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<br /> . paymentx may na longer be rcqulred, at the opcion of l.ender, if mottgage insurance coverage(in t nvunt an or e rlod .._�,:;�-_._°
<br /> thnt l.ondnr requir�s) prc.vlded by an I�..ei�i �vpraved by I�nder agnln�bccomes avallable;u�d i9 obtcined. Barrower�shall pay �',�`�`��-�
<br /> .. .n-.�r��...��..
<br /> thn{►ramlume rsquircd to mnineain mortgagc inauranco in ctf�:t,or to pravidc u loss rescive, until the rcqulremcnt for mortgngc . , ,x�e'�h
<br /> biaurancA enAe in accordance with any written agreement between Bottower and Lender or nppltcable law. t
<br /> 9. Grh�te+ct��m. l..cnder or ite agene n�ay mnke reasonable entric� upon ar�d inspeccions of the Property. Lender ehaU givc ti �i; �?�{,'�i
<br /> Bcirrowar notii:�at thn timc of or prior to an inspection specifying rcnsanablc�ausc for the inspection. .
<br /> !0. Cond�emnatlon, The praceeds of any award or claim for damagea. direct or consequential, in connection with any ����,,�;_•,,},}�.
<br /> ca:tdmm�ntfan or oth-r tn�cing of any put of the Property,or for conveyance in Iftu of condemnation,are hereby assigned and . ,.,;�,,,4,
<br /> r: ahall b�pRid to Lander. ' '
<br /> �. :,;r��:r._,,���;�.�,;_�,...
<br /> ��, In th�ovont of a rotal taking of the Property,the procecda ehall be applicd ro the sum.q secured by this Sccurity Instrumenc, .�t;.�'p���J
<br /> whnthar ar not �hnn due. with any eaccsa pald to Borcower. ln the evcnt of a partial teking of the Pcoperty in wldch the fair ,-;;; �x��.�,�
<br /> .„�.,..�Aw �e'.
<br /> mt►tket vu1u�af thn Propercy immediatdy bcfore thc taking is equal to or greata than the amount of thc sums secured by this �:;r�.;�`__'��,�,
<br /> s' ;�;�_�'_.._-
<br /> SecurAcv InFUUment immedietely befare the[aking. unleas Borrower and Lender othenvisc agra in wd[ing,che sums sxured by �__ _
<br /> 8 �,�°�'�.
<br /> , thin Secur!ty lnatrument ehall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by chc followln fraction: (a) the total ;; , ' - 3-
<br /> am�unt af thn suma secured immediately before the tnkjng, divided by(b) the fair markct value of the Prope w�iC��eefair =� =
<br /> bafore thn taklnp. My balance shall bo paid to Borrower. in the evcnt of a partial taking of the Propercy —_�m
<br /> mtuket valua of the Property immediately befan the taking i�less than the amount of�he suma secured immedet�ei��s�l , "
<br /> t c�k l n A,u n luYS Borrowcr and I.ender otherwise agree in writing or unless applicablc law otherwise provides, ';��`_--
<br /> ' ba nppliud tu tha sums secured by this Security Instrument w he t hcr or n o t t h e s u m s a r e t h e n d u e. �,;,._
<br /> .�, If tha Prq}mrtY is abandoned by Barrower,or if,after notice by i.ender to Borrowcr that che condemnor offers to make an �_
<br /> awnnd or sciUu a c1ulm for damages, Bonowcr fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given, —
<br /> � I.cnder Is authariixd to collect and apply the proceeds� at its option,eiQ,her to restoration or repair of�he Property or to the sums � _
<br /> Etcurxd by thie Securlry Ir►strument,whether or not then due. llcation of procads to principal shall not ea�tend or --
<br /> Unlass Lender and Borrower othenvise agra In writing. anY aPP� �`::��=
<br /> ••�`� postpone�thn dne dnte of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphe 1 and 2 or change che amount of such payments. —Y -
<br /> 11.Bar��►wer Not Released;Forbeara�nce By Lender Not 4 W���u'• Extension of the time for payment or modification
<br /> of amortixadon of the sums secured bY this Se�uriq'Ins�ru�nt sranted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successoro in iatenst.L.ender shall not be required to — ,_
<br /> commeace proceodings ag�Inst any successor in intetest or refuse to extend time for payma�nt or othetwise ma11fY sunonlzation �;A�_
<br /> of the sums secured bY ►his Securiry Insttume�n�i�e ex rcising any ght�orrem�deyb halleaot�be a�er of oslpreclude tbe �
<br /> s u c c e s s o r s i n i n t e r e s t.A n y f o r b e a r a n c e b y I.c
<br /> . -__-= exe�isc i,f iuiy�igttt or rt��;.
<br /> • . . . _ .... •
<br /> 12. Successors aad Assigas Bound; Jo►nt and Severrl Liability; Casigna�. '�t�c covenan�a and agiear,�nt�a;i�i�
<br /> '" Securlty Instrument shall bin3 and banefie the successars and assjBns of I.ender and Borrower, subjcet to the provisiun.4 af
<br /> paragraph 17. Berrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borcower who co-slgns thia Secucity
<br /> , �� � Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signiag thie SxuritY Instrument only to mongage. grant and convey that
<br /> - Borrower's interat in the PropertY under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums �
<br />;;,;�-...,°•... ., stttued by th[�Seczwdty lnstn►mentr and(c)aRrees that Lender and any other Borrower�r.ay a8ree to ea[end, modify,forbear or _
<br />;,..:. . . ,.�: ma1�C any accommodattoas wtth regazd to the tercns of this Secur[ty Instrumeat or Qi�Nutr wit�uut t�at�arrawcc's coascat. -- - -
<br />;�,,,:.,.,. .. 13.Loan Clwrges.If the loan sceurai by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which s�ts muimum loan charges, g
<br /> W''�-••• • and that law le finally inteipreced so that the tntcnst or other loan charges wUected or to be collxt�d in conaeccion with the _
<br />�+� • �� loan eacad the permitted limits, then: (�)any such loan chazge shnll be r�ducal by the umo�nt nocessary to reduce ehe charge
<br />=A:•``�� • .
<br />-T;:•�'��'- to[he permitted llmit; aad(b)any sucns alrcadY w�lected from Bocrower which excceded pernuitted limits will be refund to
<br /> '�'"�'"'� Bocrower. Lender may choose to mske thia refund by reducing the pr[nclpal owed under the Note or by making a direct
<br /> �A.•___;�_.�.; a ment without an
<br />-�y.;��;.'�,,.;�;• payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated us a paztlal PnP Y Y
<br />;�:��.;•;r prepaymentcharge underthe Note.
<br /> ;-�;�;� :�` .>� 14.Notice�. Any nocice to Bonower pmvided for ln tbis SecuricY Insttument shall be givem by delivering it or by mAiling
<br /> - �-•�� �::�� it by first class mail unless applicable 1aw requires usc of another method. The aotice shall be d"naected to the Property Addras
<br /> �.�.�- '� ' � or any other address Borrower de,stgnates by notice to Lender. My notia ta Lender shall be given by firsc class mail to
<br /> ��'`"���r ` Lender's address stated herein or aay other addnss L,eader designates by notice to 'Borrower. Any notice providal for in thls
<br /> r�'�:,'r Securlty Inst�ument shall be deemed to havc been givea to Borrower or L.ender when givem as provided in thi�paragraph•
<br /> -��•�- �•�°- 1S.Govern(ng I.nw; Severabiltty. This Securlry Instniment shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the
<br />+':`r"-e.�:•, jurlsdiction in which the Prope�ty Is tocated•In the eveat thsc anY Piovision or clause of thia Security Insuument or the Note
<br /> •Y. � � givenl effeet withoutethe confll ti g provisioa Tothisf nd the prolvis on of this9Secu ty Insuumeattand`theNNouWate dxlaced
<br /> ro be severable. of the Note and of this Socuriry Instrument. - - --_-_.
<br /> _: � 16.Bormwer's Copy.Borrower shall be given onc conformed copy �� _ L
<br /> Fam 3028 9190
<br /> _. �' P�Q�4 Of 6 INtIW: �^ --�
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