,. . . �alf�1,W�
<br /> . �.
<br /> '', L�' .. `y`°�.'�'.'_
<br /> .._.. „a.niy'N]�itii:i"...�,-•-. .. ... . . . . _ - . _.. � - .. . . . . � _. -�''��+�1+ ifllliw.- , • �:':i j{iiJ3�H�x'
<br /> :� ..... ,.rt �. '�
<br /> •YU�.wn�_ .�...�..��_
<br /> • . .'.� . lif::�tMJe�ii.�r."
<br /> 7. Endn�nt DomMn.Lendar is herqby assignod all campenaetlon,owerda,domafles and other paymente or rellef lhereinnfter"Proceeds") �����'=�_:=--
<br /> i. . ,��M��;3,�'i�t„�.
<br /> � in conneation wlth condemnetlon or othor teking of the Property or pert thereof,or for conveynnoe in Ileu of condemnation.Lendel ehell • �'��.�•,r.:,�-�;r��•
<br /> , ,,;,�.
<br /> teken ar dameged, Lender ehail heve tha optlon In tts eola and obsalute diecrotiar, to apply ell Auch Proceed�,efter deductin{�therefrom . �•%.�� -��. qf r��^
<br /> all coste and oxponaee incur�ad by it in connection with such Proceedy, upon any IndebtednASS secured hereby and in such arder aa
<br /> -,,;. ::;� � .
<br /> Lpndur mny dotorminn,or to Apply all�uch Proceade,otter euch duductlone, to tho restorotlon of thq Property upon suoh cpnditlone na :
<br /> , � Lender may determfne.Any applicptlan of Prpceede to Indebtednese ehall noc extend or poatpona the due date ot any peymente under
<br /> I the Note,ar cure any def9uit theroundE+r ar hareunder.Any unepplled funda nhell be peid to Trustor.
<br /> 8, P�Hq►m�na�by L�ndnr. Upan the� oFCUrrence of en Evont of Dofault hereunder, or if eny act is teken or IAgAI proceedinp
<br /> � commencad which metnrlally Aflxcte Lender's interest fn the P►apaRSr,Lender may in ite own dfecretlon,but without obligntlon to do eo, ��.
<br /> end without nptlCe to ar dHmE�nd upnn Tru�tor and without retoasing Truntor from any obli(�otian,do any act which Truator has agraed ,.
<br /> l � but fnila to da and mAy att+a dn any other act It deeme nE+Cessary to protect the securicy heroof.Tru�tor ahall,immediately upon demand {. �} �.��'4ti�:�
<br /> � ,. '
<br /> i therefor by Lcndar, pay tq L�ndnr nll coara end expensos Incurred and sums expended by Londer In conneclion with the oxorcise by , . -
<br /> Lender of tha foroeainp rfpht9,tqpathNr with interast thereon et the default rate providod in the Nota, which sheli be added ia tho .;,z., _
<br /> ,,:� '.I �indebtedne�as secured harody.I.enelEir ohnU nnt inaur any Ilabllity becausa of enything it may da or omit todo hereunder. - ,r�:'�''�'°.. �Y "-'
<br /> .�'},
<br /> ,..y 9.HNUrduun M�1tnHnls.Truntnr shnll koep thc►Proporty fn complfence with ell applicable lewa,ordinancea end regulatiqne relating to '.`Y�^' :�;��.• �a';;i
<br /> li �%.�=-
<br /> � IndustriAl hygiuno or envirqnmentc�l pr4taatian lcolluctively referrod to harein as"Environmontai Lawa"1.Trusto► ehell keAp tho Property ,.;,����,.:����,.� �7'_,.�
<br /> frc�a from all su6stancos d[�amad to bp hpiardoue or tnx�c under any Environmental Lawa lcollectiveiy referred to hnroin as "Hazardoua ' ".c';�►,"'t'�:fK--
<br /> � Mat�iriAlo"l. T�uetar h�rqby worro�te And roprosonte tn l.ender thpt thnre are no Hnzerdous Materfal on or under the Property.Trustor .'��A L' �a��'_
<br /> lk,•`. .qumler c=-..
<br /> � .....����'
<br /> horoby ngroos to (ndmm�fly and hnld hprmlt�ss Londt+r, ftn directore, ot}icore, employees and agents,and eny successors to Lender's _,.-� ;�
<br /> ' intnrqst, from and agoinst any end all ciGima, damegns, lassea and liabilities arising in connection wilh the presence, use, dispqsal or ` '`'""`"-_
<br /> k='
<br /> yt��113
<br /> transport of any Hazordoue Materiala on,under,frqm or adaut the Property.THE FOREGOINC3 WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATi IONS, : _
<br /> TRUST, ���
<br /> ��s�c�--
<br /> 10. Aesipnment of 8eaaa.Trustor haraby esslgne to Lender, and grents Lendar a security intereat(n, all present,future and eiter �--_
<br /> ri�ing ronte,issuea end profies of the Propnny;pr4vided that Tmstor shall, until the occurrence oi an Evcsnt of Defauh hereunder,have ��`�`
<br /> tha right to collect and retaln such runte, issues and nrofits es thay become due and peyable. Upon the occurrance of an�vent oi ��,N_� � -
<br /> Dof�ult, Londo�may,elthur in pe�son or bY apont, with or without bringing eny action or proceedfng,or by a ra�elver appafnted by a W.��"�.•--
<br /> ; � ��;,:.
<br /> caw an• wilhaut ognrd to �ha idoquac• af ttA securm, entor upon and toke ossesslon of the Pro eny,or an art tharoot,fn its own • '�""•
<br /> ! p P V P �;..±�h�;, -
<br /> � name or in tho namo of thu Truatee, an.. do nny acts which it deems necassary or desirable to preaerve the value, marketability or �� :�;,-yt�;�-
<br /> rentadllily of tho Property,or any pnrt thereof or interes4 theraln, or to Increase the iicoma therefrom or protect the securlty heraof and, :,��'4'.`;;;
<br /> with or withaut tnkinp paa&nasian of the Property,suo for or otherwise colloct the rents,iasueu end pro8ts thereot,including those past `•��_
<br /> • ��;,y,� duu end unpi�id,bY notifyinfl cananta to make peyments to Lender. Lender may apply renta,issues and prafite, lesa costa and oxpensea `��__
<br /> �., ,,,� of oporntian nnd coilaatian including nttornr�ys'fees,to any indebtodness securod hereby,all in such order as Lender may determine.The .-r�g�n:.
<br /> entorinp upon and taking possession of the Propercy, tho collection of such rente, isaues and profite, and the applicatlon thereof as ,'j}�`-
<br /> ��'. '� afuraeald, ahall not cura or•rvaive ony defeult or notice of defautt hereunder or inv0iidete eny act done in responae to such default or �.,,,,,,R
<br /> purauant to such natice of dotauit end, notwithatanding the continuance in passesafon of the Property or tho collsction, receipt and ,�jg�„ -
<br /> • 7 appUcatian of ronta, issuos ar profits, Truatee and Lender aha t l be ent it le d to exerc ise overy r lg h t p r o v i d e d t a r i n a n y o f t h e L o a n ,���-='"'
<br /> �:�•. Inatrumente or by Iaw upon acCUrronce of eny Event of�efeult, including without Ilmitation tha right to exerciae the powar of sals, .' _
<br /> Further, Lender's righte and romodiea unde►thls paragraph shall be cumulative with, end in no way a limitation on, Lender's dghta and [�-_ --
<br /> remedlo9 under any assignment af leases and rents recorded against the Property. Lender, Ttuete�and the receiver shall bo liable to
<br /> _ ___':! • -
<br /> - -� accouni uniy tur iYosa r�ai�ac:ua;:y:s��ived. -�'!
<br /> • 1 t.Ev�nts ot De}eutt.Tfio followinp shall eonstitute en Event of Default under thia Deed of Trust: -
<br /> (a)Failure to pny any inetallment of principal or interest of any other sum rsecured hereby when due; � -
<br /> iGl A breach of or default under any provision containod in the Note,thie Deed of Trust,eny of the Loan Inetrumente,or any
<br /> othar lion or encumbrnnco upan the Property;
<br /> (G}q writ of execution or ettachment or nny similnr procesa shall be entered agoinat Truotor which shall bocoma a Ilen on the
<br />,, . Property or any portion thereof or intetest therein;
<br /> (d!The�e A��a��I�H tileri hy or aqainst Truetur or Boituwer au action uiidnr any pre8ent or tuture lede►sl,state or othor statue,law
<br /> � � or regulatlon releting to bankroptcy, insolvency or other reliaf for debtors;or there shali ha apyuininJ a�iy trustc,:, rccclvcr ar — ..-
<br /> " Iiqutdntor of Truetor or Bo�rower or of ell ar any pert of the Property,or the rents,Issuae or proflta Ihereof,or Trustor or 8orrower i;
<br /> '�� ' aholl make eny general esalgnment tor the benefit of creditors;
<br /> `�;�.;��u (e)Tho eete,transfer,lease,assignment,conveyence or further encumbrance ot all or nny pa►t of or eny Interest in the Property,
<br /> � elther voluntarlly or involuntarily,without tho express written cansent of Lender;provfded thet 7�ueto�sheil be permitted to execute
<br />- � •• a Ivase of the Proparty that doea not Contein an option to purchase end tha term of whlCh doea not exceed one year;
<br />• -i� ff) Abandonment of the Property;or
<br />- � • ' (g) If Trustor is not en individuai, the Issuence, seie,transfer, assignment, conveyence or encumbrnnce of more then(If e
<br />- � �� corporetionl a totel of percent of its issued and outstanding atock,or (if e partnershiD) a totai of��percent of _
<br /> _ �
<br /> � partnerehlp interesta,or e mlted Ilabillty company) a total of N/p percent of the Iimited Ilehllity company Interesto o►voting
<br /> righte during tho poriqd this Deed of Truet remains a lien on the Property.
<br /> �� ��� 12.R�m�dits;Accelentlon Upon O�t�ult.ln the event of any Event of befault Lender may,without notice except as requlred by law,
<br />'^...-� . declara all Indebtednoss securad hereby to be due end payable end tha same shall thereupon become due and payable without any
<br /> prasentment,domand,protest or nottce of any kfnd.Theroafter Lender mey:
<br />-�'�- }�� (a)Demend that Trustee oxercise the POWER OF SAIE granted hereln, and Trueteo shall thereeher cause Truator'e interest
<br />�'"�`--+- �, in tho Property to be sold nnd tho procaeds to be diatributed, ell in the menner provided In 2he Nebreska Truat Deeds Act; �,_
<br /> �f•• F • (bl Exerciso any end all righte provided for in any of tho Loen Inetrumenta or by law upon xcurrence of any Event of
<br /> Defeult;and —
<br /> ' " (c)Commence an actlon to forecloae this Deed of Trust ea a mortgnge, eppoint a raceiver,or spocifically enforce any oi ihe
<br />� . covenents hereof. �:
<br /> No remody horoin conferred upon or resorved to Trustao or Landor is Intendad to be exclusive of eny other remady herein, in the Loen -_ __
<br /> � Instrumonte or by law providod or permitted,but each sholl be cumulative,ahell bo in nddition to every oiher remedy given hereundor,In — -
<br /> tha Loen Instrumonta or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by stututo,and may bo ox�rcisnd concurrantly,independently or ,�i�
<br /> � successfvoly. '����""`'�°��
<br /> � 13.Trustn. Tho Truatee may resign at any time without cause, and Lender may at any time end without couse appofnt e successor •';'�.�� dQ''�',",,_
<br /> or euhstitute Trustee.Truatee shall not bo Ifeble to any party,including without ►imitatlon Lender,Barrower,Trustor or any purchaser ot '?3�e'�'; . ,.::
<br />� tho Property, for any loas or damnge unless duo to reckless or wiliful mfsconduct, and shall not be required to teke any actlon In �'. !��~%�• �
<br /> connactfon wfth the onforcemont of thia OeCd of Trust unlese indemnifiod,in writing,for all costs,componsation or expenses which may '`��,'��" :.`�
<br /> • ba ossocfetod thorowith. In addition, Tnistoe may bocome a pwrchasar et any sale of the Property qudiclal or undor tho power of sele ' , �'"
<br /> • gruntod hareinl;postpono tha sale of all or eny portion ot tha Property,es provided by law;or sell ihe Propercy as e whole,or In aepa�ate 1.�.;',�i�. �
<br /> - parcels or lote et Trustae's discretion. ,;�w�;':�.
<br /> � 14.F��s Md Expans�s.In the ovent Truatee selis tho P�operty by exerclse ot power oi salo,Truatea shall be entitlad to epply eny sale -' .,
<br /> '� procoeds firat to paymont of ail costs and exponsos of exercl�fng power nf oale,fncluding all Trustee's feea, and Londor's end Trustae's
<br /> .__-._ . , . __..._o...__..._�..._...�..........,t•�e.1 1..,onnlirs►.I.Inw In thn avont Rnrrnwar nr TrunMr axnrr.faes wnv fioht tltOVld�d bV -- �--��
<br />_ _-. _ .---� ettomoy a�aoa, aowa�����...���o..............,r........._--•'��^---._._...... .--- �-- ..
<br /> - -- • - • -
<br /> . ,._--.._._ ..-----._ .
<br /> lew to curo an Evant of Dntault.Lender shell be antitlod to rocovor from Trustor oll coate ond oxponses actually incurred ns o result of
<br /> Trustor's dofault,incli�ding without limitotlon all Trustoo's and ettorney'e feos,to tho extent permittad by applicablo luw.
<br /> 7 6. Futun Advanc�s. Upon raquost of Borrower, Lendar may,at its optfon, mnko additionnl and luturo ndvancoa nnd roadvanr.os to •
<br /> Borrowor.Such ndvnncaa and readvancos, with intorest tharoon,shs�ll bu socured by this Dood of Trust.At no timo shull the principal
<br /> nmount of tho indobtodnoss sacurod by this Dood of Trust,not includfnfl sums advanced to protact tho eoc��nty of this Docd ut Trust,
<br /> . oxceod tho orfginel principal omount stutod horufn,or 6 so.oa ,whichaver isflrnater.
<br /> . ` i
<br /> 1 I
<br /> � NOC34,70 INunopncuiwro�Deeel Rov.6�9G � -
<br /> � t 988 Nauonni Bonk o�Cummeco T�us�nnd Savmps A�socnUO�+.L���co���.H�b�os�a �
<br /> � � "
<br />