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<br /> . ` COVENANTB �"j+ 1���y ,�t-=`—`�' --
<br /> � � � :.�..,,,,�--
<br /> .� �.,aFS�.--
<br /> ' 1. P�ymenb. Borrown aQn�� to m�k� NI p�ym�ntt on tM acw�d d�bt when du�. Unl�c�Bo�row�r and Lender apre� otherwite, any �� '�:�
<br /> ••�`�^r-=
<br /> i p�ym�nt�L�nd�r nealves Irom Borrow�t or�or Borrowsr'�benefit wlli be applled firat to any nmounts 8orrawer owea on the�acured debt • . -��.
<br /> exclu�lve ol Interext W pNn�IprL�econA to Intere�t, and then to pnncip�l.It pertial prepeyment�f the secured debt accurs for any reeson,it will . �•
<br /> not reduae or�xcui�wny,schedui�d p�YnDlnt until tl�e t�CUred debt ia poiA fn full.
<br /> 1 2. Clakm Apuln�t�Itl�.��8orrow�r wUl pay�Il t�x��,nwssm�nt�,and other cherp��attribut�blA to the property when dua and wdl defend titlq
<br /> 1 to th�proputY�y a�n�t�NV Cl�hn�vYMCh wouki Impak Ih����n o}thif dc�d of lruat,Lsndsr m�y reQuire Borrnwer to assign nny riphts. C�nim,1 or
<br /> I d�}�nt��whlch Borrow�r m�y hw��ydmt p�rtla who suppiy I�bor or m�teritl�to improve or m�intain th�property.
<br /> + 3, NNw�nt�. Borrower wlll k�op th�pro{wrty in�und undor tsrm� �cceptable to Londer st Borrower't expen�s end for Lender't banafit. Ail
<br /> ';1 Insunne�policN��h�ll Inciud�a�t�ndvd mortpap�ciws�In hvor ot lender.Lmder w1U b�n�rnM a�losn payee or as the Insw�d on any auch � ,;;+�,;;;:w;.,'
<br /> Inaur�ncs pollcy.Any Insunnce proce�ds may b��ppll�d,within Lender'�diecretlon,to either the rertoratlon or repetr of the dam�ptd propnrty
<br /> . : `
<br /> m to the��cured debt.If Lrnder roquiroc mortpapo Insurar.co,Qorro�vor oyrnos to mointain cuah Inzurancc-for e�lottfl ee Lertder rrqu�ree. . � . _
<br /> � -. �ti:•�,�t,.
<br /> 4.PropKty.Barowsr wftl k�ep tha property In pood conditlon�nd m�ke�II rsp�tr�ro��o�abiy nece�eery. s�:4 Lr"
<br /> .w�rtM��+ I .�� ..
<br /> • .,°w �*-,•r:�:
<br /> ,,,,,�,�p�' 6.Exp�t►N�.Borrower agrees to p�y NI Lsnder'e expen:ea,inciudinfl reetoneble ettorneye'fees,If Borrawer breake any covenents in th(a de�d `."=� *�
<br /> " • 01 tru�t ot in any oblip�tion tecurstl by thb deed ot trott. Borrown wlll p�y theae amounts to Lender e6 providad fn Covanant 9 of thin deod ot +����=
<br /> �, ���—.,�.�Rw-=
<br /> � tru�1. .-'!_— �".r=.
<br /> '' y�� �4��_�.
<br /> 8. Rla Saudty IntK��t�.Unlo�s Borrower first obUlna Lender's written conaent,Borrower will not meke or permit eny changes ta any prior *. �4rA_•
<br /> ;I security Intera�ts. Borrower will pe►form all o} Borrower'e obllpatlona under eny prlor mortpage, deed o1 tru5t or other socurity aflreement, �{-:�;k�!;-�:�_-_
<br /> Includlnp Borrow�r's covenmts to mak�paymsnts when due. �� Y__,-
<br /> � , � 7.A�sla�w�t ot R�r►tt wnd Pro1k�.Borrower asslpns to Lender the rente and profits of the property.Unleaa Borrowsr end Lend�r have aprend 5"µ_
<br /> :. 1 otherw��in writiny, Borrower m�y collect and retaln the rentt�s lonp as Borrower ia not In def�ult. If Borrower defaults. Lender, Londer'r :�
<br /> apent, or s court appofnted recsivsr may take possetsion e�d manafle the property and collect the renta.Any ronts Lender collacts shali bo ��;•�---
<br /> applMd fint to the costc ot m�n�ylnp the property,Includlnp court cottc and attorrNya' fess,commisalona to rental agents, and any othor R�;r-=_
<br /> neceasary related expensei.The remalning amount of rantes will then apply to peymants on the secured dabt es provided fn Covanant 1. e►�
<br /> :�
<br /> 9.LNS�hotdr Condominiumt:PI�nrNd Unk D�vdo(�►t�.Borrower a�reea to compty with the provislons ot any lease if this deed of trust is on
<br /> a leasehald. I�thlo dsed of truat Ia on s unit in a candominium or a p enned unit d�valopmmt,Borrower will porform all of Borrower'c dutiea -----
<br /> under the covenanta,by-lawe,or repuiptian�of the condominlum or planned unit davolopm�nL �__
<br /> � 9. Authority o}LM�d�r to P�tiam fa dorroww. If Borrower faili to perform sny of Borrowe►'s dutNs under this deed of trust, Londer moy �..
<br /> pe�form tha duties or cause them to M p�riwm�d. Lender may�Ipn 8orrower's nim�or piy any amount it nece�eary tor p�rformsnce.If eny
<br /> co�ttruotfon on the property is diacontinued or not curfed on In a re�aan�ble manner,Lend�r may do wh�tever la necoso�iry to protect Londer'• ���_,
<br /> � cscurity intereet In the property.Thfa may Inciude completing the construction. �`��
<br /> �'�
<br /> Lender's taiiure to perform wilt not preclude londer trom exercising any of its other riyhts under the law or lhia daed of trust.
<br /> Any smounte paid by Lender to protect Lender's aecurity Intureat wfil be secured by thia d�ed of truet. Such emounts wili be due on demend _::�-
<br /> ,�. �nd wil)beAr Interest from the date of ths payment until paid in full at the interest rete In sNect on th�cscured d�bt. '�—
<br /> 10. O�t�ult �nd Accd�ndon. It Borrowsr faila to make my payment whan due or breaks any cove�mts under thia dend of trust os any �� T�
<br /> obliyation secured by thia deed of truct or eny prlor mortpege or deed of trust, Londer may accelente thn m�turity of tho secured da�t and
<br /> � ' demAnd immedl�te payment and may fnvoks the power of eale and any other remedles permitted by applic�6le law.
<br /> ��
<br /> 11.R�qw�t fa Notic�of D�fwk.It Is hereby requetted that copiea of the noticsa of default end sale be eent to each poreon who ia e party -
<br /> —---=-:_ '
<br /> heroto,et the addroa of each such person,a�set fonh hereln.
<br />" � 12.Pown of Srs.If tha Lendv Invokea the power of eale,the Trustee shall first racord in the offico of tha ropister of dsods of escA county
<br /> wherein the buat property or some p�rt or parcel thereof Is situated a notice of default cont�ininp the Intormation requlred by law.TY�e Trustee
<br /> shall aico mall coples of the nottce of defsuit to the Borrower,to each percon who Is�p�rty fi�reto, and to other p�reons es presa�bed by
<br /> applicabb I�w. Not less th�n ono month after the Trusteo recorda th�notla of dst�ult,or two morRh�tf the trust property Is not In eny
<br /> incapanted city or villspe end is used in farminp operationt ca�:ied on hy tt►�trustor,tM Trustee sh�ll give pubilc notfc�of sale to the persom
<br /> �nd I�the m�nner pretcrib�d by�appplic�bte I�w.Truitee,without dammd on Borrower,ihoil aeli the pr�perty at pu6flc auation to the hlghe�t
<br />= bidder.If requfrod by tho Fum Homestead Protection Aat,Truatee shall off0r the prop�rty in two sop�rate aalet ea required by epplic�Ws lew.
<br /> '�:.-.+ .:.,:I� Lendei�or�lts deslgnee may purcAsiethe�opeiYy at sny sale�6y pub�ic as�:auncement at the tlme and place of eny previously echedukd aale.
<br /> .: ---
<br /> ' '' '� Upon rscelpt of payment of the prtce bld,Truetee shell deliver to tho purchaser Tru�tee's deed convaying the qropeny.7he recltials aoaulned M
<br /> • • _ Tructe�'o deed ahall be prlma iacie evidlence of the truth of the st�tements contained therein,1'ruttee thell apply the procaeds of the aale in the
<br /> .� followlnp order: (a) to all expensos of the sale, including, but not Ilmited to, reasonable Truetee's faes, reasonable attorney's f�ea and -
<br /> ' ` ., �. relnstatement feea;(b)to all euma secured by thin deed of trust,and{cf the balence,if eny,to the pereons leqplly entftlad to reeeiv�it.
<br /> ;' ?`'� '��!; 13.Fa�eloiur�.At Lender'e optfon,thfa deed of truet may be forac)aso�dre the mannor provlde by eppUcabls law tor forectosure of rnongcqos
<br />�'::'r7{.c�.,.;.:;;: on rsal propertY.
<br />�+h,r,W'i41.�:�
<br /> !,j- ••a• �'' 14.Insp�ndon.Lendsr m�y enter the property to Inapect ft if Londxr Bivea Borrower notice beforehand.The notitw muct etete the reuonabl�
<br />-;��pk.:_r,�, = cauts for Lender's Inspectlon.
<br /> `"'''•"`'�'ri'+ 16.CoodwnMtlon.Borrower aasiane to Lender thn proceeda of eny ewerd or claim for dameg as connected wlth a condemnatian or other taking _-
<br />- ��i of ell or�ny peR of the property.Such proceeds wfll ba�pv��ed�a provlded In Cov+nant 1.7his�ssignment is subJsct to tho terms of any prlor -
<br />". Qecurlty aprosment.
<br /> 18.W�ivM.By exercf�lnp�ny remedy available to Lender,Londer does not plve up any rlphts to Ister us�eny other remedy. By not exercising
<br /> •• eny remedy upon Borrower'c dafault,Lender does not walvo�ny rlpht to letor conslder the event a defeult If It happons apein. _
<br />- , 17.Jai�t�nd S�v�r�l LI�bNItr; Co•Mpr►Kr, Succ�s�on �nd Aulpns Bound. All duties under thls deed of truat �re Jolnt and sevenl. Any
<br /> �_�,,� Borrower who co-ilpns thls dasd of trust but doee not co•�Ign the underlyIng debt Inatrument(sl doe� so only to grant and convey that
<br />-_"'+�rw�-•• Borrower's intereat In the property to tM Trostee under the term�of thli deed of tru�t.In�dditlon, such �Borrower agteea that the Lender ond
<br />-__p+.• • •. anY other Borrowar under this deed oi trust mey sxtend, modffL or meks any other chanpe� in the terme of this deed of trust or the�ecured
<br /> *t�� •• . debt wfthout thet Borrower's consent end without releasinq that Borrower tram tha torms of this doed of truct.
<br /> �� �''' The dutles end beneflte of thia daed of truat ehall Dlnd end bonoflt the suacoasors ond assfyns of Lendar and Borrowar. �
<br /> " 1Y.Notk�.Unless otherwlse roquired by law,any notice to Borrower ehelt be plven by doliwring It or by melling It by certifled mdl addresced to �:_
<br />� � �` Borrower�t ths property�ddreea or any other eddress that Borrower hee pIven to Lender.8orrower will plve eny notice to Lender by certified
<br /> � � be sint to Linder s add ett aa stat df onip ee 1 of thls d ed of truatther address which Lendor hes designated.Any other natice to Lender shell
<br /> �''----
<br /> �' Any notfce ehell be deemed to have been given to Borrower o� Lendor when qive�In the mennc►r nteted ebove. __ "
<br />