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� • . . �. , /f�j _, . <br /> 1 ,. - . ., , '.�i..,y_ <br /> � �i y <br /> .i�. . .i41Yl�el}�ai:..::J:�`Kiy'�L� ' �:��._ ":�v <br /> .r^_.w..w�1� •�.'�n.__. �.uasr+rrY'�'N.N._,'. .. -- . .. ,-„��`_'�'-�-- <br /> � 'V+ttmtriwi . . - . . . .._ , <br /> . .. . . �FJl.RLY_•_=�` <br /> � . . �.i�::_r.�-- <br /> A�b'�= <br /> ' Borrawer mey cure auch s defauR and relnstete, ae provided In puagraph 16, by causing tho ectlon or proceeding to be �`z>*a M_-__ <br /> . y:t'.'t..,. <br /> dismissed with a Nling that, In Lender 8 good faith detertninepon, precludes fodeiture o1 the Borrower's Interest in the Property or � �.,-=-=-- <br /> other material impalrtnent of the Ilen created by this Secudry Instrument or Lender's secu�ity Interest. Qorrower shell also be In .�.,,���_ <br /> detauit N Barrower. dudng Ihe loan appllcatlon procese,gave materlally false or inaccurate Intormatlon or stetementa to Lender(or :r <br /> failed to provlde Lender with any material Intortnatton) In connectlon with ihe loan evidenced by the Noto, Including, but not <br /> Ilmited to, representallons conceming Bonower's oceupency of the Property as a principal resldence. N thls Secudly <br /> Instrument Is on a leasehold, Borrower shell comply with all tha provl�lons ot the leese. II Borrower acqulres fee title to the , <br /> Property, the leasehold nnd the tee Utte shall not merge unlass Lender egrees to the merger In wdtlng. _`.�_:^ <br /> 7. Protectlon of Le�dsr's Righte In th� Prop�rty. i�Borrower tsiis to pertorm the covenants and agreements� , :^� <br /> contalned In thls Security Insirumenl, or thcro Is a legal proceeding that mey sic�nlficantly atlect Lender's riphts In ihe Property'� <br /> `� (such as e proceeding In bankniptty, probate, tor condemnetion or torlNture or to entorce laws or ragulationel, then Lender mfy'� „��;- <br /> do and pay 1or whatever Is necessary to proteet lhe velue of the PropeRy and Lender's rtghts In the Property. <br /> Lender's ectlons � <br /> ,,�rNM"'�� msy indude payinp any sums secured by e lien whic to makerfre aUsV AlthougheLenderinmay �ke actonaunder ihisupara�nh e <br /> �r,.w• *� reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Propeity P <br /> '. <br /> ' 7, Lender does not have to do eo. <br /> ; Any emounts dlsbursed by Lender under peragraph 7 shell become additlonal debt ol Borrower secured hy thla Sequdry '�__n:—.. <br /> Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender egree to athor tcrtns of paymant, Ihese emounts shall dear Interest from the date oi Q `w, <br /> disbursement el the Note nte and shall ba paysble, wfth interest,upon notice Irom Lander to Bonawer requesling p�ymenl. . 4_. <br /> 8. MOltgags Insurane�. It Lenda requlred modgage Inaurence u s conditlan ot nuking the lo�n secured by ihle _ <br /> Se�urity Inatrumenl, Borcower shNi pay the premlums requlred to rru�inteln the mort�age Insur�nce in eHect. II, (or�ny re�eon,Ihe <br /> .� mortgage Insurance covereqe requlred by Lmder lapeos or ce�aes to be !n eflecl. QorrowM sh�ll psy the prnmluma requirod to _ — <br /> ' obtaln coveraye substan�laNy equiv�lent to the morty�4o Insunnce prevfounty In eMect, �t � coft subst�ntlaNy equlvalent lo the <br /> cost to Bortower of !he mortg�ge Ineur�nce prevlousy In etfecL hom �n �Re�mte mortq�q� Insurer �pprovad by L�nder. tl _ <br /> substentirly equlwlent moAgaqe Insurmce covenge Is not�wil�ble. Bonower sh�N p�y to Lender each month n sum eyual to !_ <br /> r oneNvelhh of the yeerly moAgige Ineur�nce pranlum bAing pald by Bonower wNai the Insuranco coverage Iflpeed or ce�sed to �_ <br /> �' be In eftect. Lender w10 eccept, uae�nd mtdn theae peyments as e loss roserve In Ileu ot mortp�qe Inaurance. Losa reserve �;,- <br /> payments mey no longer be requlred, et the optlon of Lender, il mortgege Insurance cover�ps (In the amount �nd for the pertod - <br /> ihat Lender requlres) provlded by an Insurer epproved by Londnr agaln becomea avalleble and Is obtalned. Bortower shall pay �=:- <br /> the premiums requlred to malnUln mortgage insurence In eflaat, or to provlde a losa reserve, until the requlremenl lor mortgage � <br /> �.�� insurence ends In accordance with any w�itten egreement betwe�n Bortower end Lender or epplicable law. �_ <br /> 9. Inspeetion. Len�er or Its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections ot the Property. Lender shatl give <br /> Bortower notice at the time o1 or prior to an inspectlon spocifying reasoneble cause tor ihe Inspection. <br /> 10. CondemnMion. The proceeds of eny award or claNn for dameges, direct ar consequentlel, In connectlan with any — <br /> condemnetion or other taking of any part of the Prope�ty,or for conveyence in lieu of condemiAtion, are hereby assigned and <br /> shall be pald to Lender. <br /> , In the event ot a totat taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applled to the sums secured by this Security <br /> ------- i��yizr�eni, �,nc�tt;��:ssc'.th�n d�!e.W�th eny excess pald to Bonower. In the event ot a partlal taking of the Property In which <br /> - the falr market value of the Properly Immediatey betore the taking is equal to or greater than tne amouni oi ii�u 5i+�� ���%r�� _ <br /> �' by thls Security Instrument Immedietely before the teking, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree In writing, the sums <br /> � secured by thls Securfty Insttument ahall be �educed by the emount ot the proceeds muftiplled by the tollowing hsction: (a)the <br /> 4,, total amount of the sums secured Immedlately before the taking, divided by(b) tho teir market va�ue of ihe Property Immedlatery <br /> before the taking. My balance shall be pald to Borrower.In the event of a partiei taking ot the Property In whlch the tair marlcel <br />�., . , <br /> .•. . .. . <br />� � ,. <br /> ., .. <br />_�,' � � '::.• � value of the Property Immedlatdy before tho teking Is less ihen the amount of the sums secured Immedintely betore t e ta ng, <br />-;�,;,.:�;�,.�-.��' .. �.�R{eay goROwer and Lender otherwise agree in w�ting or unless applicable law otherwlse provides, the proceeds shaB be <br />,�....�.yt,,.•.r,. � <br /> _ _ _ <br /> °d._,°. . ��;� applied to the sums secured by thia Secudty Inatrument whether or not the sums are t en ue. <br />:�uµ� ,�,+;:, It the Property Is ebandoned by Bortower,or B,etter notice by Lender to Bortower that the condemnor otters to make an <br /> --';�: .� • award or serile n clalm tor damages, Borrower faAs to reapond to Lender within 30 days efler ihe date the notice or oVthe <br /> :-•1�'� �� Lender Is authorized to collect end appty the proceeds,et fts optlon, either to restorati�n or repalr ot the Property <br />�� ~- v�,� sums secured by this 8ecurity Instrument,whether or not ihen due. <br />--�-�?�!',.,". . <br /> ---�e?�=`�_— Unless Lender and Bortower otherwise agree In wdting, any appACetlon of proceeds to pdnclpal sheli not exten or <br /> '-+��?- ,' postpone the due date of the monthly payments retened to In peragrephs 1 nnd Z or change the amount oi such payments. <br />-�-,"�'F�;�."�` 11. Borrowar Not Roleas�d; Forbearence 6y Lsnder Not a Waiver. Extenslon of the tlme tor payment or <br /> .*ie�s �ri;— <br /> ._..,,�.�� modiflcatlon ol amoRizetion o}the aums secured by this Secudty Instrument grented by Lender to eny succeasor In interest o <br /> =�?'•°.�;w Borrower shall not operate to release tho Ilability ot the odflinai BaROwer or Bortower's sucr,essors in Interest. Lender shall not <br /> �" '� be requlred to commence proceedings against any successor in Intereat o� refuse to extend time tor payment or otherwise <br /> °=�•�k�'� modHy amortizntfon of the sums secured by thls Secu�ity Instrument by reeson of any demnnd made by the orlginal Borrower or <br /> ` �� �}'' Bortower's succeseors In interest. My forbearance by Lender in exorcising sny right or remedy shalt not be a walver of or <br /> ��'��'"��� reclude the exerclae oi any right or remedy. <br />�°°-�-'r•'w p Joint and Sswrd LfabHlty; Co-signs�s. The covenants end <br /> �;;;�,si�� 12. Successors and pssigna Bound; <br />�"`��W.:•: agreements ot this Security Instrument shell bind and beneflt the succeseore end easlgns of Lender end Bortower,subJect to the <br />-iur--'� ;�� provislons of paregraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be Jolnt and severei. Any Bortower who co-algna thls <br /> -n:"'�°;.-� �. Security Instrument b�+t does not execute the Note: (a)Is co-signing this Secudry Instrument ony to mortgage,grant and convey _ <br /> ��'~��.� that Bortower's interest In the Property under the terms of thla Security Instrument; (b) Is not personally obligeted to pay the <br /> t����-`�: - <br />_�,„ •� sums secured by thiu Secudty Inswment; end (c) agroes thet Lender end any other BoROwer may agree to extend. modify, <br /> = lorbear or mnke any accommodatlons with rega►d to the temts ot this Secu►ity Instrument or the Note withaut that Borrower's _ <br />- consent. v--__ <br /> 13. Loan Chel�ges. If the loan secured by thls Security Instrument Is subJect to a law which seta maximum loan �- <br /> '� charges, and that law Is fi�aly interpreted so thet the Interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected In connection - <br />- �� with the loan exceed the pertnitted Iimits,than: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce ��"-`.-� <br /> y the charge to the pertnitted Ilmit; nnd (b) any sums elreacty coilncted Irom Bortower whfch exceeded permittod Ilmits wfli be ,�" <br /> f refunded to Bonower. Lender may choose to maka thls retund by reducing the princlpal owed under the Note or by making e �,�;T� <br /> _ � 1 . direct payment to BoROwer. It e refund reducos principai, the reductlon will be treated as e partial prepayment without eny i�.{:. <br /> --' • prepayment cherge under the Note. "�i�� <br /> � ; 14. NOtIC6i.Any notice to Bortower provlded for In this SecuHty Instrumont shall be given by deliveting It or by meliing It �•;�;:� <br /> .�,..-. <br /> �'�"M by first claso mall unless eppllcable law requlres use of another method. The notice shell be directed to the Property Addross _ _ <br /> ; _.�_ <br /> _ _.,�_ o.,..,,We, a.oi...,n�o� �,o noilce to Lender. Anv notice to Lender shall be given by first ciass mail to y,���_' <br /> ._.. or nfry vum e....�a�.. ............. ---•�••---- . ----- .. <br />— `� Lender's address stetad hereln or eny other address Lender dosignaten by notl¢a to Bonower. Any notice provufed 1or in tn�s - <br /> ` Security Instrumont shall be deemod to have been given to Borcower or Lender when given as provlded In this paregraph. <br /> g15. Qoverning Lew; Severabllity. Thls Security Instrumonl ohall be govemed by tederel law and the law of the <br /> F jutisdfctlon In whlch tha Property Is located. In lhe event that any provislon or ciause of thls Security Instrument or the Note <br /> ^ contlicts with applicablu Iaw, such conflict shall not aflect other prov►slons of this Security Instn�ment or the Note which can be <br /> { given eBect wtthout the conflicting provision.To thls end the provlslons ol this 3ecurity Instrument end the Note are declnred lo <br /> � be severablo. <br /> I 16. B01'rOw@�'8 COpy. BoROwer shall be given one conformed copy ol the Note end of tlifs Security In9trument. <br /> I <br /> I i��� <br /> ��� <br /> � � F13161MG Itry71 page 3 ot b <br /> . J <br /> I � <br /> ,y { <br /> V Il1Q i <br /> I <br />