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<br /> " 17. 'I'ri+nyf�r of thc 1'rn�xrty vr u Hcueticlul Intcr�wt In Borro��cr. II all or :m�• ��+ir� „I th�� I'ruprr�y ur an�- inicn:s� ut u
<br /> iti+uld ur Ir;msf�rnd (ur ii'a hrnclicinl intcrc�t in Rurnn�•cr iti,uld ur �rn�,ferrcd u�id Hurn,��cr i� nui:i n�UUral p��sunl ��•ithrnit
<br />- l.cndrr'� priur writtcn r�munt. lAndrr m�ry. +n ii. uptiun. rcNuire unnicdiate paymrnt in lull „I all ,um• •rrurcd h� �hiti
<br /> Serurity (n,trum�nl. Huwrvcr, thi,uptiun tihitll n�U hc cxcrri�rd hy I.uudrr d rtirrriu i��1f11I11IlUl'4) Il'• (44I1'rul Imr �i�af Ihe dnlc
<br /> � • uf thi+Sccurit� I��,UUnunt.
<br /> " If lwndcr rxcrc�,c,thi+nptiun. I.�ndor+ludl Elv� tiun•u«rr nuti��ul' acr�:lcr�twn. Thr nuUtt �hnll prnt•�dc u prruxi ut nut
<br /> Icti, thun 30 dayy fri►m Ih�datc tlic nieticc i+ dclivcr�d nr m�iilcJ within nhirh kiurr���vcr n►u�t pay a�ll .um>�rur�.l hy Ihi�
<br /> Scrurily Instrum�nt. 11'Horruwor fail,t��pay tlu,r�umti priur�u the rxpirutiun ul'thi+prriud. l.cndcr muy im�okc .my rcnredic�
<br /> ?k� �rmiurd by thi� Scruriry Instrument wichuut furthcr nuticr ur drnruui un liurr�necr.
<br /> ~ 18. DorroNCr's RI};ht tn Rclmtatc. 11' Hurruwcr mcrtti rcrtain cun�litiun+. tiurruwcr sh�dl hirvr thc riyin tu havc
<br /> rnf��rcemcnt �,( this Srcurny In,trumcnt di,runtinuc� ut any timc priur tu thc c:�rlir� uf: lal S d:ry+ l�,r �uch�nhrr prriixl �iti
<br /> ' �PPlicublc law may �pccify iur reinstutemenU Fxfi�rc .alc uf tlic F'ru�krty pur,uant tu uny �x�wcr ut'�alt� rantuinal in thi.
<br /> '. Security lmtrwnent: ur Ib)cntry af.�judgment eniorcing this Scruriry Instrumcnt. 'I'hu,c cunditian+urc U►i�t Hurru���cr: lu1 puyy
<br /> I.cndcr all ,ums which tlicn would tk duc undcr thiy Srcurity Instrutncnt :md thc Nutc a� il'na urcclurntiun hiK1 �xrurrcd: (b1
<br /> '�' .ull cx �n,�. inrurred in enti�rcing thi� Scrurity In.lrumcnt.
<br /> � cures any dcfault of any othcr covrnant+ ur .igrcenunts: lrl paY� P' '• .
<br /> .� incluJing,but not limited to. rra,unablc uttorncy+' fcc�: and (d)tak�s such acuun a+ Lrndcr may rca�unuhly rcyuuc tu a�rurc
<br /> � that thc licn��f this S��urity Instrumcnt. Lendcr's rightti in th� Pru{krty anJ Barri�wcr',uhligulion tu puy thc>urn�,rcund hy
<br /> . �. this Security Instrumcnt �huU continue unchanged. Upun reinstutement hy Hurruwcr, thi� Secu�ity In�uurnent und th�
<br /> obligations secured hcreby shall remain fully effertivc a.it nu acrrleration hud urcurrcd. H�►w-ever.lhi�righl lu rein�tate shall
<br /> not apply in thc cn�c of�cccicrutiun undcr paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale oP Note; Change uf Loan Serviccr. Thc Notr ��r a partial intcrc�t in thc Nc�te: (togethcr ��•ith this Security
<br /> � Instrument)may be�o]d one or more tinte���ithout priar noticr to Borrmver. A tiale muy n:,ult in u chtmgu in ihc: cntiry (kn��wn
<br /> as the"Laan Servi�er"1 that cullects ma►uhl�•paymruts duc undcr the Note an�1 thi�S�tiurity 1n�uumcnt. Tht:n:ultiu m:ry hc one
<br /> ��r more changes i�f the Luan Seiviccr unnlated to a ssle af the Note. !f�here iti a rhungc uf the l.uein Scrvicer.Bi►rru«•cr will be
<br /> " given written notice of the change in arronianre with parugruph 14 ubuve und upplicahlc:linv. The natice will stute the nume and
<br /> � . •• address of the nc�v I.oan Scrviccr und thr address to �vhirh paymcntti+hauld hc madc. Thc nvtic:��•ill also c�inti�in uny othcr
<br />_• inforniatirni rcquired by applicablc law.
<br /> " 20. Nazardous Substunc�s. Borrowcr shall nut rausc or permit thc prescnrc, u�e, dispo,al. �tur�gc, ur rcic;i�c of any
<br /> - • Hazurdous Substances on or in the Properry. Borrowcr shall not �io, nnr aUow anyonc elsc: to do. ,mythin� affecting the
<br /> r°� Prapeny that is in violation of uny Environmentul L:sw. The prect�ciing tu�n senten�rs tihull nut upply tu the presenee, use, or
<br /> - storage on the Property of small qu�ntities of H.u.urdous Substunces thut arc gcncr�dly rcrugnir.c,1 t<�bc:�ppmpriate ta numiul
<br /> "•�"'•,'. residential uses and to maintenancc of thc Property. .
<br />�����..>;�:�� tiorrower snaii promp�iy givc �.C�i�rt wi'iIlC:ii i�:iiH:� :it 1i1)' :S1Y�,!ta:!!Il1il.':I3ltll. ��C��lrn�� I:tN�Ult nr othcr 3CIIOII bY St1V
<br />��x,�{,.•- governmental or regulatory agency or privute party in�•olving thc Propcny nnd any Hiuurduus 5ub�tancc vr Environmcntal Law
<br />-.1.� : ,
<br />;��� r,ti, of which Borrower has actual knawledse. If Borru���er learns, or is nont iod b��a:�y�ovemm�.u[al or regulatury authority, thut
<br />�tis,,�'�r�. �ny removal or other remediution of any H:vardou.Su�stancc atTecting the Pruprm�i�ncxessa�y, Borrower shall promptly takc
<br /> _� ' all nece�sary remedial actions in accordunce with Em�irunmental l.a�v.
<br /> —_��;�`�R�� As used in this paragraph 20, "[-Faxardouti Substances" an: diu:e substunces definal us t.ua�c or haiardous substan�rs by
<br /> ,,,,,;�� Environmentnl law and the following ,ubstunces: gr�s�►line, kesv�;:ne. uther flummabla ur wxic p�:troleum products, tuxic
<br /> p:stici@es scec?herbicide�. vnl;�tile solventr. muterials contuinin�usbesuu.�r fc�nnaldehyde,and radioactivc materials.As used in
<br />�'�:� this paragraph 20. "Environmentid l.�w" means feden►I lu�vs and la�v� al[t�e�urisdicuon whrre ihe PruExny i,Iucut�xl li�ut
<br /> �----�'��--� relnte to health, safety or environmentul protection,
<br /> -�•��••'=�'�"-� NON-UNiFORM COVGNANTS. Borrowcr und Lender further covenant und agrce as tutluws:
<br />�...'-��� 21. Acceleration;Remedles. Lcn�der shall �Ive natice to Bnr9ro���er prior to ucceleratton fullowinR Borroe�er's breach
<br />�='�_'�;,� af any covenant or agreement in this Securlty lnstrument (but not prlur ta acceleration under paragra+ph 17 unless
<br /> � -- applicable luw provides otherwlse). The notice shnll speciiy: (u) the def�ult; (b)thc action required to cure the default;
<br /> '° -- — (c)a date, not l�v thaa� 2W duys from the dnte the nottce is Klven to Borro���e,r,by whlch the defnult must be cured;and
<br /> �-���--� (d) that failure to cure the deteult on or beforc the dnte specificd in thc no2ice msy r�ult In accelcratton of the sums
<br /> � secured by this Security lnstrumcnt and sale uf thc Property. The natice xha11 [urthcr Intorm Borrower of thc rlght to
<br /> �,�._w, reinstate abllcr acceleration and the rnght to brin� a court act[un tu ussert the non-existence of a defAUlt or any other
<br /> �_'���:?``� defense oP Burrower to accelerution and �ule. [f the defuult is not cured on or before the date specifled M the notice,
<br /> v_`:'l�'� i.endcr, at it� optlon,may rcquirc immediute payment In full o�'all sums si�cured by thls Security [ntitrument w[thout
<br />=�""�'-`!� further demund and ms�y Invoke the power of sale n��d any oihcr rcmcdics permitted by applica6lc law.Lender shall be
<br /> ��=�� endtled to collcct 811 expenses Incurred in pursuing the remedi�s provided in this paragraph 21,including,but not Ilmitrd
<br /> — � to,rrasonable Attorneys'fees und costs oP t�tle evidence.
<br />—_��.�.�.;;� If the po�ver of sale is invoke�, Tavstew shAll record a notice of default in e�ch ca�unty in wh[ch any part of the
<br /> �_�;�;;�;�. Property is Ic►cated and shall muil c�►pi�of such notice in the an�nner prescribed by applicable law tu Borrower und to
<br /> ---�.':.�._� the other persons prer,cribed by upplicable luw. A4ker the time requlred by appNcable luw•.Trustce shull Rive public noNce
<br />�„ir• ja,.,;• of sale to the persons an�l in the manner prescribrd by Appltcable lo�v.Trust��e.without demand nn BorroK�er. shall sell
<br /> -_��'•`�c-�,t� the Property at publtc uuction to the hl�hE�t b(ddrr�t the time nnd place und under the ternis d�+iknuted in the notice of
<br />_�.�� •�_::!�„ sale In one or more parccls and in uny ordcr Trustce detcrmines.Trust��muy post�me sule of all or unyparcel of the
<br /> _ �- `' ^° Propert� b�• publlc announcement �t thc tlmc and place of an�- prevlously ticheduled �Ic. Lcnder or its d�+i�n�r may
<br />- , • • •"''.� pUt'CI18SC tI1Y PI'O�1C1'lY Al Ally S11I1'.
<br /> • • Form 3028 9190
<br /> .•• . Pagu 5 0�8
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