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<br /> � .(1:�'lh:. �:�Yr.S•�Ii'FT,
<br /> (d) Qrantor hat the ripht and la duly authorlied to execute and psrtorm fts Oblgatione under this Deed ot Truct and theRe nctlons do not and ,
<br /> � nhail not contllot with the provitlonb ot any etatute.nyul�tlon,ordinence,rulo of lew, contraot or ottier agreement which may be bindlnp.on
<br /> prantor At any time, • ' '
<br /> � (e) No action or proceeding fa or ehsll be pondinp or threataned which might n�alerially affect the Property,and
<br /> q) Orantor hes not violatsd and shell not vlol�te sny etstuu,repui�tlo��,ordinancs,ruln ot Isw,contraot or other aQreement (Includ�np, but nol
<br /> � Ilmit�d to,those poverning Haiardoue Msterlale)whfch mlqht m�t�rlally affect the Praporty or Lender'e nphts or Intareat in the Propeny pursuanl ,
<br /> � to thle Deed o1 Trust.
<br /> ' i 3. PRIOR DEED8 UF TpUST. �rantor repreasnts and werrente th�t there are no prlor d�eda of trunt atteotlnp any pert uf the Property exc�pt�w oet �
<br /> fonh on 5ch�dul�B attechsd to thla Deed ot 1'rust,which Grantor eprees to pay and pe►form In a tlmely manner. If there ere eny prlor deeds ol truft
<br /> I th�n Orantor apre�a to pay nll amountc owed,end p�rform all obllpRtione rsqulred,under euch deede of truat and the indebtedneae sscured thereby , _
<br /> nntl further nflrees that a default under nny prior deed ol truet shali be e dstnult under thle Dssd of Ttuat end ehall�ntftis Lender to all ripht��nd
<br /> rombJios contanod horoin or In tho dbllgutlons to v+hlch Lender would be entitled in the event of any other default. _
<br /> 4. TRANSFERB OF TNE PROPERIY OR�ENBFICIAL INTERESTB IN URANTOR6 OR BORROWER8. In tne evsnt ot a salr,convayanco,lonra,
<br /> contrect for de�d or trens}�r to any peraon of ail or any pert o}the real proparty d�saribsd In Schedule A,or any Int�rsat thenln,or ot ail or nny
<br /> beneticlal Intereet In F3orrower or drantor(N Borrower or Grantor Is not a natural puson or persons but Is a corporntlon, Ilmited Ilnbility comaany,
<br /> �, artn�rsnlp,truet,or otMr lepu entityl,Lender may,nt Its option,deolare the outstanding principal balance of the Obllgntione ptua accrued Intarest
<br /> heroon Immedlately due antl paynbls. At Lender's roquest,Orantor or Borrower,aslhe caae msy be,ahau furNsh e complete atatement settinp fodn t,.:. -
<br /> dl of fte stockholdera,members,or partnera,as npproprlete,and ths extent of thelr rospective ownerehip Interests. ,t,r..
<br /> 6. A931(iNMENT OF RENTS. In consideratlon of the Oblfgations which aro secured by thla Deed ot Trust,t3rantor absolutely as8lgns to Lender ell ,,'.,,j.f:.`� .,.
<br /> Orantor's ostate,right,title,Intereat,clalm and demand now ownAd or hereafter acqulred In ali exiating and future Ieases of the Property(includinp 1��� ,'
<br /> � extanelons,renewala and aublenses),ali agreements for use end occupanay of the Property(all such leases and agreemonts whether written or orel, ���Y
<br /> , � nra hereafter referred to as the'Leasea"),and all guaranties of lessees'performana under the Leases,together with the immedlate and contlnuing ,;��,_�
<br /> , ! right to colleot and receive all of the ronte,Income,receipts,revenuea,Issuea,proflta end other income of any nature now or hereaftar due(Including ----
<br /> . ' any Income of any nature coming due during any redempt�on period)under the Leeses or irom or arising out ot tha Property,Including minimum •,�-`s'`-'�--
<br /> rente, additlonel rents,percentage rents, parking or common area maintenance contributions,tax and Inaurance aontributions,deficlency reMS, `
<br /> , �Iiquidated damages following default in any Lease, all procends payable under any policy ot insurance covering lo�s of renis resulting trom
<br /> t �untenantability causad by destruction or damage to the Property,all proceeds payable e9 a result oi a lessee's exercise of an option to purchase the ,, � ����:
<br /> : • Property,all proceeds derived from the terminntion or reJectlon of eny Lease In a benkruptcy or other Insolvency proceeding,and all proceeda from ���r;.�:;••:'��-
<br /> : �,. any rights end claims of any kind which Grantor may have agalnst any leasee underthe Leases or any occupants ot the Prpperty(a!I oi the above ere � ,j,<:::;;:`.`� ^
<br /> '�� hereafter coilectivety reterred to as the'Rents"). This assignment is subject to tho righi,power and authority given to the Lender to collect a�d apply �}�;-/`�;;:i w
<br /> the RenSS. Thl9 assignment is recorded In accorpanco with applicable state law;the lien creoted by thla asaignment is Intended to be speolfic, ;,, .;
<br /> �':;, perfectod,and choate upon the recording ot thia Deed of Trust,all as provided byappucable state law as amended from time to time. As long as ;�„,;'��,�,;__
<br /> ��� there ia no detauit under the Obligations or thia Deed of TruaL Lender grants Grantor a revocable Bcense to collect all Rents irom the Leasea when �,;.��,-,.-,
<br /> �-�'•i�• .' due and to use auch proceeds in GraMoPe bueiness opereuons. Howaver, Lender rnay nt any time require t3rantor to deposlt all Rents Into en ,":.,
<br /> �i � account maiMained by Grantar or Lendor at Lender's institutlon. Upon default in the payment of,ar in the periormance of,any of the Obligations, ._.
<br /> �',":;�';;{!;:r ry�;;;�,,5 Lender may at Its optlon take posseaslon of the Property and have,hold,manage,lease and operate the Property on terms and for e psriod ot tlme .';'��i
<br /> � '��1;r,t. �� that Lender deems proper. Lender mny proceed to coliect and receive all Rents from the property,and Lender shall have full power to meke �
<br /> �� "��-��'j''. altarationa,renovations,repalrs or replacemente to the Property ae Lender may deem proper. Lender may apply all Renta In Lender's sole discrotlon '";�_
<br /> �,.�• � to payment of the Obligations or to the payment of the cost ot such alteratione,renovations,repair8 and rapincomsnts and any expenaea Incldsnt to ;*�;
<br /> ' �.h taking and retnlning possssslon of the property periodicaliy and the managemem and operatlon of the Propsrty. Lsnder may k�sp th� Pmpsrty ; ,»�.
<br /> propedy fnsurod and may dlacharge any taxes,charges,claima.asseasments and other Ilens whlch may axrus. Tho expense end cost of th�ae .., ,�I-1
<br /> �°' � actfona may be paid from the FMnta recelved,and any unpnfd amounta shsll b�added to the princlpal of the Obllyntlons. These emounts,topsiher �
<br /> wfth other coste,shall become paR of ths Obllpationa escurod by thle Dnd of Truat. ��
<br /> � � 6. LEASE3 AND OTHER AQREEMHNTS. (3rsntor ahall not taks or fall to tak�any aation whlch may c�uss or p�rmlt th�urmin�tlon or th� �
<br /> x�irholdlr. at a.^.;��s;roenr i�rrnn�m�on with any Leat�pertnlnln0 to the Property.In edditlon,Qrantor,without Lender's prior writt�n cons�nt,shdl ��R�
<br /> �a� not: (a)co�l�ct any monl�s p�yabt�und�r�ny Uaa mon than on�month in aavancr (oj madi'ry any L•as:, ioi.i:�pn o���c'�'a!lsz,ee�u°!•% �
<br /> fnt�rstt or other�ncumbranc�to b�pl�c�d upon C3rentor'�rlyhte,title tnd Int�ntt In md to any L�as�or tht Rmount�p�y�bi�th�nund�r;or(d)
<br /> �� t�rminat�or Ctncst any I.�as��xc�pt tor th�nonpaymmt ot eny wm or oth�r m�Urial bnach by thf oth�r ptny thsnto. It Or�tntor nalv��at my ���
<br /> tim��ny writt�n communlaatlon ssartlnp a d�fault by dr�ntor under�Uas�or purportlnp to t�rmin�t�or c�nc�l any Uaa,Orantor shUl promplly �
<br /> � torward a copy of such communlc�tion(and any subiequent communic�tlonf r�l�ling thsntoy to Lend�r. All nuch L�tas and th��mounte du�to �
<br /> (3r�ntor th�nundsr are henby�esiyn�d to Lend�r es�dditlonal s�curity for th�Obupntlans.
<br /> � � � 7. COLLECTION OF INDE9TEDNESS FROM THIRD PAR7Y. Lender ohall be sntitled to notlfy or nquln(3rantor to notify�ny thlyd party(tncludlnp,
<br /> but not Ilmit�d to, lesse�s,Ilansesa,pov�rnmentsl authoritl��end Inaurana campsni�s)to ay Lsndtr any ind�bt�dn�t�or obllpatlon owinp to
<br /> Qsantor wfth nspect to the Proosrtv(cumulatively"Ind�btsdnsaa')wh�thsr or not�default�zPats und�r this Dssd of Trust. �rantor ehtll dilly�ntiy
<br /> . 1 coliect the Indebtedneaa owing to Grantor from thsse third perttes unttl the giving oi sucn notlftcetlon. m th�went tn�t uraniu�Nux�a�:+�ar rc�t•xs ---��l—�
<br /> I posa�aslon of any Instrumente or other rsmittancea with nspect to ths Indebtednus followinp the plvinp of such notification or if the Instrumenri or
<br /> other remittences constituts the prepayment of any Indebtedness or the payment of any Inaurnnce or condemnatlon procseda,(3rantor shtll hold _
<br /> ; I such Instrummts and othsr remittancee In trust tor Lender epart from Its other properry,endorse the Instrumenie and other remlttancee to Lende,
<br /> nnd Immedintely provlde Lendsr with possession ot the instrumenta and other remlttances. Lender ahali be entitled,but not requlred,to collect(by
<br /> y theelndeb ednieas whether o�r n�ot an Event of De aut exlststunderPhls IOeed of Trgst�Lender shaY notl ber/ablelltoe(3ranto�fo�en�a t o�n ae�orf
<br /> � mistake,omisslon or delay pertalnfng to the ections described ln thie pAragraph or�ny damagss resulting thersfrom. Notwithstandlnp ths forsgolnfl.
<br /> nothing hereln ahall cause Lender to be deemed a mongagee•in-possession.
<br /> e. U8E ANO MAINTENANCE OF PROPERIY. Grantor shall take ell actions end make any repaire needed to malnteln the Property In good
<br /> condition. Grantor shall not commlt or permit eny waste to be committad with reapect to the Property. Orantar shall use the Property eolely In
<br /> compliance with appllcable law and Inaurance policlea. Grantor shall not make eny elteratlons,additlons or Improvements to the Property without _
<br /> the beneflCia�rinte nat belonging otLendermshall not befeemlo ed witho t�Lender'sdpic,r written consent and haldl bs made t Grant r'sis e expe ae�
<br /> �. LOSS OR DAMAOE. Orantor shell bear the entire rlak of any loss,theft,dostrudlon or damage(cumuletively"Loss or Damage')to the Property or
<br /> any portlon theroof trom any cause whatsoever. In the event of any Loas or Demage, Grantor shali,at the optlon of Lender,ropalr the affected -- _
<br />_ Property to Ite prevloua condltion or pay or cause to be paid to Lender the decrease In the falr market value ot the aftected Property. _
<br /> .ti 10. INSUpANCE. The Property wlll be kept Insured tor Its tull Inaurable value(replecement coat) ageinst all hazards Includlnp loss or darnape
<br /> caused by flood,eanhquake,tornado and firo,theft or other casualty to the extent roquirod by Lender. Orantor may obtaln Insurance an the Property ��,_,
<br /> � from euch compantes as e ecceptabie to Lender In Ita soie dlsaetlon. The insurence pollcles shell requlro the Inaurance compnny to provide -- _,
<br /> • Lender wlth at least �b dnys'wrltten notiee before such policles ere altered or canceiled In eny manner. The Insurance policlea shalt
<br /> •` name Lender as a loss payee and provlde that no act or omisslon of(irantor or any other person ahall aHeot the ripht of Lender to be pald the A�
<br /> insurence proceeds pertalninp to the loss or damage of the Property. In the eve�t Grantor falls to acqulre or melntaln Insurance,Lender (aker �;
<br /> � providing notice as may be required b�r law)may ln Its dlscretian procure approprinte Inaurance coverege upan the Property and the Insurence Coat •, ,," ��a,�
<br /> shall be an advance payable end beanng Interest as described in Paregraph 23 end seaured hereby. Orantor ahell turnish Lender with svldsna of ?�� ,,.;�,,.
<br /> + insurance Indlcating the requlred coverage. Lender may act as attorney-In-fact tor Grantor In making and settllnp clalms under Inaurance pollciea, �?�, : � ,�
<br /> � Z cancelling any polioy or endorsing Grentor's name on any draft or negotiable inslrument drawn by any Insurer. All auch Insurance policlee shall be �
<br /> ; 1 immodfately assigned,pledged and dellvered to Lender as further security tor the Obligntlons. In the event of loss,Grantor shall Immedfately glve •^r��,; ,��,-;+.
<br /> r I Lender written notice and Lender is authorized to make proof o}Ioss. Each insurance company la dirocted to muke paymenta direotly to Lender :;r�fl��•• ��,.•
<br /> Instead of to Lender and Grantor. Lender shall have the right,at its sole option,lo apply such manles toward the Obligationa or toward the cost ot ':�.�.���
<br /> rebuliding Rnd reatoring the Property. My amounts may at Lender's option be appliod in the Inverse order of the due dates thereof. ,,;;��;��:. •
<br /> 11. 20NIN0 ANO PRIVATE COVENANTS. Grantor ahall not Initiate or consent to eny chanpe in the zoning provislons or privute covenants affecting ,
<br /> the use of the Property without Lender's prior written consent. If Grantor's use of the Property Is or becomes a nonconforminp use under any zoning ��_.��
<br /> provision, �rentot shall not cause or permit such use to be discontinued or abandoned wlthout the prior written consent of Lender. Grantor will
<br /> immedlatsly provide Lender with written notiCe of any proposed changes to the zonine provisione or private covenants affecting the Property. •.
<br /> 12. CONDEMNATION. Cirantor shali Immedlately provlde Lender with written nollce ot any actual or threatened condemnation or eminent domain �
<br /> proceeding pertalning to the Property. All monles pnyable to Grentor from auch condemnatlon or takinp are hereby assigned to Lender and shall be .
<br /> _. .....u.,r n.et �� tno navment ot Lender's attorneYS' fees, logal expenses and other coata (IncludinQ appralsal feea)_In connection with���e
<br /> --- - -
<br /> . .. . _ _��..__ ..._. ._ . .
<br /> - -
<br /> � contlemnatfon or eminent domain proceodinge and then,at the optton ot Lenoer,to tne paymani or cno vuuyau���o..�.��o�<o....o.�...�......r.... -••••- ---.--
<br /> � Property.
<br /> 13. LENDER'S RIGHT TO COMMENCE OR DHFEND LEGAL ACTIONS. Granta shell fmmedlately provido Lender with wrinon notice of any actual
<br /> or threatened actfon,sult,or other proceeding aHecting the Property. Grantor hereby appoints Lender as its attorneyIn-fact to commence,Intervene
<br /> in,and detend such aatlons,suits,or other legal proceedings and to compromise or settle any clalm or controversy pertaining thereto. Lender shsll .
<br /> not be Aable to Grantor for any actlon,error,mfstake, omission or delay pertelning to the actfons described In this paragraph or any darnages
<br /> resulting therefrom. Nothing contelned hereln wili prevent Lender lrom teking the actlons described In this peragraph in its own namo.
<br /> 14. INDEMNIFICATION. Lender shall not assume or be responalblo for the pertormance of any of Grantor's obligations with respect tn the Property
<br /> under any circumstances. Grentor shall Immediately provide Lender wfth written notice of and indemnity and hold Lender and its ahareholders,
<br /> directore, oNlcers, employees and aflents harmlesa from all clalms,damagea,liabflitles(including ettorneys'fees and legal expenses),causes ot
<br /> ection,actions, suits and othor legal proceedings (cumulatively"Clalms"1 pertaining to tho Proporty(including,but not Ilmited to,those involving .
<br /> ' Hazardous Materials�. Grentor,upon tho request of Lender,shall hire legal Counsel to detend Lender lrom euch Claims,and pay the aflorneys'lees,
<br /> Iegal expenses and other costs incurred in connection therewith. In the elternative.Lender shall be entitled to omploy its own legal counoel to delend �
<br /> : '_� such Claims et Grantor's cost. Grantor's obligation to indemnify Londer under this paragraph sheli survive the terminatlon,release or toreclosure of
<br /> this Deed ot Trust. .J � I
<br /> � v�ye z a s C R R y 1(i t�
<br /> : LpNE5n8 � Fo•mAUOnlrcnnobg�C9.lnC 1�+'q��l IB001 93 7 7799 � .
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