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<br /> gorrowxs�earow �ccount undK th�fed�nl RMI Hstat� S�ttl�m�nl Proc�duroe Act ot 187A �e am�nd�d hom tNns to tkn�, 12 U.aC.
<br /> r���_�-- Z601 N a�q•('iiESPA'): una�s�nothK kw th�t�pplN�to th�Fund� �M��N�sK�mou�t. 11 io. l.�nd�r rrwy��t u►Y tlm�,coN�ct�nd _
<br /> • '4�� hald Funde In �n�mou�t not to exaed th�hss�r�mount. l.mdK may��tUn�ts the�mount ol tu�da dua on lhe b�sla of curtent data -
<br /> �-�
<br />_�,-,,i[;'� �nd rwson�bl���tkrNU�ol sxp�ndllur�a o}fuwro Eecrow It�n� or olhervr lse I n accor d�n c e w l th �p pUcable kw. _____
<br />'�?+.'�'�' :� The funds �h�N b� hetd In �n InitRutlon wha�e depoatts u� In�ured by � teden� sp�ncy.Inatrummt+�llty. or sntiry (hcludlnp"� __
<br /> ��:�.;� �, �ender,I} LendK Is suah �n U�triutbn) or In �ny Fedenl Home Lan Bank. lend� ah�N �ppy the Funde to p�y ihs Ea he Ee ow '
<br />_•d:�.��.
<br /> Lendx may not chupe BoROwer tor holdkip �nd �ppylnp the Fund�, �nnu�ly �n�yiMp lt�e�scrow account, or vsrHyN�q _-
<br />`-r-k�� � Ihms,untaf l.�nder p�yi Bortow�r Int�rett on th�Funds�tnd appNcRbl�law p�lts L�ndK�o mak��uch�chirp�. Hanw�r� L�ndK
<br /> '` may requlro Borrowa tu pey e one�ilme charge tor an Independanl re�l eat�te t�x reportlnp eervlee uaad by Lenda In eonn�ctbn wlth�
<br />==-�'�'��`•' Ihla lan, unleae�ppAc�ble law Provldss otherwlsa. Unl�ss�n�q��em�nt Is m�d�or�ppllc�bla law requkes Intereat lo bo pt+ld, Lcndcr �-
<br /> ahRll not Ge requlred to p�y 9arowK �nY�nte�eat or wmfnya on the Funds. Sortow�r�nd Under may�yrw ��W�1�9� howrvu.that�
<br /> y'�
<br /> hterest sh�A be pald on the Fund�. Lender eh�u ylve to Bortowet, wlthout ehtrpa, �n �nnual�ceountlnq o1 the Funds, ehow p
<br /> credNe and debfts to the Funda �nd tha purpose 1ar whlch each debU to th�Funds w�a rrwda• The Funde �re pl�d4ed�o idditlon�t
<br />, . ,.';� aecwlty tor sN numa aeeured by thls secudty Inntrument.
<br /> It the Funda held by Lendx exceed the�mounta permllted to be held by appllcabN lav+�l�nder 6haB account to Bortower tw lhe
<br /> �%+,�F'; � excesa Funds h accordmce wfth ths requ(remente o1 appNc�ble law. It the amount ol the Fund�heid by Lender at any tlme I� not
<br /> :�•,';: �� autticbnt to p+�y the Escrow Items when due,lender may ao notly eorrower In wrtt�o9,and, In euch caas Bortower ahaM pry to Lender
<br />'_=�'=�; ,� the �mount rtecesa�ry to make up the deflciency. Borrower ehaN m�ke up the dRAclancy In no mae than N+eNe monthy payments, �t
<br /> .f":`�� �� Lendx's eole dlscre�Ion. ��}und to Borrower any Funds hNd by
<br />=�ti�' Upon payment In tu8 of �N sums aecured by thla Searfly IneWment, Lender ehnq promptly
<br />-'�;�•� ' �ender, ��,�nder p�r�pnph 21. Lender ehall acquke or sM the Proparty, Lmder,prlor to the acqulaFtlon or sata of the R'opeAY,shan
<br />_o;��s. ., �ppty any Funds Neld by Lerider at tho tlma of ncqulsKlon or e�le�a�credtt agnlnnt the suma secured by thla 3ecudty Instrumant.
<br /> 3, Appllo�tlon of P�ym�nts. Unless�ppllcable kw provldes otherwlae, aA priyments recetved by Lender under p+irapahh�s�
<br /> :.. ,�� 1 e�nd 2 ehall be �ppNed:ArsL to�ny prepayment chsrge� due under tha Note; second, to�mouNa pay�bte under pangrap
<br /> - ��.��.
<br /> .,.h-..�:,
<br /> ,__�.���: to Interest due;tourlh, to princlpal due; md kat,to any tate charges due under the ote.
<br />-�:�:�;a 4. Cha1'g�a; U�Its. Bonower eh�A pay all t�xes, aaaeesments, charqes, flnea �nd ImposRlone att�ibutable to the Property
<br /> =_�,;,_,�,� these
<br /> whlch n'wy attdn prlorlty over thla Security Instrummt, and le�eehold payments or ground re+�te, it any. Bonower ahnll pay
<br /> _--=='�'i�• obllp�tlona I�tho manner provlded In paragreph 2,or II not patd In thnt manner,Bormwar ah�N pay them on tlme dlncUy to the peroon
<br /> —�—'�"�'�`'� owed payment. Bortow6r shtA prompUy lumlah to Lende►�8 not�ea ot amounta to be pald undar thla paragraph. Ii BoROwer makes
<br /> •-'�� these payments dlrectly,BoROwer shaq promptly tumish to Lender recetpts evldendng the p�ym�nta.
<br /> ==`'ua..�.� Borrowar sheM promptly dlsch�rge eny Ibn whbh haa prloiity over thla Securky Inatrument unks�► Bortower: (�)egrees In wrtting to
<br /> the payr►�ent of the obHy�tlon aecured by the Ilen In a menner�ccept�ble to Lender, (b) contesta In pood 1�tth the�Ren by, or da(anda
<br /> v�� :y;;,si �,tas�t�s!a!!he !l�ss !n.!!M+!i p►aceedinga whlch In the Lender's opinlon opente to prevent the entorcement ot the Wea;or(c)
<br />_
<br />