'r� .. . ', . J:(tl`;:i; -. . _ . �� . � •-
<br /> �.�•icr�.,i.r+.
<br /> .. - , �. � .' 11.cl;i{rm?/r'=
<br /> � - . � . . . � � . .�°_��,ti��i�Il' "'- ` - . . e�♦ --'_. ==..
<br /> .�__....r�ri. ,,,r°����.r.k►x:. .dN_.�..., .......�.;r,.f..��._..r.��i�. r •t`t��LY�. !!`'!?�os)''yg1:r','w...»..__._....�—___.:�..YL., ✓'' �! _— __ ____ _.
<br /> 7l. COLLECTION COSTS. Tath��xt�ntp�►mltt�d by I�w,f3rauitor aprNS to pay I.,�nd�r'�natonabt�1Na�nd cost�,Inoludinn,but not Ilmit�d ta, •
<br /> iN��nd cpHs of Nrorn�yn�nd oth�r q�nb(Indudln0 wkNout I ImNation panlp�li,ol�rks and canwltann),wh�th�r or not�uoh attorn�y or ap�rlYl� ,
<br /> in�mploya o1 L�nd�r,whloh u�Incurnd by I.�ndir In coll�ctlnp my�maunt du�or sntorclny Rny rinht or nm�d und�r thf� DNd o1 Tru�t,
<br /> wh�th�r or not tult le broupht,Inciudinp,hut not Ilmit�d to,dl t�H�nd cotts Incurred on app�+�l,In b�nkruptcy,Rnd�Or po�t•Ju�pn»nt coll�bt�on
<br /> �UNO��� '
<br /> �. PMTW.NELFJ�E, L�nd�r nuy nN�s�It� Int�mt In aportfon of th� Prop�rty by�x�cutlnp and ncordinp on� or mon Partlal Dutl nf
<br /> li�oonwy�na wfthout�tflcdnp its InNr�H In th�nmainlnp porilan a}th�Prop�rty Nothlnp h�nln thall b�d��m�d to obllyat�l.�nd�r to nt�us
<br /> �ny ol Ib Inbr�h In M�Prop�rty(�xapt u r�qulrW under Puapnph 37�,nar�hal�Und�r b�obii�abd to nle���ny p�rt n1 th�Prop�rty If Orantar
<br /> I�In d�tauit und�r thl�D�d ol Trun Th�Il�n uid acuri Int�mt cntbd by th�DNd of Truft nmain In�tt�ot wlth n�p�at 4o that portion of th�
<br /> prop�Ky,�e d�Hn�d In th�D��d of TNK.thtt U not th�tub�iot ot thls or�ny Putld DNd of(i�oonwyana.
<br /> 29. MODIfICATION ANO WANER.Ths modHbatlan or walvo�af�ny ot Qr�ntar'�ObllGation�or L�nd�r'�riphb und�r thls D��d of Tru�t must b�
<br /> rontelnod In a wdtlna slGned by LQndor. Lender mey�peAorm eny ef 4larrower'n er 4�rAnf�r'n phll ntlqne,dnlay ar fnll ta exerclee eny oi tts rlphte or -
<br /> ��do�pt p�ym�nt�irom(ir�ntor or anyons oth�r than(3rantor without c�u�lnp a walwr of thoN Ob�Iaation�or rlpht�, A w�iwr�n on�occ��lon�h�ll
<br /> �not consHfuh�walv�r on�ny oth�r ooca�lon. Orantor's Obl�lpations und�r thl�DNd of Tru�t�hdl not b�afNotid I}Undn am�nd�,comproml�a,
<br /> �lcchmp��,talls to�x�rcla Imp�l re or nN�aa�ny of th�Oblly�donw b�lAnpinp to�ny Onntor,Borrow�r or third p�rtY or an ot its rtyhti�palnat
<br /> ' .uiy Or�ntor,@otrow�r or th�rd p�rty or any of M�Prop�rty. l.�nd�r'e f�llur+�to Iml�t upon�trlot p�Aormana o}any of th�Ob�ipat�on��hall not hs
<br /> ��m�d a w�lv�r,�nd Und�r�MII h�v�th�ripht at any tfrt»th�n�ft�r tc;nsltt upon striot p�r(ormanc�.
<br /> Q�MY. 8US9TITUTE TRUSTEE. h cap of th�d��th,In�blllry,nfu�N to act or�banc�of tha TrwtN f�»m the�tat�wh�n th�Prop�rty i�looat�d or In
<br /> �cif�th�hold�r of th�Oqupatlana ahdl d�tlr�for any na�on to nmow th�Truri�s or any wbstitut�trwtN u tru�t��h�rwndir antl to appolnt a =
<br /> �nwv trustN In hb plac�md sH�d, th�hold�r of th�ODlip�tion�t i�h�nby pr�nt�d full pow��to�ppalnt In wridnp a subitltut�tru�tM for udd Truats�,
<br /> "'�and th�sub�tltut�trustN�hatl,wh�n ap�Int�d,b�oom�4ucc��wr to�II ri�ht�of Truats�h�nund�r and th�um�shall b�cam�v�nt�d In him for
<br /> ih�putpoa�and obj�ot�o}thll D��d of 7NSt with�ll th�pow��,duti���nd oblipulons h�nin cont�rnd on th�TruatN.
<br /> 31. SUCCESSORS AND ASSHiNS Thi�D�1d of Trust sh�il b�bl,�din0 upon�nd Inun to th�Wn�fN of Onntor�nd Und�r�nd thNr rap�otivs
<br /> eucasaon,�ssipm,truatNa,naiwn,adminbtrRton,perwnal r�prsanlat(w�,Ipatu�and d�vis�e�.
<br /> 32. NOTICES. Exc�pt n oth•nvis�nqulnd by law,my natice a oth�r communlcatlon to b�provid�d und�r thl�ONd of Tn�at ehall l»In writina
<br /> and e�nt to th�p�rtia�t the�ddr�sf�s d��crib�d In thi�DNd of Trutt or such oth�r�ddn�s a�ths partla mny dalpn�t�In wrltinp from tima to
<br /> tlms. Any auch notic�so Civen�nd ent 6y firet oiasa m�ll,posUp�pnpaid,thNl b�dt�m�d piv�n th�tarll�r of thrN�3)dayn�ft�t tuch notla It
<br /> a�ntawhm nalved byths p�reonlowhan such notlal�Wlnppiv�n.
<br /> 33. SEVERA81LI7Y. Whm�vH pcalble,each rovi�lan of thia DNd o}T�u�t�h�ll b�int�rpreted w u to bs�H�otiw and valld unde applioabl�
<br /> �Iaw. M any provision of thla Dnd of TrusPvlolat�a the Isw or!e unenlorcenb�e,the rest oi thb D�ed ot Trust ahWl conUnue to be valid end
<br /> enforaabl�. ''
<br /> 34. APPUCAdLE LAW. This IMed ol Trwt ahdl b�pov�rnsd by th�lawt of th�ttate wh�re the Prop�rty I�locabd. Unl�t��ppllc�bl�law provid�� -
<br /> otherwla�,Orantor cans�nte to th�Jurbdictlon and vmus of any caurt sdtchd by Und�r,in Ite eol�dlscntion,locat�d in that st1�t�. _.
<br /> 3a. NO THIRD-PARTY RIf3HT9.No pereon ta or shell bs n third�ptrty bmsficl�ry of any provialon cf this Ds�d o}Trust. All provi�lons of this Ds�d o}
<br /> Trun In tavor of Und�r u�Int�ndsd al�ty for the b�n�fit of Undir,�nd no third party�hsll b��ntrtl�d to aaum�or oxp�ct that L�nd�r wlil waiw or
<br /> cone�nt to ths modificaUon of Ny provislon of thls DNd ot Trust,In l.�nd�r'a aala dl�cntion.
<br /> �. PRESERVATION OF LIA81LI7YAN0 PRIORI?Y. Without afl�cttnp the Iicblpty of 6orrow�r,Orantor,or�ny puarantor of th�ObIlpaUOne or any
<br /> othe p�non(�xwpt a p�rson�xpnuly nNand In writlnp ior ih�paym�nt and performana ot th�ObIlpaHons,and without aif�ctinp th�r�phts of
<br /> L�ncl�r wIM nsp�ot to�ny Prope�ty not�xpnuly nl�a In writing,and wflhout Impalrinp In any way 3h�prlorlry of MI�DNd of Truit ov�t th�
<br /> Int�r�tt of tnyp�non�oqulr�d or flm�vld�nad by noordlna aubenquent to the noordlnp of thli D��d o}Trun L�nd�r m�y,�Ith�r Wton or afNr
<br /> th�m�turity oi th� Obiipatiom,and without notta ot cone�nt:rel�a�e eny penon Il�bii inr paym�nt or p�r�ormanca of dl or any part of th�
<br /> Obllpatlonr, maks any�pnem�ni�Il�rinp th�tsrme of ptymsnt or perfarmancs o}all or my part of th� Obllpadone; �x�rolN or nh�ln hom
<br /> �xorclWnp or w�lw any dpht a r�m�dy that Und�r may 5av�und�r thit Dsrd of Trust•acapt�ddidonal Ncurity of �ny klnd tor�ny of th�
<br /> Obllpadon�;or rN�w or othMwlsa aal�dth any nd or p�rwnal prnparty s�curinp th�Ob1l�atlons. My Mrcon�oqufrinD or ncardinp widina of
<br /> �ny fnt�ntt of my natun In tM Propety�hall b�dNm�d,by acquirinp tuoh int�n�t or r�oordinp�ny svid�na th�nof,to hav�oona�nrid to�II or
<br /> wiiy iu"w`�i6ti4iii by Linda. `
<br /> 37. DEFE�,9ANCE. Upon th�pi rnx�t md Mrformuia ln ful!ot�II of th�Obll��don�,L�nd�r will�x�cut�and dNiv�r to Or�ntor tho�dxummb
<br /> th�t may M nqulnd to rN�as� DMd of 1'run ot reoord. Or�nror ih�ll b�a�pontibU to p�y�ny ootri of noord�tlon.
<br /> 3�. CONSTRUC?IOiI LOAN. Thls DNd ot Tru�t Is�conmuatlon moAqAp�unde th�Uni}orm Comm�ruld Cod�,to ucun an oblipatlon
<br /> . Incurr�d for th�oonstructlon ot m improvxnent on I�nd,lndudinp th�acqui�{tbn ooatt of land. This ONd ot TYutt Noum�oomuuodon loan,and
<br /> It wlll b�subJ�ct to tM Urms o1�oonKructlon lann�rNm�nt bnlw�n GrRntor end Lsnd�r. M1r mat�rlals,pulpm�nt or suppil��uud or Int�nd�d
<br /> for u�In th�con�trucctton,d�wkrpmrnt,a oparation of th�Prop�rty,whother et�rod on or ott ths Prop�rtyr,�h�11 aiw b�wbJ�ot to th�Ii�n of 1hi�
<br /> � O�W of Trutt.
<br /> 3f. WAIYER OF HOMESTEAD AND OTHER 0(EMPTIONB. Gr�ntor h�npy waNa��II hom�n��d�nd oth�r�x�mpdom In th�Prop�rty to which
<br /> Gr:ntar would oth.nula b.cnUC.�m��r:ny applicabio I:w.
<br /> �0. MISCELLJWEOUB. Or��ta and L�nd�r apres that tirrw U of tht�u�na, tirantor w�iw�pnNntm�nt,d�m�nd tor p�ym�nt,notla of diNtonor
<br /> � �nd prot�n�xapt a�r�qulrW by faw,AJI rN�renaos to Cir�ntor tn thls DNd of Truet shul Includi all p�nons slpninD b�low. N th�n i�mon than on�
<br /> GraMor,thNr Oblfp�tlon��hall b�Jdnt md s�verd. Thia DNd ot Truet nproaents ths oomplst�int�prat�d und�nundlnp b�twNn Cinntor and
<br /> � L�nd�r p�rtalnlnp to tM»rma u+c!oondttbna btr�of.
<br /> Cir�ntor acknowl�dy��that Gnntor lus nad,undentande,�nd apres�to the terma�nd cond(tlone of thla De�d oi Truat,�nd�cknowl�dQa nalpt ot
<br /> an�xaat oopy ot t�m�.
<br /> Datrdthl� 31�t dayof July, 1997 , _
<br /> ���R: llrabie D Liad (iMNTOH: JOYC• E Lind
<br /> . , �
<br /> r �`'� —� o n �
<br /> . (SRa1JTA (3MN .
<br /> GNAN70q: QFLWTOR: -
<br /> ----- -- -- -- ------ -------- - ---- -' �
<br /> ORANTOR� �RANTOR: [
<br /> I
<br /> ----- — ----- —---— ----- - -- - .. -- -- . - - ---- ---- �
<br /> I
<br />' LPNC6nU CFC+mAtiontKnnolople�,�c. UhD/Ba118001Q17•87BO NRqp�ot6 I
<br />