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<br /> �7-� 1�2g� '
<br /> � �I COVENANTB
<br /> ±, 1. P�ym�nt�. Borrower apns�to maks �II piym�nt� on the ��cured d�bt whsn due. Unte�� Borrower �nd Lende► +prse oth�rwis�, �ny
<br /> p�ym�nt� L�nd�r nalvs�Irom Borrow��or (or Rorrower'� bene}it wfll be applled first to any�mounta Dorrawer owee on the ��cured d�bt 1
<br /> exciutiv�ot Int�nst ar principal,tscond to interest. enA then to princlpel.If partlal prepayment of the cecured debt occura lo� �ny resion,ft will ,
<br /> t not nduc�or sxcuas�ny�Ch�duNd p�Ym�nt untu tiN acund d�bt Is paid in full. � -
<br /> 2.CIMm�ApNf��t . BOttbvJ�r will p�y tll Uxu,(tWSbmente, end other charpes attributablc to the property when dua end will defend title � .-
<br /> ito th�property�p� �t�ny claim�WMCfi WOUtd Imp�li the Ilei°abor o�r materlele to impr�o e o�ymalntarin Bhsrproperty���i�n any rightt,claims or ' __}
<br /> i detenseY whtch eo ow�l•�Y blve�pnln�t�p�tN�wAo suPP Y � _
<br /> . I 3, InMU�nc�, Barrow�r wul ksep tM pro{Nrty Insund und�r termo �ccepteble to Lender st Borrower'a expenss and for Lender'e benetit. AII
<br /> Insur�nc�pollcle�sh�ll incluAo �ttendard mo�tpapspcl�uss In favor ot Lender.Lender will 6e nemed aa lost payee or u the insured on�ny�uch
<br /> or to tlw�ieurid debt�If Lmderreq�tru�morty�ya iniu��ncs+thBorru e�epre�esrto�main alii�cuchhnsuanncotfor ns lonq es Lender�equ�ei roperty �
<br /> ,.o- " 4.prqpKty.Borrower will keep the propsrty In yood condition and msks all repain re�son�bly neces�ary. _
<br /> w of trEu%it�ot�in inyroblp�t oniacured by this deed of trusL Borro ernwil�paY thsts an ount�to Lender��s p ovlded kn Covenint 9�ot thishdeed ot _
<br /> truft.
<br /> 6,pda 8�cu�ttY Intu�sts,Unl�u Barrowu fint obtains Lender'e written consent, 6orrower will not meke or permit any chanpes to eny�ripr , y «^ '
<br /> � I�ncluding Borrower'�coven�nu�t m�k p�ymenri�when�duepbl�e+tionc under a�y prior mortpaye, deed of truct or other security epreement, ,_
<br /> .�,�;,.�j� ��:.,.�-
<br /> I ...••;.,. ..�.�.�
<br /> �,���t ot R�nts�nd P�ollts.Borrower tasiyns to Lender the rontF e�d profite of t he proper ty.U n l e a e B o r r o w e r a n d L e n d a r h a v e a p r e e d
<br /> ; otherw ss fn writlnp, Borrower m�y collact and rotain the►ents es Ianp as Borrower is not in default. 1f Borrower defwlts, Lendor, Lender's 3��:
<br /> apent, or a court appainted recNver m�y t�ke posaession and manapa the property and collect the rents. Any rents Lender coliecte shall be ; ;L.
<br /> i �pplisd firat to tha coate of rn�napiny the property, inctuding court coste snd ettornayo' feee, commisaions to rental epe�t�, and any other _
<br /> � necessery relatad expenc�s.The rem��niny emount of rnnte will then eppiy to payments on the securAd debt as providad in Covenent 1. __
<br /> 8.L�u�hdds•Condurt�inNims:��d Unit D�vdopm�nri•Borrower egreea to comply with the provisions of eny lease if ihis deed of trust is on f F; ��
<br /> a leasehold. If this desd of trust is on a unit in e condominium or a plenned unit devalopment, Borrower will porform a�oi Borrower's dutiea r� ��•_�
<br /> under thp covenantc,by-IrwK,a reyu ie t ious o f tha condominiwn nr planned�mit development. '�.°
<br /> � g,/►uy�ority af I.�nMr to PMtam fa Ba►ov+u• �f Bor►ower tails to pe►form any of Borrower's duties under this deed oi trust, Lender may ���•
<br /> perform tt»duties or tsauts tlwm to bs pvTorms�.L�nder may sipn aorrowsr's name or pay any amount if necest�ry tor p�rform�nc�.If eny .'�J�.
<br /> conntruction on the prqperty is dThia�may Inalude completing the conatructonm�nner, Lender msy do whetever is necese�ry to protect Lender'e :,..,
<br /> � iecurity Interest in the pTOperey. -���
<br /> ��"+•.
<br /> Lender's fafturo to perform witl rat p�eclude L�nder from exercising any of its other rightc under tha law or this deed of trutt. ••}��•._-
<br /> � ` Any amounts p�id by Lender to protect lender's security interest wfll be aecured by this deed of trust. Such amounta will be due on demand _ __
<br /> • �, and will bear interest from the dete of the payment until pafd in full et the interest rete in eNect on the eecured debt. . '�-��
<br /> �p, p�}�Md Acc�t�mtlan.If Borrower f�fls to make any peyment whsn due or breako any covensnts under this deed of trust or any _ , � •z"
<br /> obliy�tion sscursd by thb dsed of trust a any prior monp�pe or desd of trust, Lender mey acceler�te the maturiry of tha secured debt snd y� .��-.
<br /> d d e m a n d i m m e d i s t e pa yment and may invoke the power of sals and any other ramedies parmitted by applicable law. �� �' ,.�
<br /> 'F
<br /> �;=
<br /> 11.R�qw�t ta Notic�of D�fwtt.It is hereby roqueated thet copiea of the notices of detsult and saie be sent to eech pereon who is a party ��.-
<br /> heroto,at ths eddrot�ot eech�uch person, as set forth hereln. ,�� •-.
<br /> � 12.Pow�r of Sal�.If the Lender invoke�the power of sele,the Truatee shall first rocord in the a�+r.s of the repiaror ot ueeas of each wuniy •��_.
<br /> � wharein th�truct property or �ome part or parcel thereof is s�tuated�notice of default containing che informstio�rapuired by I�w•The Truateo � r
<br /> �� shdl also mail coples at the ratice of defauit to the Borrower, ta each person who is e party hereto, and to ottix pertons�c escribad by ���
<br /> a not In my
<br /> epplic�bls Isw. Not less thsn one month after the Truttse recorde the notice ot default, or two montha it the trust property _
<br /> Incorpor�tsd city or vi9laye snd Is uied in tarming operations carried an by the trustor, the Trustee shell give public notice of a�le to the persont ��-
<br /> and In the manner�rescribed by appplic�blo I�w.Truatee,without demand on Borrower,ah�ll sell tfie property at public euctlon to the hiphett �
<br /> bidder.If requirsd by the Farm Hameste�d Protectlon Act.Trustee shall oNer the property In two separate esles a:requ�red by applicsbls lew.
<br /> " Trustae may postpone sele of�II or eny parcel ot the property by pu4lic announcement et the tlme end plece of any provio�slp scheduled sale. �,[`,-_
<br /> �• ltrtdly a��i*���ig^"a mw purthsse the propertV et any sale. _
<br /> Upon recefpt of peYment oi the price bfd,Truatee sh�ll deliver to the Durchoser Truetee't dsed conveying tha prop�rty. The recaials contafned m
<br /> Trustes'e debd shali be prima heie evidlence of the truth of ths atatements conteined therein.Truatee shsll eppiy the proeeeda of ths sale(n the _
<br /> relni�tatement fesia�lb)tol�it su�insacscu ed bythis�deed ofitrustUand lcllthetbelence�if6any,tlo he peesoni/eflally entitledtorecsive it.fees and _
<br />� ' 13,Foaciown.At Lender'a optton,thfs deed of trust may be foroclosed in the manner provide by applicable lew for forocbsure of mortpapet
<br /> �' :;' . on rsal propsny.
<br />� r _ 14,Imp�cBon.Lender m�y enter the property to inapect it if Lender pivea Borrower notfce beforehend.The notice rnua stete the rea�onable
<br /> cause for Lendsr's Inspectlon.
<br /> 16,Cq�d�rrwf�tlon.Borrowe��csign�s to Lender the proceeda of eny award or claim tor d�m•ges connected with a condemnation or other takiny
<br /> ,�.:� � ' of dl or sny part ot the propertV. Such proceeds will be epplfed as provided in Covenant 1.This xssiqnmont Is subject to the terma of any pria ._
<br /> . ncurity eyresment. -
<br />-:�;•c`'.
<br /> � 16.WNv�r.By exeraisiop any ramedy avaflable to Lender, Lender does not pive up any dghts to later uae eny other remadv BY not exerclsinp i;r_
<br /> sny remedy upon Borrower's default,Lendor doea not welve eny right to later conolder the event e default if it Aappans�pain. :' .
<br /> " 17. JdM and S�wrN IJ�biN�y; Coalprnrs: Succ�aw� �nd As��anr Bcund• All dutlee under this deed ot trust are Jolnt snd eeveral. Any µ
<br /> Borrower who co•aipne this deed of trust but doea not co•sign tho underiyinp debt �nstrumentlai does so only so prent end convey thet _ _
<br /> � � ' 8orrower'�intarost In tM propertV to the Truatee under the termn of thls deed ot trust.In edditlon,euch a Borrower aqrees that the Lender and �:���. -
<br /> ' �, any other Borrower under this deed of truat may extend, modify or meke eny other chanpes fn the terms of thia daed of truot or the tecured '_ v --
<br /> debt without thet Borrower's coRSent and without releaaing that Borrower irom the terms of this deed of truet.
<br /> � t. -
<br /> � TM dutiee end benefiLS of this deed of uust ehall bind end benefit tho successors end esaigns of Lender and Borrower. r,;'��
<br /> .,•:�.
<br /> 18.Notla�.Unieas otherwiso nqulred by law,eny notice to Borrower shail be gfven by deiivering it or by meil3ng it by certified mell addressed to ' ,� j�. ,
<br /> ,�' Borrower at the property�ddress or any other addresa thet Borrower has gwsn to Lender.Borrower wilt ylva any notice to Le�der by certiflad �ti��: ;
<br /> � mafl to Lendsr's eddress o� page 1 of tfila deed of truat,or to any other addresa which Lender has designeted. Any other notice to Lender shell .i,�,�,�ir. -_
<br /> be sent to Lender'n�ddnss �a stato�on pepe 1 of thfs deed ot trust. �7:,�,>?�'f •-•- �`��
<br /> � i� .��t,�F�.'r���
<br /> Any notice ehall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when piven In the manne�stated above. ., •=�y,� ��.�.
<br /> 19.TnnsfK of tM PrapKty a�B�n�flei�!Inten�t in the Botrowx.!f all or any part of the property or any Interest in it is sold or transfarred � -
<br /> :� without Lender's prior wtitten conaent, Lende► may demend immediete peyrnent of the eecured dobt. Lender may eiso domand immedfete
<br /> demandtpfaymong n theibove eituetionsrlf fpls prohibted by fedorel law as of the d eerot thls doed'of trustnsforred. However, Lender may not .
<br /> �, 20.R�conv�y�ne�.When tM obligation secured by this deed ot trust has been peid,end Lender has no further oblipatfon to meke advances .
<br /> •;��� under the inatruments or agreemonta aecured by this deed of truet, the Trustoo ahall,upon wrftten request by the Lender,roconvey thb truct
<br /> ,,� property.The Lender s�atl delivgr to the Borrower,or to Borrower's successor in intorest, the trust deed and tho noto or othor evidonce of tho
<br /> ;, obl(patfon so satiafiod.Borrower shall pay any reco►detion costs,
<br /> — . �...wd. ....r:nm m�� ramnvw 7ru6t8s Blld BDDOIf11 a 6UCC8S50� t�Ubi80 bY}lfBt, fT18111I1Q a copy_of tho
<br /> . ———'-7 'Ll. .IYGG�tfvf IrVitii.�o:�:'v:• � ..... ... . . _—'"----'
<br /> � 6ubatitutfon ot trustoe ea requ�red by appifcebitl�ew,and tf�on,by filin 1�19 SUbSLItULI0�1 0}LfU6LOB TOf fOCOft)Ifl Tl10 OitICC OT SIIB►OgiSLef O�OVeua �_ -
<br /> succ ed toueli the power tdutiess euthorlry and tftle oft he Tru6toe na�ea�n ano aoea oris�c°i a a of onyisuccessor tustee.of tho property, shelt I
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> lpay�2 0!?1
<br /> oANKERS SVSTEMS.iHG.5T CLOUO.MN 6E301 tl�s00�791�T3�11 FORM OCP AtTp-NE Br1991 I.
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<br /> �
<br /> I I
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