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<br /> TH6R WITH aU ihc im rovcmcnts now on c��caftcr crcctcd an thc propcny,and np c�mcnts,'�Cp T��;and : �5,,,�,y,_!;V r'.
<br /> 7'OCiB P
<br /> Cucwres now on c�rcaftcr n part of thc property. All rcpluccmcnts w�d additions shall ulso bc covcrcd b,y this Sccuriry Instrumcnt. '�•�Y'°
<br /> i All of the foregoing Is referred ta in this Sccurity lnstrumcnt as ihc"Property." : , .: _
<br /> � BORROWER COVENANTS thet Borrower ls lawfully seised af thc estatc hercby conveycd end has thc right to grant end �y�'����.1���,..
<br /> co nv e y t h e P r o p e r c y a n d t h a t t h a P r o p e r t y i s u n e n a u m b e r e d, e x c e p t f o r e n c u m b r a n c e s o f r e c o r d. B o r r ow er warran�s and will ' �'"��"� �
<br /> ��.?�t�;;,,
<br /> �010""� defend generally the dde to the Property against ell claims and demands,subjcct to any encumbrances of record. ��:�__
<br /> ' °'"" TfiIS SECURITY INSTRLJMENT combincs uniform covcnents far t�adonal usc and non-uniform covcnan�g with limitcd :���"'
<br /> ,:,:'?�'��_---
<br /> veriudana by jurisdiction w constituto a uniform socurity instrumcnt wvcring real property •z�--�--�
<br /> =�r,:n'v.-- _---_
<br /> UNIFORM COVFNANTS.Horrowcr and Lcndcr covcnant and agrce ag follows: ��•:__ `
<br /> n '.�:.a.rr.
<br /> 1.Payment of Principal And Intereah Prepayment And Late Charges, Horrowcr shaU prompUy pay when duc the -___ __
<br /> principal of and intorest on thn debt nvidenced by the Note and any prepayment and latc charges due under the Note. _
<br /> 2.Ftinds for Taxes And Insuranca Subject to appl�cabl� law ar to a writLen w�tiver by Lender, Borrower sh�ll pay to o =___
<br /> Lcnder on tho day monthly paymcnts are due under tha Note,unW tha Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for.(a)ycarly taues ��''"
<br />` and asses.srnents which may at�i�i preuri�y over this Security Instrument ag a llen on thc Propcny;(b)ycarly Iceschold puyments . -
<br /> � . or sreund rents on thes ProPcrty,if any:(c)yearly hazard or proparty tnsurance premiuma;(d)ycarly flood insur�nce prcmiuma,if -
<br /> any;(e)yracly mortgngc insurance prcmiums, if any;and(�eny sums payabla by Borrower to Lender.in accordance with ihc _____
<br /> • pravisions of paragraph 8, in licu of the payment of mortgage instuance premiums. 'Itiese items are called "Escrow Items." '__
<br /> Lender may,at any time,collc.�ct and hold Funds in an amount not w excecd the maximum amount a lender for a federal�y related ����r
<br />- mortgage loan may require for Borrawer's escrow account under the federal Real Sstate Seulement Procedures Act af 1974 as _�'
<br /> � amended from time tfl tune,l2 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that applies to the Funcls sets a lesser
<br /> amoun� 1f so,L.endcr may,at any time, callect and hold Funds in m a�nount not w eaceed the Desscr amoun� I.ender may =_
<br /> , esrimnte thc amount oF Funds due on thc basis of current dara and reasonable estimates of expenriitures of futurc Escmw Itcros or ��,Y��-=
<br /> . oilterwisc in eccardana with applicablc law. --
<br /> 'Iltc Funds shall be held in an instiWtion whose dcposits are insuretl by a fedcral agency,instrumentality,ar endty(including =--- -
<br /> Lender,if L.ender is such an insdwdon)or in any Federal Home I.oan Ba�ilc. I.ender shell apply the Funds to pay thc Escrow �•s,°--=_�-_
<br /> ____._.' • Tremc.Lendel mav not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account,or verifying . •.
<br /> T the Escrow Items,unlcss I.�endu pays Borrower intcrest on the Funds end applicable law pem�its L,endu to make such a charge. �-
<br />-: :: ' Howevet,I.erider may requlre�arrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent rcal estate tax reporting service used by ��
<br />- � Lender in cannecrion with this loan,unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or applicable law ''.��
<br /> �,;.: ' req�ircs interest to be pa�id,Lxnde�shall not be rcquired to pay Borrower any interest or e�zrnings on the Funds. Borrower and __
<br /> ' ' ` , I,�nder may agree in wdting,howevcr.that inturst shall be paid on 1he Funds.Lender shall give to Borrowcr,withaut charge,an �;
<br /> annuai accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the p�upose for which cach debit w the Funds was -
<br />_�•=K`-�--'' mada.'!ne Funas are plecigeci as aadiaonal security for ati sums secured by this Security InyuumwU. �- -
<br />_ ' : ..� If the Funds held by Lender ex�the amounts pertnitud to be held by appllcable Iaw,Lender shell account to Borrower for v__
<br /> J, ' .,., the excess Funds in accordance with tho requlrements of appllcable law.If the amount of the Funds held by I.ender at any time is 6:,_ __
<br />� � � " not sufficient to pay t�he Fscrow Iums when due,Lender may so notify Bocrower in writing,ond.in such case Borrower ahall pay f;
<br /> .�.�,�,,,.`,:; to Lender tlie amount nece.ss�uy W make up the deCciency. Boaower shell make up the de�ciency in no more than twclve �__:
<br /> 1��-�qk.w:• monthlY pa�ments,at Lendc�'s sole discredon. =_
<br />-`'�'""ro"'�""� � Upon payment in full of all sums socured by this Sec�uity Instrumcnt,Lendcr shall prompdy refund to Bonowe�r any Funds _- _
<br />=��� :..•,;. _.
<br /> °„�,3.�'� held by Leader. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall ecquire or sell the Property,Lender,pdor w the acquisidon or sale of the
<br /> �'*''7""`' - propeily,shall apply any Funds held by Lender st the time of acqulsition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by this _
<br />� .'�•��'� Sxudty InsWmenG
<br /> -�� 3.Applkation of payments. Unless applicablc law providac otherwLse,all payments received by Lender under paragraphs �
<br />� �'. . 1 and Z shall be applied: fust, to enY P�P8Yment charges due under the Note;second,to emounts payablo under paragraph 2: `—�`` `
<br />=_�r..s!.'•;`r,';• _-
<br /> - . . ., third,to intenst due;fourth,to princlpal due;and last,to any latc charges due under the Note. _,
<br /> �-�`'",j`� 4.Ch�r`es;Lkos. Bocrower shall pay all taaes, assessments, charges, fines and impositions attributable to the Yroperty —.
<br />�•��;"� -- �
<br /> = �+s�^^ which may suain pcioricy over this Socurity Inswment,nnd Ieasehold payments or ground rents,if any.Borrower shell pay these = -
<br /> ��-... --
<br />,, ..,,,. , obllgations in the manncr provided in paragraph 2,or if not p�d in that manncr,Borrower shall pay them on time d ectly to thc �,,
<br />`r".°.:�r, ' puson owed paymenG Borrower shall prompdy f�unish to Lender ell noaccs of en�ounls to be paid under this paragraph.If — _
<br />�• . � gorrower mal�es these payments dirccdy,Borrower shall promptly furnish W Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> • - Bocrowu shaU prompdy discharge any licn which has pdority over thts Securiry Instrument unlcss Borrower: (a)agrecs in -_ _-
<br /> wriung to the payment of the obligudon securecl by ihe lien in a manner acceptable to I.ender; (b)contests in good faith the lien -_-- __
<br />