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<br /> `Proceeds')In connecUon with condemnatlon or olher teking oi Prope orpart thereo(,or for conveyance in Ileu of condomnatlon. �i'z'.W�r+".���w
<br /> , Lendor shall be unQtled nt Its optlon to cnmmence,appear In end prosecule In Ils own namo any ectton or procAOdings,and shell also _r •�.,�,:,w; �-�,..,_.�
<br /> be entitled ta meke any compromise or settlement In connoctlon with such laking or demaqe.In tho ovont any portlan of tho ProportV fe �"'�'�+�%^"�°'!.`�r�'�
<br /> �o taken or damaged,Lender shall have the optlon in Its sole And ebsolute dlscreUon,to epply All such procoeds, efter deducUnB :,;.',z;;�,;u;';�.
<br /> thereirom all co�ts and expenses lncurrad by it in conn�ction with such Proceeds, upon any Indebtedness secured hereby and in such �',ti..i,,`��%�;;;�:
<br /> order as Lender may determine,or to apply all such Procoeds,efter such deductlons,to tha restoratlon oi the PropeAy upon such con• ;,.r xY�;r.,
<br /> dltions es Lender may determine.Any appllcation of Proceeds to Indebtednesa shell not pxtend or postpone tho duo dato 01 nny pay- �,�x
<br /> ,:.,�;.,":_:;f:.s�—�.
<br /> ments under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or heroundAr.Any unapplled funds sheli be pald to Trustor. `�����
<br /> 8.Porformdnca by Lcnder. Upon the oecurrence of an Evont of Defaull hereundor, or if any act is taken or Ic�gol procaeding �, � , ',:,':�.�
<br /> commenced which materially sNects Lender's Interest in the Property,Londer moy in its own discrotion,but without obligatian l�do so. •�,.f.. .�„_�
<br /> � y g y `'��f�,.ia_�.,
<br /> end wilhout nodce to or demand upon Trustor end without releasing Trustor irom an obll ation,do an ect which Trustor has apreod �+Ab'�•+,,;
<br /> � �,.:. ,_ �.,..e.
<br /> but fafled to da and may aiso do any other act It deems necessary to protect tho sacurity heroof. Trustor shall, immediately upon ^��t:,_�,;•• .�,��,,,,�
<br /> �,�,�yp �.•. .�+t�1.a�_,.�.
<br /> demand theretor by Lender,pay ro Lender ail costs and expensas incurred and sums expended by Lender in connection with the exer- �_'��,s�,:°_�►,°R
<br /> ''�� + cise by Lender oi the foregoing righta,together with interest thereon at the deteuit rete provlded in the Note,whlch shail be added to ,����a„�,,,
<br /> the Indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shall not incur eny Ilebiliry because of e�ything it may do or omft to do hereunder. ,+�;.'��=-
<br /> 9. Hazardous Materlals.Trustor shall keep the Property in cornpllance wlth ell eppllcable laws, ordinances and regutatlons ' �,��q�;,,a.,m _`��
<br /> relating to Industrlal hygieno or environmental protection (coilectively referred to hereln as"Environmental Laws').Trustor shall keep �,r,,:.�;�n.�-
<br /> lhe Property free iram all substancea deemed to be hazardous or toxic underany Envlror�mental Lews(collectively referred to herein _
<br /> as"Hazardous Metorials").Tn�star hereby warrants and reprosents to Lender that there are no Hazardous Materials on or under the ';;-_ry
<br /> Property.Tnistor hereby agrees to Indemnify and hold hartnless Lender,its dlrectors,oificers,emplQ�rces artd agents,and any succes- •,�.y,_„_
<br /> sors to Lenders Interest,from and against any and all claims,damages,losses and I:abilities aris�2�in conrtect�nn w�ih the prr�sertce, rr���:_�_
<br /> �..`�__------
<br /> 10.Asalgnm�nt oi R�nts.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender, a��d 3+�aa��ondar a security interest in, all prosont.fu3iare�nd „ti�.=_�_
<br /> after adsing rents,lssues end proflts of the Property:provided that Trustor si-�a'i,a�ntil the occurrenco oi an Event of Detault,hereunder, ';,�TM�_-
<br /> " have the right to collect and retaln such rents,Issues and proflts as they become due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of
<br /> qefault, Lender may,either in person ar by agent,with or without b�inging any action or proceeding,or by e recoiver appointed by a --
<br /> �; court and without rogard to the adequacy of Its security,enter upon and teke possession of the Property,or any part thereaf,In its own ____
<br /> name or In the name of the Trustae,end do any acts which It de�ms necessary or desirable to preserve the value, marketebiliry or
<br /> rentabllity of the Property,or any part thereoi or Interest therein,or to increase the Income t here from o r p r o t e c t the securi ty hereof and, __
<br /> with or without teking possession of ihe Property,sue for or otherwise collect the renis,Issues end profits thereof,Including Ihoue past -.;-- - _
<br /> due and unpaid,by notitying tenents to make payments to Lender.Lender rnay apply rents,issues and proflts,less costs and expens- . _
<br /> f' e�of operatbn and collection including attomey's fees, to eny indebtedness secured hereby,all In such order as Lender may deter- �
<br /> ' mine.The entAring upon and takfng possesslon of the Property,the cdlecUon of such rents, issues and profits,and the application �:
<br /> - - - � �.,--
<br /> � � thereof as aforesald sh�u not cure or waive nr�y dafauli or roilcc oi deleulL hereun�a�nr Invalldate any act done in response to such �.-
<br /> �� detault or pursuant to sur,h notice of default and, notwithstanding the continuance In possession of the property or the cotlection, ��
<br /> . • recelpt and applicetlon of rents,issues or profits,Truste�and Lender shell be entitled to exercise every right provfded for in any oi the _v
<br /> ' Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of eny Event of Default,including wlthout Ilmitatlon the right to exercfse the power of sale. _
<br /> ' Further,Lender's rights and remedies under this paragraph shait be curnulative with, and in no way e Ilmitation on,Lender's dghts and
<br /> � • remedles under any assfgnment ot leases and rents recorded against the Property.Lender,Trustee and the recefver shall be If�ble to
<br />- ' •� account only for those rents actually received.
<br />~ 11.Ev�nts of D�hult.The followinA shall constituto an Event ot Default under this Deed ot Trust:
<br /> - � (a)Fallure to pay eny Instaliment of principel or Interest or eny other sum secured I iui aby wPtar�:�3: y.
<br />- � � (b)A breach oi or dofault under eny pro��isbn contalned in the Nate,this Deed oi Trust,any of the Loan Instruments,or any _
<br /> - other lien or encumbrance upon the Pioperty;
<br /> j >„ (c)A writ ot execuUon or ariachment or ony slmilar process eheli be entered egalnst Trustor which shall become a Ilen on
<br />-��°•- - the Property or eny portion thereot or interest therein;
<br /> l`"" . , (d)'fhere shell be flled by or against Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or future federai,state or other statute,
<br /> s' �"%����A_ 1 taw or t�guiatbn relating to bankruptcy,Insolvency or other rellet for debtare;or there shall be appointed any truetet�,receiver or
<br />_«.fi'1•':;;'" k�quidator oi Trustor or Borrower or of all or eny part oi the Properry, or lhe rente,issues or profits thereof,or Yrustor or Burrower —
<br /> � '��`'�` shall make en en�ral assi nment for the benefit oi creditors; -
<br /><�. �;��`�'u. � y9 9
<br /> '•, ��`., �!� (�e)The sale, trensfer,lease,esslgnment,conveyance or fudher encumbrance of ell or any part ot or a�y(nterest In the
<br /> ;�'~� prop�rny,etther voluntarily or involuntarily,without the express wtltten consent of Lender,provided that 7�ustor shall be permit- _-
<br /> _ .�..,r�-.
<br />--- teQ a�oxecute a lease of the Property that does not contain en option to purchase and the term of which does not exceed one v
<br /> i;��.�'•� year, �
<br />-s. " � (�IAbandorarrron't di the Property;or �:=.
<br /> `�"'� it Trustor�not an indlvidual,the issua:�co,sate,transter,assignment,conveyance or enaumbrsnce of more than (Ii a �,,;
<br /> -�,:�=�.__.. (9) -
<br /> �,�:t., corpor�Uon)a tohal of percent oi i3s lssued and oatstanding stock,or pf a paRnership)e totel ai per- �_-
<br /> = certt ot partnership interests,or(�F�Ilmited Uadility compar�y)a lotal o} percent of the Iimited Ilabiuty oompa- �• _
<br /> • ��*, • ny intere�ts or vobi'+g�ights durirtg¢ha period this�oed of T�u1�remalns a Ilen on the property.
<br /> ' 12.R�rtwdi�s;A�eo�'Yantlon llpon Mhu1t.In��o avant o5 any Event of Default Lendor may,without notice except as required ';,,_
<br /> by law,declare all indeDterf:�ess securod hereby to tw¢lue and payable and lhe seme shell thereupon becomo duo and payable w(th-
<br /> T..' _.
<br /> . out any presenUnent,demand,protesi or not�e of any&dr,d.1'hereaRer Lender rnay: � ---
<br /> � (:a)Oemand thet Trustee ex�rcise the PO'NER OF SALE�ranted hereln,and Trustee shall thereafter cause Tnretmt'a inter- '.� ;x�,�,��„�
<br /> • est i�the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be distrib�c��i.all In the manner provlded in the Nebreske Trust 17eoels�a�t; • ,;—�y�iLN`_--_�_
<br /> (b) FacerGse any and all rights provided for in any of the Loan Instrumonts or by law upon occurrenoe ni any �a�nt of ;�.�,
<br /> Defautt;and ��"`'"'�'"—`'`=
<br /> ' (c)Commertae an acUon to toreclose this Deed oi Trust as a madgage.appoint a receiver,or spedfically enforce any of the � �
<br /> cavenants hereoF. '�� ��;_.
<br /> No rem�t,/herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusive oi any other remedy herein,in the Loan 'a.• �,;;��.
<br /> - Instrumer•�s or by law provided or pec�mitted,but each shail be cume�[ative,shall be In edditlon to every other remedy gPren I�reunder, �• ••-ti . „_
<br /> In the Loar+Ins•truments or now or hec�aRer exlsNng at law or In equity or by atatute,and may be exerclsed concurtenL'y,independenUy � �_['_��
<br /> , �. i....
<br /> ..• AI SIICS�SIVE,Y. .. . .__ J.JA.�.J n.�.�se e.vv�inf�aur_ ' _� , .- �'.•..
<br /> —_ _' _ _ ' _�_�..�1����
<br /> . -. .���__...__-- �----- -—'- -..
<br /> 13_TrusW.The irus�9 a�i�y rasign at any ume wnnout cause,ana�6noer rnny ni anr i�..�o o�........,-.o- _ _,_ ,:�_-
<br /> cessor or substlh�te Trus�o.TtusOe�sha�l not be IlaAle to eny party, including wfthout Ilmftatfon Lender,BoROw�r.Trustor or any purv
<br /> chaser of fhe Prope�ty,for any bss or damage unless due ta recklrr�y or wiltlul misconduct,and shall not be required to take�ny action
<br /> In connecdon with the enforcement of this Deed of Trust unless Indemnified,In writing,for all costs,compensation or expeiises whfch ,
<br /> : mey be assxiated therewith.In additbn,Trustee may become e purchaser at any seie ot the Property(judfclal or under the power of
<br /> sa{e granted herefn);postpone the sate ot ell or any porNon af the Property.as providod by law;or seti the Froperty as a whole,or tn
<br /> ' separate parceis or lots at Trustee's discrotlon.
<br /> 14.FNS and Exp�ns�s.In the event Tnistee selis the Property by exerGse of power oi sale,Trustee shall be enGtled to apply
<br /> any sale proceeds flrst to payment of ell costs and expenses of exercfsing poMeer of sale,including all Trustee's fees,and Lender's and
<br /> � Trustee's attomey's fees, actualiy Incurred to extent permitted by epplkablo law.In the avont Borcower or Trustor exorcises any ric�ht
<br /> � provided by law to cure en Event oi Deteult,Lender shall be�ntitled tu recover irom Trustor all costs anA expenses actuatly fncurred as
<br /> _ e result15TF�u SAdvanc�s.lU�n W�equest�otiBorrowor. Lendegmayeaat�optton,gmako additbna�l and tu ure ed aNnces a d read-
<br /> vencus'to Eorrower.Such advances and readvances,wflh interesl thereon,shall be secured by thls Deed o(Trust.At no time shail the
<br /> � ,
<br /> �
<br /> � _ _ ;.�._... . _ ___ ,.� .__.__ .� _ _
<br />