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<br /> � , •16.Borrower'e Copy� Borrowcr shall bc given ono confortncd copy of thc lVotc and of this Sccurlty lnsqumcnt• , '1_�_:��
<br /> !7.Tnnater of the Property ur a Benelklal Intereat(n Borrower. If all or any psrt o:thc Property or any intcrest in it is -
<br /> solJ or aansferrccl (or [f a beneficial interest in Aorrower is sold or trangferred and Bocrower►s not u naturt� rson) without
<br /> � i.cnder's prior wrluan conscn� Lcndcr may,at ite oPdon,roqulrc immedlate paymcnh bited b f fcdficrel lawes o�thc datc of thts -''��•�""��
<br /> ,�•� � {�,• n.
<br /> Inswment, However,this optian shaq not ba exerc�secl by Lender if exercise is pro y �,?• n.
<br /> Sccuritylnsaumertt. ,���;�`�'�;•
<br /> ,�,.r:..' ,c_�
<br /> ....w��+"�'� If Lender exercises thls option,L.ender shall giva Sorrower notice�f acceleradon.'ihe notice shaA provide apertad of nat less :ti4. ��,`�;Y:_,
<br /> •, -� �.""'� than 30 days from tha dato the notice ic dellvered or mailed within which Barrower must pay aU sums secured by this Securiry 'r���°i�];},�;,,:
<br /> Insuumcn�If Borrowcr fails to pay thcse sums prior to tha cxpiration of this period,Lcnder may mvokc nny rcmcdics permicud `.•'�i;�;,:;;��g���r.�
<br /> by lhis Security lnstrumtnt witlwut fu�tiros�ocice or demMd on Borrowcr. �,'�''.'"s;`°���``
<br /> 8orrowcr shall havc the ri ht to havc •"•'•''"`�'--_=__=
<br /> i 18.Borrower's Right to Reinst�te: If Hot�wer' moeq ccrtain conditions, 8 r,.'•!s�r;•?°
<br /> enforcemant of this Sccurity� Instrument•discontti�ttudd'gt bnY itime pdor to the earliu of, (a) 5 days (or such othcr pedad as :�..;•;.r,���-
<br /> applicabla law may specify f¢r relnsdAetnent)beforL sale of{A�Praperty pursoa�t to any power of sale contained in this Securtty y,{���_°`�
<br /> � Instiumcnt;or(b)entry of a�udsment enforcing thls 5eciutty InsdrumenG Those condldons ore thut Bonowcr:(a)pays I.ender all �,�*;�;•�--
<br /> sums which then would be duo under this Security Insuument and the Nou as if no acceleretion had occurred; (b)cures enY �;�;__�°
<br /> � default of any other covcnants or agraments: (c)pays sU eapenses inciured in enfarcing this Socurity Instrument,including,but ���.�--
<br /> h not limited to,nasoneble sttorncys' fces;and(d)takes such acdon as I.ender may nasonably rcquirc to assure that tho Ucn of this ��f-�-
<br /> Sacurity Instrument, L.ender's nghts in !he Property and BomowePs obllgation to pay the sums secured by this Security ��x„�
<br /> Insuument shall contir.ue unchanged. Upoi. rc.�statemc t by Bo to��er, this Security Instrument and the obligatlons secured �',�.q,:
<br /> � hareby shell remain fully eifective as if no acceleradon had occuneu•Huwever,,:�is right to reinstate shall not apply in tha case of f�:`�"'�-'�"`
<br /> � acceleradon under para�raph 17. r�
<br /> 19.Sak o!Note;Change ot Lonn Servicer. Thn Nota or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Scxurity �;;:��.
<br /> lnsmiment)may be sold one or more dmes without prior nodce to Borrowe�r.A sale may result in a chunge in the endty(known
<br /> as ihe"Loar►Servicer")that coUects monthly ayments dua undcr the Note ttnd this Securiry Instrumcnt.Thare also may be ona or �_�_..�.
<br /> more changes of the L.oan Suvicer unrela�tn a sale of the Note,If there is a changcs of the L.oun Serviccr. Borrower wtll be '�"_°"
<br /> given wriuen notico of the change in accordance with parngraph t4 abova and appGcable law.'It�e nodca will state th�s name end
<br /> addres,9 of the new I.oan Servicer and the addmss to which payments should be made.The notice will also conwin any other
<br /> tnFormation required by applicable law.
<br /> {�• 20.Niw►rdous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or pe�mit the presence, use, ciispos�l, storaga or release of any
<br /> _�, Ha�andous Substences on or in the Propercy.Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyona clse to do,anything affecung the Property
<br /> __ _ ___ ��:o�,���tad�n qf any Bnvironmental Iaw.The pceceding two sentances shaU not apply to thu prGSenca,use,or storage on the
<br /> 1 • ' Propr,ity of smail quantides of Hazardous Substances thut arc gencraiiy recogni�cd w ix appcov►+�ta w r�sm��u°°;��=�`
<br /> a ' and to mamtenance of thc Property.
<br /> Borcowu shaA prompdy give I.ender writtu� nodca of any invesdgntion, cla)m, demand, lawauit o�otfier ac5on by any
<br />- governmental or regulatory agency or privat�e party involvin8 the Proporty and anY Has�rdous Substance or Environmental Law
<br /> � of which Bo�rowu has ectual knowledge.If Borrower leams,or is notiCicd by any govemmenutl ar re�vintory authnriry,thut a�►y
<br /> � ' mmoval or other remediaqon of any Hezarcbus Substance af'facaing tha Property is necessary,Borrower shall prompdy take all
<br /> ' necessary remedlal acdons in eccordance with Hnvironmental Law.
<br />-- �- • As used ui ti��v µu+���y,i�ZQ. "Ha�ardous�utsstancc.^>" �rc thosc su�stances detineA ac tnxic or hazardous suhstances by ______ _ _
<br />�•T Environmeatal Law and the following substukes: gasoline, kcroscne, other flammable or toxic petroleum �roducts, toxic
<br /> >. � pesticides and herbicides,voL�tile solvents,matcrials contair►ing asbestos or fom►�ldehyde, and radloacdve matenals.As used in
<br />=�; this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicdon where the Prc�perty is located that nlate
<br />•� �-;:• - to health.safety or cnvironmental protection.
<br /> .,.�;,;,.;�,;:'.,
<br />--�?+••�•.. -L� NON-UAT�'ORM COVENAIV'I'S.Borrower and I.ender further covenant u�d agroe as folbws:
<br />_� "�F•'+�'''� 21.AcakrAtbn;Remedles� Lender shs�ll give notice to Borrower prior to accekratiun folbwiag Borrower's brwch o!
<br />-�t� Y:,^;"`: any covenAnt or agreement in thb Security Instrument (but not prior to accekrptk�n under paraer�ph 17 unkss
<br /> },.�;"'.�. , .
<br /> �. �,.,;,: ...� Applic�bk law prnvWes otherwise).The notice sbAll specify:(a)the defxult� (b)tdt wction required to cure the defaulh(c
<br /> ='�'''�� ����., w datt,not lese t6an 30 daya from the date the notict ie qiven to Horrower,by whkh the detault muat be curedi and(d)
<br /> 3••. : t6at f�ilure to cure the de�ault on or before the date specifkd in the notke mAy result tn Accekratbn ot the sums secured
<br /> =�"•� .. �,• by thb Security Instrument nnd sak of the Property.The noNce shAli turther inform Borrower of the rlght to reinstate
<br /> ���b '���= � after wccekrwtbn and the rig6t to bring a rnurt AMbn to assert the eoe•eacistence of a default or Any other defense of
<br /> -:;z:';.,�;,�.;� Borrower to�ccekratbn and sstk.It the default ts eot cured on or before the date spec i t l e d in t he no t ke,L e n d e r�a t i t s
<br /> =��"::w.L= � option,mry require immediate paymeat in tuU ot all sums secured by this Security Instrument without further demand
<br />��+��,,.;;; '' And may invoke the power ot snk and any other remedies permitted by Applicxbk law.Leeder shall be eetitled to colkct _
<br /> _ •"''�;�.,,. .. ' all expenses incurrYd in pursuing the remedks provided in thb parAgraph 21,including,but not limited to�reasonabk
<br /> • Attorneye'tees and coete of titk evklena.
<br />� . If the power ot eak L� invoked, 'Ilrustee shall record a notfce of default in wch county in whk6 ony part ot the
<br /> . . Property is locxted and s6at1 mail copies of Ruch notice in the monner prescribed by applkabk taw to Borrower stnd to the .�.
<br /> t other persons prescribed by applicabk law.Aner the ttme requtred by applicabk�w,Trustee shaU give public nottce of �v�
<br /> '�` eak to t6e persons ttnd In lhe mAnner prescribed by Appilcabk law.Trusta,without demand on Borrower�sh�ll sell the �:�,�
<br />� l. ——�------
<br /> , ; � Property at publk auMion to the highest bldder at thQ t[me and place and under the terms designated in t he not ke o t sa k ��.�i
<br /> ; 4x,�:N
<br />