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<br /> ?0. Erw�fs ol Dd�uk, F.ach oJ mv lo,Jnw�ng occunnncns sho/l cnnstrtute an evmit nl doJault hereunder, Ihereinalter called nn'Event ol �,
<br /> S .DB/Aldf'I:
<br /> . Q
<br /> t Inl Iruvro�sh��!l lail to puy when due any pnn.npal.�ntorovf,nr pnnr.�p:d nnd�ntorest on the lndehtodness, �-
<br /> � Ibl Any wrnanly of fide mede by Ausfa►herein shnll bu unhuB, �
<br /> � fc!riusfor shelf lad to ob.vxrvx nr poifnrm eny ol thn covennnfs,��Rrnmm�nls,or r»nrlihona in thrs Unrrd o/lrust =
<br /> !dl An y iepiesentahnn n�warranty mede b y lrusta►on an y l�nnnc�al state�mnnts nr rnports submrtted ro Bennhcrn►y by o�on hehall ol —
<br /> Tn�stor shall prove Ivfsn or rnnrenelly naslooJinq, (� _
<br /> � !el Trusror sha/!lail to perla�m o�nhserve++ny o/fhe c�ivonei�ts, r.oi�d�t�nn:;or dF/reemonts conWinnd�n,or h�ndin,y upon Truslor undnr any � _
<br /> buildin!)loun syroomenQ 3BCU/IIy nfJ�NH/IItlOf�IOd/I d(�lBBl�IBqI, IIl1071CIA(j e(dfApl9flJ,0I Ali�O►l1B/a�JI�BRtOOt,�nstiumenroi document I
<br /> r exxcutad by Tiusror in cnnnncnon wrth the/oon nv�dnncnd by thn Nnto, _
<br /> ,/�� (!I A Muste9,�ncervHr or l�qwA�toi nl fhe /n�st Prupe�ry m o! lrustui.hd!!he.,�na��ce� ur,u�y ol thn credrrors nl In�stnr.ahell lilA e � �
<br /> } peUtion�n bsnkn�ptcy�gemst 7rusto�, or Inr the roorgnrt�tehon nl rrustor pursunnt ro rhn Fndorel Bankruptcy Code, or any similer law,
<br /> � whsth�i ledera/�r ctato,nnd d such arde�ni pn►�flan shnll nnf bn disr.hnrgnd nr dismissod within thury 1301 days o/tor fhe doto nn
<br /> �4�� wh�ch such order ar pennon wrw hlori,
<br /> Igl Tiustpr shall!dn a p�t�tion pursuant to the Fedeiel Bankruptcy Code or any similar law,loderal oi state,or�/Tiustoi sha//he adjudged
<br /> a bankrupt, or he declerad rnsolvent,o�sha!/meko an essignment lo�thn benn/it ol c�ndito�s,or sholl adm�t in writing ita innAility to
<br /> • � pay rts debts as they become due,a�shall consont to the appointment nl a ror,niver ol af!o�any part o/the Trust Proper[y,
<br /> (hl Fine!judpn+ent lor the pnyrrront al money she//be rendered o,qeinst�rustoi and Tiustni shall not discharge the same,o�cnuse it fo be _
<br /> � di.sr.harge�l wethnr thirty 1301 days altnr fha entry thereal,or shull not apponl tharefrom or lrom the order,decree or p�ocnss upon
<br /> wh�ch or pursuant to which said/udpment was grantad,bosael,or entered,and secure a stay o!execution pending suth eppesl,
<br /> Id Tiusror ahal/xe�l o�convey the Trust Piaperty,or any pert thereol,or any inte�est therein,or shaN be divested o!its t1U4 0�wnylntsr�st
<br /> p' therein,in nny mdnner nr way, wlrnthar vnluntnn/y nr invol�interdy, withnut fhe wiitten consent o/Beneliciary bein,q lirst had and
<br /> ti' obtainerl,or _
<br /> � ljl l! Trustor is a corporation or partnarship and mora than ldty percnn!(60%)n1 N�n.+hares or ben�l�c�al mterests in such coiporatron or
<br /> permershrp, as the ceso may be,sha!l be tronslerred o►conveyed whether vofunr.sn/y or involuntarily, without the wriften consent o)
<br /> �• flenefeciery being fust had and o6tamod. _
<br /> ?7.Ace�MaWn oI pebt;For�cbiva. Upvn the occurrence ol any Event o1 Dolault,or any time therestter,Bene/iciary mvy,ot its opUon,
<br /> dscl�re all the Ind�btodness socured heieby rmmedietely�/ue and payable and the sdm9 sha/I bea►inteiest at the delault rale,it any,set Iorth in
<br /> the Noto,or otherwise at the highest rato pvrm�ttnd 6y law,and,irrusper.�iv�ol whoU:nr Bene/iciary oxorcises said option, it may at!ts optlon
<br /> � and in rts sole Aisr.retion,wrthoul an y lurther notice or demand to or upon Trustor, dn�ne nr more o/the lollowing:
<br /> (al Benelicinry may entnr upon, teke possession oJ,manage and npe�ato tho Trus1 Propeity or any part theieof,•maKe►opairs and
<br /> , ��� '' alttrations and do any acts whrch Beneliciary deems proper to prnter.t tha security thorool,and either with or without taking
<br /> posseasion,in its own name,suo lor or otheiwise collect and rer.eivr+rents,issues and prnlits,including those past due and unpeid,end
<br /> apply the same,lesR costs and expenses o/operation and collection,inc/uding reasoneble attorney/ees and 8eneficiary's costs,upon the
<br /> /ndsbtedne�ss secured horeby and in such order as Bene/icierV may deteiminQ. Upon request ol8eneliclery, T�ustnr shall assemb/e and
<br /> shill meke availnble tn Benelicrery any ol rhn Trust Property which has buen romove�l Thb entering upnn an.d taking possession ol the
<br /> Trust Property,fhe collecUon o!any ronts,issuos and prolits,and the applicution fhoreo/as a/oresaid,shall not cure or waive any delault
<br /> " ' ' ' tht�etofore oi therealter accuning,or e/lect any notice ol delault or notice o/sale heieunder or invalidate an y act done pu�suant to an y
<br /> . -- — such nopce. ivatwithsranding&enelici.s�r s cord;rusnc�+%F����ssr�r.^r t^_^!+i�+{qnd wpplicwlion nl rants.issues oi profits,Beneliciaiv shall
<br /> be entid�d to exerciso every right piovided!nr in this Doed o/Tiust oi Ay law upon or afte�the occuirance ol on Evenf o/Oe/ault,
<br /> ' inchiding thp iight tv exercise the powe�ol snle.Any o1 the actions relened to in this paragraph moy be taken by Beneliciary at such time
<br /> • as Beneficlery may determine without regard to tho adequacy o/any sor.unty lor tho lndebtedness secured horaby.
<br /> ��,r,,� ,,-�,;.:'� (bl ReneliClery sha!/,without iegard to the edequacy ol uny socuriry for the/ndebtedness secuied heieby,be entiflad to thn eppointn�ent
<br /> '. ol a nceiver by any court havirtg%urisdichon, wifhout nntice, to take posoessinn o%protect,and menage tha Trust P►opevty end operate
<br />