. ,�
<br /> vi)YiM► ..�.�,,a�.-r i
<br /> � , � , .. " .. . .''a.c�.
<br /> i.;ri; . . . � . ' . � ,_..':���,�.. . . .,,,�c •.,:_.
<br /> .i���t•' " . :i" ����-;�`�'- � .`�'.t�•
<br /> , . .F�T,9r'r_i- .. ., ' • . ' - ' .. .r�!••�4!1:�.�1�l�1�MI� . :w��1°_�'.ra.�.tie
<br /> ._. ..u..,...��.....�...:....'.... .. ... ... � .. ... .... .. . ...,.. . --- � �� ..._ ,�_i_�.:—�.[Hei��_.
<br /> � . I'G%�I..l:y�::•�:�:,,.xrr.�..—
<br /> .. � '��..f:1lMi1l��..�a
<br /> �d) Or�ntor hae th�rlpht�nd Ie duly euthorlx�d to�x�CUt�and pMorm It�Oblipatlont unQ�r thl�Qud ot Trutt�nd thea�eotlom do not mii , :i���q�_'
<br /> ehall not conflict with ths provlslone of�ny at�tute,r�pul�tlon,ordintnc�,rule of law,contraCt or othlr epnEmtnt which msy b�bindi�y on , �.,
<br /> prantor at my tlmr
<br /> (t) No aotlon or proc��dinp I�or thall b�p�ndlnp or thrsatm�d whlch rttipht mat�rlally�ftact ths Prop�rty;and •••
<br /> p� Onntor ha�not vlolat�d�nd�hali not vlolnU any ttatut�,npu�atlon,ardlnanc�,ruls ot law,contrtct or oth�r�pmm�nt(Includlnp,but not
<br /> • Ilmit�d to,thoas pov�rninp Ha:ardou�Mn�rl�la)whleh mipht materl�lly�H�ct th�Prop�Ry or LsndsrY riphte or Int�n�t In th�Proptrty purauant � � .
<br /> �n
<br /> to thh D��d o1 Truet. :
<br /> 3. PRIOR DEE09 OF TRU8T. Orantor npnsmis and wurent�that th�n�n no prlor d��ds of truat�ft�ctinp any p�rt ot the Prop�rty oxc�pt a�wt
<br /> � forth on Sch�duls B attach�d to thle D��d of Tn��t,whlch Orrntor�prt��to p�y�nd p�rform In�tlm�ly m�nnsr. N ther��n any prlor tl��d�ot trwt ,. � • �x:""'
<br /> �then Crentor ngrees to pay sll�mounte owad,Rnd p�Aorm all obllp�tlom r�qulnd,under euch de�de ot tru�t�nd th�Ind�bt�dnns e�cured th�nby :i-.
<br /> ; I and furth�r apn�t that�d�fault und�r�ny pdor dud ot truet ahall b��d�f�ult under thia Doad ot Truot cnd cha,l ontitlo Lander to all rlpht�end , �^_
<br /> ���rem�dta cont�lnsd h�nin or In th�Obllpatlona to which Lmd�r would b��ntltl�d In ths mnt of any oth�r d�}�ult. „,t ,� ,� ;;:�'
<br /> A. TRANSFERB OF THE PR6PERTY OR BENEFICIAL INTERESTB IN(iRANTOiiB OR 60RROY/ERB. In th�w�nt of�saU,com�y�nc�,I��w, ., y. ;':,:t�_
<br /> � �contraot for de�d or transltr to�ny p�roon ot ell or any part of th�rsal propsrty descrlb�d In Sch�dul�A,or any Int�rsst th�nln,or of�II or my � . • -
<br /> "�rt M � (= beneticlal Int�rest In Borrow�r or Orantor(if Borrower or Orantor Is not a natural pueon or paaon�but le a carporation,Ilmit�d Ilablllty comptny, ���?�
<br /> . �,��,�b' t�.'s:.:__•
<br /> �p�nnsrehlp,trust,or othor I�p�l�ntity),�.snd�r mty,at IG optlon,d�clan th�outsttndinp princlpal balanc�ot th�Obllpstlona plu��ccru�d Intinst ,•� �,..-------
<br /> thaeon immediRt�ly due end payabie. At Lender'e request,Onntor or Borrower,ae ths cnes me be,ehall furNah a com lots ntatem�nt eedinp torth :,,�i� ;� �."
<br /> y P 7:�i�:.,--
<br /> ' ail ot Ite etoakholdere,membere,or pertn�ro,�e approprltl�,and the ext�nt ot thslr raepectivs ownc�rphlp Interosts. :;.;�'`�4:�•� --
<br /> � / 6.ASSIQNMFNT OF RENTS. In consideratlon of the Ohlipaticna which e.ra e�cured bythis�eocl a1 Trust,�rantar ebeolutsly anolflne to Llnder tll r^�:r�-- _ _
<br /> \ Orentor'a eatate,riqht,titls,Interset,c141m and demand now ownsd or h�nNUr acqulnd In�II cr.iatlnp and tuture le�t�s of th�Prop�rty pncludlnp '. �, _
<br /> � sxlenslone,nn�wals and eubl�tasa),all sgnemmta tor us�and occupmcy of ths Prop�rry (all such Isas��and epn�m�nn wh�thsr wrftten or oral, �-ti__
<br /> � �'j an hetetftsr referred to ae the'Lsas�s"),and alt quarantl�s of I�a�ss'paAormana und�r th�laaa�f,tap�th�r with th�Imm�dlat��nd contlnulnq -
<br /> ripht to coilect end recoivs nll of the rbnts,Income,receipte,revsnues,lasusa,profit��nd other Incame of�ny nature now or henafter dus(Includlnp ��r.:
<br /> � any Incame ol any nature cominp dus durin9 any re�emption perlod)und�r the U�a�a or from or arisinp out o1 th�Prop�rtyr,Includlnp mintmum �_,
<br /> rents, ndditlond ronta, p�rc�ntege rsnta, p�Rtng or common area malnt�ntncs contributlona,t�x tnd Ineurana Contributions, d�fici�ncy nMa, ��,,.
<br /> liquidated dmm�yet followin9 default In any :�ease, all proceade payabb under my policy of Insunna cowdnp lo�a ot rtnt�r�suitinp from `___„__ _._�.
<br /> '�', untenanubiliry cauesd by deatruction or damng0 to the Property,all proce�ds payabl�ae a retult of�I�sas'e�xsrcle�of an optlon to purchase ths = __.__
<br /> , � Property,ali prxeadt dorivsd from tha terminatlon�r reJeotlon of�ny Uasa In a b�nkruptcy or other Insolwncy proa�dlnp,and�II procNds trom �;^::
<br /> eny riphta and claims of any klnd whlch�rantor may hnve agdnnt my Usa�e under ths Uas�a or sny occup�nt�of th�Properry(all of the�bov�aro ";�-,___
<br /> hereafter collectively roferred to aa ths`R�nM'). Thfa asalgnment la subJect to ths �Ipht,powsr and authority pivm to ths Under to callect and npply . t,j,}Y.r,,.
<br /> �� :�� the Renta. This asslgnment Is rocordsd In accardancs wfth appllcabU state law;fh�Il�n cr�ated by thl9 ass�gnm�nt le Int�nded to be Bpeclfio, ����.*
<br /> , �^ ped�ct�d,and choate upon the recordinp of thia Deed of Truat,all as provlded Iay ap(:licabte stata Iaw ne amended from time to tlme. As long as , <<-�_"
<br /> there ta no default under the ObUgatlons or this Deed of Tru�,Lender prante Grantor a revocauie Itcanse to collsot all Fents from tt�e�ea»s when ��,_�1,,��-�
<br /> due and to une such procseds In Grantor'a buslness opsratlona. Howsver,Lsnder may at any tims nquln Orantor to daposit all Rwnp Into an
<br /> �,�i � account malntalned by Orantor or Lender at Lender's Inelitutlon. Upon dsfeult in the peyrttnnt of,or In th�pedormence ot,any of ths Obligatione, ��Er-'
<br /> Landsr may at Its option take poasesslon oi ths Propsrty nnd hsve,hold,manaps,I�as�ind operate the Propsrty on terms and for e period of time �._xJ��
<br /> th�t Lender dsems proper. Lender may proc�ed to colleot and rocelve all Rente from the prop�rty, snd Lsnder ehall haw full power to maks �.;-
<br /> alnrationa,renovatlons,ropaira or nplacsments to ths Propsrfy aa Lsnd�r may ds�m proper. und�r may�ppiy all FNnts In Lendsr'n sole dlccrotion ���:�
<br /> � �• to p�yment of ths Obliy�tlone or to the payment of the Coat ot such elteretlona,renovatlons,repaire tnd repI�cemente and any exp�nsss Incid�nt to �n,
<br /> � takinp�nd ntalninp poitsstlon of the Prop�rty perlodically nnd the man�pement and o�eratlon of the Property. Lsnder m�y k�ap th�Nrop�rty -- �.
<br />.:,.,
<br /> properiy Inaured and may dlncharps sny texea,chargea,clalms,assessmenri and oth�r lens which may accrus. Ths sx �ns�and cott of tliss�
<br /> :,, � � actlona may b�paid trom tho Rente receivsd,and any unpald amounte shall bo added to th�principal of the Obllpationa. hese�mounte,top�th�r
<br /> • r' with other coate,ehall becoms part of the Obllpntlona necured by thle Deed of Trust.
<br />—.:_:_,_ .��.;
<br /> :'��: 0. LBASES AND OTlIER AaREEMEN7S. C:trenror eh�ii noi iake u� i:ii to ta�o arsy ici��a wh�cl: rr,a,csuse�t permi!in�twrminattor. or e _.. -
<br /> wlthholdlnp of sny paymtnt In connectlon with eny Lease pertnlninp to the Property.In edditlon,Gnntor,wlthout Lsnder'e prior written canNnt,thall
<br />��I:��,: � � noG (a)colt�ct any monla payabb under�ny Lotss mon thnn ons month In advana; (b)modlly any U�ne; (o)usipn or allow t Il�n,s�curit� —�
<br /> Int�rstt or oth�r mcumbrance to be plaoed upon Orantor'e riphte,tRle and Intereat In ond to eny lnae or the amounta payabls thenund�r;or(d)
<br /> �':'. :'' t�rminat�or cancel any Leass except for ths nonpaymmt�f any aum or other material bret�ch by the oth�r party ihsrsto. H Or�ntor ne�iws at any ��� _
<br /> • tlm�any writt�n communlcatlon uanrtfn a d�ftult by Orantor under a Leaee or purpoitlnp to tecmfnate or cancsl any Ls�se,Orantor thall promptly
<br /> ' torwird a copy of tuoh cammunication�and any subs�quent communleatlona rel�Gny th�nto)to Und�r. AII euch Uaea and th��mounts du�to -
<br /> ' Or�:tor th�nunder ue hersby aaalpn�d to Und�r as addltlonal necurity for 1he Obtpationa. �
<br />_ ' � 7. COLLECTION OF INDEBTEONESS FROM THIRO PARTY. Lend�r nhali bs sntltUd to notity or nquin Orantar to notity nny Mird p�rty Qncludlny,
<br />. " ,• but not IlmitW to,lssa�s,Iic�nuY�a,yuvwm�i�ntai autner{t{�c.nd{nsurana cnmpMrJ�s)W p�y Lcndcr arty lndctrtedneee or obIMMlen nwing to _ ____
<br /> , .. (3rantor with rosp�ct to th�Property(cumulttivtly"Indebt�dn�aa')wh�ther or not�d�l�uit�xlsts under thie Deed ot Truat. Orantor ehall dllip�ndy _�
<br /> " cali�ot th�Ind�bt�dn�a owinp to Grl�ntor irom th�s�thlyd p�rtl�a until th�plvinp al�uch notification. In ths�v�nt ih�t Gr�ntor pos��u�s or naiv��
<br /> poss�ulon o}any fnstrum�nts or oth�r remlttanas with nap�ct to th�Ind�bt�dne�s folbwlnq ths piviny of�uch notltication w If th�Instrum�nta or
<br /> other nmittnncea constituta ths prepsyment ot any Indebtednsas or tho payment of�ny Insurence ot Candemn�tlon procade, Or�ntor thsll hold
<br /> � ' �uch Inttrum�nU and other amittanaa In truat for Lender epnrt trom Its other properry,sndorss th�Inatrum�nt�nnd oth�r nmfttmCSa to Lend�r,
<br />_�..�• , . �nd Imm�dlat�ly provid�L�ndsr witit pos��sion of th�instrummte and other ramktences. Lsnd�r thall b�entkbd,but not rpulnd,to coliect(by
<br /> j�^'' •�-•< <� I�pal procNdlnp�or oMsrwie�),�xt�nd th�time for p�ymsnt,compromlae,exch�ny�or relnn�any obllpor or eoll�ter�l,or othsrxl�wtll��ny of —
<br />�,,;• ' tM Ind�bt�dn�sa wh�th�r or not an Event of D�fault exists under this Deed of Trust. Lender nhall not be Ilabi�to Grantor for my actlon,error,
<br />.�f'1,)fJ'.,; , mistak�,omltcfon or dday psrtalning to ths aetiane deacdbed In thls paragraph or any d�mapea resultinp therofrom. Notwithatandlnp ths fanpolnq,
<br /> nothinp h�reln ehdl a�uns Lender to b�dwmed a mortpnqae•In•possesslon.
<br /> !. U88 AHD MAINTENANCE OF PROPERIY. t3rantor ah�ll tnke e11 aalon4 md mnk�nny npain nsedad to malntain the Propsrty In pood
<br /> � conditlon. Orl�ntor ah�ll not commit or p�rmit eny wnts to b�committed with nsp�ot to the Pro��rty. Orantor ahall uae the Pr�psrty aoNly in
<br /> ,1` compll�ncs with nppllc�bis Isw and Inaurance policlee. Cirentor ehnll not meke any�Ibratlonn,add tiona or Impruvemente to ths Prop�ity wlthout
<br />;; � lmd�r'�pdor written conssnt. Without Ilmitin�the forlpoing,all alt�ratfona,adtlfllont�nd Improwmenls mada to ths Prop�rty ahall b�eubJ�ot to
<br /> the b�neficl�l Intereat belonpinp to l.endsr,chall not b�removed without Lend�r's prlor wtltten conesnt,and shRil bs made et Orentor'e sol�sxpms�.
<br />� ` 4. L08S OR DAMAGE. Grontor shsll b�ar the�ntlre ritk o}any los9,th�tt,deatruclion a damngs(cumulativeiy'Lose or Damaq�")to ths Property or
<br /> Property to ita preiofus condition or pay or c�auae to be patd to Lendsr i a�decreaseLln th�f�sl�market valwt of thn atft�cted Properiy.�p��r the afteot�d
<br /> .�i;�"'�: .,I 10. INSURANCE. Ths Prop�rty wlll bs kept Insured tor ite tull Inaurdble value(rsplicsment coat) apelnet eli htuarde Includinp loas or d�may�
<br /> ausad by 11ood.saRhquake,tornado and fire,theft or olher caauNry to the exlent requlred by Lender. arantor may obtaln inEUrana on the Property
<br /> _`,., irom euch comp�nles�s�acc�ptabls lo Lencier In Its aols dlacntlon. The Inaurance pollcies ehall raquin ths Innurance company to provlde
<br /> '� L�nd�r with at bast d�ys'writtsn noUce befon such pollcl�s an altusd or cancdled In�ny mann�r. Th�Ineurance pollc(�e ehall _ _
<br /> n�m�I.end�r ae a lona pay��and provlde that nu act or omlatlon of�rnntor or any other pereon shnll sHsct th�rlqht of Lendar to be p�ld th� '� �
<br /> ?; In�uranc�proc�eda p�rtalnlnp to the loas or damaye of the Property. In ths ewnt Orantor f�fl9 to acquits or ma►ntaln insursno�, L�nd�r(ait�r - -
<br /> a- providlnp notia�a may bo rpulrod by law)�ney in Ite diecntlon procun�ppropBRte Insunncs coverape upon th�Prop�rty end the Ineurana coet ��_�„�,,,,_ry�
<br /> � � Ihall be an advana payabls and beadnp interost as described In Par�praph 23 end eecurod hereby. (irnntor shell turnleh Under with evidence of �`�N
<br /> Insurancs IndlOalln�the requtred Covsrage. L�nder may aat as ettornsy-In•tnct!or Gnntar In maklnp and settllnp clalme und�r Inaurance pollcl�s,
<br /> c a n w l l l n p m y pollo y or sndorsin p Grantor's nmie on any drnft or nspotlable InstNmmt tlrnwn by any Insursr. Ail such Insurnna poliCles ehall be ,
<br /> Immedistely essipned,plsdged and deilverod m Lend�r ae furt her secur i t y tor t he O b l l p a t i o n s. I n t h e e v e n t o f l o s s,d r e n t o r e h a i l i m m a d l a t e l y g i v e '�.�. <-
<br /> Lender written notice nnd Lender Is authoAzud to meks proof af loss. Eaeh Ineurance compa�y Is dlrectsd to meke p�yments directly to Undsr ,�;.,,��.:;
<br />- r Intt�ad of to l,�nder and Grantor. Lender shall havs the rignt,at tts sob option,to apply such monles toward the Obtlyatlona or toward th�coat of -•. ,..� -
<br /> , � n the Inverse order of th�dus daHS tAereol. ,` - f��
<br /> nbulidlnp and natortnp ths Propsrty. My unounta m�y at Lender's optlon be appllsd I
<br /> , 11. 20NIN(i AND PRIVATE COYENANTS. Grentor eh�ll not Initints or conser.2:u eny chanpe In the zoning provisions or priv�te covxnants aHeatinfl �`�,�::y��� �� r
<br /> the us�of ths PropeRy without Lender's prior written consent. M Orantor's use efi the Prope�y is or becom�s a noncontorm inp use under�ny:onin� s,�,,,, �.
<br /> . 4 provi�lon, (3rantor shall not cause or permit such us�to b�discontinusd or eb�ndon�d wlthout the prior written cona�nt ot Lend�r. Orantor wlll ;.,,f/;ti:,.�y.
<br /> � f Imm�dlately provid�Lender wfth writt�n notice of any propos�d chenpes ta the zoning provislona or priv�ts covsmnta aHectlnp ths Properry. , ...a :
<br /> _ �z CONDEMMATION. f3nntor shall ImmQdl�tely provlde Lender with wririen nollce of any actuN or throatened condemnatlon or emin�nt domaln
<br /> • - -� ---�----"---.._�i,.��.�w�..ti.....i,.n�tn��nd�r and shall bs - - _
<br /> procNdinp pertalninp to She Proporty. Ali mornea payame m uranror nom auc:�.�v��M���..o��.,��..�..�.�y�...•-•--
<br /> . ,�.�..--•- -- - - -
<br /> cond mna on urteml ontndomaln p oce�dings end theo st t�optlon of L�nd�r,to the paymsnt�iot ths10blipnUons�or thosr staration orlrepairtof th�
<br /> ' Property.
<br /> 13. LENOER'S RIGHT TO COMMENCE OR DEFEND LE(i/►L ACTIONS. Orantor shell immedlately provide Lendnr wlth writlen notice ot any actual
<br /> � � or thn�t�ned actlon,suit,or othsr proceeding ettecting�he Property. Grentor herebye�pp�olnM Leq der es fte attorneyIn•faet to commence,Intervene
<br /> - • m,and defend euai�ncGuny.au�ln,��vii�o�ieya;rr:.w�..�rp�;.r�:a c�^F;-."":•=,••••� ° ;-•!^•nr rnnerovarsy nertnfnlna theroto. Lender shall
<br /> ' estulb nA thoretromrdnNothlny conta ned herein wrill p�i ent Lender f om taking th�ectlons descrgibed In t Is paragraphrin fts ownr nsmsr any damages `
<br /> � 14. INOEMNiFICATION. Lsnder shall not assume or bs reaponalbl�for the portormmce o1 any ot Grantor's obligatlona with respect to the Property I
<br /> undar nny circumstancs�. Cirantor shall fmmediataly provide Lsnder with writtm nouce of and Indemnliy entl hold Lender and its shareholders,
<br /> directoro,otticera,employeea and nyente harmless fiom all clalms,damepes,Ilabllitles(Includlnp ariorneys'fees end legel expensea►,cauaes of
<br /> " aCtion,actions.suits�nd other leyal proceedlnps (cumulatively'Clelme')peRelninp to the Property(includinp,but not Ilmited to,thase Involvinp
<br /> He�x�rdous Matalals). Grantor,upon the requeat ot Lender,shell hln Ispal coun�el to dehnd Lendsr from auch Claims.and pay the ariarneys'tees,
<br /> lepal expenses and other costa incurred In connectlon thorewith. In the elternative,Lender ehell be sntitled to employ Ha own lepel cou�isel to datend I ,
<br /> �I suoh Cislms et Orantor's cost. Orentor's obligntion to indemnify Lender under this pua�nph ahell survive the terminaUon,releas�or foraglo�fyof
<br /> f { thfs Deetl ot Trust. � f "/'��
<br /> r � ! /��\ � I
<br /> ' ' IVNHuH � to�mrt��un Tcchno'og��s.�nc In �81;11600iDJ�.y89 vnar2o�0 (�.7'J .� I' .
<br /> i ` / I
<br /> I __
<br />