Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents,it any. Borrower shalt <br /> ' ""`1° a 'hesc ohl! stlorte !n the manner rovided In arn a h 7 or if not ald In that manner. Bortower shall pay ihem on tlmo <br /> ;;��;�.5 . P Y • S P f' 'J� P P <br /> y_�...��,� direcly to the person owed payme�it. Borrower shali promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under this <br />�,;,;��j;w : paregraph. It Borrower makes these payments directly. Borrower shali prompty fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the <br />-,�;«,,.h; � pnymerits. <br />''-�,�::�, Borcower shaA promptly discharge eny lien which has prio�iry over thts Security instmment unless BoROwer: (a)agrees In <br />-_��e=�.�;��� w►fting to the payment of the obtigatinn secured by the lieo in e manner uoceptable to Lender, (b) contests in good taith the <br />_�"'t_S�' Ilen by, or detends agafns4 entorcement of the Ilen in, le9al proceedings whlch In the Lender's opinlon operate to prevent the <br />�F�-=��;!��� entorcement of the lien: or (c) secures irom the holder of the lien an agreement satlslactory to Lender subordinaUng the Ilen to <br /> -'���-��`�==- thia Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part ot the Property Is subJect to a�en which may ettaln pdority over this <br />�,.x.�.� <br /> ____�,_Y.ur Security Inatrument, Lender may give Bortower a notice Identitying the�en.Borrower shall sntisly the lien or take one or more of <br /> "` �'t = tho ections set torth above within 10 days af the gNing of notice. <br /> —`.ti=:•�:�r' 5. Hazard or Property Insurmce. Borrower shail keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> ~;�__���� Property insured agalnst loss by 11re, hazards Included within the term 'extended coverege" ond eny other hezards, InGuding <br />��,�,,,�,g; iloods or Aooding,for which Lender requires Insurence. This insurance shall be maintalned In the amounts and for tho perlods - <br /> _:..•r#�..,_:,,.. that Lender requires. The fnsurance cartler providing the Insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subJect to Lender's epproval <br />_��N� whlch shall not be unreasonab�� wlthheld. If Bortower talls to malntain coverage desc�bed above. Lender may. at Lender's - <br /> .�-n� aptton, obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights In the Property In accordance wfth paragreph 7. <br /> 3ffi�,�_�� All insurance poiides end renewats shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause. Lender __ <br />�'�`.s.�.:�:�� sheY heve the�ight to hold ihe pollcies and renewels. If Lender requkes, Bortowe► shall promptiy give to Lender all recNpts of _ <br /> i_,�{'?u"�: paid premlums and renewal notices. In the ovent ot loss, Borrower shalt glve prompt notice to the Insurance carrter and Lender. _ <br />-;.;.,.•-,i_,._•r. Lender may make proof of loss If not made promptly by Bortower. <br /> i • " t�� Unless Lender end Bortower otherwlse agree In w�iting. Insurance proceeds shall be epplled to restoration or repair of the = _ <br /> _ *;� Propeity damaged It the restoration or repair Is economicalty feasfble end Lender's securiry is not lessened. If the restoretion or " - <br />�'� repalr is not economicaily feasible or Lender's secutity would be lessened,the Insurance proceeds shall be epplled to the sums <br /> _ secured by this Security Instrument. whelher or not then due, with any excess pald to Bonower. If Borrower abandons the -__ <br /> Property, or does not answer within 30 days e notice trom Lender that the Insurance eamer has ottered to sett�o a claim, then -�i+' <br /> ' ' Lender may collect the i�sumnce proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to i�epair or restore the Property or to pay sums -_ <br />__ � secured by this Securily Inslrumenl,whether or not then due. The 30•day period�vlll b�gn when the notice Is gNen. •__ti. <br /> Unkss Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In writing, eny epplicatinn oi proceeds to princ�pal shall not extend or . <br />-• poslpone the duo date o1 the monthly paymcntn raferred to In paragragha t and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br />-. under paragraph 21 the Properly is acquired by Lender, Borrower's dght to any insurnnce polides end proceeds resuRing from <br /> _ . _ darruge to the Property pdor tn ihe ecquisitlon shall pass to Le�der to the extent oi Ihe sums by this Security Instrument _ <br />- •"' immediately pdor to the acqulsRbn. <br /> ..--- - �- -- ° ^--"__.�_" °�___.�at�� u�t..a�..�..�� �..A D...a....�1.... ..t �M D.....�.�... Rwrrw.�.a�'a 1��� ;.. .. <br /> ..-. .. ..--..__- V� VINrY�1���Y� o�w •�v�vv��v�• ���v -.-.'. _ <br /> � f IOaQ��Pt�V��1 ��I�I�t�\O�tP��VV •v�/���7• � `-"_ <br /> Application; L0888hOlds. Borrower shau accupy, establish.and use the Property es Borrower's prSncipal residence within <br /> s[xty days ufter thn execution ot thls Security Inatrument end shall continue to occupy the Property as BoROwer's prtncipai <br /> r�sidence 1or at least one year atter the date ot accupancy, unless Lender othemise agrees in wnting, which consent shall not <br /> � be unreasonabty withheld, or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's controi. Borrower she!I not <br /> desiroy.damago or Impalr the Property, ePOw ihe Prope�ty to deteriorete, or commit waste on the Property. Bortower shall be in � <br /> � defeult il any forleiture acNon or proceeding, whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good falth �udgment could result <br /> in forfeiture o1 the Property or otherwise matenalty impair the lien crented by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. <br /> t i: I <br /> I F/11G l MC��'971 ��.�a• 1.� '• J�, I <br /> .. , 1 �7� _- I . <br /> _ . � � � <br /> - v;n•�a <br /> i I L <br /> • I _ <br />